TER General Board

Re:What a shame :(
SomeRandomProvider 3447 reads

I apologize if you thought I was calling anyone a heifer. I said "I am not a heifer, as someone so eloquently put it." That was meant in sarcasm towards the poster that originally called anyone over a size 6 a heifer, not to hurt anyone's feelings. I apologize if it was taken the wrong way.  I am curvy, I used to be a size 14, and never considered myself or anyone bigger as a heifer. I think curvy women are beautiful. I think one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen is a former BBW provider that I saw on TER.
So again, I apologize. So if anyone doesn't like your look, oh well, there are plenty of others who will find you beautiful. If you don't like someone's look, don't look, don't make comments. Move on with your life and find what it is that you are looking for.

Abubbliciousbabe4u8297 reads

I scrolled some posts down and actually read a post by another provider and a hobbyist referring to non-slender ladies as heifers. Just because someone is slender, doesn't mean that she is healthy either. I am a big boned lady, I walk 2 times a day, and yet I remain very curvy, big breasts, and supple thighs, all my tests come out great, my cholesteral is awesome, my doctor always gives me the good bill of health. I walk out of my house every day, and I get men looking at me all the time. I am comfortable and I actually love my curves! I feel and look very feminine. Would it surprise you, that the majority of my clients are actually thin???  A shocker isn't it? But it's true. There are some VERY beautiful big ladies out here on TER Land and beyond the computer. What some people don't realize is that there is a great market out here for us not just for slender ladies. I am still human, regardless of my stature. Lets show each other a little more respect towards one another please, and lay off of the "heifer" naming towards a distinctive group of people.

Thank you.

-- Modified on 4/27/2004 12:07:13 PM

I don't like the larger ladies but I would never stoop to name calling either......Its undignified and outright hurtful.

-- Modified on 4/27/2004 10:53:38 AM

Do not worry about what a few idiots say - Some people just never grow up.

Ass_Jacker3751 reads

person who realized this and anybody who reads thier posts will realize that they are the small {minded } one here. Beauty comes in many shapes, sizes and colors.

May need to further qualify my statement. Just so nobody is offended.

With the kind of money that changes hands in this hobby, I go for what turns me on the most. The smaller ladies.  I have dated women who were not so small in civilian life.

I just prefer a lady I can put one arm around and pick her up in it. And I have seen a few providers who don't qualify as tiny.

SirPrize4384 reads

I think you may be taking the comments directed at others to be aimed at you (I'm pretty sure NOSC's comment was meant as a reply to the original post).

Your posts are not derogatory in any manner, and you certainly have the right to prefer any type lady you wish.

I think you have been very courteous and sensitive.

I just had a great visual, of me scooping you up in one martial arts motion in my 6 inch red dom boots, and throwing you (gently) over the back of my desk chair , while I slowly slide your slacks and briefs off, I nuzzle your butt crack with relish. Pity I am not coming to Virginia.

I've seen your pics. Would love for you to try that.MMMMMMMMMMMM

Something to dream about tonight.

and my heels are longer than most guys dicks. Reconsider.

I like them small, under 5'4", but I am 5'10" so am no runt myself.

Give-a-RIP3753 reads

I can look at each and every person on this planet and find at least one thing I'd consider unattractive.  M Monroe was a size 14.

Someone with class would never be so brash.  I'm guessing the offeder(s) grew up without any guidence or dental care for that matter.

SomeRandomProvider3448 reads

I apologize if you thought I was calling anyone a heifer. I said "I am not a heifer, as someone so eloquently put it." That was meant in sarcasm towards the poster that originally called anyone over a size 6 a heifer, not to hurt anyone's feelings. I apologize if it was taken the wrong way.  I am curvy, I used to be a size 14, and never considered myself or anyone bigger as a heifer. I think curvy women are beautiful. I think one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen is a former BBW provider that I saw on TER.
So again, I apologize. So if anyone doesn't like your look, oh well, there are plenty of others who will find you beautiful. If you don't like someone's look, don't look, don't make comments. Move on with your life and find what it is that you are looking for.

Abubbliciousbabe4u3669 reads

Infact, I loved your post! :) It was another provider, who made the heifer comment, since she was slender (nothing wrong with being slender either or curvy), genetically and all, and made a comparison of heifers to non-slender people. No, it wasn't aimed at you, Random Provider.

Infact, here is a portion of the comment, which made me want to reach out and touch someone through my computer LOL But, I do know, that everyone does have an opinion, and there are some, who are small minded (not directed at anyone of the people who just recently posted):

"I have a cousin who was breathtakingly gorgeous with a slim figure at age 21. Now that she's in her late 20's, I hate to say it, but she looks like a heifer. Her mother, my aunt, is very overweight, and I fear my cousin will be the same way if she doesn't watch herself.  :("

-- Modified on 4/27/2004 12:57:39 PM

If she was referring to a specific person and expressed her opinion, why are you taking it personal? Nowhere in the quote does she generalize.

I think everyone should be proud of who they are, no matter what size they are. I also think you should focus on the context of what people say instead of making it about you when it's not.

Thank you for that post. I too am a larger lady, but I'm beautiful and sexy too. I may appeal to a different segment of the population, but appeal I do.
Everyone has their preferences regarding what they find attractive, I have mine as well. Just because a person isn't attracted to big women, small women, big tits, small tits, long hair, short hair...doesn't mean these traits aren't attractive. It simply means they aren't attractive to you.
Beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder and I think it's smart for all of us to keep that in mind.
Another assumption that I see and hear about all the time is that if you are large, you aren't healthy. That's just not true. As the original poster mentioned many of us are just as healthy (or more so) than our thinner counterparts. I exercise and I'm mindful of what I put in my body...Im just a big girl. Could I be thin? Yes. If I starve myself and restrict myself, but somehow I doubt I'd enjoy my life as much and you only go around once right? Live it up, that's my motto. And for those of you that like a little more cushion for the pushin'....give me a call! xxxx. Octavia.

I agree with everything you said.  

Calling names is very immature and it really makes you look like an ass.

So many people regard others whose body type they don't favor as deserving of less than civil treatment.  Large women, as you pointed out, are called "heifers," or worse.  Thin women are derided for having, say, an eating disorder.  Athletic, or muscular women, the type I favor, are called "chicks with dicks" and worse.  What it comes down to is that beauty may only be skin deep, but bigotry and meanspiritedness go straight to the bone.  If you like your body, give it love and never look back!

...like a fine wine, the mature providers that hold that attraction are truly the best.  Cute young things with thin frames are a dime-a-dozen, but see which ones hold their charms, a truly deep and fragrant drink.  (I can think of a few providers out there including some who post here regularly I am itching to see).

Unfortunate, but jerks are a way of life.


only reflect poorly on the speaker.  Putting other people down is a complete turn off.

We're all attracted to different physical shapes.  Saying "heifer" just insults both the larger-sized people and those who find them attractive.  Meanwhile, it doesn't express any pleasure in finding attraction.


it has been removed in a knee-jerk fit of political correctness by Staff.  Had you all bothered to read it carefully, you would have noticed that I was waxing nostalgic for those big-boned babes.  Stop acting like lemmings and learn to think for yourselves.

P.S.  The use of the word "heifer" to refer to a woman has only recently been adopted by the community at large. It has been used for many years in African-American jargon.

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