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Re:T.E.R. training does pay off#2..........Whew!
rsnart 8 Reviews 3048 reads

My EX's daughter and former daughter-in-law both are strippers and they would tell her stories about their adventures with men at work

Neither of these girls were all that bright but when it came to playing men they were Einsteins EXCEPT in their personal life(they both seemed to hook up always with loser guys who were perpetually broke)

I never understood how they could be so fooled by those guys and still be able to screw over the guys at work and man did they ever screw over the guys at work...they'd promise anything to get the guys to give them this or that(mostly drugs and cash)...take them here or there but when it came down to delivering...forget about it...they always had some excuse why right now was not the right time and when he finally got too pushy they'd dump him and move on to someone else

It really wasn't about the sex either...both of them told incredible stories about their sexual antics with others...just not men from their work...it was like THOSE men were their prey(much like that website linked earlier) and it was unthinkable that they'd screw THOSE guys...just pretty much anyone else was fair game though

BTW In case you're wondering...no I never saw either of them um...working...the EX would of killed me

Oh yeah as weird as it was to know her daughter would tell her all these sexual things...to me it was even stranger that her former daughter-in-law(she had been married to my EX's son) would do the same thing...it was a bizarre family dynamic to be sure...one of many reasons my EX is my EX

I am here.......
Still daytrippin on life here in the big city. There is a life here, a pulse, burnin and jammin. I do realize my time here is short, gettin shorter every day. Lets live. Lets get goin and experience the true life drama that makes it so worthwile.

There are levels to everything experienced here im sure. Many levels of grey between the totality of white and black. I really want to crudely break them down here to three levels just for fun, so please bear me out.

Level 1 lets say is Contious Ability which means "it takes concentrated effort to perform a certian task".

Level 2 lets say is Natural Ability which means that "a natural talent to perform does exist to perform a certian task".

Level 3 lets say is Uncontious Ability which means "Through experiences and training one can perform a task without mental effort".

I really do think these levels exist for me. I see them all around us when we walk, talk, breathe, and other sundry actions through our lives.

I hope you guys are really confused now. Just hang on. Im just not smart enough to be a great writer so I have to pull from experience. Maybe just a dream, maybe just maybe these things really did and do happen. Just smile and keep on groovin. The meaty stuff is here for the patient...

I do find myself back at (strip club edited).A certian addiction has been dancing in my mind.
My sweettooth for Miss Happy is still alive and throbbing. The phone calls back and forth havent helped much except to fan the flame. Even my trip to the local AMP still hasnt helped much. Dont get me wrong I did have a blast but thats another story.

My Coke is there again to comfort me. A little white angel sits on my right shoulder. He is not happy that im here. Im ignoring him alot lately. A little red devil sits on my left shoulder. He is very fat and happy. He likes to get his way. I will have fun even if a certian someone doesnt show.

I am watching some cuties performing on stage. Smiles and winks are more numerous it seems. The ladys here do seem very playful today. Something in the air I guess. A dancer comes by to chat. She really wants to talk to me. Im very nice but start to say "Im waiting for someone" but she cuts me off, says"let me guess, your waiting for (Miss Happy). Im like "you remembered!" We talk and laugh a little and then she goes back to playing the guys.

I see Mrs Happy enter and go back to the dressing room.She doesnt see me just yet. I smile thinking about what her reaction will be to seeing me here again. Hmmm I wonder...I see her go to the DJ booth to pick out some toons,she sees me, and excitedly waives hello. Im grinning at the prospects of some fun soon to be had. The devil on my left shoulder is feverisly whispering in my ear wile Mr Angel stands there kicking sand and looking bored.

Soon we are sitting together again talking, laughing, and sharing lunch together. The world seems to shrink to just us two. We still have alot to talk about without even trying. Conversation just flows. I start to tell her a sexy story about a woman I knew years ago and I see a wicked gleam in her eye. She stops eating, pivots in her chair and really focuses on me and what im saying. The attention does clue me into just how playful she wants to be. There goes the hand on my thigh again to punctuate. Hmmmm girl friend move thats for sure.

