TER General Board

What I don't understand (to the men)sad_smile
:((( 5081 reads

Why do men write a review on a lady, but says towards the end, oh, physically, she wasn't my type.Rates her below 7 in looks (all her reviews on looks are 7's and 8's with a sprinkle of 9's)and 7 in performance. But stays for 2 pops,  with added on time with kissing, and cuddling. Also, they see the lady's pictures, knows what she is all about (all her reviews states her pictures reflect her)body wise. I just had this happen to a provider friend of mine, who was highly upset at this guy (she had called me up to warn about him). He had contacted to see me today, and I refused him, and now he is upset at me. He knows that the other provider warned me, and now he is upset at both of us. Don't I have a right to refuse to see him, based on his ethics in reviewing? So what gets me is if you are not attracted to a provider, why stay? Why not end the session?

Another example why I give little credence to the numerical ratings, but pay much more attention to the words and who the reviewer is.  And among the numericals, I give even less credence to outliers.

Don’t ever let a reviewer decide your self worth or ruin your day by this sort of thing.  If someone enjoyed their time with you or your friend long enough to stay around like that, trust that most of us can read that as a positive endorsement of you.  Just think, you, “weren’t his type” yet the overall encounter was nice enough that he did stay.  If I look at your pictures and find you are MY type on top of that, just imagine how great a time together I will be thinking of!

:(((3528 reads

Don't I have a right to refuse to see someone based on his reviews? I think that someone who stays with a provider, despite the fact that he was not attracted to her and states it in his review of her, is someone that I have no intentions on seeing. I tried explaining to him in my email to him because of the way he rated/wrote the review, alot of the providers that I know, will not have anything to do with him.

Of course you have the right to not see him (or anyone else) for that or any other reason.

As to being angry (and that is a word with a wide range of meanings), HE doesn't see it as a valid reason, so he's upset.  So be it.

I certainly don't know the specifics, but I am guessing that unless the review was more brutal than you portray, there is more to the not seeing him than this.  I don't know.

Mara3730 reads

I have used client reviews in the past this way as well. If I notice that a client tends to see blondes ....being that i a not a blonde I make sure to bring it up before we set up time to spend together. Especially if some men love hard bodies....well mine isn't and I would not want our time together not to be of quality and I express my concern.

I most definately make sure that the time spent with my client is wonderful for both of us and it helps to read a little history and make sure you are his type.

kisses & licks.........

jaydee24725 reads

>Don't I have a right to refuse to see someone based on his >reviews?

No you shouldnt have that right based on his review alone of your friend or maybe even another provider. Would it be fair if every review we read on cars, computers, household appliances and yes even PROVIDERS was outstanding?

His opinion does matter and denying him service should not be an option! Besides, how do you know he wont think you are hotter than your friend (who probably wants to spoil his chances with other providers because she wasnt his type)

Alot of people would get screwed if someones objective opinion wasnt told. Not everyone may like your looks (it happened to me. I saw a provider who got all 8' and 9's in looks, but when I saw her, she looked like someones grandmother!) The only reason I stayed is because I didn't feel like donating $$$ for a 5 minute session. Which is my response to your original question, "if you are not attracted to a provider, why stay?"

Its true ladies, even though we like to pay for your time, some guys find it hard to part with 'hard earned money' and feel the need to get something out of the deal.

-- Modified on 11/18/2003 8:56:36 PM

are you asking why men can (and will) bang "less-than-beautiful" chicks?  

well, the same reason they eat cold leftover pizza and wash it down with lukewarm beer ... cuz (sometimes) even mediocre sex is better than no sex!

not speaking for myself of course ... but you know



ok serious answer:  it's difficult for (most) men to "end the session" because of their own disappointment in her (lack of) "beauty" ... most guys i know would just assume bite the bullet and go through with it (and then probably get mad afterwards and rate her down for revenge!) ... but believe it or not the (initial) instinct is to not hurt her feelings and/or create a scene, so you gotta give us some props for that at least! LOL

:(((4004 reads

and it's not as though she robbed him or anything, so I don't know where revenge has to do with this. You see a lady's pics, read her reviews (which states that they are her), clearly, you are attracted to her, for that is why you want to spend time with her.

-- Modified on 11/18/2003 3:36:53 PM

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder not in the eye of the camara. People frequently appear different in pictures than they do in person.

SexyCurvesDC3035 reads

She asked why a guy would go the extra mile, so to speak... ie: staying for seconds, staying past his time, grabbing extra snuggle time... in other words seeming for all intensive purposes to have had a wonderful time and then turn around and write a less than stellar review.

I do understand where she's coming from.

