TER General Board

Cuckholds and their abusers
Disappointed 5456 reads

I'm flabbergasted at the way some people use others and I needed to vent.  I'm serioulsly considering getting out of the business because I feel I'm seeing too much of the negative.
I'm an escort, I've known this other escort for over 3 years.   She's NEVER done anything for me and I've been fine with that.  I've helped her out many times myself knowing she's incapable of thinking of anyone but her.  She's even had the audacity to ask for money from time to time.

The story goes...
She meets a hobbyist.  He must be a masochist because he believes he's in love with her.  His wife died a few years ago and she pulls his strings.  What urks me is he tries to see other providers and she totally loses it unless she has total control over who he sees and when.  She's told him she loves him, yet she's dating and in love with a totally different person.

I told her to leave this poor man alone when she made this statement "He pays all my bills and I don't even have sex with him.  I send him to screw other women for that"  She has no love or respect for him.  It's all about the money for this vamp.  He contacts me to set dates, I've finally told him to never contact me again due to her outbursts when he does so and PLEASE seek professional help.  

I guess I'm just venting and am saddened by how someone can use another in such a way.  I truly believe she's headed straight to hell. It's rare you meet such heartless people, but this one takes the cake.  Isn't this supposed to be a business and aren't we supposed to treat each other as human beings?  

Thanks for the rant, I needed to get this off my chest

I witness the worldly wasting their lives;
punishing themselves through
their endless craving;
seeking satisfaction but finding dispair.
Their enjoyment of getting is only short lived.
One day in heavenly pleasure,
then ten days in hellish torment.
Shackled to the grindstone by their own hands.
Like monkeys snatching at the moonlight on water,
they tumble into the swirling;
entranced by this drifting world of suffering.
I can't help myself caring
I can't stop my tears falling.

I really appreciate the concern you expressed, "Disappointed." You're a very caring person with a kind, generous soul. I am new at this, and haven't met anybody in the business like you...yet. You're a beautiful person and I can imagine time with you would be well spent.

I have met many wonderful people in this business and would not
let one very self centered lady spoil that for me.

Seems like you may need to distance yourself from her,
as she has very negative energy, that you don't need in your life!

I do believe that Karma, will come back to bite her in
the A** one day!

I strongly believe, what comes around goes around!

morghan3118 reads

I am so sorry- it does sound like a HUGE FRUSTRATION.
I have a friend that has a sugar daddy - is very much the same way - however its his party. As incredible as that may seem he loves a bossy little brat to set up in a little gig and spoil rotten.
From my BDSM side. I have had Financial Submissives that have indeed done the very same thing. They are not able to session with me real time so they send tributes and provide for me.
I in return send assignments tasks and weekly affirmations for them to complete.
Cuckolds are a breed onto themselves. I have 2 . If he is indeed a cuck this is enjoyable to him. If it werent he would have left.
A cuckold has no thought of his needs sexual or otherwise. Preparing his Mistress for her sex dates and even cleaning cookiing or domestically serving her home.
A cuckold will be ready after the date to *clean* his Mistress orally from her intimate encounter. He will buy her lingerie and care for it after. He will be humiliated by cleaning another mans ejaculatge from her personal areas.
Its a very intense private fetish and whatever level he considers his submission to her or if its even acknowledged as that is something that is between them. The best thing you can do is certainly vent like you did and step away so you dont have to witness it and get more erked.
Again its his party... on what ever level. You tried to help both of them it was not listened to . You did the positive thing.

and control what you do.

One thing you can guarantee is that people will always disappoint you. Whether it's neighbors, friends, family members, employers or co-workers. People disappoint.
If we dwelled on it, and were always brought down by it, we'd be very depressed and allow ourselves to be brought down by others.

Disassociate yourself from both these individuals. If you do not operate like this, don't let your goodness and good work be tarnished by associating with them. I feel very sorry for him as he's blinded by her. Saying much will only backfire. If he does, however ASK you, I'd say very little but make what you do say very pointedly. People won't listen if it sounds 'lecture-y', judgemental or nosy. You can merely express a concern - "Please be careful. I don't trust her and am not doing business with her as a result. Keep your eyes open - I'd hate to see you hurt or taken advantage of...." and then be quiet.

I'd say every month or so I have at least a few days where I'm ready to 'retire' - it's sometimes not worth the risks, the pain, the hassle and the various head trips. Then I realize that I've allowed my focus to shift on the negatives and have them totally affect me. Then I remember the things I love about it..

All you can do is be the best person you can be; operate your business the best way possible, and lead by example..

"What lies behind us and what lies before us
are small matters compared to what lies within us."
                                  ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Please no sexual references... lol


That is also a good statement to reflect on.

One isn't defined by what others do to them, but how they themselves act, or define themselves by their actions, either by the actions themselves, or the actions in response to some outside force.  

Don't worry, I can often complicate the simple growing of grass also, given enough time.

Hi Sedonasandiego,

Thanks again for being very positive with your comments and wisdom in life.  I enjoy reading your comments on the various issues.  

I also learned a long time ago to only associate myself with positive people.  It can become a downward spin to have negative friends.  Life is too short to dwell in the negatives.

I know that I would like to meet you the next time I am in San Diego.

Unfortunately there are selfish people in this business as in any other.  Probably fewer based upon those I have personally met.

Rant away, sometimes we all need to when we see something seriously wrong and we feel we can’t do anything about.  It doesn’t cure the ill, but sometimes it’s all we can do to keep ourselves reasonably aligned.

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