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Question for the Ladies again...ever REALLY wish you'd met a client some other way?
MyLifeAsMe 8 Reviews 6289 reads

There are a couple posts below which make references to clients of different types...some are gentlemen, some are not, etc.

Though a couple ladies have mentioned that they have gotten involved personally with clients (I am not sure HOW that works...lol), I presume most of you have a pretty strict policy of not mixing business with pleasure (even though I do realize that is EXACTLY your job...lol).

My question is, have you, for whatever reason, ever met a client that you REALLY wish you had crossed paths with via some other manner? A guy who was so interesting, or so good looking, or so hot in bed (or, go ahead, be honest...so rich) that you just as well he had not known you first as a provider, or that you REALLY wanted to break your "no personal involvement with clients" rule for?

Again, just curious...

DONg KING3382 reads

I see.  They all love me and want to marry me.  I don't understand it, but there is something incredible about me.  The ladies are the ones who gave me my moniker so maybe that explains it.

(Note: SimplytheBest's message was deleted so the reference in my email to what he/she said no longer works.)

-- Modified on 7/3/2002 2:18:30 PM

John.Galt3731 reads

Like him bouncing off the hood of her car as she swerves onto the sidewalk??

I am sure there are a few clients who might have brought these feelings forward.

I have and in the begining it is always great!  Then the arguments start to come up and take a wild guess what he will throw in your face?  The job!  It goes downhill from there!  I am always willing to try again with the right person!

-- Modified on 7/3/2002 4:35:01 PM

dman4256 reads

That is,  there is an ABSOLUTE, 100% equivalence between being an escort, and being an escort client.  Why would I throw it in the face of the lady for being an escort, when I have been a frequent escort client.  Either the activity is totally acceptable (my personal view) or it's wrong, but both parties are equally wrong in participating actively in it.   There is no moral high ground for one or the other person in the relationship to stake out.

Personally, when i was involved with a professional lady, we had a policy, akin to the concept of Nuclear deterrence - NEITHER party ever should play the card 1st, because the other party absolutely can do you irreparable damage (in terms of family, professional, and social circles) if THEY were to play that card against you.  It's a viable position to keep in mind.  Note, that we had a somewhat messy breakup, but neither of us ever DID play that extreme position, and we have subsequently reconciled to a very comfortable friendship, even though we are no longer together romantically.

You took the words out of my mouth...except my ending story is...sometime when I think of him (more then I want to) I just cry.

-- Modified on 7/4/2002 10:38:31 AM

-- Modified on 7/4/2002 10:39:19 AM

In the end it could never work.  I recently established a close relationship with a provider who I have seen for the past few years.  She had often mentioned how it may have been different if we met another way, but in the end business always got in the way.  I tried my best to ignore that part of her life and she tried to always remind me that "it's only business" when she was working.  You need to be a very special person to take that kind of stress and I'm  certainly not that type of person.

For the outside I can say that as a provider she did have a hard time seperating business from pleasure so that did complicate matters and I was never sure if I was doing my best.

I still have deep feelings for her and would try again if she wanted, but in the end result would probably be the same.  Best bet is to keep your providers at a friendly distance and if you want more then try to find that somewhere else.

Re: business always got in the way. I tried my best to ignore that part of her life and she tried to always remind me that "it's only business" when she was working. You need to be a very special person to take that kind of stress and I'm  certainly not that type of person.

First of all- If you were not that special person do you think she would've trusted you and open her whole life up to you? "I Don't Think So"

"You are right" business can get in the way - with me we both travel in the same circle and yes that was the main problem between us. Also he got this new job position and began to make new friends and his attitude began to change as if i wasn't good enough anymore. So I put my business before him (not that I put him last).

I never asked him for anything although he offer many time and paid for trips, dinner, clothes, hotel, personal item and much more and of course I return the favor.

You also mention that In the end Best bet is to keep your providers at a friendly distance and if you want more then try to find that somewhere else.

I'm sorry but in the end wouldn't have been the end if you had not made it a begining. Finding that someone else won't always make it better. I know because i've tried and still trying.

Good choice or bad choice " when you really love some one no matter how hard you try...You can not forget them.

-- Modified on 7/4/2002 11:51:11 PM

LisaMN4731 reads

My answer is a well thought out "no!" I was involved with a client/boyfriend in a three month relationship.He met me escorting, and it was never an issue. I didn't have to hide anything from him, and I already knew that he didn't have a problem with my "job." I admit that when things didn't work out; I questioned whether my "job" was the reason, but in hindsight I honestly don't think that was the problem. The only problem I did have was keeping up my "energy" for the job ;) He kept me very satisfied, so I often found myself not up to the escorting job.I did quit escorting eventually after a week or two because I just wasn't up for it. I think if the escoting thing was my primary income and I had to continue doing it while I was in this relationship, it would have become a problem, but I mainly escort for fun so it was not a big deal to take time off.

What about personality?  I have been in the "hobby" and have seen some very sexy, sensual and satisfying women.  Recently, I met a new provider through another provider and enjoyed talking with her on the telephone before meeting her.  I finally got to meet her and enjoy her company as much as the fun part, if not more if that is possible as she is really great and satisfying, beautiful and knows how to please.  I have seen other women but I cannot get this lady off my mind.  She has ruined me for other women.  I enjoy her humor, personality, and intelligence as much if not more than the sex.  Besides not being cool, I am married and seeing providers was to avoid getting involved in an affair with all the problems that occur.  I am inclined to quit seeing her and go "cold turkey" as that was my intention but the thought of seeing her turns me on and stirs up feelings that I haven't felt in a long time.

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