TER General Board

Sasha , I just accpet it..
ChristineGFE See my TER Reviews 79 reads


I have been a TER member since 2015, but never request PO board access until recently when I moved to the US. I was told the same thing, so it seems in line with what others are telling you. In my case I have not had a review in a long time since TER is infrequently used where I came from. I am sure this is also a problem, and I accpet it.

I have made a few friends with other providers on TER since my relocation. They told me not even bother until I had 10 reviews. While I would very much like to be able to communicate on the PO board, I am satisfied sending email and questions to providers who seem to be experienced and I have always gotten a response from them. A small word advice about getting help from other providers is ask more than one. I find sometimes that the advice they give is more like opinion and varies from provider to provider.

I think the best advice I get from multiple providers is careful about posts. Its ok to say an opinion, its very different to be seen as a post whore, drama queen, or more stupid than most. I have also communicated with other hobbyist on the boards and they have been most helpful. Both GaG and CDL have given me very good advice and corrections.

Even now all of my posts are still reviewed and moderated before being placed on the board. I just live with it, accpet it and move on. Posting on boards for me is more difficult as I have to check grammar, spelling, correct word and actually is what I type what I am thinking. So a short post can take me 30 minutes of more to make. English is much easier to speak than write. But sooner or later with new additional reviews and decent non stupid posts, I feel good that I will be accepted as real and given access to PO board.



Hello ladies . I'm trying to get access to the PO board , 2 weeks ago I was told to post on different boards to show that I understand post guidelines. So 25 active post later across different boards , excluding an ad board. I'm still not approved , and I understand this Access is a "privilege" or whatever. I've been a member here since 2016 but just started interacting on boards. Mainly because I have to lol.  I don't feel the need to comment on post just because.

My question is what do you feel got you approved ? Any tips or pointers ?

is nothing here.  Some people do that in a day or two.  What TER wants to see is that you have joined the online community, and posting on the boards is part of your daily or weekly contribution to that community, not that you got to an imaginary finish line so that now you can stop posting.  It may take several months of consistent activity.  Its the same for the RO board, you have to be a participant, not just an observer.  

GaGambler120 reads

As you were told about an hour and a half ago when you first started posting here, you can not DEMAND respect around here, you are NOT legitimate just because you say you are, and you can't expect the rules to change to suit you.  

As CDL has already stated 26 posts is nothing, What TER and the rest of us want from you is for you to prove you can be a responsible, respectable member of the community before granting you the privilege of being able to access the private PO board. Some women have several hundred posts over quite a long period of time and have not yet been granted access. One word of advice on this subject, the more you bug Admin about this, the less likely they are to ever approve you. I know you don't like to take good advice when it's offered to you, but I thought I'd mention it anyhow.

Don't cast my vote for me.

Sasha, like Gag said you can't demand respect around here, Gags been around a long time... and I still have no respect for him.

Demanding respect has nothing to do with my question lol but thanks for replying ??

That might help. :-D

This isn't my lively hood, but I'd say what you want probably isn't worth the effort.

This question was for the ladies . Even though every single emotional response from you on my post seem feminine . You're a male. But thank you for your smart ass, snobby , in need of love response.

Your goal here is to get access to the PO board, which is unmoderated, so TER wants to see a demonstration from you on the moderated boards like this one that you have sufficient self-control to participate without having a short fuse, or taking everything personally.  A reply like this to GaG where you resort to name-calling does you no good in pursuit of your goal of access to the PO board.  The moderators on this board will be the ones that decide if you are mature enough to be on an unmoderated board.  Get it?

