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Re:What were those...
doctor2002 19 Reviews 3059 reads

I guess they lost the keys to their SUV and couldn't get to the private jet to fly to their condo in Aspen.

Right Wing Nutcase2272 reads

stupid kids doing out there anyway? Why didn't they heed the evacuation order and leave before the storm hit? What are our public schools teaching in 1st grade where a kid doesn't know to get out of harm's way during a catastrophe?

Read the story. Somebody taught these kids to rely on themselves and their family & I doubt it was the schools. Since you didn't recognize that, I expell you from the rightwing! be gone! LOL.

I salute that family. They did what they could and did it well.

Thanks for the post, MrSelfDestruct. Good stuff.

I guess they lost the keys to their SUV and couldn't get to the private jet to fly to their condo in Aspen.

Right Wing Nutcase2461 reads

I thought that they were some poor minority, though, in which case, F them. By the way, what kind of name is Deamonte? Is that Swedish?

While I know that this is just one bright light in an otherwise dark time, it helps.  Thanks

Barbara Bush3866 reads

This whole thing has been a valuable learning experience for those poor underprivileged people.  They should be thankful that George Jnr gave them the opportunity to see if they could fend for themselves.

One day, they'll thank us for this.

It's the federal patronage system of HomeLand Security and all the other sorted no accounts that show us we are truly fucked on the disaster scale. Now, the Bush's are not long-winded when it comes to the right things to say and no one will claim they are the most genteel when it comes to matters of the heart. They and the other politicians are not blameless, but hardly the blame for Katrina.

We as taxpayers continue to "endorse" just what we are getting, year to year, and it's going to take a few more 911s and a devastating earthquake in the Midwest before we decide to stop hiring our friends in place of professional engineers, medical personnel, and and other disaster smart people who can and will take control. The last few days only heightened because of a public relations nightmare created by the very brave news people who had no trouble getting to the region. Egg clearly on face BGBJr gets serious, makes his obligatory references to 911 and terrorism and we got a ball game. The poor people will be poor(er) after they are settled either in NO or elsewhere, that's the system and nobody's going to explain it to them, not even Oprah.

My appeal is that we get smart about how we deal with such things 'cause the world has truly changed. The natural catastrophes are God's wake up call. Put 911 on a larger scale and have two hurricanes in the same week or month for that matter and parts of the this country will be truly fucked. And when the head is bloodied, the tail loses its wiggle. WTFU people.

Up till now, this has not only been a catastrophe, it has been a nightmare about people behaving badly and stupidly.

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