TER General Board

See, you guys got this all wrong
client_number_9 1132 reads

It ain't remorse. Some of us just want to handle our business and bounce. The great American poet B-Legit said it best..

"Cummers' remorse."  

Who here has experienced this troubling psychological disturbance?

This is how it works....

You email a hot babe for appointment. She is non responsive. You go see someone less hot. She makes you cum. You get back to your car. Turn on your smart phone, and there is a message waiting for you asking you to get back to her for appt.

How do you like my term? TTTT...Tiny Tomboy Toby Telford :D

-- Modified on 9/9/2014 11:32:20 AM

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
This is how it works....  
 You email a hot babe for appointment. She is non responsive. You go see someone less hot. She makes you cum. You get back to your car. Turn on your smart phone, and there us a message waiting for you asking you to get back to her for appt.  
 How do you like my term? TTTT...Tiny Tomboy Toby Telford :D
I'll take it! Better than Tubby Twat Tobi Telford, right? :D

that clearly experienced CR last week!
While I didn't take it personally...he was super young and filled with what he declared was Catholic guilt afterwards...it occurs to me that this likely happens often.
He was finished in 10 minutes and was ready to run out the door.  He then decided maybe I should give him some $ back???
I told him, I'm not a cash machine;-

GaGambler893 reads

For a MHB (Man Hating Bitch) she is too damn nice for her own good.

$1000 for 45 minutes ain't nothing to scoff at. :D

Posted By: GaGambler
For a MHB (Man Hating Bitch) she is too damn nice for her own good.

GaGambler792 reads

but just remember that while I might be easy, I am far from a cheap date. lol

Here I thought I was the resident MHB. How fickle are you! But if anyone else was to have that title, Tobi is the one. Just love her!

That would be: "douche bag hating bitch." My impression is that Tobi gets a kick out of providing. H+T is strictly a paycheck player.

The fact that I am not here for the sex does not mean that I hate my guys.  

I love the fact that I can give them something that is missing in their lives.

Most won't believe this but I actually do like my johns. And spend quite a bit of OTC time with some very valued ones.

GaGambler910 reads

Hint number one. She is south of Canada

Hint number two. She is north of Mexico

If you would like me to narrow it down any more for you, it's going to cost you. Paypal will work just fine if you are interested. lol

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
Here I thought I was the resident MHB. How fickle are you! But if anyone else was to have that title, Tobi is the one. Just love her!

Or, perhaps he was so good she had to pay him! Seriously though, if she felt he didn't get the date he expected, she could always entice him back with a discounted "let's try that again" appointment.

The dude I saw yesterday booked a 3hr BDSM appointment ($1200, plus he tipped me another Benji). After 45 minutes (including roughly 20 minutes of action), he decided to bounce. He told me to keep the cash but I insisted on giving him back $300 because I honestly felt badly for the guy. Had he been the one to suggest a partial refund, I would have LOLed. Since it was my idea, I don't feel swindled at all. :)

But I understand the impulse in not wanting him to feel ripped off in any way. Poor guy, he should've taken a break and maybe even just chilled for the rest of the appointment. But that probably would have been harder for you if he was losing his head.

But my guess is, if she gave money back it was a good decision!
I've shortened an appointment and given the difference back because we clearly were not a match.
It can be the best course of action when necessary, but c'mon...
Once you've (literally) made your deposit, you cannot turn around and expect a withdrawl:-)

Clearly a case of your new term...

I've never had it be because of something on my part…yet anyway. It's more like a one hour detective show where the guy remembers nothing from the night before and has a dead hooker in his bed…accept I'm still alive boo.  

It's a strange phenomenon… normal one's get dressed in as about as much time as they got undressed (or twice as long), but you know who has CR because they go from an initial slow sexy fog to Kenyan sprint after cumming.

Like some guys who only want bj's because that's all they've been able to convince themselves wasn't cheating. Or no kissing because that's too intimate (thanks tinseltown). They tend to change demeanor right after and give you whiplash on the way out.  It's funny to watch. Rare if any thank you notes after with the CR guys as well.

But sooner or later…the fog returns.

client_number_91133 reads

It ain't remorse. Some of us just want to handle our business and bounce. The great American poet B-Legit said it best..

Oh how I loves the poetry of E-40 and B-legit… but there's a difference trust. They go from intense eye connected adoration to barely can look a broad in the eye. It really is comical.

Posted By: client_number_9
It ain't remorse. Some of us just want to handle our business and bounce. The great American poet B-Legit said it best..

client_number_9775 reads

Girl, I hearby dub thee tha sprinkler system

That whole album makes me happy in my heart…Hurricane makes me do dances from neighborhoods I wouldn't venture into on purpose. I know what I'll be listening to while making dinner tonight! Thank you for saving me the ten minute ipod browse.

Posted By: client_number_9
Girl, I hearby dub thee tha sprinkler system

What is cummers remorse? I haven't been around much lately so I guess I missed the thread where you and GaG coined it. How can I know if I have had it if I don't know what it is? :)

GaGambler917 reads

we were talking yesterday and it sort of just popped out of my mouth. lol

It refers to those guys who secretly (or not so secretly) hate hookers, and hate themselves for having to "debase" themselves to see said hookers. Usually married or religious guys who have urges that they are ashamed of, and once they cum and the blood rushes back to their "big head" guilt overcomes them and they can't get out of the room fast enough.

It must really suck to do this and hate yourself for doing it, but it's great to do this and love every minute of it. I don't have the least bit of shame about fucking hookers, even my mother knows about it, good thing mom is open minded. So no "cummers remorse" for me, and I bet you've never suffered from it either, have you?

Back in ancient Rome (and, no, I did not live there) they had a phrase:
"Post coitum omne animalium triste est."

Not only psychological but physiological as well. Also you should have a post in the providers only section call hummers remorse in which you discuss the repulsive aspects of oral sex.

Posted By: Tobi Telford
"Cummers' remorse."    
 Who here has experienced this troubling psychological disturbance?

Posted By: Duplicitouslust
 Not only psychological but physiological as well. Also you should have a post in the providers only section call hummers remorse in which you discuss the repulsive aspects of oral sex.  
Posted By: Tobi Telford
"Cummers' remorse."    
  Who here has experienced this troubling psychological disturbance?

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