TER General Board

Regarding Greek, here's a helpful suggestion! Wear a butt plug the entire time!
inicky46 61 Reviews 1231 reads

LOL! Just kidding.  I realize there's more to prep than that.

Skinny_Minnie:-)2600 reads

Guys, if you hired a provider to go on vacation with you for one week, and that week (unbeknownst to her) coincided with her monthly visitor, would you ask for a refund of fees paid, credit for future services, cancel the entire trip, or begrudgingly accept limited services during the trip?

-- Modified on 11/29/2014 12:34:28 PM

GaGambler1185 reads

I think ideally I would try to reschedule, but that's not always possible.

I did have trip booked with a lady once and this happened. I started to cancel the trip but her response to me was "I do have three holes you know" As I am sure you can guess, we still had a great time. lol

BigloserMI1181 reads

I would you a raincoat same as allies a little blood don't me unless she complains about cramps put a please put a rag on the bed.

Gals have a multitude of charms.

Hell, some gals can delight you with a finger more than others can with their whole body.

Attitude is the key.

This precise thing happened to my ATF and myself on a trip a few months ago. She took it in stride and educated me on a couple 'tricks of the trade'. Not gonna say any more here, just know it's a solvable problem.

It wouldn't bother me, so long as she didn't have a problem with period sex. I know it freaks some people out, but it isn't that much fluid in total and it is spread across multiple days. With all of the bodily fluids and lubricants potentially involved, what is one more liquid?

Ihaveabig11235 reads

I am all for it, no refunds here.My last gf was all for having sex on period told me she gets more wetter/hornier.Not really in the real heavy flow just light/medium for me .

Posted By: Skinny_Minnie:-)
Guys, if you hired a provider to go on vacation with you for one week, and that week (unbeknownst to her) coincided with her monthly visitor, would you ask for a refund of fees paid, credit for future services, cancel the entire trip, or begrudgingly accept limited services during the trip?

-- Modified on 11/29/2014 12:34:28 PM

but if I was so interested in a provider that I took her on a trip vs. scheduling with local girls when I got there I doubt I'd be dissuaded. If I wasn't told it would cast a shadow on the experience though.

skarphedin1008 reads

How far in advance did you arrange this?  

Were you aware prior to the trip of your irregularity?  

When did the flow start relative to the trip?

I'm with you. "Unbeknownst?" By a week? A few days I get. A week I struggle with.

hotplants1044 reads

even those of us with a cycle so regular you can plan it to the day, extensive physical activity can delay, and a really strong orgasm can trigger a cycle early. Then again, sometimes, who the hell knows why....surprise!

No big mystery here, and no need to assume deliberate deception. Menstrual cycles, no matter how generally dependable, still run on their own timetable

skarphedin1050 reads

A strong orgasm can trigger a cycle over a week early?  

If you had a history of such irregularity (over a week) how would you handle a request for a week-long sexual vacation? If it was made over 3 weeks in advance

hotplants940 reads

What, exactly, doesn't add up for you?

Personally, I don't "have a history" of irregularity. And, yet, I have had my period show-up early/late many, many times. Way more than few rather inconvenient times. You do know this happens every month, right? So, even a surprise once a yr is not an 'irregular' cycle.  

But unexpected shit happens.

skarphedin1057 reads

Assume a history or irregularity (over a week).  

Assume that you are an escort.  

Assume that a client requests a one week "romantic"/frequent sex vacation.  

Assume also that the request is made more than 3 weeks in advance.  

How would you handle the situation?

Assume further that the irregular cycle is triggered or begins two days before departure.  

How would you respond to that?  

Finally, can exogenous factors trigger a cycle more than one week early

hotplants1018 reads

Yes. Absolutely. "exogenous factors" can trigger a cycle more than a week early.

And, I don't need a contingency plan for this.  I'm not an escort; which pretty much answers all of your other questions.

But even if I *was* an escort, I would let the guy know that aunt flo had dropped in unexpectedly (very sorry)  and let him decide what he wanted to do. Again, no reason to 'assume' I just planned poorly. It would be as much a surprise to me, as him.

skarphedin984 reads

Please provide a citation or some direction for me to research.

hotplants946 reads

I've lived it since I was 13 yrs old---as has every other woman here ---give or take a few variables. I'm telling you how this works. So, I guess you'll just have to trust that Im not making this shit up to provide cover for providers whose real intention is to mislead you....

And wtf...

Do you really think that explaining that cycles are not set to a clock is misandry? I don't even bother trying to educate guys on here about a woman's body because everyone's like "no I'm a man IM the one who knows!!", lol! At least she was trying to help.  

It is real. Periods are a pain. What is it with the dudes on this board who deny what you can easily google?

-- Modified on 11/30/2014 9:36:37 AM

skarphedin1116 reads

"Do you really think that explaining that cycles are not set to a clock is misandry?"

I don't think that. And I never said or even implied that. The misandry is the knee-jerk assumption that I was critical of the OP and assumed she was deliberately misleading everyone BECAUSE she was a woman.  

"I don't even bother trying to educate guys on here about a woman's body because everyone's like "no I'm a man IM the one who knows!!", lol!"

