TER General Board

Screened info deleted?
Epsilon_Eridani 2293 reads

Providers - I laugh every time I see a provider who claims on their website to delete any info given in screening.  

Hobbyists - How do you know that provider did indeed delete your private info? were you there sitting next to her when she deleted your screening info? I doubt it.

I don't trust any one, especially providers who have my private screened information.

Not talking about references, that's different.


WTF is wrong with you?

If she said it's deleted...believe her.

I'm sure that the email blasts are just an honest error.  And leaving all the johns names with their business email addy's is certainly not planned.

You do know that some gals claim to have an Ivy League education...right?

Posted By: Epsilon_Eridani
Providers - I laugh every time I see a provider who claims on their website to delete any info given in screening.  
 Hobbyists - How do you know that provider did indeed delete your private info? were you there sitting next to her when she deleted your screening info? I doubt it.  
 I don't trust any one, especially providers who have my private screened information.  
 Not talking about references, that's different.  

I've never met a girl who lied about her age. Do they really exist?  
I always believe everything they say.  After all, it's all about trust and honesty. lol

ItalianBella957 reads

Trust me....we dont give a shit who you are or what you do...and i can personally say as a provider we really dont keep your info...we usually keep your name/screenname/#/email and notes about you which i woulod probably write- egotisticall,likes to think he's important

JackDunphy790 reads

How do you know what "we" do? You now the Union Leader for Hookers?  

There have been many BSC hookers who DO give a shit of who a john is and what he does and there are many non-BSC types that dont delete any info.

I cant tell you how many gals have sent me emails with 5 or 6 other dudes names/email addys inside.

Speak for yourself Bella, not all of hookerdom.

Provider + Your Money = We :-D

We are going to the mall so we can try on shoes.

Posted By: JackDunphy
How do you know what "we" do? You now the Union Leader for Hookers?  
 There have been many BSC hookers who DO give a shit of who a john is and what he does and there are many non-BSC types that dont delete any info.  
 I cant tell you how many gals have sent me emails with 5 or 6 other dudes names/email addys inside.  
 Speak for yourself Bella, not all of hookerdom.

I wont see any one who I don't know exactly who they are. If I get hurt I will make sure I know exactly who they are. Safety is more important to me that money.  

So no, I don't delete any ones info, unless I haven't seen them for over a year. But I keep all the information on Safe Office, they are very secure.  

As far as references go, I don't trust any one I haven't met and know very well in real life, why would I trust them with my life and safety?

Just my point of view on screening

Agreed. I use to delete everything....but then the gents would have to be re-screened every time. And many gents want to use us as references at a later date...if we don't have a phone number or e-mail to go by, then we cannot provide a reference for you guys. I don't keep info for any other reason except for reference purposes....if a guy is adamant about me not saving his info, I won't...but let him know he will have to go through screening process all over again next time he wants to schedule.  

Posted By: Ivysparks
I wont see any one who I don't know exactly who they are. If I get hurt I will make sure I know exactly who they are. Safety is more important to me that money.  
 So no, I don't delete any ones info, unless I haven't seen them for over a year. But I keep all the information on Safe Office, they are very secure.  
 As far as references go, I don't trust any one I haven't met and know very well in real life, why would I trust them with my life and safety?  
 Just my point of view on screening.  

hotplants716 reads

How do you know that provider did not indeed delete your private info? were you there sitting next to her when she didn't delete your screening info? I doubt it.

What she tells you may or may not be the truth.  It depends on what she wants/needs you to believe.  But unless you're also her bf or screener, you just don't.  The worst at this is Tidwit, but a surprising number of otherwise savvy guys fall for more than they think.

GaGambler752 reads

It's pee. lmao

As for the OP, ALL hookers don't do the same thing anymore than ALL john's do.

but believing that even most hookers destroy your personal info would be a very reckless assumption to make IMO, but in my case, I really don't care. I mean it's not like anyone can really do much with MY info. Other guys aren't in the same boat as you and me however, which is a good thing. Two guys in the same damn boat is crowded enough, unless we fill it up with at least a dozen women of course. lol

GaGambler674 reads

On a very short trip. lol

Otherwise you are right, we need a much bigger boat with a LOT more women.

Epsilon_Eridani801 reads

since you were unable to respond to the topic correctly... you are making a donkey out of yourself.

Posted By: hotplants
How do you know that provider did not indeed delete your private info? were you there sitting next to her when she didn't delete your screening info? I doubt it.

hotplants731 reads

when they don't fall in line with the responses he wants to hear. Especially when he explicitly asked for comments.  

I did responded directly to your topic. What did you expect? Universal agreement that every single provider that says she deletes your info is lying?  

Maybe she keeps your info (or some part of your info so she can remember who you are when you come looking for a reference 6 mo----or 2 yrs--later). Maybe she wipes all data, for every guy, every time. Maybe she has a system that translates your personal data to an anonymous form that only she understands.  

What's your point?


-- Modified on 8/13/2014 9:00:12 AM

As noted above this has been covered hundreds of times, and my normal response to the paranoia of trying to hide is that it is impossible. Be smart, be cautious, but if you think you can hang out here, or anywhere else online, interact with people, and that you will be able to remain anonymous, it just isn't true. Anyone with a reasonable amount of intelligence or money can figure out who any of us are without much trouble.

