TER General Board

found out hubby's hobbysad_smile
sadwife 5174 reads

I'm broken hearted.  After finding out from my doctor I got HPV I started doing some digging and found out my husband has reviews on this site.  I'm devastated.  I'm beautiful, I workout and have a great body.  I'm horny as hell and could have sex everyday.  I even love it in the ass and give good blow jobs.  I sometimes have to beg my husband for sex. I don't understand.  He's obviously addicted but how could he have this double life and be so two-faced?  It makes me sick to think where he's been and then comes home to me.  I'm thinking of leaving him.  Don't you married guys realize what you are risking by doing this?  Is it really worth risking your marriage?    Do you providers every feel bad that you may be part of destroying a life?  I'm so hurt and angry and sickened,  I don't know what to do.  I'm just trying to understand.

...in your saddened condition and as a first time user. My apology if this is sincere, but it smells way too much like a plant from someone just trying to stir the pot.  Thanks for the morality lesson though.  I'm sure we'll all retire now.

The phrase...

"I even love it in the ass and give good blow jobs."

...does not equate to any wife that I know, have known, or have ever heard of.

I smell BS.

The phrase...

"I even love it in the ass .....and she's beautiful.

When I read this, I thought great potential, she could get one up on the cheating hubby by becoming a really popular indy and then refuse to take appointments from the ex.  That will teach him a thing or two.  
YOu know with TER going mainstream, maybe she came across it after the MSN Report.  Pulling poor hubby right out of the closet.

-- Modified on 2/2/2006 8:09:48 AM

I forgot to leave a donation (my paycheck) on the table before I left for work that morning, she was just blowing off steam, dont let her fool you, she don't speak greek, at least not to me.....lol.

What a bunch of BS.

Hedonist:)1781 reads

Hey now that is not true, what is true is LE is an ASS H- - E to begin with going after two consenting adults.

Oh wait I get it, while Mr. LE was out catching us Hobbyist his wife was out being a Provider and he just found out and is pissed as hell, serves him right too.

Yup. This stinks of a hoax. That was my wife, I wouldn't have time to write this. Beg for sex? Oh brother.

. . . we can still reply to it as if it's genuine.

No, I don't blame the providers. They are just filling a need. Besides not all their clients are married; you don't expect them to screen for that, do you?

You should've kept an eye on your hobby. Now that it is too late, I recoomend that you divorce him; no decent woman should tolerate infidelity.

"Even though the post may be bogus we can still reply to it as if it's genuine."

Sure we could...but why would we want to? The fact that it's an obviously fake post make s it ripe for derision -- and that's before we even get into the fact that it's an attempt to bring sadness to our happy place.

I was thinking it could happen. A sad wife posting on TER and becoming one of us; that would be neat.

Mrs. Luethor,

If you don't stop reading TER at work you're going to get caught and probably fired. Don't you know companies can log all the websites employees visit? Yes, that's right -- your boss IS going to be reading the web logs one evening and he IS going to notice that YOU have been visiting a site called "theeroticreview.com".

Needless to say, that's going to lead to a whole lot of questions. Under those circumstances, how long do you think you'll be able to keep YOUR little foray into the hobby a secret?

Food for thought.

A Different Viewpoint2194 reads

Considering I am the administrator, there is no way the administrator will give any logs of my activity to anybody...

Donut Juan1999 reads

it wasnt my wife shes sitting right next to me

Brad Arnold2055 reads

how about posting some pics of yourself, maybe we all can help out with your hurting & mend that broken heart :-)

Come to my place, give me a bbbjcim, let me fuck you in the ass, while we video the whole thing.  Show the video to your husband and then tell him, 'we're even.'  Perfect solution, I think.  MA

historian053540 reads

next time maybe go with him and do a three-some, you might like it, and you can keep him from doing acts which are dangerous, many of these women will do couples
just because he is doing this doesn't mean he doesn't love you, much better than him having another girlfriend

Alfredo Garcia1925 reads

call me up, and I'll shove it up your ass & make you happy.

AnyOneNormalAnymore1085 reads

Looks like BS to me. Providers get std checks on a regular basis. They are safer to play with than a civilian on the side.