Irrelevant. Please refer to a post where anyone (male or female) says that they know a woman's cycle better than that woman. Why isn't that misandry? You are assuming things about people based on their sexual organs.  

"At least she was trying to help."

What was the help she offered? That menstrual cycles are not set to a clock? Seriously, that moves the ball forward? That is a contribution?  

"It is real. Periods are a pain. What is it with the dudes on this board who deny what you can easily google?"

Straw Man. Who denies this? If it is so easy please find me a link to a statistical study of the variation of cycle onset.

On this thread at least, it kinda looks like you are riding the OP about whether or not it's come early. Others are of course involved, which I guess may have escalated things in some minds.  

"Lady troubles" have a well documented history of being denied by men on this board. I'm not sure how you could have missed it? Lol! We aren't assuming anything because of sexual organs, it is a fact. I mean, unless you've had a period or yeast infection or birth control issue lately? Pretty much every one of those threads end up like this, with guys denying that we could know what we are talking about and demanding studies that can easily be found. If you don't want to believe something we know because we live it, then you are going to have to do your own homework. A simple "how long does the average cycle last" will bring a wealth of web pages stating the same things as HP and SM have. If you really want to have a field day, google "what happens to your period when you switch birth control". It basically ranges from immediately stopping, to being random for months, to bleeding for months at a time being considered normal. How much we eat, exercise, stress, or fuck can even mess with a cycle. Just about the only easy and predictable thing about periods is that they remind you to thank god you're not pregnant every once in a while, lol!

I tend to look at confirming things you can't help but not know because you're a guy as helping, not assuming you're an ass :-) Head to twitter if you're looking for real misandry ;-

skarphedin1257 reads

"On this thread at least, it kinda looks like you are riding the OP about whether or not it's come early."  

That is not what I was doing, at all. H+P brought that with her to the conversation. Please read my initial posts to the OP. There was no criticism, only a lack of understanding and a request for more information.    

"Others are of course involved, which I guess may have escalated things in some minds."

Yeah... just a little bit. My position is that HP's posts are uniformly miserable, non-productive and based on an outdated (and never correct) feminism that is inherently misandrist.  

""Lady troubles" have a well documented history of being denied by men on this board. I'm not sure how you could have missed it? Lol! We aren't assuming anything because of sexual organs, it is a fact. I mean, unless you've had a period or yeast infection or birth control issue lately?"...  

Again, please re-read what I wrote and do not use how HP characterized it. I don't hold any of the opinions you are assuming I do or mentioning. I never denied the OP's period wasn't early. I never denied that periods can be irregular. The question I had was about what seemed to me to be a significantly early onset of the OP's cycle. I was confused and asked for additional information.  

"I tend to look at confirming things you can't help but not know because you're a guy as helping, not assuming you're an ass :-) Head to twitter if you're looking for real misandry ;-p "  

Telling a male that periods are not regular like clockwork is helping? How is that not condescending at best

Aren't you the one who asked for confirmation that a lady could get her period a week early? I see her answering from there, and then I agree there's a lot of assuming, but I don't see it starting with her. From here, she gave a pretty innocuous answer to a fairly obvious question, and for whatever reason that sparked something.  

And you're the one who asked about clarification about what I meant by mentioning the general attitude on this board as well. I'm not being condescending or assuming anything about you by answering that question.  

I'm not putting anything on you when I talk about previous posts. That's why I used more general terms. Just trying to joke ;-)

hotplants965 reads

You’re the one who says he doesn’t understand. It doesn’t “add-up”  for you. How can her period be a week early? How far in advance did she arrange this?  Was she aware prior to the trip of her irregularity?  When did the flow start relative to the trip? Shouldn’t a professional take this into consideration

Here’s the answer to all of your questions: menstrual cycles are unpredictable. Even the most predicable can be unpredictable now and again. You can keep asking but there’s nothing more to know. That’s the answer.  

Regardless of how far in advance she arranged, or being aware that periods can be unpredictable, or when the flow started relative to the trip, or whether she's a profession sex worker or a professional juggler---the answer is still the same.  

You want “proof”? And if I don’t provide you with a link to a scientific study to “prove” this to you, I’m being a misandrist? I'm being condescending to men?  

You need help dude

Trust us when we say we wish we had something more to tell you, lol

But you should have some general idea of when to expect her.  Why isn't it possible to plan around her visit? I suppose if the trip had to be planned months in advance that might not be possible.  So just be clear up front that on a trip of this length, and given the irregularity of your period, it's a possibility.  And then there's also GaGa's "Greek Option."

Skinny_Minnie:-)1313 reads

That is not spontaneous.  Can't just roll a gal over in the middle of the night and have a Greek quickie (lol)

bigguy301045 reads

Posted By: Skinny_Minnie:-)
Guys, if you hired a provider to go on vacation with you for one week, and that week (unbeknownst to her) coincided with her monthly visitor, would you ask for a refund of fees paid, credit for future services, cancel the entire trip, or begrudgingly accept limited services during the trip?

