TER General Board

Re:The frugal provider
aboutface 4262 reads

When I first started out, I thought that I was being frugal. I bought a few expensive things, but didn't do anything I thought to be outrageous.  Then I went back to school, and have been only working part time.  So there isn't money pouring out of my ears anymore, but I tried to maintain the lifestyle that I had been enjoying, and it just doesn't work.  These last couple months have retaught me the value of a 20 dollar bill!  That and doing my taxes...!

I talk to so many girls, and am in contact with so many girls in this business.. Why ? I love to learn, I love to hear other peoples stories,experiences and yet, somehow, they are all the same story in a nutshell. We all have the same thing in common.. For hecklers, no that doesn't mean, our daddies left us or we do drugs.

I was recently talking with two providers this weekend. One complaining about price of airfare (God knows she's makes it ) other, really not frugal at all, the attitude.. " Who cares, I make it !" . .Which is great !

My question is..Since providers are blessed with having a great income. ( Some may think you aren't, if you are only sitting with 700.00 in your dresser drawer )

How many of you really watch your dollars ?

are you :

A:) The Frugal girl- look at prices- and say the heck with it- Ill buy it later when its on sale, or ill wait for the next airfare special !

B:) OMG, I have to have that Gucci bag ! And forget about the bills that month/week..( I think Gucci is a little "out". But get my drift ? LOL..I'm not a designer girl myself..

C:) Spend all your earnings for the week/month, and just live day to day ? (call by call)

D:) A combination of all three, but you have a very healthy financial portfolio..

E:)All your bills are paid, all your extravagances bought, giving too much to your financial portfolio(acct/stockbroker) and sometimes using credit cards at the end of the week to get groceries etc. ?

No, I am not writing a book, just curious, because I found myself out shopping today and put three ridiculously priced items back, It wasn't that I didn't have the money. It just made me think. Three years ago I would've bought them..

I have found this hobby to be a miracle in disguise.  I looked over my mom w/ her cancer for several years and wasted away my college money buying little things and spent money dealing with her death.  

Now that I have been escorting a year, I have paid for college (this is better than the career I paid for) all new furniture, foreign travel and support myself.  

I do pinch my pennies. I am always paranoid that something bad will happen to me or my looks. I hope to have enough money to retire in a couple years and then do this for the gravy. I buy everything fromm ebay, big lots or walmart and I only eat out when clients take me.  I am even putting a billard table into my garage so my friends can't pursuade me to go drinking at bars w/ them (very expensive)

I will get in touch with you next fall - I vacation near Charleston SC (Isle of Palms) each fall/spring (golf/fishing with friends) and have been frustrated with inability to find quality providers on the net- but after viewing your site, I know who to get in touch with this fall.

FunInBed4475 reads

But it's not a good way to cheer myself up, because it leaves a big hole in my bank account!  It's way better to try to figure out the deep down reasons why I'm feeling down and deal with them (maybe see a shrink - hey, it's not a waste of money if you take it seriously and stay with it for a while!) instead of just blowing money.

after my mom died, I felt like I lost everything and spent so much money at the mall that sales clerks asked me if I really needed those items

if you join Ladies Choice, it is 15/month and running causing you to feel that wonderful adrenaline rush to take on the world.

aboutface4263 reads

When I first started out, I thought that I was being frugal. I bought a few expensive things, but didn't do anything I thought to be outrageous.  Then I went back to school, and have been only working part time.  So there isn't money pouring out of my ears anymore, but I tried to maintain the lifestyle that I had been enjoying, and it just doesn't work.  These last couple months have retaught me the value of a 20 dollar bill!  That and doing my taxes...!

ellobo692467 reads

They then offer desperate specials. It's great for us hobbyists who, conversely, watch our pennies.

Kimi_Lixx2978 reads

Abe Lincoln is screaming because I pinch my pennies so hard!
I'm frugal. Spending money makes me anxious. I grew up poor, and I'm afraid to waste money. You never know what's going to happen tomorrow.
That doesn't mean I make myself go without. I have things many people would consider luxuries, but I paid rock bottom prices for them. I buy floor models after season and that sort of thing. I am not about the bling and I don't have anything flashy, and I'm never impressed by someone else's bling. All I can ever think of when I see something like that is, "how can they spend that much for ... ".
It would probably be healthier for me to blow a little money now and then on something frivolous, but I guess I'm not ready.

you are investing a large part of it in quality investments. If you are going to save it, at least make it grow.

I try to balance both.  I'm tight with money for "stuff" though always try to buy quality and value which tends to cost a bit more.  I don't do any elaborate spending though will pony over the extra $20 for the lotion I enjoy and give myself lots of time off (which is a cost - no income).
i.e., the beautiful second hand camel hair coat cost the same as my over priced stockings.

