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Natural alternatives to Viagra ?
JustTryingHarder 4288 reads

I grew up near the ocean and it was always known that Oysters were man's best friend and there are more than a few guys I've talked to that said they work better for them than any of the recent pills.

What other alternatives like this are there?  

Have oysters (or other) worked for you?

JS71242632 reads

Veromax for Men   www.veromax.com   Not the same as Viagra but will help and improves quality and quantity of semen.

JustAnotherDoc3155 reads

I am not going to tell you that I know anything at all about Veromax.  What I can say is that I have a healthy skepticism about such products.  When checking out their site I see that they boast science as being important to them.  So I proceded to request info on their clinical trials.  I could not get my request to go through so I will try later.

What I think is important is that people realize the difference between scientific research testing that includes clinical trials and products which claim to have been "developed especially for..."  

Scientific research is hugely expensive and does present a problem in getting results on potential drugs and their effects on humans to people like us who want some answers.  But that testing is important.  When companies tell us that their products work you must realize that they are in this to make a buck.  Testimonials are always positive and they give you money back guarantees.  Big deal.  

ALL of this stuff whether "natural" or not are, in reality, drugs. Chemicals.  We are chemicals, dogs and trees are chemicals and so are thier products.  This is not to say that the term drugs is negative, it is just proper.  Chemicals have effects.  Studying these effects is important to being able to predict the effects on the next user.  Word of mouh is fraught with myth and testimonials are no way to test anything.

Drugs like Viagra have undergone extensive testing.  Costly testing.  To be scientific about it a company should not even paint the blue pill green and say it works the same without testing to see if it does.  I'm not saying I like Vaigra and I'm not saying that they haven't made Viagra appear in the best light.  It's just that the FDA requirements for testing that come before a drug can be sold is a attempt to insure some degree of safety by establishing some guidelines and looking at results of tests.  When so called "natural" products come onto the market without testing and under the radar of the FDA we have NO knowledge of their effectiveness and NO insurance of safety OR effectiveness.

I believe that the users of many herbal and alternative products are convinced that they work in part because they want them to work and in part because they are phychologically and sometimes socially invested in the lifestyle.

Be carefull. And in most cases enjoy flushing your money down the toilet.

MooseLover3468 reads

...I once at a dozen and only 8 worked.

I always thought that oysters were supposed to make you horny not hard. Viagra doesn't make you horny, just hard. So unless you have a limp dick why would you want these drugs? I think the problem lies with drug companies advertising to the public. With all the ads on TV and the junk e-mail I get there sure there sure must be a lot of limp dicks out there. also alot of pencil dicks with all the ads for penile enlargement products I see. For the most part I think it's just todays version of snake oil (pun intended)

sw57892569 reads

Viagra is supposed to be for those who have erectile difficulty. As is common with doctors and drug companies, they never address causes, only symptoms. If a man is having a "hard" time getting hard, it can be for any number of reasons such as a crappy diet, lack of exercise, low testosterone or other hormone levels, stress in one's life, excess alcohol,  or one of the biggest reasons, smoking.

There is a local urologist in Tampa who regularly appears on the "Bubba the Love Sponge" radio show with a segment called "penis talk"... anytime a guy calls in and says he's having difficulty, "Dr. Mark"'s first question is "do you smoke?". Nicotine constricts the blood vessels and eventually may inhibit blood flow to the penis.  

This DR Mark passes out Viagra like candy. This I don't agree with. People put so much faith in medical doctors yet the third leading cause of death inthe US is reactions to prescription drugs. Yet there is no "doctor control" lobby as there is an anti-gun lobby.  If you have no erectile problems, why use viagra? This drug allows for erection; but erections can only occur if the brain is stimulated; ie only if sexually aroused.

Then there is the ridiculous markup on prescription drugs. It may cost 1/100th of a cent to produce a pill, yet they sell for ten bucks!  There are often markups of ten thousand percent or something similar. Pfizer is making a killing on this shit. If men would take care of their health and bodies properly, there would be little need for viagra. But we live in a quick fix world and people want it now. So there's a pill for it.

Regarding oysters, they are rich in zinc, as all shellfish are. Zinc is vital in the body's manufacture of sex hormones.

One drug that I do recommend is AndroGel. this is the topical testosterone gel which you rub on your skin. I used it for awhile and my T levels soared from low normal 300or so to over 800. You will wake up with baseball bat erections and it will make you horny as hell.

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