Thank you for reply but Once again .. my question was for ladies specifically because we're ladies , working for a common goal. I also don't receive attitudes from other ladies , they understand where I'm coming from . It's 2017 , if someone is rude in their response and I wish to speak on that then I will. My question was very simple ,so the "talk down" replies are ok ? But my response is looked at as not having self control . Got cha .. lol hobbyist can be rude and speak as they please . But providers "have self control and be classy... don't talk back" . I feel like I'm a sub in role play.

informative posts intended to help you as "talk down."  You started this thread because you admitted there were things you didn't know.  Along the way, many here have provided other collateral information that you also didn't know, and yet, you seem to be resistant to any information that comes from a hobbyist and not a provider.  Most providers here recognize that the Hobbyists here are THEIR customers, and how you interact with THEM  may impact on whether they or other hobbyists are interested in booking a session with you.  When every reply post you put up is full of "attitude" its not an attractive proposition for any of us to want to see you professionally.  I think the common phrase for this is "shooting yourself in the foot."

I will add that they way you are presenting yourself here has little in common with the other ladies that have been contributing members on this board over the years.  I imagine few would like up to join you in playing the "sisterhood" card because of your attitude.  It raises the question about the low performance scores on the two reviews you have (out of nearly a whole year) and whether you were downgraded because you're just not fun.  If you keep being snarky on this board, that third review may be a long time coming.  You are close to, as GaG says, putting yourself into piñata mode.  

We all try and band together here and keep LE at bay.  

You, being a newbie, made several ignorant comments in a previous thread about how to spot LE and the experienced people here spoke up so as to not let your ignorance go unchallenged with people less in the know.

STOP taking all this personally. We are looking out for others here and if that makes you all butt hurt and mad, so be it. This board doesn't kiss people's asses who give out bad information. We try and protect people here with our experience.

If you would listen twice as much as you post, you MIGHT learn something here but your continued obstinance is both annoying and worrisome on several levels.

But I know that having several reviews helped. I looked at your profile and you have 2; maybe more reviews would help.  

One thing that frustrates me about TER is the abundance of unwritten or vague rules. I'm a rule follower by nature and I do much, much better when I know where the line is as opposed to being told it's "somewhere over there". Providers are metaphorically beat up by society (we are whores, just lay on our backs, can't do anything else (yes, even (especially) on these boards)) so when I feel I've been unfairly treated by TER for a rule that's unclear, my mind always goes to anger that it's because I'm a provider, even if that may not be the case.  

So! Off my soap box. My advice? Give up the idea of being in the PO group. Post whenever you feel like, get more reviews over time, and in a month or two just try again.

-- Modified on 6/21/2017 10:22:37 AM

"The minimum criteria to be considered for admission to the PO Board is three (3) reviews. TER may consider additional information based on your history before granting access as this is an unmoderated board. ... "

Thank you . Yes , after multiple back and forth messages from admin without direct criteria , I was finally told that I need 3 recent reviews. Now I know ..

Three reviews is only "one" of the requirements,  

There are a lot of "unwritten rules" around here, and there a lot more times when there really is "no rule" that applies, it just 'is what it is" and that how admission to the PO seems to work. There are women who seem to get access after only a few months, and others who have plenty of reviews and hundreds of board posts and still can't  get in.  

You are looking for a black and white answer where there simply isn't one. That is not your fault, it can be a confusing system. What you can control are your snippy replies and know it all attitude, that will follow you around for a LONG time, even after you figure out how things work around here, but do as you wish, not like there is a chance in hell you will do otherwise. lol

As I'm sure this isn't common sense to you . Most people give respect to receive it . Or better yet , the ancient saying "Treat others as you wish to be treated." As my reply to the gentleman in his original response to me was respectful and so I was to him. I'm only snobby to snobby hobbyist as yourself , once again. For you to be a smart ass and not expect that in return is idiotic to say the least. I know you're unfamiliar with life outside of this board but I AM lol so what will "follow me around for a long time" is irrelevant to me . But thank you .

>"Treat others as you wish to be treated"

>"be a smart ass and not expect that in return is idiotic"


I know the irony is lost on you, but you literally just called yourself an idiot...