If you went into a relationship & decided in advance that you are going to be monogamous, then he is definitely a twit & you need to consider your options. However, I truly believe that monogamy is unhealthy & unnatural. It does not matter what kind of wife a man has. She could be model quality with a great personality & excellent sex life. He will still seek out someone else. Why? Because men like variety. They can procreate until the day he dies & he will naturally try to do it with as many people, as he can. It has absolutely nothing to do with you. It’s part of his nature. The good thing about seeing an entertainer is that chances are unlikely she wants an emotional relationship with your husband. She probably does not remember his name the next day. He is not looking for an emotional relationship himself. If he was, he would be seeing a woman not in the industry, such as a co-worker. No, entertainers do not feel bad about seeing a married visitor for several reasons. First, she is not going to ask. Even is he is married, there could be a chance that it is an open relationship. More importantly, the entertainer does not have a relationship with you. Her relationship is with him. So, he & his desires are more important than the wife’s.

I can't speak for every guy on here or that hobby's or has mistresses etc... But everyone I know that considers these actions has some problem at home.  Your willingness to have sex everyday, loving it up the ass and giving great blowjobs sets you apart from many many wives particularly the combination of all three of those. And you're hot?  I'm almost speechless.

Heck some of us aren't even free to discuss our desires with our wives let alone act any of them out.  

But let's assume that these things are not what he's after. How openely do you discuss your relationship and your sexual needs?  Do you know his inner kink? Has he seen yours? Maybe there's some things out there he thinks you would be offended by?  If he's truly addicted to hollow, meaningless sex then that's a whole 'nuther problem. But just maybe you need to find out what's going on first before you leave him.

she needs an alias?  Give me a break.  Oh, that's right, all of this is fiction.

ode2671 reads

Well let's see now. How did you know to go to TER just because of your medical diagnosis? How long did it take you to discover how to search the reviews and post on the message board? How did you gain access to the detailed reviews without having a password? How did you know your husband's alias or the fact that they were his reviews? And are you such a refined lady that you commonly write on strange, public message boards: "I even love it in the ass and give good blow jobs"?

-- Modified on 2/3/2006 12:56:09 AM

My wife found out about my hobby and asked me about it in bed. I started to explain it too her. She fell asleep half way through my explanation

Nuff said ?

sadwife4713 reads

I swear to God my post was not BS.  I thank LowProfileGirl and the few others who replied seriously.  This site (and others like it) are not that hard to find.   I'm pretty computer savvy so it wasn't hard figuring out his username and password either.  I signed up for my own account to further investigate.  I also checked the numbers on his cell phone when he was sleeping and traced some of them to other sites.  He's got a serious addiction to still want anything to do with this after marrying a wife like me.  I'm still trying to cope and understand.  I started seeing a therapist and talking to hubby about it.  I'm not sure what the future holds but this has really opened my eyes and I'm not sure I'll ever trust him or any other man again!  To all you hobbyists with wifes/girlfriends...be careful and try to think how you would feel if she were doing the same thing to you.

Musical Joke1595 reads

Every so often, a woman like you would post on Philanderer's Forum (the main forum for affairs on the internet) too.  People like you are not uncommon at all.

Very definitely, you and your husband have not really communicated within your marriage.  I am NOT assessing blame -- you know about your marriage more than anybody else.  Sadly, though, I think your husband was hiring escorts in order to escape from intimacy rather than seeking intimacy from someone other than you.

Although I agree with the idea of "do unto others", we still live in a patriarchy with double standards on what men and women can get away with.  Warning a powerful man who thinks he is entitled to act the way he does won't get you anywhere.  And the very economic structure of this industry is based on that double standard.

Broken Hearted.

I wonder if you are willing to screw your hubby with the same vigor and openess you did before he married you.

Having experienced the "Big Lie" myself, I just have to ask.  It is amazing to me how a woman will screw her lover with abandon, give head like  crazy and work to get her targeted man off as much as possible ... until she walks down the isle. Then she goes all "Mother Teresa" and in two or three yers won't even look at his nob let alone give him head ... and forbid a cum in the mouth bj.

I just wonder if sex at your house has become a "my way or the highway" act for you our Dear Broken Heart?


pm951703 reads

Sorry about all you have been through.  I honestly can't believe that anyone that is married would want to do this "hobby" as it is called.  If soneone wants to lead this kind of life, they shouldn't be married.  When I have a girlfriend, I don't even think about this site.  If I do, then it means that she is not the one and I should move on.  Just my two cents.

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