We finish eating and she has to go up to dance. I really like the way she moves. Very slow and womanly in a way that I cant describe. Ive never seen anyone move like her. Not the bump and grind I am so used to. Not the "lazy skate" ive seen from so many of the younger girls. I go up to tip and she shows me what "doggy" looks like. What a view. I tell her that I keep forgetting just how hot she is. Big hug with grinning for that one.Mr devil is now bigger yet, He seems to be runnin the show. Poor Mr angel. I think he is as small as a sparrow.

As Miss Happy dances everyone is clued into her heat. Amost all the guys here go up to tip. Several talk to her and she points over to me on several occasions.Im looking innocent and having fun.I do like her natural "well kept" look. Yummy.  She finishes her round and comes back over. Back to chatting about nothing, everything, and giggles.  Im ready to play and she is ready to go whereever I want. I say how about the back corner? She is ready but do I notice a slight dissapointment (so very slight).Hmmm guess VIP was a hope.Back to the back corner and she slides in beside me laying half against to cuddle.

We get around to talking about the last time I was here. She says that she needs to go out for a romp soon. I guess the hornies are settin in bad. I state that I hope Im on the menu. Im assured that things are headed that way. Some personal sex talk does come up. Damn she knows how to push those buttons.

Miss Happy wants to dance for me. Im not going to argue. Beyonce is playing. How convienient. I know how to hold her as she dances. Her lovely breasts are offered. Im nibbling and flicking a nipple and pull back, look at both, and notice both are angry. Both look puckered and point at me as if to say "he did it".She leans in close muttering "I really want to kiss you...". I turn and look. Everyone is watching us. Jeez one guy is even completely turned around craining his neck. Mr devil must almost fill the room by now. I think I see a toumbstone for Mr angel over in the corner. It says R.I.P. poor guy.

We finish our several dances. I give her a present and promise to see her next saturday. We will see what happens. VIP is sounding better and better.

TO BE CONTINUED...............

ihatestrippers2406 reads

I think I remember first seeing this website on this forum a couple of months ago. I enjoy an occasional strip club trip, but anyone getting involved with one of these ladies should read and listen to everything on this site.

MasterShake4137 reads

She is probably playing you.  You say TER has helped you in this situation, but the real lession from TER is that THE HOBBY IS JUST A HOBBY AND PROVIDERS DO IT FOR THE MONEY.  Not to burst your bubble, but this kind of relationship is inherently unstable and won't last.  Just wait a few weeks before returning.  You'll cool down and get perspective, and she'll probably have moved on to another sugar daddy.  Just my $.02.

Do you really think she wasn't playing you ?  If so, why ?

I think your fun could be somewhat healthy if you didn't think you were not one of ``the guys''.  I understand the thrill of the chase is fun, but in this arena it isn't really a chase (anyone with a few $ are in the running).

Just my 0.02 -  Have fun, but don't fool yourself.

You hit the nail right on the head...

But Scott seems to be enjoying the possibilities...as long as he realizes the consequences of him ending up as just being another customer.


Hey thanks for all the concern.

Im currently testing the possibilities with this current situation. Im very aware of cautions in playing with these women.

Just saying that Ive learned so much about women and men here on TER and am enjoying a new freedom playing in ways I was really too shy to before coming here.

As far as money im only spending what I normally would on a really hot date.

PartyWithAPornstar2195 reads

This is the good stuff and it is way true.

My EX's daughter and former daughter-in-law both are strippers and they would tell her stories about their adventures with men at work

Neither of these girls were all that bright but when it came to playing men they were Einsteins EXCEPT in their personal life(they both seemed to hook up always with loser guys who were perpetually broke)

I never understood how they could be so fooled by those guys and still be able to screw over the guys at work and man did they ever screw over the guys at work...they'd promise anything to get the guys to give them this or that(mostly drugs and cash)...take them here or there but when it came down to delivering...forget about it...they always had some excuse why right now was not the right time and when he finally got too pushy they'd dump him and move on to someone else

It really wasn't about the sex either...both of them told incredible stories about their sexual antics with others...just not men from their work...it was like THOSE men were their prey(much like that website linked earlier) and it was unthinkable that they'd screw THOSE guys...just pretty much anyone else was fair game though

BTW In case you're wondering...no I never saw either of them um...working...the EX would of killed me

Oh yeah as weird as it was to know her daughter would tell her all these sexual things...to me it was even stranger that her former daughter-in-law(she had been married to my EX's son) would do the same thing...it was a bizarre family dynamic to be sure...one of many reasons my EX is my EX

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