TER General Board

Re:Chance Meetings
AIKIDOKAP 5808 reads

Two in fact...only one a provider, though.

Many moons ago, I worked at a computer consulting company in Burbank.  I saw a provider that did incall massage and such at one of the Oakwood apartments there.  Now, for those of you around the country, Oakwoods are these HUGE apartment complexes....like 2000+ units!..that have their own dry cleaner, stores, beauty salons, etc.  Used a lot for corporate housing...

Anyway, saw this girl a few times..and it was very close to where I worked which made me a bit nervous (but Ilived over an hour away, which made me comfortable!).  One day, leaving her place, I see one of the two founders of my company leaving another apartment nearby.  And he did NOT live there, as I had met his wife before.  Talk about a near miss.  Not one week later, I'm out to lunch with the guys from work locally there and there shows up said girl with her guy in tow.  Sees me....shyly smiles without him seeing.  But my friends see her smile and start ribbing me about it.  I had to play that off.  Very startling to see her out of context, though.

On that same note, I once ran into a swinging couple that I used to spend time with.  The wife was amazingly hot (way out of my league, in fact, but they enjoyed hanging out with me) and ran in to them at this very popular bar at the River.  Since we had hung out so much in and out of bed, we all knew each other well, etc.  So upon seeing them, they run over and say how cool it is to see me, how have I been, etc.  Then their friends and relatives come up and say "OH hi..pleased to meet you.  Duke, Diana (their names) how did you guys meed each other?"  

Silence ensued, transparent jokes where made...then I made a hasty exit to join my friends.


Has anyone (provider/hobbiest) ever met anyone they knew in "the real world" when the door opened?

of the cave.  I entered.  Out came Darth Vader and I whacked him with my light saber and his head fell off and his mask was broken but I KNEW that face!!!


I'm sorry.  I just re-read your question.  You said "real world"...I'm sorry.

skisandboots4979 reads

...questions.  This was a great question.  Besides, your attempt at humor was very weak.  You, Junior and Bill should've waited for a weaker thread to try your humor.  Hopefully, people will weed through your crap (and mine) to get to the great responses that've been posted.

-- Modified on 8/11/2005 10:26:27 AM

just because I crack a joke doesn't mean I think you're stupid.  I can always make an exception if you'd like.

It's a dandy question that I've read answers to a bunch of times on the this board in the last year.  In the last month, if I'm not mistaken.  Perhaps do a search if you'd like to enrich yourself further.  You should certainly skip my posts if I offend your sensibilities as my weak humor is present in everything I write.

BILL183562003 reads

the thought of facing the fucking gorilla another time.

I was touring Boston about 3 years ago and I happened upon someone I knew very well....my vet.

I am a huge animal lover and have 3 German Shepards...I was/am always in there (not to mention that we became friendly and both he and his wife would and still go golfing with me).

Although we knew each other and hung out, I didn't know that his dad was also a vet, lived in Boston and that he was a junior.

Well, low and behold, a vet from Boston makes an apt with me (he has a John Smith kinda name and he verified through both Boston references and his dad's vet's office).  He happened to be staying at the hotel next door (there was a big vet convention so I didn't think anything of it.  I just thought he didn't want to go home and this was a great excuse to get away from his wifey poo for the night lol).

When he opened the door, I think we both died a thousand deaths due to shock lol.  He just said, What the F##ck are you doing here ? Then he kept repeating, "this isn't happening, this isn't happening to me...Sh!t."

We both agreed that it was best if we just acted like it never happened (and no we didn't go through with the apt).  I did take him out for a few drinks to calm his nerves though.

It took about 5 months for us to be able to hang out around his wife with no problems lol.  Now, he will ask me if I think so and so is hot etc. It all turned out for fine but it sure was uncomfortable for awhile lol.  We've never gone through with an apt. Yes, we still golf and he still takes care of my doggies lol.  I know I can't be the only gal that this has happened to.

I know that you guys are friends, but you share the same wife?  That's over the line guys.

THFKAM3708 reads

Not exactly what you meant, but check out my post on the NY board!

trubblemakinfoo1701 reads

I got a call back from a lady saying that she couldn't see me because she knew me from somewhere.  I listened again and again, realizing that I knew the voice to be a girl that used to work for me.   My mind raced until we talked, and I was let down to find that she'd just changed stage names, and didn't want to fool me into seeing her again without knowing.

