TER General Board

Re:Now, now, Emma! I'm sure that you, like all reputable, high end providers,
Strange Luv 2929 reads

Oh yeah, and I'm sure everyone she may ask will be perfectly honest about their prison experiences........give me a break.

Crick7344 reads

The Hot Zone is the penitentary. Why the Hot Zone?  Because un safe sex is rampant in prison.

Almost all states prevent condoms from being distributed to inmates, thus the sexual behaviour that is the most unsafe for transmitting HIV goes unprotected in prison.

HIV infection rates in prison are one of the highest.

So the next time you think about that new boyfriend, ask him if he has ever been in prison first. But get him tested. You may only be 1 step from the Hot Zone!

And guys, always use a condom, you may only be 2 steps from the Hot Zone!

Turkana4117 reads

ask potential clients as part of your screening procedures whether they've spent time in prison, and if so, where they were and whether they had any unprotected sex there.

Crick2623 reads

The post your replied to wasn't a personal attack, (it attacked the poster's comment, not the person) yet you felt compelled to attack him personally.


In fact I found most of the replies to my original post revealing.

Strange Luv2930 reads

Oh yeah, and I'm sure everyone she may ask will be perfectly honest about their prison experiences........give me a break.

Crick4396 reads

The issue wasn't about clients, but rather boyfriends.

Additionally, unprotected HIGH RISK sex acts are basically ignored in US prisons. These inmates WILL be getting out.

Let's put it like this....Would you get together with a provider who is the girlfriend of an ex-con?

Be careful out there Turkana!  :)

With our motto: "Only criminals and the Insane ever have Sex."

I'm with you Zin...seems like there is a public service thread every other day or so. The guilt-mongers cometh...or don't cometh I guess

,the Nutcases against sex motto.

I hear ya on that Zin...


and they do get "carried away".....

Ridiculous!!!! the Artic and microwave hot spots are the real dangers HO HO HO:

Global Hot spot

There is an unprecedented increase in temperature, glacial melting and weather pattern changes in Earth's upper latitudes, mostly attributable to human generated greenhouse gases from such as cars and power plants, an international assessment of Arctic climate change has found.

It is the result of four years of study by about 300 scientists, and confirms earlier evidence that the Arctic is warming far more quickly than the Earth overall, with temperature increases in some northern regions exceeding by tenfold the average .56 degrees increase experienced on Earth in the past 100 years.


The United Nation's World Health Organization examines the health effects of global warming—the predicted planetary fever caused by emissions of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases. The report calls climate change one of the largest pubic health challenges for the upcoming century. Last year, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reached a similar conclusion, finding that "climate change is likely to have wide-ranging and mostly adverse impacts on human health, with significant loss of life."
The issue extends beyond tropical illnesses. Deaths caused directly by heat would increase during the ever more oppressive summers. Dwindling agricultural yields in the tropics could leave tens of millions more people facing hunger and starvation.

Or Micro radiation hot spots:

A hot zone is a wireless access area created by multiple hot spots located in close proximity to each other. Hot zones usually combine public safety access points with public hot spots. Each hot spot typically provides network access for distances between 100 and 300 feet; various technologies, such as mesh network topologies and fiber optic backbones, are used in conjunction with the hot spots to create areas of coverage. hmm possibly some double entendres

But then again don't we all look to get to the hot spot and really get HOT !!!

Isn't that what this board is about ?

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a multitude of very infectious disease organisms are being "perfected" in our prison environments, not only HIV, Hep B+C, but bacterial infections that can't be treated with conventional antibiotics. The real problem is threefold.

The first problem is that our elected and unelected officials won't endorse safe sex pactices in prisons because they think that that endorses reckless sex in general. They also have the wildly deluded idea that what goes on in prisons stays in prisons. That's incredibly dumb and shortsighted.

The second problem is that prisons are revoltingly unsanitary places, coupled with grossly incompetent medical care. The superbugs that are breeding in prisons eventually make it to our...

Hospitals, where lazy, indifferent doctors and staff refuse to disinfect their hands, even with a non-drying alcohol based lotion, creating horrific infections in ordinary patients who come in for simple procedures and leave minus an amputated foot or two...

This is disgusting beyond words when I think that I take greater "normal, common sense, mutually respectful" precautions when I visit a provider, like disinfecting my hands before touching her body, than a typical doctor does before he inspects a patient...

Is there something wrong with this picture ?

Remember that disease organisms aren't there to kill us or cripple us, their imperative is to reproduce themselves most effectively.  The bad news is if they could do that by killing us, they will, but as often as they will do that, their deadliness is more often compromised by their reproductive necessity.  

Human beings have their own adaptive capabilities to these.  As clumsy as we seem, that is, in not washing our hands, it should be noted that we are the first mammals in natural history to ever see bacteria.  That was very recent, within the last 300 years.  Mostly, our minds haven't evolved to respond to this knowledge.

Humans do have the capability to evolve against bacteria and viruses, but we will never wipe them out, or permanently put them out of our environment.  But do note: for AIDS, one percent of caucasians will never get the disease.  It cannot enter the cells of their bodies.  Believe me, that gene will become more prominent in populations in the future.  Same with other diseases.  

The first heady successes that we had with antibiotics might have misled us about it.  When the bugs we develop in prisons spread to the general populaton, it won't destroy us, but it will resemble healthcare in the 19th century again, with the exception that knowledge of viruses and bacteria will then be widespread, and individuals can take their own precautions, and their mental tendencies will become more common in future human populations.


diaperman3459 reads

Prison sex is a joke. I did 5 years at a FCI. Had sex with my girlfriend on visiting day. Prison a joke all you do is eat,play cards,play tennis,get high,make wine,get your teeth fix,work out and bet on sports. I wanna thank the people who pay taxes for the Free cable,free movies,free mail,free schooling,free food,free soda,no light bill,and free health care.

Cell Block 53385 reads

Tell about how you provided in the FCI.  Tell them how you were known as Cellblock Annie and wore pretty dresses.

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