TER General Board

Re:providers who are more mature
humboldt 8 Reviews 4528 reads

I couldn't agree more. I'm mid-50s and find I have much more in common with women closer to my age. Like you, I enjoy the 'extended' dates (but there is still a 'thrill' involved in a 60-minute once only encounter).

A year ago I flew a PSE in from the UK for a 3-day encounter. We had not met previously, so I knew I was taking a chance. Fortunately, the young lady (mid-20s) was as polite, professional, and charming as one could want. However, after about 24 hours I realized that the gap in years was such that I could have been with my daughter (or grand-daughter!).  She was a sweet lady and I give her high marks, but I'll still with the "mature" providers for extended encounters.

sodiumfree3976 reads

I like to see ladies for extended periods of time, for dinner dates or overnights. I'm in my 60's and finding more and more often that the conversation and social interaction during the date as enjoyable as the desert. I find that I have so little in common with younger ladies that I struggle to communicate. So, I now limit myself to ladies 35 and older, preferably in their 40,s, and my recent experiences have been much better. Just curious, does anyone else feel this way? Or are the majority of you older guys still chaseing the 20 somethings. And how about you ladies, do you see many older men who feel the same as I do?

I'm 50 this year and I still like the babies! I'm in a business where youth is king and have no problem relating. I will admit, there is a sadness when I realize a young person did not get the benefit of learning even basic communication skills. You see that a lot on the board here.

If I were to spend an overnight with any provider, I might start thinking about having a real connection with them. And a real connection is what real relationships are for. So I don't do overnights for that reason: That I don't want to get too fond of them. And there are like 4 times in my entire life where I truly lost sleep...in order to have sex all night!

who cares how old they are if they can bump and grind they are ok in my book no matter what the age.

You are as young as the woman you feel, as they say.

But I say that from a 30 something perspective. When I am in my 60's I might start to feel uncomfortable with women who could be my grand daughter's age. Then again maybe not, since the nature of an escort booking means that the age difference problem should really be negated. It is not as if you are getting married. It is a matter of your own attitude.

I am certain that there are many accomplished 20 somethings escorts who can hold their end up on the social thing and act sensitively with older guys. Tighter bods as well, in the average case ;-)

hee hee!3115 reads

As I grow in age, I value women who are over 40 most of all. Here are just a few reasons why:

A woman over 40 will never wake you in the middle of the night to ask, "What are you thinking?" She doesn't care what you think.

If a woman over 40 doesn't want to watch the game, she doesn't sit around whining about it. She does something she wants to do. And, it's usually something more interesting.

A woman over 40 knows herself well enough to be assured in who she is, what she is, what she wants and from whom. Few women past the age of 40 give a damn what you might think about her or what she's doing.

Women over 40 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you, if they think they can get away with it.

Older women are generous with praise, often undeserved. They know what it's like to be unappreciated.

A woman over 40 has the self-assurance to introduce you to her women friends. A younger woman with a man will often ignore even her best friend because she doesn't trust the guy with other women.

Women over 40 couldn't care less if you're attracted to her friends because she knows her friends won't betray her.

Women get psychic as they age. You never have to confess your sins to a woman over 40. They always know.

A woman over 40 looks good wearing bright red lipstick. This is not true of younger women or drag queens.

Once you get past a wrinkle or two, a woman over 40 is far sexier than her younger counterpart. A woman over forty will tell you right off if you are a jerk if you are acting like one! You don't ever have to wonder where you stand with her.

Yes, we praise women over 40 for a multitude of reasons. Unfortunately, it's not reciprocal. For every stunning, smart, well-coiffed hot woman of 40+, there is a bald, paunchy relic in yellow pants making a fool of himself with some 22-year-old waitress. Ladies, I apologize.

And finally, for all those men who say, "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?," here's an update for you. Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage. Why? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire pig, just to get a little sausage.

