TER General Board

Is brain damage universal among civilians ??
ImOffonaRant 3766 reads

Honestly; Flaming, swishing, fudgepacking fags get "tolerence" and we are labeled "perverts" "Sinners" & criminals. Civi women date for money, marry for money and quickly divorce to stake their claim on money but you better not call them the P or Wh word. What about sex with civi women?. They seem to consider celebicy normal and sexually active gross.
Civi guys seem to be totally brain dead. They will spend hundreds of bucks as well as hundreds of hours in the futile persuit of sex with civi women only to be used as a source of free dinners, entertainment and car/home repair. These morons are actually proud of their victomization by proclaming that "I never pay for Sex" as if that justifies never getting it.

  I don't quite know what I'm trying to say here. This hobby is gawd-awfull expensive. It's addictive as hell and you sure can have your heart broken as easy as anywhere else. But the hobby makes a lot more sense than conventional dating ever did.

mysonisgay4692 reads

I resent the fact that TER allows people to post FLAMES such as "flaming swishing fudge packing fags" yet I can't even post under a thread the other day where I said nothing deragotory like this.

My God... What a double edged sword.

ANd yes, my son is gay. I am not.

Mr. Self Destruct3077 reads

Where do I start?  I had a lot of this same conversation on a local board earlier tonight.

Homosexuals have often been killed for their sexual preference and have been and still are discriminated against, threatened, ridiculed (fudgepacking fags, anyone?), and shunned, when a great majority of them are decent people (as long as you aren't religious about their sexual preference, and, if you are, then I am talking to the wind).  That is why society is encouraged to show tolerance, just like tolerance was encouraged in 1866 for black people in the South (although black people were shown less tolerance back then, but just watch "Boys Don't Cry" to see an example of tolerance of homosexuals).  They are still labeled perverts and sinners, much more so than men who frequent prostitutes.  However, consenting homosexual contact is not a crime anymore, whereas soliciting a prostitue is, so yes, the criminal bit does stick.

As far as civi women, remember that most of our TER ladies were civi or still are civi away from TER.  Having said that, there are here for the same reason that the civi women you decry interact...money.  Yes, many of these women also like sex, but I think it is safe to say that zero of them would be here if they weren't being paid.

Having said that, there are many, many civi women who are not gold diggers.  Maybe it is because I am not well off, but I have almost never dated a woman who was motivated by money, and I have dated plenty of women.  Hard to blame women for being motivated by money, though...everyone is being squeezed these days.

As for their attitude about sex, I could name ten of my ex-girlfriends who would rock your world.  You are dating the wrong women.  Most civi women won't find someone who has a large sexual history great relationship material, though, and I can understand why...they would wonder if they would just be another number, when they are considering sharing their life with someone.

As far as civi men being such suckers, are you telling me that you have never know a woman who has been the "giver" in a relationship, or who has been walked on or taken advantage of?  Have any sisters?

As for this hobby making more sense than dating, it is very easy to deal with the rules here...one thing for another, no strings attached.  When you have a relationship with someone, yes, that is more messy, because there is a lot more on the line.  Civilian dating is not about meeting different women to get laid by.  

I am sorry that you have had so much bad luck with your experiences...they most certainly have not been mine or those of many other men who I know.  I see many men on here also complain about their wives interest in sex, and I will say what I have then...it takes two to keep things interesting, and things change with time.  Adjust, work at it, communicate, and, if you are faced with a partner who doesn't care about your happiness, divorce is no longer stigmatized, so jump on it.

There...that is my rant in return.  Enjoy the hobby, and remember...positive things usually happen to positive people.

-- Modified on 11/18/2003 11:55:57 PM

Have figured out how to get laws changed.  How did they do this?  They had the BALLS to be honest publicly.  As long as hobbyists and providers continue to whisper vs. say what they believe in without shame, these laws will remain the same.  The gay community had to get together and stand up for thier rights in order to get them.  They are still in the process, but at least they are doing it............

You may want to seek some professional help my friend. Just in off of the front lines? If so, thanks for your service to the country, but you need to spool down.....MfSD>>>

Leave it at that.  Always be conceerned when you are sure that everybody else is wrong except me and thee.

adam464492 reads

In the last 2 weeks alone I can think of seeing at least 5 stories in the newspaper of Escort services being shut down
and the owners facing serious prison time. Why do the cops
have such a hard-on for Escort agencies? I believe it is
because this is very easy work for them, no danger of getting
shot or hurt, it satisfies the "family values" types as
well as the feminists, and makes for great reading in the papers.
It irks me too that this is going on while the US court system
appears to be on the verge of legalizing marriage for gays.

When will society realize that prostitution is necessary due
to the fact that not all men can get women (although we all need
sex)? The escorts provide an invaluable service, and are a benefit to society -- lonely men are capable of turning bad
thoughts into bad actions when deprived of sex for long periods
of time.

As far as the "civvies" go (the street term for this back in the
80s was "squares"), I've never had a girlfriend or even a "free date", but I have noticed the same things you are describing.
Women in this country are extremely selfish, more concerned with using men than satisfying them, and the men are letting them get
away with it.


The unfortunate thing with these "raids" is that they attempt to find the highest level of charges to bring against the people they bust, even if they have to lie or manipulate the data/information to make it appear a felony charge.  Do you realize how stupid they'd look if these were all misdemeanor charges they were wasting their time on?

They're incented to make as many felony arrests and convictions as they can.  LE is NOT your ally or friend.  They are out to make their numbers stick, and keep their budgets rolling upward.

Busting escort services and the like is an easy win for LE, and as Adam said, it's huge policital capital for the department. There is enormous pressure from special interest groups and religous groups to "clean up" this activity, so LE must respond to the pressure.

As unfortunate as it is, this country is manipulated by special interests. Right or wrong, our elected officials have to respond to them. The cops are just doing their jobs, handed down through the chain of command, originating in the elected officials offices. Whose fault is it?  Our friends and neighbors that's who...

What can we do about it? Not much in the near term. Practice tolerance everyday, and take a stand when you don't agree with people. We have to fight to take back our country from special interests, everyday.

You don't need to be offensive or insulting to make a point.
Of course you may have some issues about sexuality you don't wish to discuss but let's be civil when you bring up topics.

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