TER General Board

Re:A very unsual end to a session that started off badly.
dannym1965 10 Reviews 2518 reads

I wouldn't go within a thousand miles of someone who threatened to accuse me of rape.  She's nuts I don't care how well the session went.

saltyballs7026 reads

I was feeling a little horny last night and could not reach any of my regulars, so I scheduled a session with a lady I had not seen before...she has a few mixed reviews on TER. She asked that I call as I was getting off the exit . I called and  her phone went straight to voicemail and she would not pick up. I was not a happy camper and called a few more times and only got her voicemail.

I drove home very disappointed and thought about writing a review of my experience, but to be fair, I thought I'd call again to get her reason for blowing me off. I got her voicemail and left a message stating what I planned to do and I expected a response from her in 15mins or I would go ahead and write a review of my experience.

She calls me back, I did not answer my phone, shouting and cussing, saying if I wrote a review she would accuse me of rape etc. So I called her back , she answered and again started shouting and cussing. I simply asked why she blew me off and  at the very least I expected an apology. She was stumped, she  thought I was going to get into a shouting/cussing match with her.  After her explanation for the blow off, she apologized and said she hoped she could it make it up to me one day.  

We chit chatted on the phone for a bit and then I surprised her by scheduling an appointment for later  that evening.  The session was GFE/PSE, she was a lot prettier than her pics and the sex was  unbelievable.  We shared a good laugh about what had happened between us earlier in the evening.

-- Modified on 1/8/2006 6:26:24 PM

-- Modified on 1/8/2006 6:28:36 PM

. . . to be threatened with false accusation of rape.

"She calls me back, I did not answer my phone, shouting and cussing, saying if I wrote a review she would accuse me of rape etc. . . We shared a good laugh about what had happened between us earlier in the evening."

You had a session with someone who threatened to accuse you of rape?

The mind boggles.


I wouldn't go within a thousand miles of someone who threatened to accuse me of rape.  She's nuts I don't care how well the session went.

Einstein The Clown1480 reads

What a story! But the part I don't get is why after she left you the phone message did you agree to meet with her.

That is a gap in the review process.  Standups and disappointments aren't counted.  No meeting, no money changing hands, no review.  

It was as bogus a threat as her bogus threat of accusing you of rape, but her's was in a completely different league.  If she followed through, somebody would end up in jail.  

Further comment about standups not being reviewed: if a lady is late for an appointment, it does encourage her to simply blow it off, rather than go the appointment and be reviewed badly for being late.

Laffer2825 reads

What are you smoking? He has every right to epxress in informal review for a lame provider. Whether he met her or not is of no significance.

However, I don't think TER would accept the review in its review section.  Take it up with staff.  This has been discussed before.

I still don't know how this makes what I read different from what you read.  I guess it just gave you a good excuse to use "What are you smoking?"  

A question more to the point would be: "What have you been swilling?"  Nyquil.  I have a heavy cold, but you need to call me on something a little more substantial than this to accuse me of PUI.  (Posting Under the Influence.)  

-- Modified on 1/8/2006 12:27:40 PM

saltyballs2055 reads

...a session. I was probably thinking more with the little head. But I went along with my gut instinct and it turned out ok. I was not worried about the rape accusation because she had left a recording on my voicemail stating clearly what she would do if I posted a review. I know the ladies get a lot of no shows, but if you can't make an appointment please call and let us know.

-- Modified on 1/8/2006 1:14:41 PM

is a very bad idea.

And I can't even imagine why you would tell a provider your handle.

This can and has led to hobbyists being "outed" on more than one occasion. Your experience is a perfect example. If this lady did not know you were a member or your handle she would not be able to "pay you back" for a bad review. The reviews are for the men not the providers. They weed out the bad apples, like this one !

I'm amazed you saw her - I cant imagine getting intimate with someone who has threatened me!  Glad it worked out, but my motto is "steer clear of psychos"!

 -- Deep 'afraid enuf as it is!' Heat

"Underwear!? You call THESE underwear!?"

Bizzaro Superdude1080 reads

Being a scientist - or at least an actor who plays one... I am constantly amazed at the humans who repeat the same experiment with no change of the variables...  That is they yell and scream to "get their way" or to push a defense mechanism into place.. and then are amazed when the other side yells and screams back with their own threats....   Several times when traveling, I have had airline gaffaws...   I have also watched the crowd get a bit, shall we say, ugly?  Usually I wait until some dude or dudette... finishes their shouting match with the airline personnel and then I go up - smile... and 'member here I am Bizarro...  say something like "gee, that person really gets angry quickly..... I know  that you guys are going bankrupt (they almost always are!) but maybe you could help....."  guess what - FREE TRAVEL - FEE UPGRADE - this I'm telling you is better that publisher's clearing house....

With respect to providers - once I was stood up by an agency gal... who I really wanted to see and who I still have the hots for... well, she blew me off.... and I was already at the hotel...   Agency finally admitted that it was a no show and then offered a discount - which I refused on the spur of the moment...

After I cooled down I called back - asked about the discount - guy gave it.... session occurred and was very memorable....   In short - all kindsa stuff happens... trick - keep cool.... keep pushing your agenda - but maybe with some tact....  works...

Read the comments above - Think that this guy acted in a very sane and sober manner... and got his agenda accomplished!  Way to go.

Oh, a civvie once stood me up on a blind date...  I called the cops and reported her missing.  The next AM I called - she answered and I told her to expect a call from the Police!  I told her that I did not wish to go down as "the last person to see her" when she was last seen.... or heard from.

guys and gals.. this brings me to my next point.  GALS!  When you make an appointment - we all assume that there is a record of this until after the appointment.... That means that if something did actually happen to you... we would be called upon by the local LE - so guess what - call - let us know that YOU are ok...  and that we will not be described as the "last to have seen...."  

Guys - if you are no show - same applies... think about it - your cell phone?  or whereever you store numbers and dates and such BEFORE they happen... give the ladies a break.....

So all - a little courtesy goes a long long way.

Your Editor2429 reads

You assume, as your protagonists do, that you can know the causal mechanism, when I suspect you are really describing correlation.

There are times that banging one's head against a wall causes the wall to collapse; and other times, the wall can be talked into lying down quietly.  Well, times that one can find a door.   The difficulty is knowing enough about the situation to judge which is best.   In both cases, we tend to choose our course because it feels right.

I will say courtesy is usually more closely correlated with calmness, which is more closely correlated with higher degrees of environmental awareness, which may allow more economical solutions to be arranged.

And sometimes a person simply does not understand, and numbers or volume or pleading paper can help that.   Most often, dunces remain dunces, and they are simply not worth dealing with if you can avoid it.

The probability of an agency giving some sort of discount is highly tied to the assumption that they operate on repeat business, like a normal business.  I find that highly unlikely - a LOT of agancies are fly-by-night ripoff operations with no assets except the pimp's prepaid minutes.  You were very lucky, IMHO.

But keeping one's head is a very useful survival skill.  OTOH, the point of this board is to indulge our emotions, and enjoy our "little death".

...that goes home after a "no show" and deletes the provider's website from my favorites, her phone number from my hobby phone, and never gives her a second thought?

-- Modified on 1/9/2006 1:12:57 AM

Why yes.. I know you would schedule an appt with me after I said id accuse you of rape. You loved my professional nature I know !

Just to clarify, she left you a *voicemail* that she was going to falsely accuse you of rape if you left a bad review?  Wow, now that's efficient advance planning for the trial, eh?

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