TER General Board

Re:You have an interesting idea. Whether or not TER could implement it at reasonable cost is another
Jockeypants 22 Reviews 2229 reads

as it is we fill out the entire form to enter our review...giving information that is never seen by anyone (services actually provided) unless someone fills out a problem report.  

Another drama has recently unfolded on a popular TER regional board with "numerical scores" being the crux of the broohaa. On one side was a lady of unquestionable beauty, legendary service and spotless reputation. On the other side were factors that would raise the eyebrow of any savvy hobbyist. I truly believe if there was no numerical scoring and the reviews as well as the provider were judged by the power of the journal or essay given the provider would have been spared the indignation and the concerns of others over qualified objectivity quelled..

  How many Ladies must be hurt by a detractor’s publicised disbelief of another reviewer’s scores? How many men must be conned, cajoled, solicited or even threatened for scores of 9 or higher.(this by the way has happened to me ultimately influencing me to not book with the provider or never post a review of her). Whether it is the innocent exuberance of a newbie or the insidious manipulation by the savvy the numerical scoring system has become both a joke and an albatross and it is time for a change.


...let's lose the fucking numbers already.

My opinions are already hated by many already.. So why not more ?  Oh well...

Every girl is different in their own way.
Every man is different in their own way
Every city is different in their own way.
Incall/outcall opinions vary in city/woman/man
Deposits vary in city/woman/man
Every board is more prevalant in one city than it is the other..

Everyone likes one board over the other..cause they are different in many ways..

As for drama and backlashing, threats, shills, etc.. That happens on EVERY single board across the web...

But I dont understand why everyone tries to change each board to their liking..

It makes me giggle that some people say " the reviews are too explicit " Could be why its called the EROTIC review. Its what it was placed here for .

As for numbers... If girls dont like the numbers they get.. ( I myself dont like  7s for looks ) I look damn good for  38 If i do say so myself  ( hahaha) .. BUT, im 38.. Oh welll. SexySally at 22 looks much better than me with a  9.. I was a 9 too at 22... LOLOL! IF girls dont like their numbers.. Do something to make them higher rather than threaten... Instead of backlashing on people, or on Sexy Sally cause shes hot, be like sexy sally and do something to get the same high numbers.. As for me.. Im in a rapid search of a time machine :) Anyone have one ? Back to the ISO boards I go :)

All my love,
Lucky 7,

I dont have vip,
[email protected]

-- Modified on 10/15/2005 12:11:55 PM

Look at the numbers, but read the review carefully.  If a guy gives a provider a 9 for service, but says she was cold and reserved, no tongue, not bbbj, then just realize that HIS '9' is your (my) 5, and go with the review's words, rather than the numbers.  I mean, if a gal has scores in the 4-6 range, on a regular basis, I won't even bother to read the reviews, but if there are regular 8's and 9's and an occassional 7 or 6, I read the reviews and usually find that the guy who scored the 6 or 7 has often added something like, "but I had already told her I only came with $100..." or "I had bathed two days ago, so saw no reason to take a showrer..."  Seriously, scores are like grades: an A+ from Podunk Comminity College is probably a C at Yale....  You must read and think, using numbers as a guage or parameter, only.  It is really not so hard.  On the other hand, I would be happier if the numbers were removed altogether, but I don't run the board and I don't want to.  MA

The reviews are very subjective when it comes to appointing numbers. Before I have seen any of the providers, I have gone through many reviews to look for anything I may not like and it really is the essay part of the review that matters. The numbers can change drastically from one client to the next, dealing with the same escort, getting the same service and having no discernible difference in reality. Some clients just have different views of what the hobby should be. The essays however can be picked apart and the tone of the reviewer can be revealed. My reviews are fairly positive and that is because I had really good experiences, but others have PMed me in the past to let me know that they think I grade "too high". Too bad...I call em as I see em.

skisandboots3011 reads

...with everything you said EXCEPT I would leave the numbers in place.  Like you said, I've read reviews of a provider I was considering that had mostly 9's, then she gets a 6 or a 7.  You read that review and it's very good if not glowing.  Some people just scale differently.  But the numbers do show value; if someone is loaded with a bunch of 3's & 4's I won't even bother to read their reviews.  What providers need to keep in mind is that 7's are REALLY GOOD scores.  Too often, someone gets used to seeing 8's, 9's or 10's on their profiles and gets their panties in a wad when someone grades them a 7.

