TER General Board

Re:I'd like to know why
skisandboots 1798 reads

No doubt condoms can and do stop up the plumbing. I don't need to consult a plumber.  I was pointing out WHY providers ask you NOT to flush them.  And then I stated, that after they checked them for leaks, they most likely flushed them after we left (again for obvious reasons).

KamulRogue3654 reads

One thing that I have noticed is that some providers want to see how much cum is in the bag. Sometimes I wonder if providers compare notes on how much cum is in the bag from a shared client ? They act so surprised to see it filled up. Bottom line if you turn me on the bag will be filled.

I do that with my boyfriend sometimes. I'll ask him to let me see the condom to see how much he came.

Bizzaro Superdude2664 reads

Even my ex wife used to look to see how much....

Why is that!?   This is really a curious question....

The ex would do that to me after I'd been out with the "boys" and say something like, "your sperm amount is low, who've you been screwing?" Not I am saying you have trust issues, but it's funny how when I was fucking around, she never seemed to know or at the very least, she never asked that dreaded question. You cannot miss, what you cannot measure.

-- Modified on 9/19/2005 6:59:22 AM

...that they were checking to make sure there was enough of a sample to make a clone of me...you know...for their own private love slave.

Suzanne in San Diego1927 reads

.. a clent asked me if I was planning to flush the filled condom or save it as evidence and file a paternity suite against him! Who would have guessed that when I checked the donation envelope after he left, he had shorted me by 50%.  Whatever.. what goes around come around!

Suzanne in San Diego

...I've seen a lot more bald babies out there than can be accounted for by the number of ladies I've had sex with. Somebody is definitely cloning me.

-- Modified on 9/20/2005 4:44:00 PM

Most women check just to to see if their man has been been cheating on them. My girlfriends knew my average nut quantity enough to judge my faithfulness. Maybe it's just out of habit...

I always thought that is was to check to make sure there were no leaks or that the condom did not break.

Did I just miss something?

skisandboots2617 reads

...providers don't check to see how much you deposited in the bag.  They could care less.  They're checking to make sure that there was no breakage or spillage.  BTW, know why many ask you to deposit it in the trash rather than flush it?

many ask you to deposit it in the trash rather than flush it.

One reason is that condoms can plug up the plumbing.  Ask a plumber and they can tell you many stories relating to this.

skisandboots2516 reads

I knew I'd get someone to bite on this, and I knew that someone would offer the "clog the drain" answer.  That's only partly true.  The answer is implied in the question.  It's because they DO check for leaks and spillage.  Again, they could care less about how much cum you filled into the condom.  But they do want to know that the condom didn't break and wasn't leaking from the tip.  I suspect many flush them after we leave.  Although some probably do not for fear of stopping up the toilet.  I've always flushed my condoms, and in 20+ years never had one stop up the toilet.

There's a bit of a difference with you flushing a condom down the toilet and having several flushed down the toilet during one day.  Condoms can, and DO, stop up plumbing.  As I mentioned, ask a plumber and they'll clue you in.

Why do the ladies prefer to flush them?  I would in their shoes as well.  I would prefer the housekeeper not to come in and find all the used condoms in my trash can.  The wrappers can be packed out discreetly and disposed of, but the used condoms aren't.

skisandboots1799 reads

No doubt condoms can and do stop up the plumbing. I don't need to consult a plumber.  I was pointing out WHY providers ask you NOT to flush them.  And then I stated, that after they checked them for leaks, they most likely flushed them after we left (again for obvious reasons).

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