TER General Board

Ladies, please tell us what is average
Traveling Salesman 3792 reads

This is not a joke, I'm embarrassed by my penis size. It gets to almost 6" when fully erect, but when not it is barely an inch.
Honestly, this is not normal is it ?
It does get fairly thick when erect, but when I'm with a partner...it is really embarrassed to get undressed , unless I'm already somewhat aroused.

KinkyKennedy3580 reads

It's been my experience both as a professional (seeing a dick or two in my day), and just as a girl who talks with my friends.... The general consensus on dick size is this:  When hard, a bigger "piece" is always nice.. hits the right spots.  And you sound quite nice hard.  However, I can promise you that we really don't care how big you are when unaroused.  Many girls (myself included) see it as quite the accomplishment to see you go from "Is it even there"  Small to "OMG, I just want you inside me" Big.  
So my advice, don't be shy or embarrassed, because we'll make you nice and hard anyway.    

Was it here, on the boards? In a link? It was actually categorizing penis size by race, and then mentioning the average size.

I think average was just about 6". Regardless of any stats, or of anyone's opinions, you're the one who has to be comfortable in your own skin. You're the one who needs to accept yourself for who you are. We all get dealt a certain hand, and maybe we feel a certain way about our looks, our breasts, butt, tummies, etc. but we are who we are, and accepting and loving ourselves is the first part, and being the best we can be is the next part.

This is one area I feel so badly for the men. After all, if we feel insecure about our breast size, we can have implants. There's much that can be done in cosmetic surgery for noses, chins and all other body parts. I wish there were something more for the men in the way of penis enlargement.
They deserve it.

-- Modified on 12/7/2003 9:11:32 AM

...but serious Sedona, the majority of women who enlarge their breast really don't need to...some of the most beautiful faces and features seem to come with fairly small breasts (which are also more demonstrative in letting me know they are happy!).  The size of a penis is only important when it is erect, or so it would seem to reason.  Now if it was only 2-3" when erect, I might be a bit complexed about it, but then, I have probably given MORE pleasure with my 1inch tongue then with my 12 inch...oh yeah, my little finger is pretty talented too!

Back when the human race was less developed, we had a fight-flight instinct.  When our species chose to flee (flight), several interesting things happened.  Adrenline flowed (increaing heart/breathing rate), skin contracted (goosebumps) and in males the sex organs retracted into the body (no need for hanging appendiages when running thru the pucker-brush!).  Those males that were successful in breeding tended to be those that more successfully developed a good flight instinct, including submersion (the ability to reduce sexual organ size when not aroused).

If you have this trait, you are part of the 30% of human males that have retained this instinctual response.  This should not decrease your ability to engorge when arroused.  A nice little added side benefit is that most males that exhibit submersion are hyper-potent (impregnate women easily) and usually last longer when having intercourse.

Cheer up!  Just spend a little more time in arousal situations, you know, DFK, fondling, DATY, exploring, etc.  She'll think your a great lover and you'll have time to emerge and be ready to pump the hell out of her during intercourse.

I do believe that it could work.  The recommendation was essentially stretching the penis.  The more often the more quickly the results will appear, but there is a limit as to just how effective this can be.  Apparently there are some primitive tribes who do this as a tribal ritual that demonstrate the result.

What was suggested was pulling on the flacid penis and holding it that way.  Don't pull so hard that it causes pain, but get a grip around the head and pull as much as is comfortable and hold it there while you watch the game.  As with most soft tissues the repeated stretch will induce a response just like putting those plug things in the ear lobe does.

On the other hand, what you feel is as good as it gets.  I remember what I heard when I was young and the older guys where I lived would drive to Nevada to visit the houses.  I guess one of the ladies made fun of his size by asking who he planned on pleasing with that thing.  His reply....me.

The average vagina is 8 inches deep.

This means that there is over 27,342 miles of unused vagina running around loose in the USA alone!

Think about it.

His original post talked about the flaccid state only being an inch.  I've got about 7" when excited, yet I drop to 1-3" when I'm not.  1" when I'm in a cold swimming pool (think mushroom cap) and three inches on most days.

Just because you "holster your weapon" more, don't sweat it.  You're not going to be doing too much with it in that state anyway.  (And a little DFK will usually send the wake up call so your partner won't have to orally get Junior interested).

Confidence is key.  I don't care if your are the ugliest guy on the planet.  Show some confidence and you will close the gap.  Look nervous and have a low self image and I guarantee you that you will have a rough time of it.

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