-- Modified on 11/29/2014 12:34:28 PM

HandleWithCare981 reads

it would be because I greatly enjoy her company, and not just in bed. The sex would be a relatively small percentage of our time together (I can foresee the replies to that by certain people already); the sex made difficult or impossible by her monthly visitor, even less.

You said "unbeknownst to her" so that leaves out the possibility of planning around it--we would have already done that if she'd known. Stuff happens; it's not her fault so she shouldn't suffer financially because of it. Which still leaves me in the company of a beautiful woman for a week.

I'll make do.  :)

... so of the ladies I know this well, I have no doubt she would offer to cancel or give me a credit and I would not take it.  I'd say let's go.  For anyone I would take a trip like this with, we've built trust over time, had plenty of sex, and I'd know I have been and will be well taken care of down the road so it would be more like a shrug of the shoulders to me.  It wouldn't be all about the sex anyway and as Gambler and Meatloaf both said, two out of three ain't bad so regardless, something tells me I'd still come home a lot happier than before I left. And something tells me that there would be a second really really good vacation in our future.   But I'm at a point where i have to do less budgeting for the hobby than I did in earlier years so that may inform my answer; I'd like to think it doesn't though.

An interesting question Minnie is what would you offer to your client in this situation?

-- Modified on 11/29/2014 3:49:12 PM

-- Modified on 11/29/2014 3:49:55 PM

Take when planning something like this. I would just go through with the vacation and have fun. Besides your not going to get anything on him that won't wash off.

The point you raise makes perfect sense, and is very real.  For me it comes down to whether I think it would feel like  a week that could be every bit as good, albeit in a different way, as the vacation we had first planned.  

I can think of one, maybe two women I know where the answer would be 'definitely yes' but they're the only one's I'd feel I could go away with for an entire week; and the jury's out as to whether they could take a week of me lol.  But you're right, week vacations can be quite precious and if this sort of arrangement isn't palatable due to the opportunity cost, then I think one's answer may well be different from mine.

i think the key word you use is 'professional'   and yes, I think every 'professional' provider would; or I'd like to think so.  I asked the question and would to love to know the answer to it; specifically what Minnie would offer in this circumstance, esp since she brought it up.    

I will say too, and maybe this is apropos of nothing, but my wife's period was very unpredictable and could be off by about a week - sometimes even a little more, so at least in my experience this was not an unlikely scenario.  It didn't happen all the time but maybe a time or two each year.

hotplants1135 reads

And, I would be surprised to find one who doesn't.  

Still doesn't mean she has 100% control.

skarphedin935 reads

Who has claimed women have 100% control?  

What is the relevance of that to this discussion?  

My contention is that the OP has not provided enough information to evaluate the situation. So, I asked for more information. That is all I did. Re-read my first post and the rest of the thread, you are the one who brought the baggage and assumptions to the discussion.

I learned this trick a while ago, and use it all the time now......"that"time is when I want sex the most, but don't like to mess up my sheets or towels, just cut them up, but I would inform the guy.....personally speaking I think they work 10 times better than tampons.....they are just a bitch to fish out!!!!  Lol  

Posted By: Skinny_Minnie:-)
Guys, if you hired a provider to go on vacation with you for one week, and that week (unbeknownst to her) coincided with her monthly visitor, would you ask for a refund of fees paid, credit for future services, cancel the entire trip, or begrudgingly accept limited services during the trip?

-- Modified on 11/29/2014 12:34:28 PM

Panthera121152 reads

and replaced with a new hooker. If sex was part of the equation, then the vacation would be ruined. Besides, who wants to be with a bitchy hooker on the rag?  

I would never be stupid enough to pay a deposit, so I wouldn't be losing much.

Skinny_Minnie:-)1099 reads

It makes the GFE more authentic, thank you very much!

That being said.. If you know yourself to be irregular like that. Put a disclaimer out for appointments booked in advance.

Hey if you book a 3 day date more than one week in advance...
There is a chance Auntie might visit.  
If a guy is confused about that? You don't want to fuck him anyway.

Forget all that..
Just tell him your sick

SHOWER FUN BEST WAY! I'm happy I dont have to deal with monthly problem.Thanks!

-- Modified on 11/29/2014 4:59:15 PM

Unless she didn't tell me, and then when I pulled it out claimed that she had been a virgin and that I had just broken her hymen. Then I would rethink the whole deal.

Is this basically what happened on your trip to Hawaii?

AZCalvin691074 reads

As others have stated, if you're going on a trip with a provider it should be with someone you've got some connection with and could work through whatever else was available on the menu and still have a good time. I would think that on this vacation you'd plan other things of interest to do other than BCD. If not it's a shallow existence and you might as well just hook up with local provicers wherever you vacation.

I did have a session once with an ATF when she had her time of the month, but she was into Greek. We made it an oral and Greek date. I did miss her kitty but it was a lot of fun. For a week though I'd definitely want full access.

bonordonor1192 reads

It reminds me of several vacations I've taken with my wife. She wasn't on her period, but she was cranky and they were sexless! lol I like you Minnie, but....


-- Modified on 11/30/2014 7:24:49 AM

Clrw_guy061027 reads

With my past GF's, the monthly cycle was never a problem.  Seems it made them more responsive.  Love everything about a woman!

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