TER General Board

Re:Actually, very frightening
Mini Egg Roll 3869 reads

I read a study that on average Africans are larger/longer because of their climate. They need to more surface area to dissipate heat because of their hot environment. White folks were middle and Asians were smallest in pecker size.

Conversely, they measured brain size and the opposite is true. The Asians had the largest brains, Whites in the middle and Africans had the smallest.

I'd gladly trade my big brain for a big pecker.

The E Ticket4171 reads

I just started to use Kimono condoms. They are more expensive than say Trojan Ribbed by about .50 USD each. However, they are 20% thinner. Trojans for example are .07 mm thick, whereas Kimono's are .05 mm thick.  this of course increases sensitivity.

However, there is ONE drawback. Kimonos are made in Japan and they seem to be designed more for Japanese men. They seem smaller and much tighter. (I am average size, about 175 mm). One provider told me it was a little more difficult to put it on with her mouth. (However, she diligently succeeded and actually was sort of exciting with the extra effort).

advantage of course is extra sensitivity and they do NOT come off or have side leakage.  :)  Kimono failure rates are the same as the thicker TRojan type of condoms...around 2%.


Tatoogirl743041 reads

These condoms are great...but they don't make a bigger size.

Not everyone is on the "smaller side".

They feel much better than most other condoms. Much much thinner.


I was wondering what the deal was. I thought I was getting bigger. :)

Do you think "around 2%" means that for every 50 providers we fu*k, someone gets knocked up?  Or herpes?  Or dead?  That's pretty scary, really.  I know that the odds of pregnancy and STDs are still fairly low (all things considered), but still. . .  I happen to *know* I've been with at least 50 providers, meaning that I've probably broken at least one raincoat in my time.  Even if I'm not aware of it.  

Oh, since we mentioned it, is it really true that Asian men have small wankers?  I know we've already had discussions about black men and their mythical prongs, and the jury still seems to be out on that one.  Are there any thoughts from the ladies on this?  How about from the Asians?  Is there a possible biological reason for why African men are larger, and Asian men are smaller?  Are there any other groups with notoriously small or large peckers?  Ladies, feel free to use an alias to avoid detection by your needle-dicked clients.  LOL  

The 2% failure rate refers to pregnancies when used by couples for an entire year. This includes a certain amount of non-use and unreported misuse.

As for wanker size, the latest study I read stated that there was a little truth to the wives' tales (blacks & asians) but that the differences in averages were dwarfed by the standard deviation.

I'll take a stab at it. Most if not all of the African men are largest, next in line is the caucasion men and lastly being the Asian right there with the Mexicans and Latinos. Don't ask me why, but I'm gonna guess it has to do with the size of their women they have to accomodate. There are always exceptions to rule, like crooked ones, and ones with helmet heads, and ones that turn purple, you get the idea.

"Don't ask me why, but I'm gonna guess it has to do with the size of their women they have to accomodate".

How about genetics?  Maybe you've noticed that certain groups of people seem to have different color skin too.

footballnut4209 reads

Or maybe everyone I know is just unlucky.  
Where are you getting your information?

Michelle, just what the fu*k did you mean by "You again?"

Westside OG2776 reads

Thanks for your brilliant thesis on the human biology of Latinos Aug5.  You are obviously a genius. I wonder if you have a white hood in your closet and a Confederate flag on your night stand as you type all this.  I don't know why you're so obsessed about everyone else's penis size.  Dudes that have small peckers do tend to worry about what every else has.  I assure you that Latinos measure up with their Caucasian counterparts, and know how to use it.  Where do you think the term Latin lover came from?

What's up, esse?  Look, I was only basing my opinion on what Michelle Elise said about Latinos (she said that they were comparable in size to the Asians).  I personally, have never seen a Latino's cock -- or anyone's cock for that matter, except my own, and the ones in porn.  NOSC was surprised that Latino men were thought of as small, and I offered one possible suggestion.  That's all.
I find it particularly strange that you didn't respond angrily to **Michelle** since she was the one who mentioned it in the first place!  Anyway, I'm much more inclined to believe her than you, based on the number of cocks that she has personally seen as a provider.    

-- Modified on 1/30/2004 9:07:46 AM

Westside OG2412 reads

Nope.  I addressed it to the right person.   Everyone else on the thread was discussing condoms and out of nowhere you with your "small man" complex start expounding on your theories on race and biology and inquiring about penis size. It wasn't on anyone else's mind and obviously penis size is a topic of great interest for you since you spent 4 posts on the subject and you keep inquring on it like the little guy in the locker room checking out the other jocks. Those are the questions of an un-endowed guy or an awkward teenager.  I guess in your mind it would make you feel better to put down other races because you are below average in your race, but it won't make your little aug jr. any bigger and i have a feeling that you are smaller than the minorities you've been putting down.  I read in one of your posts that you don't respect providers and to quote you: you "don't even like them."  I guess they're good enough for you to f, but not enough for you to respect as a human being, huh?  Obviously, there are some serious issues going on with you, in addition to your inferiority complex on penis size.

-- Modified on 1/30/2004 1:10:13 PM

-- Modified on 1/30/2004 2:10:29 PM

I was having a talk with a friend of mine, and she brought up the reason why black /Latina females  tend to have a bigger butt, than her white counterparts if because of an extra muscle in the rump area. I never laughed so hard. I just never heard of this before. Has anyone ever heard the same thing? It's just interesting to know..