The line about discarding (most of) your information is probably true more often than not, but it is even more so a comfortable lie to placate the paranoid. People are saying what others want to hear.

If you truly want to hide, it is a full time job and you can't count on others to do it for you. Doesn't it imply a certain level of trust to post online that you don't trust anyone? And "especially providers" sounds angry to me. Something bad happen EE?

The honest provider replies in this thread are a bit of a change, though. I tend to believe the "I keep it to be safe" reply more than the "I have no interest in keeping it because I do not give a shit about you" one. The latter seems, how to say it, like an expression of anger?

Anger and paranoia - a heady brew.


I wonder if any hobbyist  on this board has ever had his personal data used to his harm?

Posted By: Epsilon_Eridani
Providers - I laugh every time I see a provider who claims on their website to delete any info given in screening.  
 Hobbyists - How do you know that provider did indeed delete your private info? were you there sitting next to her when she deleted your screening info? I doubt it.  
 I don't trust any one, especially providers who have my private screened information.  
 Not talking about references, that's different.  

GaGambler730 reads

I see you have reviews going back a couple of years, so you are not new. So tell me, are you joking, or do you not read the boards? because there countless cases of BSC outing guys, blackmailing guys and otherwise misusing the personal information of their clients.

I can think of one BSC provider a few weeks ago who threatened to sue a client for cancelling weeks in advance, but refused to pay a several hundred dollar cancellation fee. Talk about a fucking nut job. I would mention her by name but she is Persona non grata around these parts, and for very good reason.

I haven't read the General board very often mostly because of the antagonist battles amongst the regulars. Also my selection of a very limited number of excellent providers who have proven to be very trustworthy. I know as much about them as they do about me. Lastly, I have not much to lose because I'm a widow, retired, 82 years old and the only members of my small family know what I am doing and are OK with it. But thank you for cluing me in.

Unless you are an 82 year old woman.

Thanks for the clarification and such a great contribution.. Oh, Oh, I forgot about your main purpose around here is to be the top poster.

IsorokuYamamoto732 reads

Why so angry?

Posted By: cooper80
Thanks for the clarification and such a great contribution.. Oh, Oh, I forgot about your main purpose around here is to be the top poster.

GaGambler835 reads

Some of us are blackmail proof, at 82 and a widower, I doubt there is much that even the most BSC of hookers could do with your info. I am in a similar situation, although in my case I am self employed and divorced, but like you my family also knows I am a whore mongering pig.

That said, there are quite a few guys here, actually the vast majority of the guys whose lives could completely ruined if they were to be outed as a "hobbyist" and yes it has happened many, many times right here. Most of those members have been forced off the boards as the financial consequences for posting here were too severe.

BTW I don't mean to compare your loss of being a widower with me being divorced. The two are not even close to being comparable. I only used the comparison to make the point about being "blackmail proof" you have my sincere condolences for your loss. Yes, I am one of those frequent antagonists here on GD, but I am not an unfeeling asshole. Call me an asshole with feelings. lol

Every time I go to a urologist and he sticks his fingers up my ass, I know what a feeling asshole is like LOL

JackDunphy766 reads

The ONLY reason I read the GD is "because of the antagonist battles amongst the regulars." lol

And keep an eye out for that 80+ board TER is currently building.

You'll be "The Man" there. lol  :D:D:D

I find the 60+ board very helpfull and a much pleasanter group of people.

My mom is in her 50s and just learned how to text. I'm impressed. Rock on, sir.  

Posted By: cooper80
I haven't read the General board very often mostly because of the antagonist battles amongst the regulars. Also my selection of a very limited number of excellent providers who have proven to be very trustworthy. I know as much about them as they do about me. Lastly, I have not much to lose because I'm a widow, retired, 82 years old and the only members of my small family know what I am doing and are OK with it. But thank you for cluing me in.

Thank you Tobey. I have to admit that even though I started with personal computers and communicating with them in about 1987 or 88 I do tend to get a bit bewildered with current technology.

Lol.  Yes, I promise I immediately drop the post-it note into the trash and save your number as something I'll remember.  Ie: Paranoid guy who thinks he's a super fancy client

Kidding- all the names are complementary or I would've just deleted the call/message, along with trashing the post-it.  ;)

A provider to at least keep some information that way when you need a reference she can actually give you one? Shouldn't you have hobby information that isn't attached to you? (IE: Hobby phone, hobby email) Because the only information she needs to save is your first name and your email or phone- depending on how you prefer to contact her. If you want your information deleted, ask her to do so, and I'm sure she will do it. The only reason a provider HAS to keep your information is for 1) Future visits and 2) To give a reference. I can see if your verifying with your work info or something, in which case- she shouldn't save that information.  

I think most ladies will make sure to do something if you ask her too. It's not like we're being malicious if we DONT delete your info. Some ladies aren't very organized, some ladies keep organized info for the cases I mentioned above. But if you're worried about someone having your information, just ask them politely to delete it and I'm sure they will. Cased closed.  


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