TER General Board

Re: You really believe that "MOST" women are trafficked???!!!
souls_harbor 249 reads

I think there are evil people in the world and therefore there is trafficking.   However, it is to any provider's benefit to claim to be trafficked to avoid prosecution -- so claims of being forced into the business are going to be common.  In fact what girl wouldn't pull that line?  

Posted By: Gemma Coreana
You can't tell me there no trafficking.  

In the news today, a former Microsoft director and a former Amazon director, both reviewers, were charged with "promoting prostitution", a felony charge. You can google it or visit Slashdot for more details.

And as for "trafficking", obviously it's nonsense that the prosecutor needs to emotionally appeal to the hoi polloi. Who's to say the providers were not mostly independents.

It would seem that reviewers are indeed in danger! Reviews are the bedrock of this site. The only solution is to anonymize them and disconnect them from the submitter completely once they're approved.

-- Modified on 5/15/2016 12:59:48 PM

A review website focused on the Seattle area that was recently shut down by LE.  Supposedly these 2 reviewers saw and reviewed women who were "victims of trafficking."

Posted By: InspectorMorse
Supposedly these 2 reviewers saw and reviewed women who were "victims of trafficking."    
How do you actually know that? Because the prosecutor said so in the press release? As I see it, "victims of trafficking" is just a ploy used by the prosecutors to make their case. Please google the following text (dated 1/11/16):

> "there are still umpteen websites out there that we haven't gotten to yet," said Sheriff Urquhart, promising that they would eventually go after these sites, too.

I'm afraid that this site and some of its reviewers may not be far behind.

-- Modified on 5/15/2016 1:30:15 PM

GaGambler418 reads

I expect this kind of dishonesty from the MSM and from LE, but the number of people right here who buy into this bullshit is rather disturbing to me.

that has its servers offshore is out of reach of American LE.  Further, these types of "crimes" are generally state matters, so the Seattle Sheriff can bluster all he wants, but cannot do squat beyond the limits of his own jurisdiction.

that in light of the way things unfolded in Seattle, the word is out in the Kgirl community that if they go along with the LE party line that they are trafficked, they will not be prosecuted, but instead treated like a victim and released.  I know a couple that have been through the process and the worst that happened to them is that the money that was taken when the incall was raided was not returned to them.

GaGambler306 reads

I also know a couple who claimed they were being trafficked when I know damn well they were here 100% of their own free will, one of them was actually engaged to a former client, got arrested and starting simply "making shit up" to save her own skin.

Trafficked women don't go on week long vacations with their boyfriend.  

This is not unique to Asian women, I remember when one of the suburbs of Atlanta did a crackdown on all the Brazilian "casas" It started when one of the women got busted and also claimed she was being trafficked. I know for a fact she was lying as well as I had seen her as a customer not only at her incall, but we did an overnight once, without the agency's knowledge at her own, very nice apartment, where she had her very nice Lexus parked, Sex slave mi culo, Sorry I am too lazy to Google how to say it in the more appropriate language of Portuguese

Posted By: NaomiGrey
Only if the reviewer is a silly goose using his work email or personal email
Using an anonymous email would certainly be a good first step, but unfortunately it would be quite insufficient and incomplete. There are many ways for LE to identify a reviewer still. The simplest would be to ask the review website for the IP of the user, and then ask the ISP for the user of the IP. Another would be to ask the email provider for the IP, and then again trace the IP to the user. Even if the user was using a VPN, chances that are it could easily be traceable. If the user was using Tor, that would be the ultimate protection, but even a Tor user was very recently de-anonymized by LE.

As I have noted in my initial post, the only real way to protect reviewers is for this review website to stop associating submitters with their approved reviews -- there should be absolutely no info connecting the two, and it is technically very easy.

-- Modified on 5/15/2016 2:06:46 PM

souls_harbor415 reads

I'd have to see more details, but there has to be a nexus between writing a review, which could be fictional (as far as proving it in court) and an actual paid sex session.  These guys must have (I am guessing) been caught in a sting arriving at a sex for hire location.  The "promoting" portion of the charges seem harder to prove in court

reviews would be an innocent ion nature .

 Classical reviews  are empty. What is was about ? what is suppose to be? Classical reviews?

It is known that word lives by double or sometime triple or more standards -even writing 'bad news " has rules how to make it so it would sound as  a "good news" .

 managers know what I am talking about:)

yet we here - so straight forward -  and in the matters which has the most sensitive nature.  

 Why we need to have all those "juice" details?

Reviews can be on woman's look and how she os sweet or not and if she  meets expectations  or not.

All that services and abbreviations - I still not met one single man which would not like them ALL.

It can be implied  that woman does it all - as to Greek - you can find out that and on the date( or just say on reviews that she double sweet, triple sweet - or what ever  ;)

There no absolutely  NO need to go in to ever little details such as  
 on which edge of the bed  you was doing her with you D deep in her  A

That is how reviews are now.  

So that is just be simple reviews without any hooker/john s terminology as  

 "Incall outcall,  menu services and so on . "

It is what I am repeating already many  times.

Date booking should not take place from P 411 or other sites even form here - just find a woman  here but not send her FROM here pms about date -

 sending  n bookings forms for a  prostititon is admit in participating in such  

 and as well as writing reviews .

 Do  NOT Meet those escorts who DOES participate on all possibles john screening date bases  

and more likely as added YOUR info there as well  

May be TER wiil come up with new TER  

(as it was promised long time ago and would take it an step further as about being more discreet and more legal savvy - as well as will allow there women who do it all and men who do not need proves on that and will review her classical and elegant)

Safety as use of condom and safe practices also are implied and even not discussed.  

