TER General Board

Re:Thor18 is pretty much dead on.....
eastside 2618 reads

Let's figure out a way to nor offend the providers either.

I was in a high end hotel recently.  There were professional athletes staying there, some of them with their wives/girlfriends.  At one point I was on an elevator and this amazing woman comes in, dressed to show off her assets, yet tastefully so.  I figured she must have been an athlete's girlfriend.  Way hot, the kind that turns all heads.

At 3 AM that night I was killing time in a common area of the hotel, because my friend had picked up a girl and was using our suite.  (What a great friend am I, right?)  Well I see the above-mentioned hottie walk by.  About 20 minutes later she comes walking back out towards the exit and leaves without delay.  I wouldn't say she was running, but she was obviously eager to get out of there.

It happened too fast for me to say anything, but the more I thought about it, the more I was convinced she was a provider.

So if I could go back in time and say something to her, what should I say?  

Be blunt: "Hey how much?"  Leaves no ambiguity, but I could offend a civilian (and label myself).

Be subtle: "Hi beautiful, I've been trying to meet someone like you.  I'm sure I'm not the only one..."  Complimentary, but may not communicate the proposal.

Let's just assume that we all wish not to offend the "innocent" girls.  Can anyone think of a creative and tactful way to ask the question?

If she is a provider, she'll take it from there.

If she is not, you may find yourself in a conversation.

You should have just gone up to her and treated her as if she were a civilian girl. Give her a compliment and take it from there. If she's a provider I am sure she would let you know within minutes. If she is a civilian girl, then you may have found yourself someone to hang out with and possibly some fun with later on.

-- Modified on 11/26/2005 2:39:24 PM

eastside2619 reads

Let's figure out a way to nor offend the providers either.

However, for next time, you could wear a button that says "Hobby in the Lobby...ask me how".

then I'm gonna give it to Robertini as a Christmas/Channukah/Kwanzaaa/Hobby New Year present.

I would feel somewhat flattered if a guy wanted to get to know me better (wink) but scared as hell that he was LE wondering the hotel.  


If she is, and she tried to pick you up, you would have to be a bit off the wall not to check you out first, after all, you could be LE or worse.  If she isn't, you could just be getting more than you bargained for.  No self-respecting provider is going to try and find a quiet spot off the lobby to get it on with someone.

My experience is this.  Have a provider with you and I can guarantee she will be able to tell you who is a provider or not.  It's happened twice and I believe she was right on each ocassion.

Actually I was in the spa, with only swim trunks on.  It was confusing to me when she walked by because I didn't realize that there were guest rooms on the same floor too.  It wasn't until after she left that I investigated and discovered there were rooms where she had been.  That's when it struck me that she might have been on the job.

I did actually say a quick hi, with a smile and a nod.  Like I said earlier, she seemed to be in a hurry and didn't seem at all interested.

trustno202888 reads

to allow herself to be picked up in a public place. That is of course if she is looking to you as a client.

The advice given above about saying hello is pretty dead-on. Had you gone back in time and said hello, then when she exited the building, if she saw you, she might approach you. Now I've only had a lady approach me once in a hotel bar. Truth be told it was obvious I was a guest because she had been there awhile and my collegues had just left. So it was not likely that I could have been LE.

As it turns out, I had to decline for the same reasons you did. I was there on business and this particular company believed we should bunk in pairs. And my roommate was not as nice as you. Really sucked. :(

2sense1878 reads

...an expensive purchase, the bank owns and you're paying off the loan.

And, as I've learned through due diligence, there are few more expensive propositions in life than women.

buy me a Porsche or pay off my house, I won't argue and then you can bash me (spank me) all you want. Wink! Just kidding!


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