TER General Board

Re:Instead of deposit....
MasterYoda2 4 Reviews 2971 reads

Sure.  Let's all do that.  I'm sure the ladies would go for it...having all their transactions monitored and recorded electronically.  

And the auction?  Sure, let's do THAT, too.  While we're at it, let's chain the ladies to an auction block.  After all, "they are stinking, meaningless, lascivious little sluts who have been as slaves in the arms of Gorean men. It has spoiled them for freedom. They are worthless, sensuous little beasts whose passions Gorean men have seen fit, as cruel masters, to ignite. Their sexuality, their shamelessness, their needs, their helplessness, makes them an insult to free women...." (Apologies to John Norman.)


nyuser3841 reads

Why we dont get organized and start using escrow.com ?
Clients pay to escrow.com money , and after he confirm that he received pussy (in this case it can be code name ) provider get paid from escrow .
In that case everyone will be happy .
Also , we can auction pussy on ter , going once..twice..sold .

I take all kinds of money, shiny quarters, two dollar bills, fifties (fitty fool, ya heard?)

Hey, what happens when my pussy is stuck in escrow?

Sure.  Let's all do that.  I'm sure the ladies would go for it...having all their transactions monitored and recorded electronically.  

And the auction?  Sure, let's do THAT, too.  While we're at it, let's chain the ladies to an auction block.  After all, "they are stinking, meaningless, lascivious little sluts who have been as slaves in the arms of Gorean men. It has spoiled them for freedom. They are worthless, sensuous little beasts whose passions Gorean men have seen fit, as cruel masters, to ignite. Their sexuality, their shamelessness, their needs, their helplessness, makes them an insult to free women...." (Apologies to John Norman.)


The deposit, from the providers perspective, is payable whether the depositor gets (as you put it) "pussy" or not (as are all transactions between provider and hobbiest, duh ;-) - the whole idea for HER is that she is to be paid a portion of the fee for time spent together if he cancels - this suggestion keeps the money in the hands of the hobbiest - how about paying deposits to reputable providers without question?  I simply dont see the problem when a woman has proven herself with her behavior, historically.

makes me believe that the Red Sox are going to kick the Yankees ASS this season. Play ball!!
What provider would entertain now and have a guy walk away without paying? That is taking scout's honor too far.  Most gentlemen will pay as agreed, but some will skip away.

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