I have been a TER member since 2015, but never request PO board access until recently when I moved to the US. I was told the same thing, so it seems in line with what others are telling you. In my case I have not had a review in a long time since TER is infrequently used where I came from. I am sure this is also a problem, and I accpet it.

I have made a few friends with other providers on TER since my relocation. They told me not even bother until I had 10 reviews. While I would very much like to be able to communicate on the PO board, I am satisfied sending email and questions to providers who seem to be experienced and I have always gotten a response from them. A small word advice about getting help from other providers is ask more than one. I find sometimes that the advice they give is more like opinion and varies from provider to provider.

I think the best advice I get from multiple providers is careful about posts. Its ok to say an opinion, its very different to be seen as a post whore, drama queen, or more stupid than most. I have also communicated with other hobbyist on the boards and they have been most helpful. Both GaG and CDL have given me very good advice and corrections.

Even now all of my posts are still reviewed and moderated before being placed on the board. I just live with it, accpet it and move on. Posting on boards for me is more difficult as I have to check grammar, spelling, correct word and actually is what I type what I am thinking. So a short post can take me 30 minutes of more to make. English is much easier to speak than write. But sooner or later with new additional reviews and decent non stupid posts, I feel good that I will be accepted as real and given access to PO board.



Thank you for all of your advice . You were very helpful. I haven't had access to PMs because I wasn't VIP but I just paid for that a few days ago. I will test out the waters with questioning other providers. Stay sweet.

Open your profile.  See the "Send PM" button?  It's there because you have your handle linked to your reviews.  That's all a provider needs to do in order to send and read PMs.  Paying for full VIP gives you other benefits, but you and other providers don't need it for PMing once your handles are linked to your profiles.  

Not only can that be dangerous for people who don't know you are a newb but it also comes off as condescending, not good qualities to possess in a customer service position like escorting.

You had an issue here a few weeks ago and many took offense to your ignorance on that certain topic. You then went on the S&P to whine and someone had to set you straight there as well.  

So clean that up those issues first, but keep posting another few hundred posts and see what admin says at that point.

Good luck to you.

I swore my question was for providers for the specific reason ... the same hobbyist literally comment on EVERYTHING with snobby attitudes. If I thought I knew it all, I wouldn't have to ask questions . Please , you need a hug.

First off, you don't get to dictate who can and can not respond to your posts, it's a PUBLIC board, not your own Twitter page.

Secondly, some of us really do know how things work around here. Speaking strictly for myself, I've been here since 2004, I have over forty THOUSAND posts, I used to moderate both this board and the Newbie board, so if it sounds like I think I might know just a little bit more than you about how things work around here, it might just be because I do.

I would advise you take a book out of Christine's book. She too is a bit unfamiliar about how things work here, add to that her having to pay a lot of attention to the way she words her sentences not being a native English speaker, but she is doing just fine here and hasn't elicited the same "snobby" attitudes from people that you have been getting.  

When several people tell you the same thing, it's not us, it's YOU.  You can either learn to play nice around here or become the board piñata, either way is fine with me. I like to help new members, hobbyists and providers alike, but I REALLY being the stick whenever a new piñata shows up, so either way I am going to have my fun. lol

Do you think I care what a bunch of old whores think?

I'll give my opinion all day every day, even if I'm the only one to hear it, and people know that.

It's 2017 Gag, you best look around you.

JakeFromStateFarm156 reads

But I do have one thing to add to the excellent advice you've been given.  You hurt your own chances for admission to the PO Board when you say you've been posting lately "Mainly because I have to lol."  That suggests if you get admission to the PO Board you'll simply lurk the way you have done on the General Boards and not contribute to the provider community.
My advice is to quiet down, post as wisely as you can, work on an attitude adjustment (or at least what seems like one), stop pestering TER and hope for admission down the road.
You've sure made it certain you're not getting in there any time soon.

What I meant by "post because I have to" is because I'm looking to interact with providers mainly . So a lot of the general board discussions don't really interest me and I don't care to interact especially when a lot of things people expect you to know. So I definitely won't just linger on the PO board , I have ALOT of questions and info I'd like to learn. Thank you for your reply.

