TER General Board

mojojo 1 Reviews 87 reads

There aren't many surprises any more. We can have any dream we want, any scenario, any acronym. It's all right there at our fingertips. We can do a search for our favorite sexual situation, and bring up a million pictures. We can do the same search on TER, and bring up hundreds of ladies who will do our favorites situations. We spend hours and hours scrolling ads. It's no wonder our brains can't coordinate with our cocks.  

But then, when there's a true surprise, a TER lady flirts with you, she offers a free session, she asks you to kiss her pussy one more time as you're walking out the door, your fbsm lady suddenly goes gfe, she says she's adding 30 minutes to every future session, your amp lady gets naked, she asks you to spend the night, she sends sexy pics in between sessions, etc. somehow, suddenly, big joe pops up.  

However, there's one catch. It's called twenty two. If we don't spend hours and hours scrolling the ads, how are we going to find those next atfs who are always surprising us.

Everything is your fault.

Awe shit, I don't know who to agree with more... Jake or Mr fischer.  

I will give a serious answer.... it can be many things. It can be....

-You weren't turned on
-Your meds screwed you up
-You were nervous or had stressful day
-You prebooked and wasn't in the mood but followed through anyways.

Guess what? a well season gal who knows what she is doing can relax you and take it at your pace. She's willing to go beyond even after you get all upset it didn't work... My experiences in very MANY years, if I am just me and try many things, get you relaxed.... an almost 100% success rate.

Super reply.  Here is one; hurt my back the day before our appointment and did not want to flake on the lady.  Resigned myself to just a massage.  She truly made the difference.

Def. not hers and also not his! This things can happen! And i am sure nobody should talk about "it is your fault - that i can get it up".  A guy has not "button" to get it up and he / she can be under stress, to many thinks to deal with, not interested, or he needs some "blue pill". When it is not "up" there are still other things you can do.

There aren't many surprises any more. We can have any dream we want, any scenario, any acronym. It's all right there at our fingertips. We can do a search for our favorite sexual situation, and bring up a million pictures. We can do the same search on TER, and bring up hundreds of ladies who will do our favorites situations. We spend hours and hours scrolling ads. It's no wonder our brains can't coordinate with our cocks.  

But then, when there's a true surprise, a TER lady flirts with you, she offers a free session, she asks you to kiss her pussy one more time as you're walking out the door, your fbsm lady suddenly goes gfe, she says she's adding 30 minutes to every future session, your amp lady gets naked, she asks you to spend the night, she sends sexy pics in between sessions, etc. somehow, suddenly, big joe pops up.  

However, there's one catch. It's called twenty two. If we don't spend hours and hours scrolling the ads, how are we going to find those next atfs who are always surprising us.

Been Bud's fault, even when I was 20.  That's why now I always put my drinking time with a provider AFTER the playtime.  I know GaG drinks before before, after and during a session, but I don't have that level of tolerance.  Might be more fun if I did, but it is what it is.

I have been a believer in "lets get drunk and screw" since I was barely a teenager. I am just happy my junk still works while drinking. I am at the point in my life where drinking too much will keep me from cumming, but I am still able to pound a dozen shots before sex and still have no problems "standing at attention", even if a little bit wobbly while standing. lol

I guarantee you though, if I ever do have a problem "getting it up" because of drinking, I too will put off drinking time until after sex, fortunately it's not an issue "yet"

became majorly impaired. So, I don't know if my lack of erection was a result of the booze or a result of a poor choice.  

Since I quit the booze 22 years ago, my choice in sex partners has been beyond exceptional.  
And my incidence of being restrained in hand cuffs has been limited to those great sex partners and not the constabulary.

Any woman who gets fives on the TER scale requires two bottles of tequila to make her look fuckable and fortunately I can only fuck after drinking a little over one bottle. So by the time she starts looking "doable" I no longer have the capability of fucking her. lol

...... subscription to a plumbing supply store.  
O rings, sometimes repurposed as cock rings, have saved the day,  many a time, for this happy monger.

They both complain that he is suffering from ED. The doctor asks the man to step outside, so he leaves.  

He then asks the wife to take her clothes off. She asks why. He says he needs to check something that might help her husband get an erection.  

So, she strips off, lays down on the table and the doctor walks around her a couple of times and writes some notes in his charts. He then tells her to get dressed.  

The doctor walks out and says to the husband, "It's not you, she doesn't get me hard either!".

I just sprayed iced tea all over my keyboard!!

