TER General Board

Electroguy 5177 reads

I have enjoyed many overnighters.  They never were, nor are, about an all-night romp.  They were, and are, never about 'more services', or 'things I will now do for you that I would not do before' (except allowing you to see what I look like in the morning when I just woke up - LOL).  They were, and are, about a connection between two people who genuinely like each other.

You have to trust her; she has to trust you (either of you could pull a huge ripoff during the night while the other is sleeping).

You have to know her; she has to know you.

An overnighter can be a wonderful experience if the lady and the gentleman are sympatico.


I'm curious about overnighters with a provider. The thought is appealing, but to burn that kind of cash I figure I could probably get 5-8 hourly visits instead.
(1) Any guys do overnighters? Once or regurarly?
(2) Is the service different than hourly? If the provider normally does everything covered, is she now more open to doing something bareback?
(3) If she only does incall for her hourly clients, is an overnighter also incall at her location?
(4) Would you do it again?

I have only done 1 overnighter and that was with a very special lady.
The service was no different than any other and nothing else was given.
Yes, I would do it again.

My reason for the overnighter was so we had as much time as we wanted to enjoy each others company, and no, it was not sex, sex, sex, all night long. Alot of our time was just holding, carressing, and enjoying feeling each others body.
We talked about our lives and shared things between us that we don't share with others.

All in all, a memorable experience with a beautiful, sexy, intelligent friend.

Just my opinion...

I notice your line of questioning does not address anything to do with whether you think you will enjoy the person. This is huge. And probably the best reason to do an all-nighter.

It's kind of the difference between wanting a whore and wanting an escort. If you just get ill when you hear us talking about "having a connection" with someone, or "chemistry," overnighters are probably not for you.

And yes, they ARE expensive. You pay transportation, you pay meals, if you're in the mood you take them shopping, and yeah, you pay at least 8-12 times their hourly rate for 24 hours.

What made me a little woozy was reading your question about bareback. You are OUT of your MIND for considering intercourse bareback.

Bareback is what you do if you're tested and in a committed, monogomous relationship. Married guys who hobby are taking a risk of bringing home something ewey, even WITH a condom. Although it is minimal risk. Even bringing home a cold is a drag.

"But I HATE condoms!"

This is something you have to find a way to get over. I hated them for years and got used to it. If your total number of sex partners is even in double didgits, and you don't use condoms, and you have not picked up warts, herpes, some kind of dreepy peepy, or worse, your time will come. It's not an if, it's a when. Providers or no providers.

This stupid notion of BAREBACK would go away. I need an icepack, my head hurts, the horror! Ew!  :-(    :-(    :-(    :-(   

Trust me if you ever even think of asking me for bareback your service will be different. I will duct tape your mouth, after washing it out with soap first, and then promptly drop kick your ass out the door. You can keep your Benjies. Nope, no STDs or HIV for me. Next?

Today, I would suggest engaging in risky sex...with a plucked bird, and use butter as a lubricant. No condom required, but speaking on behalf of the others here in the hobby, we would appreciate it if you ate it afterwards.

an overnighter besides...

traditional turkey mish position but
..."massage my giblets and I will assume the turkeygirl position...gobble gobble...stuff me baby...gobble gobble"


a bit of holiday fun but...
your message rings so true as BB is not an option!

-- Modified on 11/26/2004 6:35:26 AM

Michelle you're expectations are too high...you seem to be over thinking this forum (I guess someone needs to). I'm not sure he actually is walking on two limbs yet...I believe those interested in bareback with anyone (even a civilian you meet outside at a bar or party) as you said outside of a monogamous relationship is still swinging from trees...and by the way isn't that where aids started? hmmmmmmm

SweetTina4263 reads

Why the hell would she be open to doing it bareback for an overnighter? I am with NetMichelle on this one. Where's my ice pack dang it?

Turkana5624 reads

Apart from Michelle's comments, to which I subscribe, let me say that the nature of your questions suggest that you're either not ready for or that you really understand the idea of an overnight.  

You do an overnight with a provider because there's enough substance to the interaction between you and her (or, if you haven't seen her before, enough faith in the substance) as living, flesh-and-blood human beings to make sleeping together a meaningful experience.  It's not about seeing how many times you can get it off for how much money.  

Consider this:  You are at your most vulnerable when you are asleep.  You can be murdered in your sleep; you can be robbed; the provider can walk out on you.  Doing an overnight involves a lot of trust on both sides and on many levels.  If you don't feel it; if you have to ask questions, then don't do it.

I will only consider an overnighter with someone with whom I've already developed a friendship.  We needn't be at the point of picking out curtains, but we must have reached the point where we know each other's names and a certain amount about each other's personal lives.  Most importantly, though, we need to honestly LIKE each other and actually enjoy the comfort of drifting off in the other's arms.  There needs to be some romance -- even if it ends with breakfast.

I would never consider an overnighter with the expectation of having a fluid receptacle available for twelve hours.  I want to spend the time with someone who will engage me in conversation, whose humor I enjoy, whom I respect and with whom I share some level of feeling.

I would NEVER suggest anything uncovered.  To do so is to show the most profound contempt for the lady, for yourself and for everyone with whom you are later intimate.  That the idea even crossed your mind should make you take a good, long look at yourself -- and have some tests done right now.

