TER General Board

Re:Reviews/Appearance Rating
trubblemakinfoo 2853 reads

I've often thought that I was just really picky after seeing 8's & 9's for looks on some poor troll.  I would far rather know that the woman I was considering was homely but great in the sack.  I met one lady with the blurry face, and looks generally in the 7 range, but with some 5's and a 9 or two.  I knew (sort of) what to expect, so when she asked if I was OK with her looks, I was surprised by the question.  I stammered something about her looking fine, because I though it rude to say "I wasn't counting on you looking good, because I know you'll lick my ass".

I guess it's amusing that guys get pissed off about some lady photoshopping her photos, but it's OK for a guy to upgrade her looks in a review.  Go figure...

OverRated5026 reads

Do you find yourself rating appearance higher because the sex is fantastic? I recently enjoyed the greatest sex I ever had. The unnamed provider has outstanding reviews, both for performance and appearance.  I hate to say it but she was not attractive. This is not YMMV. She was ugly. Heinous. I went back and looked at her reviews many "model Material". I then looked at reviews I have written. I found I give at least 1 point to appearance, based on performance. Just a thought. Anybody else?

In my brief time as a VIP member of TER this is the my biggest complaint.  While I fully understand that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder," I think we all understand the fairly objected standard of "model".  I have seen literal trolls score 8s and above.  This is a real disservice to the guys who depend on these ratings and shell out hard earned money.  If anything, we should err on the side of scoring conservatively.

cocoapuck2234 reads

I'm usually done in less than 5 seconds.

cocoapuck4561 reads

have a moustache and beard and I probably wouldn't notice.

Of course beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  I know lots of guys who drool all over themselves when they think of Pamela Anderson.  Personally, I find her a hideous plastic woman.

I don't even look at the appearance ratings of reviews.  I read the reviews to try and gauge how she looks.  I also visit websites that help me form my OWN opinion.

If you can't tell a 10 from a 4 or 5 maybe you shouldn't be posting reviews!!!


Did you understand the point of my message?  Simply put, you just can't assign Objective ratings to something that is totally and completely Subjective.  What's a 10 to you may be a 7 to somebody else.

trubblemakinfoo2854 reads

I've often thought that I was just really picky after seeing 8's & 9's for looks on some poor troll.  I would far rather know that the woman I was considering was homely but great in the sack.  I met one lady with the blurry face, and looks generally in the 7 range, but with some 5's and a 9 or two.  I knew (sort of) what to expect, so when she asked if I was OK with her looks, I was surprised by the question.  I stammered something about her looking fine, because I though it rude to say "I wasn't counting on you looking good, because I know you'll lick my ass".

I guess it's amusing that guys get pissed off about some lady photoshopping her photos, but it's OK for a guy to upgrade her looks in a review.  Go figure...

Mathesar3030 reads

Incidentally, price correlates better with the product of average appearance score and average performance score than it does with either appearance score alone, performance score alone, or the average of the two.

InLA2367 reads

one point for appearance if the service is great. In your case though, that troll's rating would go from a 2 to a 3. The problem comes when reviewers give 5 points. Then we have a problem.

Yes, I read the reviews.  Numbers can be inflated (see post a few above).  No guy is going to take the time to describe an encounter with too many superlatives.  Descriptions are generally very accurate but scores vary somewhat.

ma vie1998 reads

Ignore the numbers.  First of all, I find rating a fellow human on a number scale to be distasteful.  Secondly, the write up tells more about the encounter than a subjective number.  Finally, for myself, I prefer the company of mature women who do not necessarily possess the lithe figure of a 21 year old.  A few laugh lines and extra ounces are actually features I have come to associate with extremely pleasurable meetings.  Thus I find a 40 year old lady much more desirable and therefore attractive than a much younger lady who is considered beautiful.

trubblemakinfoo3268 reads

Could you pass the beautiful ones over to me?  I'd hate them to go to waste.

ma vie1012 reads

I figured that would get a response :-)

Hate to see waste that is for sure!

