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Re:The Finger Plier technique
femaleartist See my TER Reviews 2162 reads

an other suggestion might be to use latex gloves if such is available ( i tend to keep a ziplock baggie full in my toy bag) O:-)

Allright then, you don't have to have a cock in your ass.

That agreed upon, a certain percentage of my dates have included the dual portal massage, a.k.a. the finger plier, where the thumb slides into the rear passage and the middle finger takes up residence in the front. When the thumb and finger are lightly pressed together and gently, ever so gently rubbed in a circular motion in just the right spot, the erotic energy can be intense. Make sure you have two necessities handy. Heavy weight lube and a bottle of hand cleanser. Tip for you guys... use antibacterial hand cleanser before you do anything, and definitely after a visit to the backdoor. If your dating is on a regualar or semiregular basis you'll find that women who know you to be careful about you personal cleanliness let you do more.

If you've go the hygeine thing down to a good habit try out the finger plier. Press lightly and slowly roll her membranes like you would move a soft piece of jelly between your fingers. Not everybody will respond the same way. Some love it while they quitely absorb the pleasure, some get so hot they explode, some don't get it. There were surprises here. How few women had experienced the finger plier done well. Poking a finger in and out isn't the way it works. How many turned on when it was done right, slowly and patiently. Only a small minority thought of it as a prelude to anal sex.

I have had several partners that have wanted to explore anal play but didn't want to get involved in anal intercourse.  The "finger plier", known elsewhere as the "double play" or the "inner-tainting massage", is always welcomed if done correctly.  When rear entry is achieved in a slow, steady manner with her calling all the shots (how deep, when to go deeper, etc) and with plenty of warm lube (I happen to use one from GNC with a bit of Aloe in it), the effects are amazing.

To date, my best sessions have included a good DATY session followed by a great "finger plier" session, ending in some of the best intercourse I have had in my life.

Provider or SO, the effect is always the same.

Be careful, but enjoy it.

Try Astroglide...makes any finger work a breeze... and is the best lube available and does not degrade the integrity of the condom Though I prefer Magnums, most providers don't seem to keep a regular supply. Applying a little inside the condom and outside. Ladies, you will take him for the smooth ride and lesser the wear and tear on your...

Ci Ci5270 reads

Dang, those bolts are tight. Let me get in there and give it a good turn. They never make things stupid things to fit.


crescent wrench...lol...sounds like it would been a good episode on Home Improvement...I can just picture Tim Allen yucking it up....

Tequila...Von Ryan was in his local liquor store picking up a bottle of Vino...when this real hot looking Latina comes in all done up and ready for bear...lol...short skirt...lots of leg...

"hun...what's a good Tequila"..as she sneaks up near me...I said.."that's easy...Cuervo Gold...BTW...Do you have anyone to drink it with....
She laughed ..."My husband's outside in the car waiting"

I said..."My car's outside also...Hop in and let's see if he can take a joke"...
She smiled and walked to the door...at the door she turned around and pointed a naughty finger at me...but I sure had her thinkin...


With salted nipples and teeth gripping lime wedges, NetMichelle offers her secretarial services.


an other suggestion might be to use latex gloves if such is available ( i tend to keep a ziplock baggie full in my toy bag) O:-)

Pliers do not conjure up erotic images for me.  Drills, hammers, and of course the classic screwdrivers can. But not pliers.

It's bad enough to use pliers and fingers in the same sentence.  Most permutations of that are not pleasant.


-- Modified on 6/26/2004 11:08:59 PM

Mmmmmm.  Sounds nice.  Just a quick question about antibacterial soap though.  I heard that in order for it to be really effective you have to really scrub your hands for a long time and that antibacterial soaps can actually be counterproductive.  Can anyone clarify that or offer more insight?

Purell is a great invention. The discreet 2 ounce bottle is brilliance. It is not soap. An alcohol gel with aloe moisturizer. Will eliminate nasty microscopic things.

Do I hear complaints from the girls ? Yeah, all the time about the not too clean nature of certain clients. When I put 2 and 2 together about being a clean freak the sex improved by a quantum level.

Before, put a big squirt of Purell on you hands and thoroughly cleanse them. Girl sees this, she's confident you're not about to introduce foreign critters into her private places. She lets herself go more 'cause she is worrying less. Simple. What's not to like ?

A finger or two strayed into the brown eye ? Take a quick break, clean you hands again. She'll appreciate your concern for her, she'll perceive you as being careful and clean, you will be careful and clean, she won't be worrying, "where is that finger going next ? Am I about to have another yeast infection that will cut my work in half for the next month ?"

Since I frequent one establishment because it's convenient for me, good to be well known in one place, having a reputation for being the super clean guy is a major plus. One many ocasions we've pushed the envelope into 9 land with the extra confidence of taking the extra care.

Overall Purell has been about the best 4 dollars I ever spent in the hobby.

Ci Ci2507 reads

they spread through their hands, especially the fingernails. You obviously take the time to be clean yours and therefore put your partner at ease. I wish there were more men like you.


The current JCAHO standard for hand-washing in the the Medical Profession is a two step method:

Step 1:  Wash with an antimicrobial soap, scrubbing hands together, for at least 30 seconds, then rinse in warm water.  Dry hands with paper towel, then use the paper towel to shut off the water before discarding said paper towel.

Step 2:  Now, use an alcohol based cleaner that self-evaporates after you apply and rub the hands together.

The medical professionals complaint:  This really dries out the hands, especially in busy settings like clinics and ERs, where you are supposed to wash before/after every patient contact.  This results in hundreds of hand washings per day.

You could resort to moisturizers, but they tend to re-introduce the pathogenic bacteria you are trying to eliminate in the first place.

If you'd use mosturizers for several days before the session, it shouldn't be a problem.  I don't know what medical professionals can do.  Hands that are cracked and dry are far less useful.


I can tell you what many (I want to say most, but I can't prove that) medical professionals do to avoid the drying from the JCAHO method:  they don't do it.  Oh, they was their hands between patients, but they use an antimicrobial soap with moisturizers included.  They tend to forgo the alcohol scrub unless somebody with a clipboard is watching.

Kind of scary, huh?

... you know the phrase. The truth about antibacterial soap is there is no real benefit. What we all must understand that soap and hot water of any kind is better than none... the antibacterial hype is mostly a 'marketing' ruse and the real benefit is DOING IT(washing period). Now, we all should consider that too much a good thing can be bad... many soap products contain dyes, lyes, and perfumes... these are inherently bad for you because while they smell nice, do little for the control of bacteria. Bacterium does not do well in cold and hot temperatures. Having worked in a couple of hospitals, I have learned that regular handwashing is the key. If you are going to play with your hands, fingers, toes, tongue, etc., it is best to maintain a regular regimen of "cleanliness." On another note, creams, oils, and other 'love' ointments can be detrimental to good sexual health and well-being. My policy is never introduce any product into my cavities that has any names I cannot pronounce.

Oh, yaaasss. Also known as "six-packing" I believe, like carefully picking up a six-pack o' beer...

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