TER General Board

Seems like plenty of folks don't find him amusing
Dr Who revived 201 reads

The Vikings and Redskins have banned him now!  I expect the Bears to follow suit shortly.

Posted By: Therapists
I am beginning to think "Mr. Tidwell" enjoys being embarrassed and humiliated.  One thing'd for damn certain, he loves the attention.

As a board and a group of the select few we share something in common, (an open mind in regards to sex), we form bonds with clients some become friends...

Providers: would you invite your clients (favorites) to your wedding?
Clients: would you attend a providers wedding if you are invited?

I personally feel its quite ok/normal.

ps: I may get married one day!

Zoe Piers.

Last year Beverly Fisher and I got married.  Bev had been an active provider up until about 3 years ago.

It was a destination wedding and the maid of honor was Bev's BFF who is still an active provider and my best man was (and still is) an active hobbyist.  At least one other active hobbyist and provider were in attendance along with a gaggle of family and friends.

The point is, weddings and weddings and people are people, and the rules that apply to a wedding apply no matter what people's careers are or their hobbies.

Though a bit of a different situation, this video by Key and Peele should be fairly instructive in a very funny way:

...necessarily (by that I mean that there are many judgmental comments about the sex others engage in). And there's definitely a strong bias against any crossing of the strict client/provider boundary (for reasons good and bad). Bring on the train wreck!  

To answer your question, if you've crossed over to a true friendship with client, then YES if he's single/open relationship, NO if he's hiding your friendship from his SO. Obviously.

JackDunphy409 reads

Other than sword crossing, male anal activity, sex with bald chicks, tranny stuff, drinking pineapple juice to make ones own jizz taste good, etc what makes you say there are  "judgmental comments about the sex others engage in?"

There is also some cumplay, preggo, anything with gay/submissive overtones, etc. All that matters is that the activity is safe and consensual.

-- Modified on 3/9/2015 1:56:08 PM

JackDunphy297 reads

And what IS the deal with that prego nonsense? Good grief.

Don't get me wrong. I like threesomes CockBlock, but I have to draw the line somewhere, right? :D

Does asking these questions help you garner business.

Posted By: ZoePiers
As a board and a group of the select few we share something in common, (an open mind in regards to sex), we form bonds with clients some become friends...  
 Providers: would you invite your clients (favorites) to your wedding?  
 Clients: would you attend a providers wedding if you are invited?  
 I personally feel its quite ok/normal.  
 ps: I may get married one day!  
 Zoe Piers.

You know, when I first found TER, I thought that we shared all those things you talk about but one of my surprises has been how judgmental some people tend to get.

As for your question, I don't know about providers, but my W and I have been to four bartender's weddings in the past few years.  I guess that tells you a lot about where we hang out :)   No, I don't think it is weird except that I would not be able to bring my wife along!   OK, there is one little thing:

-  Random guest to Mr. John who has been drinking for four hours:  Nice to meet you, how do you know Zoe?

-  Mr. John:   Well, I have been banging her off and on for five years, she is great escort.  Did you get to do her before she got married?

The Eve side or the Zoe side?

Sorry that TER deleted my initial post...I guess some here still are having the winter blues  ;)

I still want to eat at the kids table.  

Posted By: ZoePiers
As a board and a group of the select few we share something in common, (an open mind in regards to sex), we form bonds with clients some become friends...  
 Providers: would you invite your clients (favorites) to your wedding?  
 Clients: would you attend a providers wedding if you are invited?  
 I personally feel its quite ok/normal.  
 ps: I may get married one day!  
 Zoe Piers.

you want to be seated with the bridesmaids.  

So long as they are all between the ages of 18 and 30.

you don't know the Doc here all that well.  

18-30? Nope lol The bridesmaids? Nope lol

Guess again......

The kids table can be easily arranged.

 Hot dogs and?? .....your call

T xx

A friend is a friend no matter where you met.  

Are you expecting decorum and discretion or planning a naked wedding? :D

I would respect her choice or her groom's choice not to invite me. A friend is a friend regardless of how me met.

but, yes I would try to attend. I always enjoy a free meal and crappy wedding cake. I would not bring my SO.

Vagazzle346 reads

Some of my former clients, who have evolved into friends, have mentioned that they hope that I find love when I'm ready, and they'd be happy for me.  I can think of one or two guys who I would keep as friends even if I'm married.  And MAYBE an occasional extramarital fling :0  

Your groom won't like it, but just tell them they're former co-workers :)

And if I too thought of the lady as a friend ... I would be honored.

VOO-doo341 reads

By a few, I mean a VERY special few. These are men I've known for a long time.  

Whether or not they'd actually come, is a different story. Most are married, and even if they weren't, they wouldn't know anybody but me. I wouldn't be surprised if they told me that it would be too awkward.  

But these men have grown to be a big part of my life. I'd want them there to celebrate a life milestone with me. At least in spirit, lol.

I think it would be a hoot.  Be happy to go reception and even get a gift off the registry.  So... you are at the reception... and someone asks ....

Question -  How do you know the bride?

Answer - Oh, we have done some business together.

Question - What sort of business?

Answer - Oh..  I am afraid it's ... confidential .... really can't talk about it.  So... how do you know the bride?

Can't imagine it happening though....  

BTW... congrats on maybe getting married.

Would it be ok to take a provider as a date?  
I don't see it as different than going to an ex's but that's me.

Each and every person has a different level of involvement here. This hobby works for me because I'm able to keep it a secret from my real life 100% of the time. I truly live a double life. So if I'm invited to your wedding, like all the many other sweet social invitations I've received from the ladies over the years, I will have to respectfully decline.

But, I have to say that I haven't had the sort of relationship with any gents here yet that would leave me feeling inclined to invite them to my wedding. But, for one- I doubt that I will ever get married, so it is kind of hard to imagine. And for two- if I DID get married, I don't imagine I would have a big party with guests.

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