FatSmartHappy2070 reads

Lovely Ciara,

Seven equals attractive.  I do not understand why you would not be happy with a 7.

Bizzaro Superdude3344 reads

Let's review our heros and heroines for a moment!
Sophia Loren - hot or not - even into her 50's
Ursula Andress - hot or not - even into her 50's
Keisha - hot or not - even into her 40's
BarBra Streisand - NEVER EVER WAS HOT and I do not see what anyone at anytime ever saw in her - so here - clearly age is not a factor!
Kim Catrell - hot - at any age.
Sarah Jessica Parker - hotter younger and until she opens her mouth!
Elizabeth Taylor - clearly hot - although personally she never did anything for me.
AGE - it is a number......  so take a number.

me - I have no illusions - w ho do I compare myself with?

Sean Connery - hot or not - even to the 60's
Mel Gibson - Hot or not - but then there was the Temtation thing.
Bill Clinton - hot or not - while he does nothing for me personally - there are the groupies.
Clark Kent - hot or not - in a nerdy sort of way...

I have to agree with Freedom and Lex that the present system of 1-10 in appearance scoring needs to be revised to encompass the nuances of age, experience, charisma, etc.
Ciara correctly pointed out the disparity in assigning equal criteria in judging the appearance of a 22 year old hardbody hottie with a mature provider. Although, let's be direct here... anyone whos ever seen Nicole of Southern California knows that the most beautiful women in the world are not always the 22 year old hotties. Still, there is so much more to appearances... the way you carry yourself, the way you present yourself, the way you take care of yourself, the way you interact with others, especially the companions you spend time with.
For me, as well as others I'm sure, it is the complete presentation, not just the skin deep, that makes for the grade.

i don't think anyone is disputing that there are problems with the number system;  it's subjective, which is my biggest issue, but there are ways to weed out the personal likes/issues of individual reviewers by DOING YOUR HOMEWORK.  i for one don’t see any other way to do things here.

Gonzo speaks of the whole presentation… how are we going to modify or do away with the numbering system to encompass that?  again, the “presentation” is a subjective judgement, and a problem that doesn’t need to be fixed since a person can always read the narrative.  but if you’re telling me that to do searches for ladies, i gotta go and read each review to get the info i’m looking for, you’re nuts.

FR implies that NOSC was hurt by the “publicized disbelief” of her scores;  i say that’s part of the price you pay when you have reviews here.  she got her chance to answer the post, and those who see it can judge for themselves the validity of both arguments.  i prefer it that way… many’s the time i questioned the reviews a lady got, and investigated for myself, and found that the lady with the sterling reputation had, shall we say, less than a stellar track record if truth be known.  this kind of Q&A is the reason for the existance of TER discussion boards, and i think it’d be a great loss to lose it.

instead of lashing out at a system that appears to be, by anecdotal evidence, working for nearly everyone else on TER, maybe suggestions for realistic changes are in order.  the current reviews system has gotten me thru nearly 5 years of hobbying, with no bad experiences and no rip-offs, so obviously i have no room for complaint.  maybe there are problems, but the good far outweighs the bad, imho.

-- Modified on 10/15/2005 3:14:32 PM

i must admit, you present a compelling argument.
Lemme inhale some brain food, put on my thinking condom, er uh, cap... and see what gonzo ideas i can come up with:)
i got a better idea...(as i'm reading recent reviews of...)

I attempt to stay consistant with myself in my scoring method...since my numbers don't reflect what others think.  

I'm with OC Dude in that I've been able to make the present system work for me and haven't had a truly crummy date!

I personally think one solution is asking more specific questions that "non-writers" can click on...and letting us see each reviewers profile.  (ie: look, she actually gave these three guys BBJ and these two guys CBJ.  Oooo, and lookie here!  She gave this guy a rim job and refused this guy a rim job.  Omigod!  She was bald three weeks ago but when she saw this guy two weeks later her hair was down to her waist...something's fishy!)

If I saw each reviewer's profile...and the profile had even more detailed questions than it already has...I could readily determine if every guy is actually getting the same type of service, etc.
Then the computer (or mathasar) could average out percentages of how often a woman gives what to what guy and perhaps why.

It could be helpful to a lady as well.  When she's looking over a prospective client and every single woman he's seen refuses to DFK with him and all the women normally DFK then she can be prepared.

I still reley on the written word to tell me nuances...but helping along guys who like to click the mouse over their keyboard might help us all.

