TER General Board

Re:What pisses me off with this hobby/Here's another.
old navy 1826 reads

How about agency web sites that leave photos up of women no longer in the business? Or they leave teasers up that say she is taking a break and will return, when you know that they are not returning because they have had a child or got married.

This is what I hate about this hobby. Bad links, fake pics and/or old pics.

As Forest Gump said.. kinda like a box of chocolates, never know what you are going to get.

I have seen numerous providers and most have pics that are years old. They show up and what the heck?

As Gomer Pyle once said... SURPRISE.. SURPRISE.. SURPRISE.

old navy1827 reads

How about agency web sites that leave photos up of women no longer in the business? Or they leave teasers up that say she is taking a break and will return, when you know that they are not returning because they have had a child or got married.

you have picked an odd day to complain about it.  It's Thanksgiving for heaven's sake.  Be glad that you are able to hobby and have such a grand selection of goddess from which to choose.

Do you find the reviews more or less accurate?  I do, and as a result, I am seldom disappointed.

Better luck in the comming year. (npi)

...every lady I have ever met was above and beyond expectations. The only discrepancy has been that so many have been so much more beautiful than their photos...

Thanksgiving indeed.

suZeee2734 reads

are a god.  I'll just bet that even if the woman was not what you were thinking you still found the good in her.  Maaan.....this is what every girl will cater to, guys like you who see the glass half full, not empty.

...I do sort of look like a buddha...

Some of our friends are still thankful for us, even though we may have some slight changes in our skin tone because of winter and no tan for a few weeks (weeks: this is Arizona) or a few extra pounds from Thanksgiving, but leftovers are great! Tee-he!  Anyway, I certainly understand this person's dilemna, but thank goodness no man has turned me down at the door. Ooh, actually, one did when I was with the agency because he said he thought my hair color was brown. Duh!  It clearly shows blonde in all my pictures. Anyway, I always tell a future client/friend if I've changed my hair length because it's slightly shorter right now than in my pics. Most of them have told me it was still okay and glad that they still kept the appointment. In fact, one told me he preferred my haircut now. You just never know what someone is looking for. Wink!


Michelle Aston3215 reads

With some filters to correct blur, add less contrast and inhance grain to remove some of the airbrushing and VOILA: there is the girl that knocks on your door, not her younger evil twin.

Guys you are all correct in one fashion or another.

As for providers fake pics... I have never met one, but when you see a well known porn star  advertising $$ and you do some research and see that they don't even travel to the place their listing is, I automatically eliminate them.

Old pics, that's seems pretty common. A couple I have seen were either 10 yrs older or 20-30# heavier. Now that's a surprise. Service may still be excellent, but if you pay for Barbie to show up and Barbie's mom meets you at the door..

Lot's of bad links too... Especially with the fake pics, I just move on.

Just venting.. but I am also thankful for a place like this. Really helps.

Nowadays I have a new formula, only 9 & 10's across the board with the variety I prefer.

It might be a few dollars more, but in the end seems worth it.

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