TER General Board

Re:I've posted on this before, a few times, so you might want to do a search
bobb3950 8 Reviews 2971 reads

As usual, Sedona, you once again prove to all of us that you are a lady through and through.

Your wisdom and counsel continues to educate the masses.

I hope to get out there and see you one day soon.

Just my opinion...

clam digger4579 reads

I have a civilian girlfriend who I have only known for a short time.  Everything is fine except her pussy is not too fresh.  I would like to somehow communicate to her that she needs to do something to get rid of the odor, but I don’t want to hurt her feelings.  I would also like her to partially shave.  Any suggestions on how to tell her, and what she should do keep her pussy fresh and clean?

every mans Slut3177 reads

Take a  shower with  her  and  wash,  make  it a  sensual  act. If a  shower  does  not  work go  to  rite-aid  and  buy VCF's
( Vaginal Cleansing Film) it  would  be  easy  for  you  to  sneak  one  in  her  while  you  play  down  there. If  that  does  not  work,  just  tell  her  straight  up.. """"Honey  you  have a  problem  and  it  needs  to  be  checked  out""""

DoggieStud2408 reads

But you can tell her to wash her pussy so you can enjoy DATY better - she'll understand that it's hygenic to eat a clean and newly washed pussy. And you and her will enjoy it better. But some pussies will always have that pungent smell .. can't do nothin about that.

Napoleon is said to have written his empress Josephine: "do not bathe, I'll be home in three days."

PerthAussie2033 reads

I have made similar observations about certain women; there ethnicity is not in question but a pattern seems to be developing? Any thought?

tridog2675 reads

Get a bunch of candles and some nice bath oil and have a romantic bath first.  With her.  Shave yourself.  Do, don't tell.  No one likes to be told.  Everyone likes to be taken care of.

Cynicalman2024 reads

Honestly! I have never known a civvi who puts any effort into grooming their pussies the way providers, strippers, models etc do. My Ex-wife thought I was some sort of pervo-nut-case when I suggested she put a trim to that 70s "Afro" thing she had go'in on down there. Every other GF or SO I have known has been the same. I guess that's another reason why I HATE civvi women with all my heart and soul.

 Long live Racing Stripes, Hard Wood floors and the providers who sport them.


caramellatte2917 reads

I would like to say Douche, Douche, Douche( affective,temporary solution), but in recent years ob/gyns have said to much of that kills the helpful bacteria that aid in avoiding infection. When good bacteria are killed off by acidic vinegar and frangrances, a woman ends up getting an infection, and odor ( the very thing she tried to prvent), comes as result of the infection. How about a hot bubble bath? Turn it in to something sensual that you both can do. Make sure you wash all lips and creases because it could be internal or external. Let her wash you from the rooter to the tooter. If the odor gets out of control, you may have to find a creative way to tell her to see an MD. It doesn't have to be an STD, but as women we need to be aware of everything capable of hurting us. I wish you the best.

Oh, since we are giving credit out, thank you to all the guys that clean and shave their trophys, it makes them easier to polish!

Wives fall in a trap of a comfort zone... Once they are married.. many don't take care of themselves any longer.. they are clueless to what turns on a man..basically.. why should they ? They have their pretty home.. cars.. money... so on... or they are just miserable and dont bother taking care of themselves anymore..

Im not talking of all women.. just some of the "civvis"

DATYForever2564 reads

This is why I wanna DATY all providers with good lookin and nice smellin wet kitties. meow meow slurrp slurrp purr!

jax042324 reads

I am basically a civvi woman who likes to keep things well groomed down there, not bald, just a velvety slice of pie, and my SO gets so dissappointed when I trim up!  He prefers it overgrown,  maybe because he grew up in Vermont!  We have been together a while too, and I still like to keep things neat, more for myself than him I guess.  So there goes another silly generalization blown to pieces!

I've seen it twice in other providers I've done doubles with.  Totally kills the fun.  You can try a shower or bath, make sure you do a good sponge job on both front and back.  

If that doesn't work, give her a good long kiss after giving oral, see if she gets it that way.  If that doesn't get a reaction, you'll have to spill the beans and tell her that she might want to go see a Dr.  