I go on alot of dinner dates with mature men.  I find it so much more comfortable than the one hour drive by because once I have spent a little time listening to a smart, accomplished gentleman, and his character starts to emerge, I find myself noticing how attractive he is.  He might be the very same guy I would not have noticed in a social situation or a grocery store, but after a bit of conversation, especially when he is talking about something that provides his bliss, his face changes to me somehow and by the time we get home from dinner, I really want to make him happy.  :)

I've used the phrase Burger King Drive Thru since I can remember. Same sentiment, I believe.

Also I resonate the following...

"especially when he is talking about something that provides his bliss, his face changes to me somehow"

Very well said.



-- Modified on 4/18/2005 10:31:33 PM

I also love your phrase. I always do 2 hours or more. So much more personabe than a drive by. How about a trip to Philly Jen?

Thanks Legman!  Considering doing a tour this summer and fall.  Will try to stay in touch!


Thank you thank you thank you thank you :) summer, fall, winter and spring work for me.

sodiumfree4604 reads

Well, it's as I suspected, as many different opinions as there are people. Really liked the comments from you and the other two beautiful "mature" ladies. All I can say NOSC and Felicia, is I wish I had occaision to get to LA, you both sound wonderful. Ever get to seattle?

SirPrize4792 reads

No offense, but the longer the date, the more you make. I hardly think an escort is going to post that she dislikes longer dates. Unless your pricing is something like $400 for one
hour and $600 for a three hour dinner date, your claim of preferring longer dates sounds self serving.

There is a saying, "follow the money". I know this sounds callous, but I am disappointed in your statement, "by the time we get home from dinner, I really want to make him happy", implying that you don't really want to make your one hour appointments happy.

The original is actually "Women over 30"

at any rate, I know since I stopped lying over my age.. I've come in contact with finer gents and been having a great time. I've been actually thinking of lying and saying im 48 instead.. LOL!!!

...in my experience, I have found service much better, more relaxed, and more enjoyable from a woman that is experienced in how to make a man relax, and ease him into that erotic state that only a WOMAN (not a girl) can do. There are many fine providers with the mature nature needed that have the bodies that 20's girls would die for. Add to this, that they know how to use that body for mutual pleasure, only makes my little heart go pitter/patter.

Being a male with a small performance issue, it is this type of woman that has the knoledge and experience to deal with my problem, and help me over it....not the 'ok, lets cum and get it over with' attitude that I have run into here in Dallas with SOME of the younger providers.

Its no small matter for a man with this problem, and the woman that can understand, and help out at the same time, gaining her own pleasure is a treasure beyond price.

I'm in my 40's (late 40's) and also prefer ladies who are also in their 40's.  It seems more satisfying to make love to someone who is a peer rather than a gum-cracking 20 year old with whom I have nothing in common.  Just my 2 cents...

Well I am only 22 but have charmed the socks off men 3 to 4 times my age!  I have a lot of life experience bundled into my short life that people twice my age neglect to ever aspire to...On the other hand, I CAN say that there is a certain "zeitgeist" that I could never have when compared to a 40+ year old woman.  A man in his 50s or 60s will have more in common with someone between 35-60 because they will have lived through some of the same life events and will be able to revive those moments that I never could...I can just imagine trying to talk to one of my little cousins 10-20 years from now about OJ, Jon Benet, Michael Jackson, the Clinton scandal, the presidential election scandal, etc and then talking to ANYONE in my age range at the doctors office and having a instant bond with them in that vein moreso than my younger relatives...makes a lot of sense....yet....I've met people out of my age range that continue to amaze and inspire  me on different levels and I hope you gentlemen don't forget that we "youngins" have a lot more to offer than just a tight tush, perky tits,and baby soft skin... although that is not so bad, either!!!

There's something very special about mature providers. Father time is not always kind to women. But, whether it's through hard work on their part, the right gene pool, or a combination of both, some women arrive in their 40's with a special blend of sensuality and libido that the youger set just can't match. These wonderful women provide a quality of experience way beyond the ordinary.

