TER General Board

Re:Fall in !! Dress right !!!
ArmyGuyMiami 6 Reviews 2777 reads

okay, you barked the preparatory command for Dress right-Dress, but you are lacking the command of execution.

I am wondering just how many of the members here, active or lurking, are veterans.  The resent Memorial Day messages "outed" just a handfull, but I think the actual number may be surprising.

Roll Call!!!

I was part of the 5th Special Forces Group stationed at Ft.Bragg NC at the last part of the Vietnam War.  Not only was I in the military, but my current wife of 30 years also served during that time.  Not only was she in the military, but my oldest son served recently in the Marine Corps.  Not only was he in the military but my two younger sons are currently serving in the Marine Corps.  Not only are they currently serving but my youngest daughter will be entering the Air Force in three months.

None of my children had to go into the military for economic reasons or education benefits.  I offered each and everyone the option of going to school first.  I am financially well off enough to pay their way.

I guess we always have been a conservative minded family and realize that freedom isn't free.  We have always taught that military service is the most honorable profession in that it protects and defends our freedom, and the good things in life that we have enjoyed are  a result of prospering in a free country.

For as long as I can remember, all of my kids have stood straight and tall while hearing our national anthem played, or while viewing our flag passing by.

Each of us is proud of our Military service, and would not trade that part of our life for anything.  As a matter of fact, I don't think I have ever met a fellow veteran who thought differently about their military service.

to you jonie, as well as your whole family! I wouldn't trade my time in the military for a year's worth of free providers! Those who haven't been there, will never understand. The service shaped my life, and the things it taught me will always remain. Bless Ya!


Karrie3152 reads

I did not join out of economics or education needs; I had already graduated college when I first thought about serving. I was a spoiled little brat that had everything she wanted. Out of Choice I chose to pay for college myself and not expect my parents too. I joined because I didn't want to go home, plus I wanted to be apart of what was going on. But truth be told I joined because I was fallowing a cute boy in.

I have stated before I wish I had discovered this provider world when I was 22, I would have raked in the dough, but then I wouldn't change a thing, I am proud for serving. You think I am a hot head now, should seen me before; the military actually gave me discipline and the courage to want to change the world.

Most will ask why I am providing now, didn't the military give me opportunity to do greater things. Well yes, but after getting out I went back to college and got 2 more degrees, yes the GI Bill helped me survive the whole time without holding a job, I used my GI Bill to pay my rent and bills while I was in school full time. Now that I am out of college again I found my self heavily into student loan debt, and chasing a dream that still at this time, not paying very well. I loved sex and was BI-sexual before I was a provider and this business has magnified my drive. Now I am almost debt free and I have the time to pursue my dream. I wouldn't change a thing in my life, past or present.

okay, you barked the preparatory command for Dress right-Dress, but you are lacking the command of execution.

RLTW3594 reads

Just jokin' Squids, thanks for your service.

-- Modified on 6/1/2005 1:45:08 PM

followme3464 reads

Be careful or you will not get my SEAL of approval.

Thank You

of us in the loop know that SEAL is an acronym for (SEa Air Land), but as far as I'm concerned, it could just as well stand for (Seriously Extreme Anti-social Lunatics) Lol.

Had the dubious distinction of having to transport a team for a submerged night assualt on a beach head! All they did for two hours in transit was sharpen their knifes and work on their gear. They don't say much, and they don't smile a helluva lot.

That being said, I'd rather have one Seal on my six, than a whole platoon of general forces. They are Baaaad Assed Dudes! Scary people!

Seabees NEVER marched.  We did not wear standard "uniforms" we made our own.  I will never forget the look on the faces of a truck load of fresh replacement troops on their way to Khe Sanh as they looked at us doing our thing.  They were waring their helmets and flack jackets, and looked "aprehensive" of the "jungle" they were passing through while we, a road building team of seabees, were wearing cut-offs, no shirts, no lids, cameras around our necks and carrying on as if we were in our favorite strip club in Downtown, USA.

12 years '57' - '69' and proud of it

Big Red One. Ft Riley, KS  79-82

I couldn't decide if I wanted to be in the Air Force or the Marines. So I did a hitch in both. If I hadn't fell out of a Huey and broke both legs when I hit the South China Sea from 50 feet up, I might've stuck for 20. I like to think of it as a lucky break.

Trooper says it all, as in Airborne Paratrooper
Light Artillery, Red leg 72-75 and national guard to 85.

Can't say much due to that silly "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" rule.  I'm army reserves, special ops and airborne.  

I joined because of 9/11 and I'm part of a family with a long tradition of military service.  I had a cousin--one of the bravest, kindest guys I've known--in the Marines who died overseas in Afghanistan and I'm due for a tour in Iraq in late FY06.  My unit was there for the original invasion into Baghdad and so far we've only had one loss...but he was only 19 yrs old.  Real sweet kid with a quirky sense of humor.  

I'm not a fan of this war.  But I'll serve and give my 110% because I would never let my unit down.

Let me know who's spent those magical three weeks at Benning in the muggy heat for Airborne school...  I'm not talking about Air-Assault school (although I did that 10 day wonder, too.)

BTW, anyone done those kamikaze jumps in Division from 800 feet?  Yeesh!

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