Mel :)

aliasgrace3040 reads

then again, they also tend to be small in stature and small boned as well. Makes sense things would be proportionate, doesn't it? However, whenever I've seen a mixed race Asian guy or an Asian guy who happens to be tall and bigger boned, his size is comparable to your typical white dude. Haven't noticed any difference size-wize in Hispanics or other ethnic groups.
except black guys do tend to be on the larger side I've noticed. And for some reason middle Eastern guys sometimes turn out to be huge as well.

I wonder if this is true for Asian women as well. Do they tend to be smaller, thus tighter? Wouldn't surprise me.

Black women have larger clitori than asian women, caucasian clitoti are of average size. Differences in vaginal tract tightness have more to do with whether they have given birth, have frequent intercourse with a larger penis, or if they practice fisting, not so dependant on race.

I spent a lot of time in Korea on business over the years, and had the opportunity to spend many nights with providers (yes, you get the entire night for a fraction of the hourly rate here).  

I found them all to be of very small dimensions- both very tight and also shallow.  Now admittedly, as a group they were young, fairly petite, and hadn't given birth, so that does skew the results. But most of them had trouble accomodating me and I had to go to great lengths not to hurt them.  Typically, they were always very nervous about it and it detracted from the fun.  

The girls also told me that many of their American guests were too big for them, and some of them didn't want to see us as a result.  My Korean hosts would always have to do a lot of extra negotiating to make sure everybody's needs were being met.  Of course, my Korean host was barely 5' tall, so do the math, as they say.

For reference, I'm about 7" in length and slightly wider than average.  Local Korean condoms wouldn't fit me no matter how hard I tried to get them on.  It was really quite comical to watch.  Draw your own conclusions.  

-- Modified on 1/29/2004 5:03:31 PM

Mini Egg Roll3870 reads

I read a study that on average Africans are larger/longer because of their climate. They need to more surface area to dissipate heat because of their hot environment. White folks were middle and Asians were smallest in pecker size.

Conversely, they measured brain size and the opposite is true. The Asians had the largest brains, Whites in the middle and Africans had the smallest.

I'd gladly trade my big brain for a big pecker.

Not really.

I feel that the cause of most condom breakages are the result of a lack of lubrication, whether natural or artificial.

SexyCurvesDC6918 reads

Failure rates of condoms (Kimono's too) should really be more in the 1% range... maybe even less. But that is, of course, if they are used correctly.  Put a little lube into the tip before you put the condom on. Make sure you are honest enough with yourself to choose condoms that fit you correctly! Condoms that are too big will fall off... I've seen that happen more than condoms breaking. Condoms that are too small have a higher chance of breaking. Use plenty of lube during the act. Check that thing out every once in a while if you are having a marathon session to make sure it's still ok.

No I've never gotten pregnant, herpes, or anything else, but I'm very very careful.


Turkana3637 reads

A few years back, an ATF slipped a condom on me in the dark and I was suddenly almost in pain it was so tight!  It turned out to be a Japanese condom she'd bought without realizing the consequences.  I'm average size for an American guy -- and they were just too tight!

FSlip3398 reads

Ok ok, this is an ego boosting post I know but a few providers have commented on my size, which is great for the ego but I always took it with a grain of salt (is it a line or not?) Do ladies give a line like that?  
The first time I was with my now regular provider who I stay with now exclusivly, said this and went for a magnum size which seemed to work just fine but that whole leakage comment got me wondering.
How do you know when a magnum is deserved so to speak.
Thanks :D

They are great...however, they are "smaller".  I tried them once and managed to get it to fit. Subsequently it just took way too much effort to get one on, and I ended up "deflating" :)

As Tony the Tiger says..."THEYRE GREAAAT!!!

Although I feel that the "tightness" factor is more attributed to the girth rather than the length of the "member".

As that song goes...."I'm turning Japanese, I think I'm turning Japanese I really think so"  LOL!   :)

The E Ticket2894 reads

Well, My experience using Kimonos is not good. As I mentioned they are smaller than well known brands, and they seem to actually cut down my sensation than increase it because they are so tight on me. Has anyone ever had that happen to them?

Then last night I had one BREAK on me.  This was before I had finished but that doesn't mean she still can't pregnant. (I'm a regular and we both test, so that part is ok, whew!) I told her I would go to the drug store with her in the morning and pick up the tab for the morning after pill if she wanted, however she said not to worry and she could get them free.

To say the least I will not be using Kimonos again.


Be careful out there gals and guys!

Although I'm average length, I've been told that I am fortunately blessed in the girth department.  I can barely get a Kimono on, and it's just too tight to enjoy if I do.

Curvy Blonde3062 reads

there really isn't a difference in terms of race...it usually has more to do with his physique, although some tall guys have small ones too.  The only difference i see is that white guys tend to be more insecure about their size.  They're always asking questions about how they stack up.

They feel great, but break way too easily. I should know, after busting 8 of a 12-pack, I switched to their larger model, Beyond 7. It's made of a different kind of latex, but it's the right size and feels good.

I'm currently using Pure Pleasure (the ones with the pouch).

Dude, 175 mm is 7". That's not average by any means.

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