Mathesar2946 reads

question. I don't have any inside information about TER, but I do work with people who work with databases and the time and effort to keep them current and accurate is mind boggling.

TER is bound to have problems. Providers change telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, prices, etc. without informing TER.

Multiple profiles of a provider so we knew what she did with each reviewer would be more useful than a single profile, but obviously the information would be inconsistent and the reader would have to sort it out.

Even with a single profile information can be inconsistent. I found one profile the other day labeled "Ripoff" but "Delivers as Advertised" was "Yes". Huh?

I have come to agree that appearance can not be captured by a single number and there is not much point in trying. Performance is simpler. If a provider has 4 reviews in the last year her average performance doesn't mean much because of differences in reviewers. However, if she has 85 reviews I would contend that her average performance score is indicative of her performance (unless you know that you are looking for something much different from what the community as a whole is looking for). The individual reviewer differences will almost certainly cancel out when the number of reviews is large (even though reviewers and providers are not randomly paired).

I do think that performance in the last year is more important than the lifetime average that TER currently gives in the search engine. Number of reviews is also important.

Obviously, reading the reviews is important. You don't decide to see someone on the basis of a number. However, with so many providers and reviews I do feel that numbers help narrow the search.

-- Modified on 10/17/2005 6:01:32 PM

as it is we fill out the entire form to enter our review...giving information that is never seen by anyone (services actually provided) unless someone fills out a problem report.  

The main problem I have observed is it is so damn corruptible. Many gentlemen innocently inflate scores to garner favor with a provider they are smitten with. Many providers search out the hobbyists previous scores to decide if they score highly enough to warrant a safe risk booking an appointment with him. I was once having morning coffee with a provider as she was checking her reviews and she noted that a regular client of her's gave her a "7" in appearance and she blurted out "He'll never see me again". These are just cute little anecdotal observances.  From here we can move on to the more malignant problems like a certain provider who went by the initials CB who said to me in private chat one evening that if I was to book with her she expected a review reflecting nothing less than a 10 -10 because less would screw up her upcoming “Mathesar report” rating. This scenario has been experienced by other hobbyists with other ladies competing for a top 20, top 10 or top 5 position on said report. I will refrain from going into any deeper levels of corruption for I’m sure educated minds can only imagine the possibilities with the cash exchange levels involved.

 NOSC is but one instance of numbers causing hurt and yes if she wants to play she may have to take some lumps. I’ve also seen examples of  hobbyists being extra harsh in their scores so as to “balance” out a previous score that was “innocently” posted too high by an over gracious or smitten hobbyist. Humorous? Not when the provider’s business tanks for the next month waiting for a new and fair review to spark interest in her again. I call these “Rebuttal reviews” This doesn’t just happen on the 10-10 scale but the 5-8s as well.

  On a research level numbers make it easy for search engines to do their thing and help narrow down the field. As you stated if used in conjunction with the text review the scores make for a valid tool. IMHO however I still feel the numerical scoring is an albatross around our necks and it is beginning to rot.


Mathesar2468 reads

Using a full year's worth of reviews is more work for me in scanning TER (not more work in computing the average as that task is automated) and should reduce the problem. If a full year of reviews is used then each review has very little effect on the average (if the provider is popular). One still has to be careful with new providers, who only have a few reviews, of course. That is why reporting number of reviews used for the average is important.

Using more than a year's reviews is not good. Performance may change and the average over a longer period does not respond quickly enough to a real change in performance.

...I just hate the numbers. While a lady might be delighted to be called "attractive", most are insulted by a "7".

Hell, in my entire life only one lady has ever thought *my* looks rated as high as a "7" (of course she was completely gay, but that's pretty much how my life works).

-- Modified on 10/16/2005 8:00:13 AM

if for no other reason than for "search options."  Yes, I begin by looking at the numbers but this leads me to the reviews.  After reading several reviews of a lady, I check the reviewers to see who else they may have reviewed and HOW THEY SCORED THEM.  This especially works if I have seen a particular lady which gives me a personal reference point.  Yes, this process takes time; but, in the past 12 months, I have only had one average encounter with all the rest being above average to awesome.

Keystone kid has a very good point.   It's like getting rid of grades because they have drawbacks - well, the cure is worse than the disease.

The real solution is for people to take it less seriously.   We're not baseball statisticians, and all of this should be taken with a couple heavy doses of salt.  Anybody that splits a point is missing the point.