And if one more guy writes "She's not a waif" in a review of mine, I think I'll... I don't even know what!  No, really??? LOL Thanks for the newsflash gents... ;)


Well beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  Since I met my ATF I have only seen one other provider to compare with her, everyone else would just be a seven.  There is that old rule of course, "there is no such thing as an ugly girl with your dick in her mouth" but 7 is a good score.

As to 2 pops I agree with Singleton, make the most of the situation you can.  A seven is probably a little harsh.

But what you want is grade inflation. If we can't use all the numbers from 1-10, it is going to be hard to differeniate people unless we are going to use the decimal point.

You obviously have a right to do whatever you want, he also has a right to be upset. That is the American way.

I don't think there is anything with his ethics unlike the gentleman who was trying to coerce a BBBJ by threatening a bad review.

And unless you are offering money back guarantees, guys aren't going to leave, they are going to get what they paid for.  Do you always leave the movies early even if it isn't as good as you were told it was going to be? NO, and a movie cost less than $10.  Nobody is going to walk away from that tyoe of money.

right on-  I don't do the FS thing, but I will stay to see what is on the menu with a lady with whom I have scheduled but who does not totally get me hot from the get go.  So of my best memories started out iffy.

If you want the BFE- get a BF!   BFs are all about how you feel and attraction.  This is the pro ranks- where paying the cost of a suit or a dryer for sex is the deal, and once you show up, you might as well check it out!

So you expect him to say to your face "You're not doing it for me- so I'm goona split"?!?   No- this event is the highlight of his day/week/month/life and he will see what you are about.  Maybe your skillz will get over his issues with your look.  Maybe you'll suddenly "connect".   Anything can happen here and he is curious (blue).

But I do understand your response, its a valid thought.  Just not professional.

Prior to accepting a date with a gentleman, I prefer they tell me their TER handles, if they have any. I like to read their posts to get an idea of their personality, and I read ALL of their reviews to get a feel for their likes and dislikes and how they rate the ladies. I'll pick a few random ones and see how his reviews compared with what others have said so I can see how his perspective compares overall.

Without seeing this man's reviews (all of them), it's hard to evaluate much of your story. If, let's assume, his other reviews are regular, normal, stuff, but certainly nothing alarming to 'warn' anyone of, I feel BOTH you and your friend are acting unprofessionally, and completely unbusinesslike. I don't say this to offend you, and certainly you are the manager and CEO of your own business and set up your own Policies and Procedures acceptable to you.

I have Provider friends, too. If I share my FEELINGS about a REVIEW, it is a discussion about the REVIEW, and not about the MAN. Even as friends, we are rather hush hush when it comes to discussion about clients. EVEN IF we SHARE the SAME CLIENT.
I don't feel she needed to 'warn' you of him, and that it was inappropriate for her to do so, and inappropriate for you to dismiss him based on something that has nothing to do with you. And, I'd be pissed if I were him, too!
You don't sound like two professionals to him - you sound like two high school girls!

I've had Providers refuse to provide a reference for me because they were mad, or disliked the client! What does THAT have to do with providing a reference? (do a message search under my author name for a post called What's your Motive 3/15/2003)

I'm sure this is not what you want to hear, and I apologize if you take this wrong - I say it with the best of intentions and to provide a perspective that I hope will be helpful. I REALIZE I don't have all the information..

Yes, of course you have a right to not see someone for whatever your reasons are, and we've covered lots of reasons, to include poor hygiene, and even RACE. It's your choice.
I have not accepted dates based on their reviews, and said so - because their reviews were WAY TOO graphic, or worded too vulgarly and not gentlemanly. I felt that was a 'character' decision however.

I don't see that this man showed bad character. IMO. I could be wrong.

As far as your questions go about him seeing her and then deciding he wasn't his type - well, who can't relate to that?? How many (civilian) dates does that bring to memory in the course of your life??
Pictures? Some people photograph better than real life, some worse. I'm the 'worse'. I take terrible pictures and am told in person, much better. I've known of models who are not all that attractive that photograph like a million bucks. (That's why they're models.)
He went through with the appointment because, well, why not? There certainly weren't enough reasons why NOT to. He gave a 7 in performance, so he didn't have a terrible time, just not what seemed to 'do it for him'.
That is the beauty of this business. The men have their choices on who to see and discover what does it for them.
In my opinion, you are punishing him for it.

-- Modified on 11/18/2003 8:41:49 PM

Well I suppose he figured he paid for the entire show, why leave during intermission?

Que Pasa3631 reads

The old saying that "women need a reason to have sex with a man whereas a man only needs the time tohave sex with a woman," rings true very often.

