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Re:I'm screwed either way...sad_smile
KCMOSHYGUY 11 Reviews 3722 reads

No kidding.  I'm in the same boat.  Fat & unattractive, with neither a personality or a fat wallet to make up for it.

I have strong feelings regarding the personality issue as well.  Any woman who claims she prefers it over looks is lying through her teeth; and if she thinks you're a "nice guy", you've been given the kiss of death.  I know from experience it's something you don't want to be playing suckface with.

I know every lady is different and unique.  You all must have different turn-ons.  Ladies, if you had to choose between cute (handsome) face with love-handles (slightly chubby body) or average-plain face but with rock-hard body, which would you choose?  This is only appearance, without considering personality...  

I'm asking because a previous poster asked the guys, and it seems like most guys prefer a pretty face over a hot-ass body.  I wonder if women feel the same.  I've been told (maybe jokingly) by both providers and civies that I am quite cute and handsome, and if I were in better shape they would jump my bones right there.  Funny huh?

Lex Luethor2420 reads

I'm fat AND ugly.

And as for that whole "nice personality" thing -- let's not even go there.

I am also old.   Old, fat and ugly.   A true trifecta for a client!

When women say they want a man tall,dark, and handsome my stock reply is always "would you settle for short,pale, and homely?" fits me to a tee but at least it gets a few laughs!

Add bald. And unemployed. With ED

Big Cat XJR3725 reads

Hey, you left out bald. Just fooling with ya I'm in the same damn boat.

No kidding.  I'm in the same boat.  Fat & unattractive, with neither a personality or a fat wallet to make up for it.

I have strong feelings regarding the personality issue as well.  Any woman who claims she prefers it over looks is lying through her teeth; and if she thinks you're a "nice guy", you've been given the kiss of death.  I know from experience it's something you don't want to be playing suckface with.

Lex Luethor2530 reads

...I objected to them wanting a nice guy, only that I didn't have that going for me either.


I'm just waiting to see actual visual proof of it.  :-(

My experience has been that what women "say" they want in men and what actually pushes their buttons are complete polar opposites.  That's my objection; their words and actions totally contradicting each other.

Lex Luethor3168 reads

...because my SO's pet name for me is "you asshole" and my female friends at work call my "jerk". I must be on the right path.

I prefer personality over looks. Period. If I can have a great looking guy, and his personality is going to be a total crap shoot, then hell, he could be a rapist, murderer, just plain mean asshole.

If I can choose personality, and the looks are a crap shoot, well, at least I won't get killed or beat up.

Now, as far as "nice guy" being the kiss of death... You are right in many cases. A lot of women go for the bad boy. But not all. My boyfriend is a VERY nice guy, and we play "suckface" all the time.

So.... I prefer personality over looks. You calling me a liar?

Do you have looks, or personality?

Big Cat XJR2042 reads

They say Ted Bundy was a very smooth character easliy fooling lot's of people with his charming personality. People alway's make the assumption that if the person is out going, funny, charming, popular, etc. there certainly can't be anything wrong with them, wrong!


-- Modified on 1/14/2005 5:18:11 PM

But then, I have weird taste when it comes to that.

Lex Luethor2166 reads

...that the ladies couldn't really answer without alienating somebody.

Fonda Cox3770 reads

I would have to say in my personal life if I HAD to choose, I would say the face. If, I didn't have to choose I would say that personality would rule.

As, far as clients are concerned, I think they pay me not to care, am I right?

-- Modified on 1/12/2005 7:40:43 PM

and even more honest response. As you suggest, you gotta "pay" to play... so long as you are not malodorus and some kind of creep, who cares if you look like your dog?

Vicki Nicole2609 reads

hmmm good question, good question
ok the thing that is the most important to me is teeth and fresh breath, that goes for client/boyfriend/male species/ any species   so since the teeth are part of the mouth that is on the face, i will go with face being most attractive

if a guy has a hot body but his teeth are messed up it is a complete turn off for me

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