That was such a gem, I had to place a copy to the Erotic Humor section, giving you full credit in the footnote.  
Keep'em coming.  
And post great jokes too.

We are indeed responsible for our own orgasm. We chose who we are having sex with. It is our body. It is our mind. Everyone is 100% responsible for themselves.

... erections are less of a sure thing for me than they used to be. Several things get in the way, my meds, my body not producing testosterone and condoms are the main reasons.  

More often than not, a lack of passion or intensity from my partner is the main impediment to me not getting or staying hard.

Like Lexi said, great pleasure can occur from a less "rigid" session when my partner is down to pleasing me, but a passionless session on one of my off days sucks. And while I can't blame my partner for me not getting hard on one of those days, she DOES play a role in me getting and staying hard on an off day.  

Case in point, I wasn't having a very "hard" time lol during a session when I leaned in for some DFK. When the provider turned away, it was an instant buzz kill and Ii knew I wasn't getting hard that day. I was this close to pulling the plug on the date, giving her the money and asking her to leave but didn't because we had a lot of history and it's something I'd never done, even if it was someone I didn't want to be with (learned after a session already began) No DFK and 69 are a good way to ruin a session for me.

Fast forward to an escort who DFK and 69 to our mutual enjoyment and I fucked her effortlessly for most of an extended session, and when she sensed me starting to wilt a little, she swung around and told me she wasn't gonna let me get soft because she wanted me to keep fucking her. It  worked and I stayed hard as a Chinese crossword puzzle.

For me, it's not her just being there any more, but more like I really want to enjoy this session WITH YOU that can get my motor running. A GFE? The first gal certainly had the capacity to do that to me and did, but I think she just lost interest. And that's ok too

In the end, there will be days where junior decides to take the day off. I never know when, and for that I would NEVER  blame a provider/partner regardless of what level of intensity she brings into the bedroom to get me hard. But that doesn't mean the overall session has to be less than a blast. And I'm not just talking about good conversation.

It becomes possible for the girl to deepthroat me.  That just makes me hard again.

A bit of extra coaxing is needed, but a good suck can usually get a flaccid Jr back hard.  If not, then, hell, it still feels good to be sucked on.  Infrequent at best though.

I had on provider it took until my third date with her to reach orgasm. The first two times we had an amazing time and fun. I did not let me down because there are so many other things that can happen or do. There are to many factors on the why not. Don't let it discourage you at all.

Penises are know for being very temperamental and not always matching the desires of its owner. Sometimes it just happens, sometimes being nervous gets in the way, as does being too excited... It's a tricky tool, for sure.

The only time I've ever had a problem is if I underestimate my fatigue level and I have a drink beforehand--the alcohol seems to have a much greater impact and it can really put "junior" to sleep LOL!! Thankfully, it's only happened to me a handful of times at most.

I wrote a blog on this topic awhile back and I titled it  "Viagra is just reading glasses for your dick".  I went on to say that at a certain age if your unit is not behaving as it should there is no shame to needing a little help.  A lot of my friends around 40 or so, started holding the paper further and further away.....Get some glasses for gawd sake.  

Another comment I made was " I can be the best damn mechanic but if there is no gas in the car it isn't going anywhere.  I would offer a link but it got deleted from where it was. I guess it offended some .  

I am a very empathetic person so I will always do my best to not let that happen but sometimes it isn't any ones fault.  It sucks but a dick isn't the only tool in the toolbox if you know what I mean.  And doing something else will sometimes fix the problem.  Too much pressure and trying too hard are definitely not the way to go.  

I think the most important organ for sex is the brain and if you have an imagination you can still have fun even if he has a limpy stiffy.

They make pills for that. I'm 50 years old. Drink like a fish and smoke like a train. Take shit for blood pressure. But if you wanna get your pee pee wet, you gotta do what you gotta do. Priorities.

Being communicative with your sexual partner will help playtime go a lot more smoothly than holding onto self shame, or worse, blaming a companion you booked a session with. It is still totally possible to experience pleasure even if one has trouble getting or holding an erection.

souls_harbor47 reads

Everyone is responsible for their own orgasm.  And every guy is responsible for his own erection -- meaning if he has physical problems in that regard, he should seek professional help.

LOL.  Don't Worry Be Happy!!    If at first you don't succeed, Try Try Again.. !! Especially when it's so much Pleasure...    Xoxo

Here is one.  He could NOT get it up and her review suffered!  None of her other reviewers agreed with him.  Another example of how the context of all a lady's reviews trumps just one review.

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