All lot of a man's behavior is based on his ultimate objective. If his objective is self-gratification, then any port in a storm will do even if it is not the one he was looking for. Although she may not have been his "type," that is hardly going to stop him from having sex with her (and enjoying himself, too). Believe it or not, some of us actually put a lot of time into considering who we are going to see but others, well, they will chase anything that strays in front of their vision. It takes all kinds.

As far as you declining to see him, that is your perogative as it is your body and he should at least respect that decision. If he doesn't, then you did a wise thing by not seeing him.

Whats wrong with a 7? A 7 according to TER is "It was really Hot". Without the benefit of the details I would say your friend has no grounds to be upset. As far as you refusing to see him is of course your own choice and you always have that, however, you are punishing him for something that really had nothing to do with you. If he on the otherhand gave her low marks(below 5) I would say you have a case. I would suggest not giving as much credence the #'s as I would to the text of the review. Most Guys look at the details and the averages. A 7 mixed in with 8's and 9's is hardly a warning sign. Lighten up and remember to have fun.

You have a right to refuse whomever you choose.  However you may be potentially losing a good client because he was not completely head over heels over your friend.  Check out the rest of his reviews and see how fair they are.  As for why stay?  He spent the money and wanted to get his money's worth.  I would not see him now since he is already upset and it may be awkward for both of you.  IMHO.

PeterPickle3006 reads

Take a look at the situation:

Average ratings are 7/8's. When someone rates her higher than this we all chalk it up to "different strokes".  But when someone rates her lower he gets blacklisted by two ladies and "different strokes" no longer applies?  Smells fishy.

If the guy wasn't telling blatent lies in his review, he's just merely stating his honest opinion. If it's not a crime for the 9's and 10's, it shouldn't be a crime for those leaning the other way. Sure you always have first right of refusal, but many guys will avoid such a lady that will potentially blacklist them for stating the truth.

Why would he stay for two pops and the cuddling/dfk? Probably because he paid for it.  If your meal at a fancy restaurant is tasty, but maybe not up to your standards of perfection, do you only eat a few bites and walk away? Of course not.

Most guys are smart enough to read between the lines when it comes to reviews.  A few reviews higher or lower than average will not have a big effect on most decisions to see a lady.  

dc1a3906 reads

How can he be much more honest than writing "she wasn't my type?"

I don't even understand the reason for the looks ratings, unless the provider doesn't have a sites/pictures (in which case, what are they doing on the internet??) It seems pretty simple - 1) look at picture, 2) read review and see if pics are/were accurate, 3) you should be suprised by what??

But as has been stated, just because a guy doesn't think a girl is a 10 doesn't mean he won't fuck her!

:(((4532 reads

What is wrong with the guy saying, hey, I am not attracted, before taking your clothes off??????? You come into the room, see what she looks like, then bail. How hard is that?????? What is she going to do, force you to stay? lol I would rather be with someone who thought that I was hot than not.  Also, I read his reviews, and this is not the first time he has done this, just to let you all know. It makes me very uncomfortable meeting someone who is very wishy washy. I am glad my friend alerted me to him, for after reading his reviews, I made the right decision in not seeing him.

And of course he can tell right away that even though you are not his cup of tea generally- he will have a crappy time wityh you?   Like I said - most of us would hang in the pocket to see if there is a click.

reviews are relative...

just keep this in mind.. you hit 333 over your career and you get in the baseball hall of fame. A bad review is just one persons view of an encounter!  just do your best at each at bat & people will know that!

humbleman4593 reads

Please let us know your escort name.  If you do that you will not have to worry about me giving you a bad review because I will not bother to see you.  When I see all the whining about review numbers on this board it makes me realize how low this business has sunk.  If I wanted to hear a bunch of whining I would find a wife.

:(((4373 reads

I hope that is not what you are saying (?) Since many of us are paying members. I thought our voice were counted on here?

I think you can speak up- just be prepared for dissenting views- some of whom will really try to zap you with their prose

I get attacked all the time for innocuous posts- but I love the hubbub!

I really love this board- read it almost every day just for the entertainment- and the community feel.

humbleman3366 reads

You have the right to air your complaint/rant/question about reviews.

Lately we have had a lot of complaining (whining) about review rating from ladies.  I have seen a number of complaints from ladies when they receive a 7 but feel they should get an 8 or 9.  I have never seen a lady complain about recieving a 10 when she knows that on her best day she is only probably an 8.  Why is that??

And yes I am aware of a couple of ladies who have had reviews with a 10 removed because they were phonies(reviewer had never seen them) or they got a 10 but the reviewer said that some items were served that are not on that ladies menu.

I think Jaydee2 said it well that some ladies just want 10's whether earned or not and let's forget about reality.

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