TER General Board

Re:Provider pushes for time frame/date
Kimi_Lixx 2801 reads

I can't schedule anything for someone who doesn't know when they want their appointment. I get incredibly frustrated with statements like "oh, anytime is fine" or "sometime Wednesday". Those emails end up getting the big fat DELETED.
I have no idea how these gentlemen schedule the rest of their lives, do they call for dinner reservations and expect the restaurant to tell them when to come?

Dumb question or could this be a LE setup?

Emailed fairly new Provider with a few reviews and she replies, this went on a few times but she sort of pushes to know for sure if I am coming and more to the point what TIME I will be there.

Sort of makes me feel I am being set up by LE for a fall.

Your opinion please, both from Hobbyist and Providers.

Sounds suspiciously like maybe she wants to be sure of schedule if you ask me. I know on my pre screening form I ask for when and for how long of a time is requested. I do not schedule anything untill after I have verified information on my pre screening form but by knowing the when it helps so that if there is a pre exhisting confilct I can let the client know immediatly. On occasion I have had a hobbiest send in pre screening for so as to allow me to do the verifications prior to the actual time he would be in town thus allowing for shorter lead time when actualy setting the appointment. You must remember we ladies not only have other clients but full lives outside of the hobby thus knowing the when and how long is rather helpful at as early a time as possible.

Trinitypage3780 reads

I refuse to set up anything or give my location until I have a time and date set up.  I have a life and many other clients who fill up my time.  I never have any intention other then I don't want a conflict, I don't like surprises and I need to have my schedule set up for the day before my day begins.
not giving her a time and date is just rude and uncaring of her situation.  If you give a date with no time, she cannot schedule anything around your appointment, and may not have the time you want.  Which not only puts her in a bad situation it makes your time almost impossible, causing you to write a bad review...See how this cirlce goes?

Best wishes and Happy Hobbying!

-- Modified on 1/10/2005 2:10:33 AM

Just that all by itself wouldn't be a problem for me, but I must admit that I'm a bit time and schedule driven myself. I very much appreciate a provider whose communications indicate a respect for schedule - both hers and mine. IMHO, there is somethng balanced and reliable about a person who is organized. For me, it suggests that it is more likely she'll be on time and won't be overscheduled so we'll actually have the duration I booked.

Kimi_Lixx2802 reads

I can't schedule anything for someone who doesn't know when they want their appointment. I get incredibly frustrated with statements like "oh, anytime is fine" or "sometime Wednesday". Those emails end up getting the big fat DELETED.
I have no idea how these gentlemen schedule the rest of their lives, do they call for dinner reservations and expect the restaurant to tell them when to come?

MisterAnalyze2361 reads

I am the kind who likes to schedule ahead, sometimes way ahead according to some providers.

Because of my busy schedule, I like to schedule dates ahead, like two to three weeks in advance. Once I had a provider who told me that three weeks in advance was too far ahead. She said that she wouldn't plan in advance but asked me if I wanted to see her the next day, she's available. I gave her a specific date but no time, presumably we could work out the time if the date was fine with her. But I was surprised to get that kind of response. The response should have been either Yes, it's ok or No,it's not.

Can someone explain what possibly might cause her to say that?

Karrie3848 reads

Sounds  to  me  she  just  wants to  stop  wasting  time and get  to the  point. Are  you  going to see  her or  not? If so  great  she be  more  then  happy  to  exchange  e-mails  with  you. If not then  what are  you  doing  e-mailing  her, taking  up  her  time. I  am  sure you are a  nice  guy  and  all,  but  yes  even  sifting  through  the 100  spam  e-mail  we  get  to  enlarge  our  penises  and  solicitors,  then  not  to  mention  the  40  e-mail  we  get  that all they  say  is “Hey, Let’s Fuck” or  “let’s get together”  with  absolutely  no information are 100% deleted  by me, I don’t even  respond  with a “What?”. It  is all  time  consuming  and  if  you  are  just  looking  for  an  e-mail companion  try  match.com.  So the  fact  that  she  even  responded  to  your  first e-mail (that  did  not  have a  time  in  mind) was  more  class, then  you  never  even  intended  on setting  up  an  appointment.

Lex Luethor2442 reads

And it wasn't a penis enlarger, it was a vaginal enlarger... and I wasn't trying to sell it to you, I was going to let you use it. I can't very well sell it to you since it's attached to me.

-- Modified on 1/10/2005 1:45:22 PM

I think most of you missed the point here, put it another way, she pushes to set a time and date and when you call to confirm it she is busy and says call back in an hour.

Ok so I get the feeling she is a clock watcher and not truly offering GFE.

Very few of us want to feel rushed and for the money we don't need the hurry up and get off attitude.

That is how she appears to come off and I am sure as a Provider she might not see herself that way but as a Hobbyist I do compared to others I have visited.

Will I see her, depends as her reviews are very few but ok, so if she stops the hurry up stuff yes I would like to visit her but if she puts me off that way a few times then No I will find another who truly desires a nice Hobbyist.

Lex I am not wasting her time or mine since she is the one that says Email me.

To all Providers as a matter of record not every Hobbyist can set a time and date, some of us do have other things to do also just like you do.

What makes things work good for all is being somewhat flexible with Hobbyist that are as busy as the Provider.  

We all have private lives and I respect that in others.

Keep in mind I am not complaining nor trying to start any flaming here and that is one reason no name or location will ever be mentioned.

Perhaps others might see themselves here and change too.

SirPrize1754 reads

You say that not every hobbyist can set a time and date.

If not, why bother calling more than once? Wait until you can set a time and date, and then call and set it.

Let this end it but on a good note.

Saw Provider today and had a wonderful time and will see her again.

Lex Luethor1813 reads

...I was simply trying to sell Karrie my Vaginal Enlargement Tool™.

Mine happens to be on sale now.  sorry Lex but mine is $$ cheaper and since it is all about the money, I'll get the business.  Isn't capitalism great.

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