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Re:Did travelling ladies exist before the I-net?
SULLY 24 Reviews 1847 reads

Geez- that last sweetie you add always get Monsieur awake- if only for a moment

you out of my league- but thanks for the info...


If so how did they advertise?  Was there a circuit?

Or is that all post internet?

Just grist for the mill... or research for my book...?

Turkana2243 reads

Certainly not in the sense they do today.  The Internet has resulted in immense changes, two of which are (1) the "branding" that certain ladies (or agencies) can do that gives them a national reputation; (2) the communications ability to set up dates in other cities.  

One of the ironies is that prior to the Internet, high-end providers were pretty much tied to their own cities -- where they had clients, connections, protection, etc.  The traveling girls were the SWs: I remember one darling girl who bounced between New York and Hawaii and another who yo-yo'd from NY to Atlantic City.

Sully:  Funny you should ask.  I had a BB SO back in the day, circa 1989-90, who later appeared on the wb270 site.  Back then she and her charges appeared in an underground publication called Am-Fem, ostensibly a female fighter mag and the classified section of Robert Kennedy's "MuscleMag"; while some of them were fighters, most of them were of the ilk of those on the wb site or the massmuscle site.  The only way THEY could travel was advertise availability, set up appts in advance and hope they didn't get screwed over; with all the schmoes who would cancel, it was pretty inefficient.  Thank God Al Gore invented the internet :)  Seems more like something Bubba should have thought up.

I certainly can't remember any, but in a way, that's symptomatic of the whole problem.  Hobby communications were horrible in the pre 'Net days, being limited pretty much to print advertisements and calls from pay phones.  If such 'globe-trotters' existed then, I suspect it would have been a rather rarified phenomenon, probably limited to quite wealthy clientles.  Not the sort of circles I would have moved in.


I don't think, ladies traveled as much, before the internet.
The net has made it easier to travel, as you be anywhere, in a click of a mouse.

There were circuits, before the net. A few madams from different cities, would exchange their ladies. One circuit was busted, a few years ago, they arrested madams, from Chicago, N. Orleans and somewhere in Fla. It was big news, as many big players were afraid of the little black books! (FBI arrested them)
Does that answer your question, sweetie? ;)


-- Modified on 4/8/2004 8:40:43 PM

Geez- that last sweetie you add always get Monsieur awake- if only for a moment

you out of my league- but thanks for the info...


whorewhoknows2228 reads

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-- Modified on 4/8/2004 11:19:47 PM

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