Non-statistical factors - looks, cost, number of reviews, availability, and purely subjective stuff, carry much more weight with me; and I usually disregard statistical anomalies, like if she has 10% off the wall reviews.  

How about the rest of you?

Agree with Jack. All rating systems are imperfect, but there's probably a difference between a lady with a string of 7s & 8s and one 3 vs. one with a string of 3s and one 7.  The trends are more significant than the point scores and narratives can make all the difference.

MisterBFE2481 reads

is more persuasive than a good writer of a not-so-good provider?

Leave them both.  The numbers supplement the words.

Just my .02 from an avid reader but new poster.

I believe FreedomRider may be on to something here. Some two or three weeks ago I posted the usually understood skepticism and well received observation of multiple high scores all by one time reviewers about the provider in question and I was shouted out of the room for being some sort of heretic. I have not been hobbying all that long so how was I to know that this particular provider had earned canonization by the community. In further respect to that; how can a numerical system be valued if some are held under scrutiny for ancillary factors surrounding their high scores while others enjoy a blind eyed protectionism?
  Numbers can be made to say anything the people/person manipulating them wants them to say. I’m personally deriving great results by careful reading of, and between the lines of the reviews. This requires more time and effort on my part but it has yielded nothing but excellent experiences. For the more lazy gentlemen who wish to abbreviate their research by depending heavily on the numbers it will be your money padding the pockets of those who unscrupulously dangle the carrot of “high score hype” and it will be by the silence born of your shame that it continues on.  

By their nature, grades are always arbitrary.   When you were in school, how did the teacher distinguish an A- from a B+?   And some people grade harder than others.   But when combined with the narrative, and with the ability that we have to check out the prior grades of the same reviewer, they aid us in making our choices. If they were all we had, I might agree.   But they are not.

When I first started, I had emails from people offering to give me a high rating in exchange for free service..even telling me they knew the owner.

I sometimes still get guys who try to push Greek on me and threaten me with a low score and I tell them to go ahead b/c I will put their name on the bad client list.

Bizzaro Superdude2433 reads

How about a bad and tedious poster list - would I make that!?  Seriously, there should be a bad client list.  for the following:
Abusive bahaviour.
Skipping out on payment.
Drug usage (except for vino! or viagra)
LE activities

I would include the blackmail approach to free or "extra" service under abusive behaviour.

Good luck with this!

I don't know if there is a bad client list aside from a private one I keep to exchange with others in my area if I talk to them

I do the dinner date so in case they do skip out, I got a dinner at a nicer restaurant than the one my boyfriends used to take me and they only took an hour of my time vs. the amount of time I used to take trying to kindly tell the bar drunk to leave me alone w/o pissing him off to slash my tires or follow me home.

It is still a risky business.

Bizzaro Superdude2265 reads

presession to a session... lol!  recently, a provider that I was with - if she said it once- she said it 100 times!  that she was hungry- so after the session I asked if I could buy her dinner!  she said yes.  I also offered to take her wherever she wished - she chose a nice place about 2 blocks away! What a delightful evening...  but would not have worked the other way around!  as the dinner was EXTREMELY relaxed and comfortable... after all - we had just had desert!

lol,,,,,,,,    when ya coming to Philly!

it works better the other way as you grow accustomed to the person's face and know that there is a human being w/ fears and feelings who wants to spend time with you. I used to feel very uncomfortable with french skills when I first started as I considered that more intimate but I have loosened up over the time. You don't feel as awkward having the person undress you later either if you talk each other's ear off

Bizzaro Superdude2412 reads

I find that sometimes seeing a lady for the first time is best... maybe she reveals too much of herself...  all at once.  but, my ATF can talk a mile a minute... and it is endearing.  so,  I guess it varies...  

What is ackward in civvie dates is the opposite in the hobby - Intimacy on a sexual level in the hobby - is easy for me, but intimacy on the personal level is more difficult for me to adjust to - and the ladies that I have seen more than once - move that aside -

in civvie life - it is the opposite - intimacy on the personal level is easy to come by - even if it is a stripper in a nightclub - but intimacy on a sexual level is ackward...

maybe that is the reason for my reversal of your order!  but I must admit - that things that you have revealed on TER of yourself - make you an interesting person - aside from sex.

Would a dinner with you be so bad.... I think not.  Besides, if nothing else - we could celebrate the joys of getting ejukatid in the south....  me? Augusta GA!  go figure.