The youth seekers can have all the young, immature "Tits on a stick" out there. I'll take those fun and foxy mature ladies every time!

sodiumfree3429 reads

Snapshot, you stated my position better than I did. But "tits on a stick", that made me laugh. It was never my intention to dis the younger ladies, as I am sure there are many out there who are mature beyond there years. And as for those who prefer the 1 hr blow and go, well more power to you. I was just curious to see if there were others out there that enjoyed the intellectual as well as the physical as much as I do. That enjoyed the anticipation during dinner leading up to the main event, and the cuddling and converstaion afterward during the cooling down period. Guess I'm just a hopeless romantic, but I'm in this for the total experience.

I didn't intend to slam the youthful providers! If anyone feels that I did so, it was unintentional and I sincerely apologize.

I'm just glad we all have the wonderful range of provider choices that are available to us. There's no right or wrong choice here except at the individual hobbyist level.

I share your view of "being in this for the total experience". The QUALITY of the experience is what's all important to me. I want things to really "click" with my sexual partner at several different levels. It's a lot more than just my "getting off". Perhaps there are young providers out there with whom I could click, but I don't like the odds. I want a sexual partner who is there because she genuinely WANTS to be, not because she HAS to be. In my experience, independent mature providers fit that mold much more often than their younger counterparts. That significantly increases the probability of a shared experience thoroughly enjoyed by BOTH partners. And, that's why I'm here!

-- Modified on 4/19/2005 7:18:08 AM

-- Modified on 4/19/2005 7:18:36 AM

You don't say whether you are married, and that might make a difference.   I am also in my 60s, but I have been married for 40 years.   If I want to spend time in conversation with a mature woman, I have my wife.

Probably because I am married there are limits to my time at this hobby.   I like beautiful and shapely 20+ and 30+ women because they fulfill my fantasy world.   Some are also friends, but it takes a long time of knowing a young provider to make sure that we are compatible as friends.

Cynicalman4081 reads

I've gotten to the point where I consider a peer who preferrers the 20something Barbie dolls is suffering from a Character flaw or just plain dense. The most enjoyable ladies I have experienced are 35+ with a couple of favorites in or nearing their 50s. I only lament that to this day I have not had the pleasure of savoring NOSC's exquisite vintage.


-- Modified on 4/19/2005 7:52:19 AM

Roxanne_Az3115 reads

I'm up in my 30's, still get carded and have the best NATURAL breasts.  So I offer the best of both worlds-a youthful appearance AND worldly experience.  And I know there are other ladies who are the same.

And that is the reason to go for the A cups when you marry the 20 year old.

realistic_girl3816 reads

I'm independent but I have a friend who works at an agency with both young 20-somethings and mature 30-35+ ladies.

Even though the mature ladies may get great reviews, it's the younger ones who get more calls and requests from the guys.

However, I do agree that you are probably experiencing a more intimate session with mature ladies compared to the young ones who may have very little in common with many of their clients.

GLisHJ3341 reads

counterpart who is not a frequent poster on this board.

But I think a lot of younger people are TER members, who just don't post on this board a lot.  They read it though, because they know they can learn a lot from the older people.

I'm 57 and fairly new to using escorts, etc.   However, if I'm going to a social event, I want someone slightly older and more mature who can fit into any situation and be comfortable there, interact with those around us as well as look good on my arm.  If I'm looking for a one hour "date", then I usually look for a younger lady since I'm not really interested in how she presents herself to anyone other than me for that brief encounter.

Jadie4196 reads

I suspect why one reason we senior hobbyist prefer extended dates and “conversation and social interaction during the date as enjoyable as the desert older women” is because now all our blood does not rush from our big head to our small head when we hobby.

I couldn't agree more. I'm mid-50s and find I have much more in common with women closer to my age. Like you, I enjoy the 'extended' dates (but there is still a 'thrill' involved in a 60-minute once only encounter).

A year ago I flew a PSE in from the UK for a 3-day encounter. We had not met previously, so I knew I was taking a chance. Fortunately, the young lady (mid-20s) was as polite, professional, and charming as one could want. However, after about 24 hours I realized that the gap in years was such that I could have been with my daughter (or grand-daughter!).  She was a sweet lady and I give her high marks, but I'll still with the "mature" providers for extended encounters.