I do tend to spend it all though.  Fortunately real estate is 80%+ of the monthly expenses so it's not *all* lost...

Hello Ciara, I can definitely relate.   lol  I've spent money today on some lingerie, paid a bill and rented a nice room.

I saw a pair of shoes and three other pieces of lingerie.  Yes, I picked them up, but before I paid, I put them back.  I will go back for them.

I do watch my spending.  You never know what may happen in the future, and I'd like to have my bills paid and something to fall back on in case of emergency.  I'll save "mad money" for those occasions when I just want to spend and not have to worry about anything.


I would have to say I am A.... most of my earnings..(and I do pay taxes) go toward college education for my two teenage children, I love to shop at a store down the road that always has really cute stuff on sale for 10 bucks or under..

I wish I could say that I'm an "A", but I tend to slack on saving. And that's awful since it causes me a ton of anxiety during the winter months (when business slows, especially here in Omaha). However, I'm not into keeping up with fads and trends and remain fairly reasonable with my purchases. I just make too many purchases by month's end. lol  

But I am working hard on this issue and am in the process of implementing a savings/investment plan. I am a full-time student and I'm very part-time in this industry, so unlike a lot of other ladies, I do not have "money running out of my ears". I make a decent living and am satisfied, I just need to learn to be a bit more frugal and give more consideration to long-term goals.

Great question, Ciara!

Abbey Marie

sweetgirl692943 reads

In some ways I am very frugal.  I really enjoy a good bargain, but then when it comes down to it I end up spending a lot of money on little things like going out to dinner all the time and buying little things here and there.  I would like to save more money but then I don't work a whole lot. I guess when it comes to this kind of thing it's easy come easy go with the money.  A friend who used to be a stripper told me that.  I guess I can't really complain though becaue when I do work I make alot of money.
Another question though, do you other providers tell your friends what you do? otherwise how do you explain how you can have so much financial freedom?  That's been a problem for me, since no'one knows that I do this. I have another job so they think that's how I support myself.

When I lived in Paris, for the first few months I ran through so much money it was ridiculous... I easily spent over $100/day on average but I was making quite a bit more than that per day.  At night, I was out partying with friends, going out for my afternoon glass of wine or cup of joe, nightclubbing, etc. I just got too used to being able to make rent/bills within a few days of work that I just went a little nuts! Then second semester hit, school got a lot harder, my goals changed, and I slowed down and started to plan more for savings,trips I wanted to take during vacations while still paying rent and bills and ever since then I've always tried to stay on top of everything and take care of all of the essentials so that I could relax after the bills are paid and just have a lot of quiet time so I stopped the whole work hard, party hard mentality and became more serious.  I still overtip every service person who gives an effort and I'd rather pay higher costs for the better model of something, but I go out a lot less and have cut down drastically on unnecessary expenses.

Two years ago when I made the decision to become a provider, my financial picture was gloomy. I was in a sales job that promised much and offered little except for the glamour of selling a high end product,dressing in gorgeous suits and business attire every day and playing beautiful pianos. Long hours, no weekends or holidays off. And in deep financial trouble despite the efforts I made to get ahead. Scene change to a lingerie shop in Tampa and then to Eros. Now I have a hope for a secure financial future and am well on my way to realizing it. I paid off all my debt. Moved to a lovely apt., own my furniture, am paying off on my Z ahead of time, have invested in me and in Xposed, tucked money away and am now saving for my first home on my own. Yes, I shop often but with an eye for a bargain that looks expensive. Old habits die slowly and it seems ridiculous to pay $4000 for a handbag. I always look for the least expensive airfare and best value for my hotel when I tour but I stay in upscale accomodations. My clients and I deserve that. But, I'm not ordering $300 bottles of champagne, etc. even though I travel and dine well. As a mature provider who does not have the years available the younger ones do, I have to aggressively plan for retirement. I am. So, I splurge, wisely I think and I save. I never would have thought two years ago that I would be where I am now and I am thankful every morning that I have found the "hobby". So, young providers, tomorrow will be here before you know it. Get your financial house in order as some of the girls who have posted here have done and secure your future. We're much stronger as woman when we can provider for ourselves, our families and our financial future. When we're not worrying about the next dollar we can give ALL of ourselves to our clients. In turn, a better experience for them, the hope of return business and a name in this arena that brings MORE business to our door. There is nothing sexier than a confident woman. Thanks Ciara for starting this post. You're a very classy, intelligent woman and I always enjoy what you have to say.