-- Modified on 10/16/2005 6:20:27 PM

When reading reviews, I find myself placing them into the categories of good, bad, and indifferent. All I am really searching for is if the general response to a particular lady is a positive or negative experience; the rest is too subjective. Most of all, I want to be certain that the lady I'm about to meet is legit; not a ROB, B&S, etc. Additionally, I tend to give less merit to a perfect 10/10 review; and I also like to see an occassional lower score (less than her average).

half of what you read and none of what you write on the internet... Numbers aside ask him whether he came... ask him whether the nut he got felt like a 5 or a 4... It takes a small minded coward to score something that is not true; whether grand or the worse fuck on the planet, most likely he came... that's really what he paid for...

-- Modified on 10/16/2005 3:19:46 PM

Bizzaro Superdude2920 reads

While I have had provider friends get the occasional down stroke from a disgruntaled client, in general, the numbers do work with the following caution.  Numbers alone do not tell the whole story!  I usually look at ALL of  the check boxes - Kiss, touch pussy, CIM, Implants, size, age etc.  And while Ciara may take exception the combination of age and appearance score does permit a 38 yr old to receive a 9 or 10 within that age range...  And I would never give a 10 to anyone who did not have a good personality or good personal hygeine.  There was a recent post (I think within the past 8 months) of a VERY HIGH PROFILE PORN STAR who was providing but had very bad personal hygeine.  Her scores reflected the overall description of her poor state of cleanliness.

All of this  matters.  I too have given a low score to someone who bascially performed poorly.  I was very careful to describe how she provided that made me give the low score - everything was very factual - not a personal attack.  She responsded with an e-mail appologizing - because she saw that the post was accurate and justified the score.  

AND THAT is what bugs me about TER A little....  Someone will write a FANTASTIC review but give a 6 or 7.  Or someone will write a ho-hum review and give an 8 or 9 AND TER passes it through....?  

I would also like TER to permit updates on the general description check boxes.... especially on the build (changes) implants (changes) price (definately changes) and other things - maybe some computational thing - kisses no (20% of respondents gave this response) yes without tounge (75 % of respondents gave this response) yes, with tounge (4% of respondents gave this response), performed tonsellectomy on me with her tounge (1% of respondents gave this response)  This would quantitate the YMMV phrase...

I think that this would be easy to set up - AND very Very helpful.

Will I book with someone with the occasional down score?  Yes, In fact my personal favorite and the one provider that I fell in love with, had low scores!  someone even said she had an ugly body!!!  I saw her, was captivated - not just by her beauty - but by her intelligence and humor.  she has one of the sexiest bodies that I have ever seen....!!!  I gave scores accordingly.  with no problem.

I say, look at scores to help assist the decision process - but there are other things to take into account.... AND what if you call and do not like the voice -"???? have actually had that happen!  Lol!

It's the authenticity of her reviews that is being questioned, including the text, not just the numbers.  

However, the only evidence the skeptics have of fraud is that her reviews have been too good for too long, and better than ever recently.  She has a dozen pages of superior reviews going back years.  Maybe the numbered ratings aggravate this suspicion in doing one thing they are supposed to do. You could look at her "track record" in a few seconds and see that about 119 out of 120 of her reviews are first-rate.  That does invite skepticism.    

Moreover, she has had a remarkable surge in recent months, getting better reviews now than ever and   attracting a set of reviewers who are competent writers.  They seem to take almost as much delight writing the reviews as they do the original session with her.  (I could understand this, mind you.)  

Actually, there is a strong compliment hidden in this suspicion.  That is her run of superior reviews has begun to challenge believability.  It is really mind-boggling.  A lot like winning at Jeopardy more than 70 times straight.  
BTW, I know of two other good reasons for having the numerical scale: some guys just don't write well, and some guys aren't comfortable giving too much detail about how a session affected them.  The numbers do create problems-- but they are necessary.  

I agree that her reviews defy believeability and I'd guess some kind of manipulation is going on. It looks like you'd have to try it first hand to know for sure. I'll never get past her screening now and she does seem to get great testimonials from well known hobbyists.  For what its worth, I think someone like Tiffany deserves her scores and I would keep seeing her if she was less expensive.  Nonetheless, the majority of highly rated ladies that I've seen have turned out to be highly "overated".  Maybe 4 out of 10 have turned out winners.  The rest have been a waste of time and money.