AIKIDOKAP5809 reads

Two in fact...only one a provider, though.

Many moons ago, I worked at a computer consulting company in Burbank.  I saw a provider that did incall massage and such at one of the Oakwood apartments there.  Now, for those of you around the country, Oakwoods are these HUGE apartment complexes....like 2000+ units!..that have their own dry cleaner, stores, beauty salons, etc.  Used a lot for corporate housing...

Anyway, saw this girl a few times..and it was very close to where I worked which made me a bit nervous (but Ilived over an hour away, which made me comfortable!).  One day, leaving her place, I see one of the two founders of my company leaving another apartment nearby.  And he did NOT live there, as I had met his wife before.  Talk about a near miss.  Not one week later, I'm out to lunch with the guys from work locally there and there shows up said girl with her guy in tow.  Sees me....shyly smiles without him seeing.  But my friends see her smile and start ribbing me about it.  I had to play that off.  Very startling to see her out of context, though.

On that same note, I once ran into a swinging couple that I used to spend time with.  The wife was amazingly hot (way out of my league, in fact, but they enjoyed hanging out with me) and ran in to them at this very popular bar at the River.  Since we had hung out so much in and out of bed, we all knew each other well, etc.  So upon seeing them, they run over and say how cool it is to see me, how have I been, etc.  Then their friends and relatives come up and say "OH hi..pleased to meet you.  Duke, Diana (their names) how did you guys meed each other?"  

Silence ensued, transparent jokes where made...then I made a hasty exit to join my friends.


PeterPickle2020 reads

I've been fortunate myself to keep the two worlds apart. But I had this same conversation with a provider in Atlanta a while back and she had a funny story.  She went to an outcall appointment at a downtown hotel and the guy was her fathers best friend who was in town visiting her father!  She had known the guy all her life and he was like an uncle to her.  He didn't recognize her because her face was blurred out in her pics.  It doesn't sound like she screens to well either!

She said it was spooky, both their jaws hit the floor when the door opened. But they laughed it off and agreed to keep it between them.  And no...they didn't go through with the appt.

A friend was in their local grocery store with his 20 year old son getting some stuff to cook out.  They came around a corner and ran in to a gal the old man had once considered his ATF.  They stumbled into some kind of story that she was a barista at a coffee shop he went in.  

Several days later, son was in grocery store, sees her, and they talk for a bit.  He'd forgotten her name and in a momentary lapse she forgot he was the son of a client and gave out her real name.  I guess they ended up dating for almost a year.

Old man said that he first found out they were dating when she called and filled him in and said that son had been bugging her to come over to their house to cook out and she was running out of excuses.  She was willing to break up with him, but old man said all would be OK.  

Son didn't know about her past and old man said he felt guilty every time son talked about how much he adored her.  He was glad when they broke up.

tokai2066 reads

I always thought how neat it would be to be married to an ex-escort. The only issue I have with my wife is that she is prudish in bed. One would think that would not be a problem with an escort.

As long as I knew my son could trust her, and compatible in other areas, I would be rooting for the couple. Before they tied the know, in the interest of full disclosure, I would probably insist that she let him know what jobs she has had in the past.

It would be interesting to have that secret for a lifetime. I'm such a perverted bastard.

I have considered this almost inevitable. To this day I have never run into any of my daughters friends although some I wouldn't mind.I've even looked for a few I expected might be providers. I have been on Civi dates and run into providers before. Went to an incall one time and another lady there was someone from my very small town. We were not aquainted but had seen each other many times. She was paranoid as hell but she got over it. When we see each other in town now we dont even acknowledge each other. Like two baptists in a Liquor store.

-- Modified on 8/11/2005 11:19:40 AM

Once.  At a Christmas mass.  I was with my mom, siblings & girlfriend at the time.  She literally sat in front of us.  When the 'peace was shared' there was a moment of acknowledgement from both of us.

Damn scary moment.

skisandboots1967 reads

I love it dt!  Someone top this, if you can...

I was on vacation in Upstate NY and ran into a lady I had seen several times.  I noticed her right away and I am sure she did me as we walked right past each other.  She was with a gentleman and I didn't know if it was a date or not.

We didn't acknowledge each other.

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