Smiles and Soft Kisses,

I  waited to get a good majority of girls posting.. Seems as if we all fall into the same bracket.. Our monies ..instead of being unwisely wasted, is wisely invested ! I am definitely the E girl! I was  angered ? No, PISSED OFF, when I needed to use my cc for groceries the night before last.. LOL.. Seems as if  I put too much money into all my investments and then leave myself with nothing. (at least till I am 60 ) ha..

Goodness no, I am not whining, and neither are any of us, There have been so many posts every where about where a providers earnings go..

Most think we sit at our computers and eat bon bons all day and our life is that of "easy ".. It is good to see that girls, from small town- to large prominent cities are smart and use it to better themselves and their financial status. Not to "piss it away".. (post)

A message to Anneke-
Because I bought my own home last summer- I do believe its why I use my credit card for groceries.. HAHAHHAA.. But I have a great pergo floor I can eat the fallen crumbs off of :) ( LOL ) (woe is me)Good luck with your new home!

I do pinch my pennies. I am always paranoid that something bad will happen to me or my looks. I hope to have enough money to retire in a couple years and then do this for the gravy - Way to be !! When  I think of how much money I wasted back when. It makes me want to cry.. Find someone smart and honest to help you invest.

Kimi Bling- you made me laugh with the bling- So true ! Floor models -the way to go- I have a great ebay connection if interested.. And its even out of Cleveland ! [email protected] to email me !

Solalove- Its all a money game.. We know you pinch pennies so you can give your photographer all your 20's ! LOL.. I love your pics. they are amazing !

Ayanna - Make a list like I do-  sticky notes " GO GET THOSE SHOES "

deanna-I have one going to college in September ! Ugh ! I'm feelin` the vibe ! Crunch crunch ! horrible ! I think if he fails anything, I will ground him at 18.. just like I did at 8.. LOL!

Abby-Marie-You and your forum are amazing ! It all works out.. and every day in this industry is nothing but a learning experience! No matter how long one has been in the business. Travel a little and you will do great ! I know there are many men waiting to see ya !

sweet girl - your question - whole different ballpark- some of us girls are fortunate enough and have an arena of people in our personal lives that we can tell, and it makes no difference- It's a job. A percentage of us- are just like you - we have occupations as well. In any case. LIE LIE LIE  to your analytical friends;)(we all have them) Of course, when they ask me - I give them the answer they want - "I fuck ALOT".. They never ask again ;)

NaomiMadridwhousedtoliveinParis-"When I lived in Paris, for the first few months I ran through so much money it was ridiculous- "We are all here WEEPING for you.. LOL!!! Eventually we learn to take hold of what is so precious ! One of life's great gifts. Can I grab a hold of your web designer? (kidding) Awesome site !

Thanks and the best to you all ! Many of you that answered make TER what it is today.. a great forum for ALL.. Not just hobbyists- Helps them to better understand US as people, not a diversion for an hour or four..
( Reason for this whole thread)

Suzanne in San Diego2219 reads

I've been on vacation so I'm a little late responding to Ciara’s post, but I just wanted to add one of my own experiences as a provider and what I learned from it.

I buy what need and obviously live a lot better than I did when I was an executive assistant, but I don't waste money on things I don't need and I do save, save, save!  I consider being a successful provider to be a unique opportunity to become financial stable for the rest of my life.  One particular event that convinced me to stick with my plan and keep saving as much as possible was when I had a relatively serious auto accident in June 2003 (head on collision with a wrong way freeway driver.)  I needed to take off 2 1/2 months to fully recover from the broken bones and general trauma from that accident. The fact that I had money in the bank allowed me to take that time off without any financial worries and it certainly brought home to me just how easily and quickly my life as an escort could be over.  I was lucky and recovered fully, but I know other escorts who have found themselves in similar situations and have not been so lucky, who saw their escorting days and the money they earned as a result disappear overnight.  No one knows what the future will bring, but having money in the bank should at least give you the opportunity to go back to school/invest in a business, etc. rather than having to live on a disability check!

Suzanne in San Diego

just dont let that moderation get too extreem or you take the fun out of life

Perceived from here.. we all live very moderately it seems. Paying for childrens education, our own, and investing in a roof over our heads.. That same, we live a normal life as anyone else..

OK OK ..not normal.. but I'm sure you understand ;)

Naughty Mary2405 reads

I am a penny pincher :)
I look for sales and specials all the time.
I don't pay full price for anything very often.

  I really get tired of hearing the Guys say,
When I saw XXX all she did was gripe about being 3 months behind on this and 5 months behind on that.

There are those that budget,spend and invest well and thoughtfully.

There are always those that never have money day to day for anything.
I donate to many places through out the year and enjoy helping others.

  I feel that this is all a wonderful hobby and will not last for ever or very long for everyone ,
So we must all think and spend wisely!

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