TER General Board

Reviewing reviews and tardinessconfused_smile
ohi81two 5628 reads

Ahh, my opinion.. it sometimes gets me into trouble, and I suspect that now is one of those times.

I think that reviews should stay posted unless there is something blatantly wrong with them. I mean something like the hobbyist used a ton of misplaced profanity, described events that could not possibly have happened, totally and unnecessarily slams a provider, something like that. Otherwise, whatever is submitted is the hobbyists' side of the story. I mean, a little creativeness never hurt anybody. After all, everything here - reviews, posts, and even this opinion of mine - are all just works of fiction, right?

Something pissed the guy off who left the bad review - whatever the reason may be. If a hobbyist had a bad experience with a provider, I want to know about it. I want to know what
all the reviews were, not just the ones that the provider agrees with.

That's why I'm here.

No, let me rephrase myself: that's why I pay to be here.

But the providers pay to be here, too...

Let's be fair about things - all of us.

When the hobbyist says ".. made me wait 30 minutes", maybe the more accurate thing to say was ".. I had to wait a bit longer than I like to wait". I know I've been upset a time or two before I've called a provider. I've even had a bad week or two at work - sometimes, that's the very reason I do make the call. I also try to keep in mind that if a girl is really, really hot, I know she's going to be really, really busy. That means she may be late sometimes.. its not cool to be late all the time, which is why I say I'd like to see all sensible reviews that are submitted. But a short wait for a quality session is not unreasonable.

Don't misunderstand me here guys: if I go to a provider, I go there for *MY* pleasure. I just don't see anything wrong with trying to make it enjoyable for both parties.

Even today, there is still nothing wrong with showing a lady a good time.

And now, since I want to be fair.. when the provider says ".. gave me a bad review because I made him wait 30 minutes," maybe the wait wasn't exactly 30 minutes, or maybe it was close to it - maybe the guy didn't like waiting. I know I don't. Or maybe you weren't quite as ready as you thought you'd be - no big deal. We know you're a knockout - that's why we're calling. But ask yourself this question: When it comes right down to it, what is going to look better: a few good reviews with a few complaints from you about some hobbyists; or several pages of excellent reviews with an isolated bad review or two? I think that a good provider - someone who genuinely wants to make me feel good - *SHOULD* be offended by a negative review. But I don't think its right if I am not allowed to see it. If you're not the kind of person the hobbyist said you were, prove it. The truth will come out.

I myself would rather see a provider who lets her services do the talking - the really good ones don't sweat the rare bad review. They don't have time - they're busy bringing a lucky
guy's fantasies to life.

Even with the world being crazy the way it is at times, the customer is still always right.

Perhaps the thing to do might be to have a hobbyist's review section - a place where providers review the hobbyists. Providers would be able to post their experiences with
registered hobbyists, and hobbyists would be able to see what the providers say, if they are so inclined. And in the interests of being fair, the providers' reviews would be
subject to the same process as the hobbyists'. Reviews could neither denigrate a hobbyist, nor be overly vulgar in content.

If its fair for me to rate someone, its fair for them to rate me.

I know that would be a lot to ask of TER - and nothing that could be done overnight, to be sure - but maybe its something to bring up in a meeting, sometime. It would be both a great
forum as well as a great responsibility.

That's all. As you can see, sometimes my opinions are a bit lengthy.

Thanks for reading this one!

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