-- Modified on 11/25/2004 7:56:39 PM

-- Modified on 11/25/2004 7:57:36 PM

-- Modified on 11/25/2004 7:58:25 PM

Overnighters require a different mentality than a one hour stint.  It's about companionship, laughter, sharing some experiences, maybe exploring things with them that their SO won't do.  One man invites me to go to vegas with him every time his favorite singer is there (his wife refuses to go with him).  I found out that his favorie singer will be in LA next month and zappo, he's here.  

I did have a client once who was trying to squeeze out every drop for his 12 hr 2000$ experience. I got 2 hours of sleep that night. I was totally ragged the next day and lost any desire to see him again.  I would have overlooked his horrible breath had he not tried to make me into an orgasm ATM.  He had even  been a two hour client twice before, never giving an inkling that he would behave so or expect such on an overnighter.  Upon sharing that experience with one well known and well respected provider, to see where I'd gone wrong, she asked me, "why did you let him do that?  You promised an OVERnighter, not an ALLnighter.

I love overnighters, with people I know.  (They treat me like a "people" too, not an orgasm ATM.)  They look after my well being and I do the same for them.  When it works, I save them  hotel fee and invite them as a guest at my casa, with their own bathroom.  Again, trust.  They don't go through my stuff, or insist on poking into every arena of my privacy...

Some of them  ask me where I'd like to dine, what play I'd like to see.  I regularly pick one of them up and drop him off at the airport. We send each other jokes, xchange xmas gifts...

All within agreed boundaries, and with respect and affection. It doesn't happen right off the bat, usually though, as with most relationships, it takes a bit of nuturing on both sides.

To answer your question, once you know the girl and like her enough to spend more time, you inch your way (npi) towards ecstasy.

-- Modified on 11/25/2004 9:39:26 PM

Electroguy5178 reads

I have enjoyed many overnighters.  They never were, nor are, about an all-night romp.  They were, and are, never about 'more services', or 'things I will now do for you that I would not do before' (except allowing you to see what I look like in the morning when I just woke up - LOL).  They were, and are, about a connection between two people who genuinely like each other.

You have to trust her; she has to trust you (either of you could pull a huge ripoff during the night while the other is sleeping).

You have to know her; she has to know you.

An overnighter can be a wonderful experience if the lady and the gentleman are sympatico.


Dani-Banani2475 reads

...it is usually the same guys. We have a bit of a chemistry it seems, so we get along fine in half day or overnight sessions. I must honestly admit that, to me, the session are a bit more fun, because it feels more like a little getaway, a trist if you will, rather than a service.

There are some though, that I dont think I could put up with overnight, no matter the price. And there are some that I wish I could stay longer! It all depends on the guy, because I am sure there are some that feel the same way about the providers they see...

And YES, unless the girl isnt smart (in which case, why would you want to spend any time with her at all, let alone overnight), she always does things covered. Time lapse, or knowing someone doesnt warrant unsafe practices; remember the golden rule-- if she does with you, she does it with others.

Oh, and if you do the math-- its usually a better deal compared to the hourly as overnight, if you have the money I say go for it. You pay a fraction of what you would for how many hours you get. No matter what girl you are dealing with-- her overnight is usually apx. 5 times her hourly, but you get at least twice the hours when you add it up.

ex. 500 an hour....

10 hour long sessions= 5,000
10-12 for overnight= 2,500


I have done long weekends in Vegas, etc. with a very special provider before.  The key is special, someone you really connect with and you have seen a number of times, and she connects with you. I think this is especially true for multiple day trips, even moreso than an overnighter, but I personnaly would not do an overnighter unless it was with someone I really liked and respected.  On the long weekends we take in shows, meals, a little gambling for fun, ultra lounges, everything Vegas has to offer.  In the privacy of our room, after being wined and dined and touring around Vegas in style we have a very enjoyable time.  But I never request or expect anything out of the ordinary safety zone.  I know what the limits are and respect them, for my own safety as well as hers.  I do get extra special treatment, but more in a loving girlfriend type of way, than a disregard for safety.  Maybe I am an old fashioned kinda guy, but I think the companionship and fun we have together are worth it.

My only experience is with overnighters. Seventeen nights in the last 23 months.   Nothing better in the world than spending time with someone that satisfies you both physically and mentally.  To wake up in the middle of the night and look at her sleeping just makes this the ultimate fantasy.  We  spend so much time just cutting up, laughing, shopping, sightseeing and generally just enjoying being together.  This type companionship is the best.  Pick your girl wisely and enjoy life to the fullest.

I know it has been said before (once or twice) on this thread, but it's such an important point it needs repeating.  If a provider goes BB with you at any time, consider it a lapse, not a service.  If she lapses a lot, run.      

I've done an overnight once.  Is the service different?  Not actually, besides the fact that you will both need to eat, and more than likely, rest.  You'll also need some conversation skills, (above and beyond asking her for BB) as most guys can't f*ck for 12 hours.  I agree with LoverofWomen, only have one with provider you're friends with, that you've seen several times.  

About you're incall question, you'll have to ask that particular provider.

I would do mine again in a heartbeat.  The spirit and flesh are willing, the pocketbook is weak.  :-(


-- Modified on 11/26/2004 9:21:12 PM

I have had numerous overnight engagements but they must be with a Lady that you really connect with.  Trust me they are not sex sex sex they are more about a emotional and sexual connection.  You must be able to converse with the person about life and everything else or in my humble opinion you will not enjoy the full value.  Each time was memorable and with someone who I had enjoyed a prior dinner engagement with and wanted to spend more quality time not quanity.  Bareback only a fool goes there.

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