Probably just yeast infection.  Many women wear the wrong clothes and are susceptible to infection.  She needs an education on good sexual health.  

...field tests have shown me that ladies who take baths regularly are always fresh as a daisy.  I was listening to Howard Stern and he seconded my theory -- babes who take baths don't smell.

I always prefer hotels that have fixed and also hand held showers.  Using a hand held is, along with a bath, the ONLY way to get truly clean if you don't have access to a bidet.

Fixed shower heads are useless, and doing handstands in the shower is really, really dangerous - albeit hugely entertaining for any spectator.

but, although I can tell you how a lady can have the sweetest muffin, I can't tell you how to tell her.

It surprises me, too, that so many ladies don't know..

We ladies get all kinds of infections from the slightest of things, and understanding just that part, as well as the causes, prevention and cures, are a big part of it. I disagree that some ladies just smell poorly. It shouldn't. If it does, it's an indication of any number of things. I've got it down to where I can tell the slightest change and know that something is up.

First of all, 100% cotton panties only (and I don't mean just the strip of cloth covering the crotch). You men will notice that the ladies who aren't smelling 'fresh' are wearing the silky, nylony, satiny, cutesy stuff. Pretty, but deadly.
Same with pantyhose. That's a never, regardless of the crotch.
Again, you'll notice with the office girls wearing the pantyhose. Stockings, or thigh-highs or crotchless pantyhose only.
Tight jeans, everyday, all day is another no-no.

I bathe, and shower only when I shampoo. Douching is not necessary and not natural, but there are times when it is helpful, using only the most natural of ingredients.

DIET is the second most important piece. Beer and wine, in particular, along with stress and certain foods (for me it's corn) will easily raise the yeast levels and cause a yeast infection. Someone who eats a lot of carbs, drinks a lot of soda, or sugary coffee, and definitely sweets is also asking for imbalances.

There isn't any reason why any lady shouldn't smell and taste like nectar.
I DO think we Providers have it over the Civies on a few counts. One is education. We need to be 'up' on anything related to hygiene and good health. Two, our appearance and form is our livelihood, therefore we are more likely to be conscientious about our diet and exercise on a consistent basis.

As far as the trimming of the kitty, I think the ladies are unaware of what the man prefers - so speak up and have a sensual shaving 'party' with your woman!

How to tell her all this? I don't know..

(dang typos)
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As usual, Sedona, you once again prove to all of us that you are a lady through and through.

Your wisdom and counsel continues to educate the masses.

I hope to get out there and see you one day soon.

Just my opinion...

clam digger3498 reads

I don’t see a problem with taking a shower together, although to date we have not done so.  I am reasonably sure she would not object to me cleansing her pussy.  Since I am not a woman I am not experienced in sanitizing that area and I don’t want to do anything that would be harmful to her.  How should it be done?  Should I splash warm water on her outer and inner labia, or use soap and water with a wash cloth on the inside as well as the outside?  Unlike like washing your feet, too much soap, etc. in the wrong area could be harmful.  Any suggestions from the ladies on the mechanics of how it should be done would be appreciated.

-- Modified on 8/3/2004 8:56:24 AM

ayla2357 reads

baby shampoo. it doesnt burn, but it cleans better than just water.   it also makes the hair and skin very soft.

Good suggestion.

From early on, my opthalmologists have ordered that I wash my eyelashes, and top and bottom eyelids with baby shampoo (yes, pull up the skin and get the rims of the lids) to prevent various eye 'infections' or conditions as a result of wearing makeup and years and years of (then) contact lens wear.

I still do so from time to time and it has proven to be very helpful.

SirPrize2111 reads

"Honey, this is embarrassing and if I didn't like you so much I wouldn't have the nerve to say it, but when I go down on you, I notice a slightly unpleasant odor. I don't know if you are aware of this or not, so I thought I would bring it to your attention."

Be prepared for her to say, "Gee, the guy just before you didn't mention it".

If you are too timid to do that, the next time you are together, finger her and then say, "smell this".

As for shaving, simply mention your preference. If she thought you'd look better with a beard, she could mention it, but it is still up to you if you want to do it. The same applies to her.

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