It's only the three same hobbyist and you're one of them. There's not 1 post I come across where the 3 same hobbyist aren't making "know it all" , rude replies. Just because you've devoted years of your life to paid play and have made this your life's work doesn't mean everyone else has and that's how you come across in speaking with people. This is obviously an ego boost for you somehow . It's disgusting to think that grown men feel powerful by literally sitting on here all day. It's truly disturbing.

Take a deep breath, stop with the pity party and for ONCE listen to people with more experience. You are coming off like a child and a bit unhinged and I can assure you guys don't like to pay for drama queens that are BSC.

Have a drink, relax and learn this place before you come in with guns a blazin' and for fcks sake, calm down.  

You have been given great advice and you keep pissing on people that have spent years here helping others!

How about we all start over after you have made an attitude adjustment? Deal?

added a significant amount of posts today to your previous total of 25, but unfortunately, I think your content is going to counterbalance the numbers increase with the TER gods in deciding if you are worthy of admission to the PO board.  Just my opinion.  Others may think you are a breath of fresh air, especially EuroModels.

I don't need support for my opinions.

I used to factor in your, you didnt post at the time opinions along with others who was here before me.

One time people went ape shit, when I posted on the newbie under a female alias, simple question.

Never seen people start marking their territory like that, was that going to take money out of someone's pocket? No,  but it sure showed me the majorities true colors.

One other occasion sticks out, the in famous rape thread. Where the only point I was making, that pimps are people too.

I stopped patronizing escorts who advertise here and vowed to never give the verification industry a single cent, along with TER.

What's that saying, reap what you sow.

In hindsight it was probably a BS story, but I didn't lose any money, or respect over that thread.

Once you hit bottom on respect, it's impossible to lose any more.

He had very little respect at the point where he made his pimp comment, simply because of his stupidity. And since you weren't around then you should know he sympathized with a pimp who permitted the continued gang rape of two of his girls at a bachelor party. When he was universally condemned he fled the board and only returned weeks later under a new handle.  Since then he's changed his handle about five times.

Did you read my last reply in this thread?

I won't repeat myself.

Saying that the pimp was out numbered by the males at the bachelor party, isn't really sympathizing, that's just reiterating the facts presented in the story.

What I stated before would be the natural human response of the pimp, making the girls work.

Here's a question why couldn't the two girls over power the one pimp? as memory serves the beating took place outside the party.

I also Rember stating the basic common sense rule of entertaining clients, when the number of clients is greater than the number of entertainers.

Like Gag, says so called victims will say anything to save their ass

No gifs, and you're still been here all day waiting for a response.

You did NOT say "the pimp was outnumbered."  You said you sympathized with his position because he had agreed to provide a service. So that made it OK to allow the rape of his girls to continue. . Basically, your characterization of what you said is a lie.

I don't anyone else jumping in your game.

Game it's all ya got.

This is one of the few times where Jake has gotten it 100% right and one of the many times you have gotten it 100% wrong, although I doubt it's because of your faulty memory, I think you're just a liar.

SlavetoLust99 reads

you come off as entitled, rude, with a really bad attitude.  I don't know if that is how you intend to attract clients but good luck with that.  

SlavetoLust52 reads

I hope when you are able to reach  "your" providers  someone offers you some advice about making money in the business.  Your menu leaves a lot to be desired.  

You don't have nearly enough reviews.... It took me almost 5 years, active board support and several tries...Wait your turn and due the time.....

I got access to PO board the first time I requested it but I had more than 10 reviews and I participated on many boards here.My local board,ISO,newbie board,other cities boards.It wasn't about gaining access to PO board I just like to visit other boards on this site an interact with guys and providers here.Be patient there are some ladies who have been around for a long time with many reviews and still cannot gain access to PO board they are not too active here besides posting a ad.
Good luck to you.

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