In all fairness zin’ I began this thread not in defence of her reviews but in contempt of the numerical scoring system and the endless myriad of pain, problems and corruption it manifests. Your points are well taken and have merit all. In defence here I would like to offer that in NOSC’s case it has been somewhat of a month long public slug-fest effectively shining a very bright light on her record and reputation. On the contrary I have just seen recently on the LA board where an LA provider with much the same extraordinary(unbelievable)track record was questioned by a member then within the same thread he seemingly back peddled on his allegations to a point of defending her reviews. From where I stood it appeared as if he had received an e-mail or phone call from Tony Soprano telling him to back off “or else”. The conspicuous absence of other board members from participation in this otherwise topical and compelling thread/debate was noticeable and an associate of mine who submitted in support of the original allegations never had his contribution posted.
  I find it heartening that so many like you zin’ and Starfishhunter and even the mystery GB who e-mailed NOSC with his/her allegations are keeping a watchful eye on the review system hopefully putting the brakes to it’s usurping.


I wish I had more skill in the grammar/syntax/punctuation departments. I wasn't blessed with as formal of education as many of my brethren here. My sincerest apologies for my shortcomings


...and the "LOL" at the end!  I wasn't REALLY criticizing you, I was just pointing up that many folks do, in fact, seem to be as obsessed with numbers as though we were talking about TV ad revenues instead of pussy.  I didn't mean to hurt your feelings at all, and I'm awfully sorry if I did!   :)

You're not the first person to've taken me seriously despite my being fairly scrupulous about putting smiley faces to designate jokes.  Maybe I'm a little TOO DEADPAN around the boards, huh?

I was probably a bit "Over" sensitive from another discussion board I like to visit where the membership does their best to sound like they all are Ivy league PHD's. A pretentious board to be sure but it serves to better my vocabulary and writing skills. However as I said sometimes I feel like a pair of brown shoes at a tuxedo convention when dealing with em'.

I like the scores, because I try to see a trend - if a lady has mostly sixes, or mostly sevens, or mostly eights, etc. that tells me what to expect.  If her scores are all over the map, I can only conclude that she does not have a dependable MO.

If we only grade by pass/fail (which is what The other BoarD does), that doesn't tell me squat.  That's why I dropped my membership over there.

From a provider point of view...I accept the 7's I get and Yes love even more when I see a 8 or 9 that's for sure, but I know it really hurts when you see the 5 or 6...but that's what they remembered when they left, the worn off make up and the hair is truly a Phylis Diller look because we had the 9 or 10 in performance area.
So for you guys that look beyond the few bad scores and look at 7's as being a positive rather than a negative...I love you and your real genuine gentleman.

I know I have never given discounts or even asked for a review, I only 3 times emailed a response to a review and questioned either to a # or what was said.
But my biggest problem with this whole system is there are a certain few gents that only see agency ladies, they are given a reduced rate, they post a mini "must see" "knock you socks off" review on the discussion board and the actual review follows...These ladies only receive 9's and 10's.
Also if your in the "click group" you'll also receive the mini reviews.

I'm a mature provider and very proud of it and know I provide a very passionate gfe service. So for those that do look beyond the 1 or 2 negatives and disregard the perfect 9 and 10's I really admire you.
Kisses and hugs

Bizzaro Superdude4296 reads

I have never been cheated by an agency... but the experience with Indy's is SOOOOOOOOOOO everlasting much better!  the gals are more into the hobby themselves, they seem to care more and they have fun with it!  so, I automatically discount agency scores....!  sorry, but that is just something I do.

is exactly the reason I (for one) don't put a lot of stock in the exact numbers.

Any system can be manipulated, and to some extent will be.  Personally, I think it's unethical to even mention a review to the provider - they don't need to be told anything - and it's turnoff too, unless you're doing some sort of blackmail roleplaying.

Eg:  there are a few ladies who have minimal time limits, and many of them get consistent glowing reviews - but for me, scheduling problems and the perception of diminishing returns, trumps the glowing reviews.

Everybody is going to have their market niche - blonde, anal, BBW or coke addict, and you really shouldn't try to please everybody, just enough to satisfy yourself.

[[there are a certain few gents that only see agency ladies, they are given a reduced rate, they post a mini "must see" "knock you socks off" review on the discussion board and the actual review follows...These ladies only receive 9's and 10's.  Also if your in the "click group" you'll also receive the mini reviews.]]

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