TER General Board

"Represent??" You're the President for Life!! (E)
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 119 reads


Its seems with the invention of the internet, the new arsenal in the tool-belts of hookers to separate a hardworking guy from his money is to post "wishlists" and donating to their favorite doggie charity?

Remember the old days when they actually have to work for the money and then use that money on their own goods and services?  When they actually do their job instead of making "extra" request and freebies and having a specific handout link called the "wishlist".
On top of paying ridiculous prices now, they even want someone to buy their stuff as well... Unbelieveable

What happened to the modern age when it becomes acceptable to ask for handouts and the like.   The old days when a girl gave you the best because she knew the value of service.  
Today they just put their hands out and do a little pretend to be nice and send you on your way.

This is pretty tacky and low class, to advertise a shopping cart along with doing what you suppose to be doing to make money to buy your own goddamn stuff

And whats up with all these anonymous shopping sites who cater to potentially unethical and possibly illegal behaviors?

So that said:
Let me know if you guys made a profile with a wishlist if any of these "golden-heart" ladies going to make it come true

How about the guy's wishlist:
Lower your ridiculous rates?
Bring a friend for free along?
Pay for my screening membership?
Just give some free time?
Don't rush someone out?
Oh and from the NY board,  don't charge me a premium and rush me out because your next john is coming and I have to watch how you really prepare for a date?
Take me on one of your tours/trips?
Pay for a meal? or at least do dutch since we are "just friends" not in a LTR

Heck these ladies won't even meet you for a quick coffee or drink, A HUGE WISHLIST for many, but yet they want us to shop and donate to their pet projects.

lol ...gtfoh !!! LOL !!!!!

But I guess once a female have properly trained her dogs, it becomes the norm

John_Laroche70 reads

Is there an award for most boring troll post?

are for guys like yourself that have no clue how to treat a lady.  By the time I was 20, I already knew there were only three things to buy a woman you're fucking, UNLESS you ask her first what she likes.   So the "wish List" should be a valuable resource or some guys that are not sure what to get their regulars for birthdays, Christmas, etc.  Oh wait . . . . .  I just realized the chances of you being a regular with a provider are slim to none.  

If you can't get a provider to meet you for coffee or a drink, then YOU have no game.  Don't blame them.  Your post just screams that you're on the cheap side, a trait most providers can spot a mile away.  

and to the village idiot above

Yes hookers will meet you for a coffee and drink AFTER YOU COMPENSATE them.  They won't do it for free like your dumb ass who think you can buy their affections

Put up your own "manly" ( I say that word with alot of apprehension seeing the type of person you are )  wishlist and see how many hookers going to give you the time or day or respect...lol

JakeFromStateFarm187 reads

Not only do I not buy her anything on her wish list, I don't waste my time even clicking on the link for it.  And yet  a substantial percentage of the girls I see are happy to join me for a meal OTC.
Sorry your weak game won't get you there.

I don't have many turn me down for coffee, drinks or dinner OTC.  I invite them and I pay just like I would for a civvie woman, but I don't compensate them for their "time."  

Now if you're inviting them to have coffee with you, and you're suggesting they go dutch and pay for their own, as you state in your OP, then its understandable why you're not getting anywhere.  Hooking's not a dating service.  If you want that, go on eharmony or match and find yourself a nice MILF, and leave the hot women for guys that know what to do with them.  

I have had a number of hookers accept a dinner invitation BEFORE I have seen them professionally.  They see the potential business I bring to the table, and are willing to invest a few hours of their time on spec to see if we're a good match.  Granted, it happened more often with girls that I HAVE seen professionally, but I go out 3-4 times a month with hookers OTC, but I can see how it would be difficult for someone like you that always takes the low road here.  I may be the village idiot to you, but you are the village idiot to everyone else here.  Who do you think is right?  You, the lone voice of unreasonableness, or everyone else?  

Charging 1K is not bad enough, that she needs to post a wishlist for a book that cost $35 on Amazon ( cheaper if its used )

But lets not get too far off..
You can charge a ridiculous 1K for your time but too cheap to buy a measly $35 book on your own?

And don't forget:
These are the same people who would charge a ridiculous amount for their time compounded now with their new handout link ( "wishlist" ) to go with it.
Isn't a wishlist for kids only?  I mean if these girls have wishlist are they underage as well and setting up a reason to report possible child exploration ?.... LOL

But lets not forget:
There are millions of abused females and many more in abusive relationships in the USA along with millions of females who struggle daily to support themselves rather then touch and be next to a sorry excuse of men like yourself ( no matter how much money you offer them ) :) , They go to work go to school and go to work again...
Do they have wishlist?  Why not?  Maybe cause they are not looking for a handout

Then we come to these hookers who not only charge ridiculous rates + have a handout page.... but to TOP IT off goes around hotel to steal toiletries to "donate" to abused females thinking they are doing something noble.  How fucked up is that?  
I guess they want to keep the nice shit and only give away garbage to those lower than them.  Pretty disgusting isn't it when you think about their form of mentality  

Next time when you feel the need to spoil a already spoiled "child", think about the females who really could use a wishlist and some actual charity who actually work and not ask for things in life, not these spoiled hookers with "GP" syndrome.

HappyChanges85 reads

shit on the New York board.  I hope he didn't buy her anything from her wishlist.  

Seems like this dude who posted this needs to find a new hobby. I dunno, maybe try male escorts?

a gift from the Wishlist or give to any charity the lady has listed on her website. When we say, it's optional, we are serious that it's optional.

With that in mind , why are you so bothered by the presence of something you can ignore?


page. Not sure if there is anyone else out there who would be that gullible.  

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