First I look at the "New Posts" in my State everyday.  If the girl is consistantly scoring 8 or above in looks and performance I read most of the reviews, especially if I am considering a date. If the girl has only 1 or 2 reviews I check the website to "assess" the reviewer's taste.  Personally, and this is me only, I do not date 7 or below (and it is rare if any lady over 35 qualifies for an 8 or above).

Fight The Madness3226 reads

Ok so fear of being flamed I am posting under an alias. Is it any wonder why I read these boards and really start to hate men? Most of you here are judgmental pig heads, with no true perception of beauty. A reason for the saying beauty is in the eye of the beholder, because it is, not every man likes girls with the body of a 12 year old boy. Get over your fat balding limp selves and stop trying to get others to view things as you do. The reviews are the reviewer’s opinion and as he sees fit. And it is not your place to tell him he is wrong. Maybe it is you that is in the wrong, maybe it is you that has the eye out of place and cannot see clearly. No such thing as standard beauty for it seems to change in every generation. I will take Janeane Garofalo any day over Uma Thurman. So please stop the high horse comments and get on to what really matters, is she good or not. What flaws the numbering system more are those who threaten or bribe to get all 10/10’s.

Certainly beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and what I may find hideous may strike you as beauty.  But there is a generally accepted standard of attractiveness that should be the basis for ratings.  If I like the 12 y.o. boy look, that doesn't make her a 10, just like the 300 pound woman isn't if that's my fancy.

Is she good or not?  Valid question, but there's a separate number for that.  It should have no bearing on the looks comment.

For the record, I'll take Uma all day long.  JG can get me a beer though.

-- Modified on 7/14/2005 6:16:47 PM

Thank you Fight The Madness.  what no one here is directly addressing (there seems to be a lot of skirting around the edges) is the issue of personal preference.  I might rate a woman with "the body of a 12 year old boy" a 10 if that's my proclivity, perhaps more excited by the body than the face.  Another person might give the same woman a much lower score, expecting a 38DD.  Or green eyes.  Or whatever.  I'm finding that the ratings for looks are far less reliable than the ratings for ... umm ... performance.  And even then, it seems that many clients rate performance on the type of sex a lady is willing to provide rather than how she goes about it.  I'm always leery of the reviews that basically end up cataloguing seven positions, as if the number of options covered is the criterion.  I tell you, a simple missionary given with style and enthusiasm beats the catalogue any day.  So in the final analysis I look for the description of the initial welcome with more interest than the rest.  Going through the alphabet soup seems to me to indicate a guy trying to get his money's worth, not really being aware of the lady's potential.

I have a hard time taking your post too seriously when you lack the conviction to use you own name, but that aside, do you criticize someone for buying grade "A" beef, a Ferrari, a Rolex?  Certain items carry an inherent value.  Likewise, a "10" (remember the movie) is pretty easlily recognized.  Yes, you may be taking about a +/- 1 deviation either way to account for PREFERENCE (athletic build, full body build, blond v. brunette) but you can still arrive at a pretty good standard of beauty....For example, I challenge you to find red blooded male to take Garofalo over Zeta Jones.

for choosing a particular provider.  For me, appearance is my number one criteria to be satisfied.  Reading multiple reviews and visiting the specific website is how I evaluate appearance.

I personally will not seek out a date with a provider that has an appearance rating below an "8".  I also check the reviewers other reviews to determine his appearance rating quality.  I can't tell you how many times I have found an 8,9,or 10 rating that in my book deserved no more than a 6.

Once my appearance criteria for a specific provider is satisfied then I look for the other qualities I desire for the complete package.

It does take alot of work but in my case is well worth the effort!

My point exactly!  Why shell out good money for something you could get free with a little effort or at home.  I'd rather go for the homerun and score a beauty....even if she may not  be as sexually skilled as a homlier woman.

I think that happens quite a bit and it happens in probably every city. Which makes the web pages important and by extension if the faces are blurred I'm going to check the reviews to see if one of them is by someone I think is a credible ter member or tbd if necessary. Though I have a lot of prolems with that board's review system.  Anyway and to answer the lady's question. Absolutley I read the reviews. But if someone has mostly 6s and 7s I don't unless something else draws me in. To me it's the whole package: their pictures, their scores, their reviews, their postings and chat can all play a part. But the visuals open the door, the scores prop it open and the reviews seal the deal - generally speaking.

