TER General Board

Re:I was wondering
maaarlo 2162 reads

Thanks Luv_women, and my husband knows all about this experience I want to have and weve talked about all the rules and we decided this was going to be my experience he can do all the watching,but no touchinging her. he may do what ever he wants to me and thanks for the info on makeing sure shes truely Bi, I didn't think about that.

maaarlo4908 reads

For a while now I've wanted to see what it would be like to be with another woman,but since I'm married I would want my husband to be there you know to watch, but I really dont know how to go about makeing it happen maybe someone can tell me how to go about this.

I would think that the first thing you would want to do is actually tell your husband what you want to do.  Most men would be more than happy to agree to such an encounter as long as the "rules" are defined before in what will and will not happen.  For example do you want your husband joining in or just watching?

After you and your lucky husband agree, then find a wonderful escort who sees couples, and make an appointment.  In your case you want to read reviews and make sure the woman is truely Bi.

Of course all this is without any experience of my own.  My wife would never go for anything like this.

I explained this to my boyfriend of 3 years.. He said to me " I don't make you happy in the bedroom? You need props now ? "

Needless to say.. His insecure ass is gone and I have many props ;)

In any event.. Tell your husband.. I bet he would burst..

maaarlo2712 reads

My husband and I have been known eachother for a long time so he knows all about whats been going through my mind for some time now and weve talked about it alot. My only problem is I have no idea how to go about it.

WebTerrorist3709 reads

Might I suggest posting on your local board asking for recomendations or for any interested providers to reply?

Then from that you can check the reviews and websites of the ladies and narrow down your choice, then start with email, email form or phone call with the requested information and see how it goes from there.

Best of Luck on finding what you are looking for Miss Maaarlo.

ellobo692289 reads

She'll get ya going muy pronto.

maaarlo2163 reads

Thanks Luv_women, and my husband knows all about this experience I want to have and weve talked about all the rules and we decided this was going to be my experience he can do all the watching,but no touchinging her. he may do what ever he wants to me and thanks for the info on makeing sure shes truely Bi, I didn't think about that.

Oh please, please, please say that you are my wife!!!!

Man oh man, coffee out of my nose and all over the place !!!!!!

I think it depends on  your [both] attitudes/experience is with sexual relationships out side of your marriage. If you swing, for example, then what you are interested in is just an extention of that and talking with your husband should be ok. However, if monogamy has been the practise up to now, then you need to be cautious [IMO] because your husband could feel very threatened. [Whether or not he should be is for another post.] You might be wise to take the approach, "Gee,honey, I rewad about ___ in a magazine the other day. What do you think about that?" That way you can get a sense of where he stands without risking an explosion. You can aslo keep the conversation going as a discussion.

The way you go about it is using TER and eros and researching a lady that is bi and meets with couples.  That's what I did last summer...my wife brought it up and I did the research....we hooked up with a beautiful, clean, attentive provider in a town in which we were vacationing...It was an awesome experience for both of us...and, yes, she let me have my way with the provider (she brought it up; I didn't even ask!)  Since then, we've used that scenario as part of our fantasy play....So, go for it!  And, if you guys are really secure, let him dabble too...

My experience has been once bent (i.e. no longer straight) you never go back...genie never gets back in the bottle.  Be sure you know where you are at with your guy to ensure you want him to be a part of that...keep in mind that men's egos are small and delicate things.  He is a lucky you want him involved, and there are passions ahead for the both of you to share that defy explanation....good luck as you START the adventure, but do your best to keep a straight face at work the next day..week...month!
 -- DH

So let's say you two lovebirds are all happy, confident and secure about playing in a triad.

Great!  Now, you should do some google searching and reading on "swinging."  Here are your options:

1. Go to a swing club/party.  There are usually far more couples than there are single girls.  This means, unless you two are strikingly good-looking and/or charming, that your option will be with a couple.  Many couples will allow just the girls to "play."  But of course your comfort level has to be with 4 in the room.  Upside:  Small entrance fee & no need to look over your shoulder.  If you hit it off, you could see each other frequently.  Downside: You have to attract who you want, single women are scarce and ya may end up with another guy in the room.  There is also that civie jealousy thing that may pop up.

2. Find a lady here that is really bi and set up a meeting.  Upside: You have a great range to choose from and get exactly or close to it..what you want, you can have a fab time and walk away with no strings attached.  Downside: The opposite of #1's upside.  Need I spell it out.

3. You can try advertising on craiglist or your local swinger personal ad site.  Again, you'll have to lure a single girl and the same pros and cons of #1 apply.

Good luck!

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