The older I have gotten (pushing 40, but not quite there), the more I look for maturity, but not necessarily in years.  I've met smart 20somethings who have the brains and self confidence to have a decent conversation and I've met older women who don't have a clue. (My most recent review was for a 25 year old who was a blast.) ButI admit that I have started skewing my searches toward late 20s and 30s for similar reasons, so I can relate.

...I've met socially adept 20 year olds and airhead 40 year olds.

These days by the time a woman has reached 25 she may well have been sexually active 8 or so years, visited several foreign countries, have a child and a degree. She may also have been escorting for a good few years.

Choosing your escort well is always the solution and not narrow mindedness and cliches regarding age.

Well said man!  Don't get locked into Paradigm Paralysis!

LARRYWALL3031 reads

If you want conversation, try a nursing home or senior center.  Why anyone would pay $300.00 an hour for conversation is beyond me.  It's pathetic frankly.  Makes some friends to satisfy that need.  Although it makes the encounter better if the providor is a good conversationalist, I look for a firm body, pretty face, good attitude, and the skills baby.  Yappty Yap is no where in my top 5.  How can she provide me with oral sex if she's talking?

LARRYWALL5067 reads

Pop's, if you're willing to pay for conversation give me a call.  I'll only charge you $100.00 an hour.  We probably have more in common than your providor any way.  We can talk sports, politics, and women!

Jadie4056 reads

Us older hobbyist have been where you are today and have had the same attitude you expressed.  You have yet to be were we are today and so we don’t expect you to understand what Sodiumfree is expressing.  Youth is not a permanent situation and you will be joining our ranks sooner than you think.

vannessa4525 reads

Everything is also related to chemistry.

ellobo694690 reads

When u coming to Chitown? Love your cameltoes in the red pants.

Autumn6664879 reads

I think that many feel the same as you do, and if you want some feedback, I am always more engaged when an older gentleman calls. I usually find that they are more sure of themselves, they know who they are and have more experiences to share.

I find intelligence and the ability to share who we are in bed very sexy and compelling. I had always thought that the men who called me wanted someone to communicate in more ways than one and they wanted that person to be good at it as well.

I have to be more of who I am as well, that is what I meant by engaged. I've talked of making love in parks in the dark in Paris, and where on the red train between amsterdam and paris is the most private.

Being a young man's porn star fantasy gets old very quickly, realizing that someone you're with is one-dimensional is as you've found, an interesting way to spend a little time, but not anything I especially remember, but I do remember a few older men who were great fun, I do wish they would come by this way again.

xoxox, Moira.

SirPrize2742 reads

I am pushing 50 and find that I feel more comfortable with more mature women, and usually see women over 35, frequently over 45. Even so, some of my best experiences have been with younger ladies.

In my mid 40's, one of my favorites was only 22 when I first met her. I saw her for a couple of years until she retired. She coupled youth and maturity better than anyone else I've ever met, and was great fun in and out of the bedroom.

What amazes me is that some people, like LARRYWALL, seem to think there is only one right answer. It is no different than preferring brunettes over blondes, or vice versa. All that matters is what you like.

IMO (I am mid-50s), most MILFs have positive service oriented attitude, humor, wisdom, patience and grace.  Some of the younger (under 35) providers can be great too, but in my expereince some often seem  selfish, short-sighted, detached or business like.  BTW: I know some very beautiful NON-SAGGY 40 to 50+ providers.  Its all about taking good care of themselves, living healthy.  I LOVE mature women!

lovebuzz4040 reads

diffently love the hot MILF's...plus the show desparate housewifes...

Dear SodiumFree,

I wanted to pm you as I am responding to this post a month later ... (I'm not always on the boards where I'm sposed to be ... lol.)

Anyhow I just got back from Seattle but i don't tour ...  Yes, I'd love to travel just to see you :-)

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