I've said it a few times...I can't tell the difference between the zest & joy of a person and their appearance.  They are mixed together for me and I score the "appearance rating" accordingly.  

I think I'm aware of what "you" want me to think is a "babe" and a "model" but when I date a "model" and she's cynical or energy sucking or careless with her soul I really start thinking about moving on.

As for calling folks "trolls"...  That seems unnecessary...please stop or I'll rate you a 1 in appearance...and if you think there's no correlation between your physical appearance and your attitude, think again.

To answer the original question specifically, I try to keep the sex/experience score separate from the appearance/spirit rating.  But she expresses her spirit with sex so what are ya gonna do.

The only thing I use the TER numbers for is to see if a long list of reviews is consistant. Or how varied are men's opinions.  But I read them cover to cover.  Then I read between the lines.
It's true that many fellows think that by the time they've put numbers on a woman that the review is finished and I sit and weep with the angels that I'm being denied the pleasure of their experience.

...I run into a woman who's pictures were so misrepresentative that she's not even a "7" (attractive), the rating will be moot because the sex would never happen.

Why would ANYONE have sex with a lady they didn't find attractive? In fact, how could they? If you didn't find her attractive, you dick wouldn't cooperate, Viagra or not.

IMHO if you do have sex with her you've just established that she IS, in your eyes, at the very least "attractive". In fact, if you indicate "sex" happened in your review, I think TER should take away your option to rank her anything less than a 7.

Even if she is one of the original sirens in the looks department attitude counts one hellva lot in my book.  Fantastic sex AND looks are in the eye of the beholder - just personal choice.  I try to be objective in reviews, but all too often the brain between my legs is writing them.

Is it just me or does it seem from the responses here that alot of the "newbies" are the ones who demand the "9-10" and the more "experienced gentlemen here are the ones who say that it really doesn't matter.

My ATF, has been reviewd as everything from a 7 to a 10.
To me, she is the most beautiful women around, worth more than a 10.
I guess that maturity reveals the soul and makes us realize that the "looks rating" really isn't important.
A lady I find a 9 or 10, you "newbies" might find a 7.
Does that mean she is not worth your time?
That would be your loss.

Lighten up and enjoy the hobby and all it's people for who they are, not what some number says.

Just my opinion...

-- Modified on 7/15/2005 3:07:10 AM

Its a damn good thing the providers are not rating us with numbers, right?

I was just told that I'm not overweight.  Now I know that she was faking!!

Right one just told me too that I was the best at DATY she ever had.

I was putting the effort in though, you gotta believe me, please! LOL

This girl was telling me that she just lost 3 pounds due to illness.  I could stand to lose 3 pounds a day for a week or too.

But she said I'm not fat, so dammit, I'm not.  She was sweet, so I know that she wouldn't lie.

If they want to pay me what I pay them they can rate me anyway they want!!!

Bizzaro Superdude2060 reads

Looks are very much a difficult topic.  While I generally like women who are really good looking, some of the best sessions I have had have been with women who's looks are - to be honest - really in the 6-7 range... so why would I rate them a 8 or 9?  Simply because TER does not have a rating for personality!  I will award one point for personality - I will also SUBTRACT one point for personality if there is none - or it is abrasive...  Hope this helps... And personality also reflects in the performance category as well...

divamissx5312 reads

Maybe another reason why the system doesn't always work the way it should.  Not to say that what you're doing is wrong.  The system just needs to allow for personality ratings.  In the end, other readers don't know you're having to fudge the numbers for that purpose.

But the review does have text.  It seems that the numbers provide a basic screening tool.  Then you have to read the reviews and see if it's a match.  Is that really so much work for your little friend's happiness?  I think not.

divamissx2598 reads

Over the years I have developed some extremely complex point-based applications and have seen how successful they can be.  Call me a perfectionist or a geek, but I can be obsessive about making systems produce the data they're intended for.

registers.  If a woman is enthusiastic, sensual, passionate, possesses a sense of humor ... these qualities will shine through in her performance.  Think you yourself might pick up something extra here, missx.  Also think would enjoy finding out.  ;)

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