I wish there be new TER where only safe and wise people  would  be allowed and not the one which can  say -
 on our boards

"she does look pretty with my cum on her face"  

And then we wonder why law goes after those adult sites .. and it is why many nice men and women would not bother to participate here  

I  do participate - and I am beaten up a lot for my   honest sayings of my opinions - but again - not ventured - not gained.  

I would be this summer in Geneva , yet I wold be visiting states often by business.  
So now I have bit time to talk here :)  

Even I do have  many reviews here - I went by customs of this business when I knew  little
Now I know that men with no reviews and zero white list in many cases just way safer
 And I would not reveal a secret for you men? That not only for me is NO- NO-

  a Seasanal hobbyists with 150 + review are written ?
Why not have  two platform for TER  
 classical and I think many want to stay within sites where they openly would talk about coming to her face and taking his cock deep to throat sloppy so all world would know that -  if there are some people like it - so then they are free take their own risks  

But there has to be a choice for those who just surfing and meeting people without talking hooker and john language - YET knowing precisely what it would be  if they will meet each other behiund close doors

I think it be good Idea for TER start second platform and invite there women  who have wild menu  so men know - they even do not need use search function or write reviews.  
 Call that Classic  Social Connection- yet we all would know want it is about :)  
 Wink wink  

[email protected]







-- Modified on 5/15/2016 2:52:35 PM

Or maybe just start read books and  improve your comprehension skills?

Reading also helps - maybe you already going to this  diseases .. from which Robin Williams committed suicide ?
How it is - I read online - he has dementia? Gambler - be careful !!  

 Reading MY posts is  prophylactic  from dementia.

Your few cells left then are  starting to  work.

Do not mislead people to think that you are  Pontius Pilate  with  his headaches .

 You are not.-

 You just possibly have some illness that you have so many headaches may be  even you are develping dementia -

 then you JUST would benefit from some brain work..and posts do provide you with such.   It is why you keep reading?

May be you  want us all , intelligent readers  to lead in to belive that you - as t Ponti Pilates -- always have headaches?

Then act as  him - wash your hands and do not feed crowd wich is thirsty for blood  

You just made my day with you are  acting as Pontius Pilate..  

 while in fact you are are just ill  and loosing brain cells ... - you admitted that and yourself.

Stop take aspirin - nobody told  you that aspirin dilutes your blood ?

you possibly will  have  and of a lot bleeding problems?  
 Your nose is bleeding as well and  every little  scratch bleeds long?
Stop take aspirin.

Improve your relationship with the  world,

 become less cocky,

 be kinder ,

 read more books  

and hit fitness room (not just hookers beds.)

 and you will cure your health .
So it is my  free therapy  for you  for now - soon I am busy again with my long term assignment  

 - getting ready for Geneva for summer

Yet I would be in states often and at summer  time  as it is my second residence- NYC  

[email protected]  

-- Modified on 5/15/2016 4:35:24 PM

Thinking anybody gives two shits what you think

Two goals I can discern from your posts: 1) self-promotion (e.g., coming to New York) and 2) arguing for a non-juicy-details site.  

As to both goals, you'd do better to make your posts more concise. The spacey stream-of-consciousness is not persuasive (2). Nor is it attractive (1).  

I did enjoy some of your lines, though. At times it was almost like an opera libretto

a free blowjob to get me to read all of that.

somebody needs to put their cock in her mouth to make her stfu.

GaGambler330 reads

besides I bet you she can type and suck cock at the same time.  

I remember London Rayne bragging about having that talent, but I LIKED London. It's an art form to both be a bitch and be likeable at the same time.

Or just don't write reviews.
Personally I'm not worried about it.

Just saw kiro news report  & read it.    

One thing I don't get is, it's not like these "hobbyist" knew these girls were being trafficked.  They should focus on the real criminals the traffickers  ugh 😡😡😡

GaGambler282 reads

No one cares about putting consenting adults in prison, but everyone is against "human trafficking"

As I said, it REALLY pisses me the fuck off when even people here buy into this bullshit. Especially someone with slanted eyes herself. Wake up Gemma, there is no bogeyman here, except for the MSM and overzealous law enforcement, and the politicians, and the feminists and the bible thumpers, DAMN, wait a fucking minute, there are PLENTY of bogeymen after all, my bad.

Oh GaGa, there is human trafficking that really happens, I'm shocked they blame the hobbyist, it should be focused on the pimps & MF-ers who sex trade these girls..  

 I maybe slanted eyed, as I know you are too, all I'm saying is human traffickers are POS.

GaGambler251 reads

Yes, "real" human traffickers are POS, but the media looks for traffickers under every rock, and virtually every Asian agency when busted is charged with human trafficking, I've seen it with my own eyes.

What's up with the betting man, gambling is bad for you...  I know not all Asian establishments are human trafficked but most are along with Europeans, Latina & AA's...   You always have to make an big fat Argument out of things that you think you know it all in.  Last week was adrienne.

GaGambler381 reads

I am sure a LOT of Europeans, Latinas and Ebony ladies are going to be really fucking happy with your assessment of them.

Are you back on the sauce again? because you aren't making a lick of sense.

You're insults are so tiring.., I think your on the sauce.  Give it a rest man ... You can't tell me there no trafficking.

souls_harbor250 reads

I think there are evil people in the world and therefore there is trafficking.   However, it is to any provider's benefit to claim to be trafficked to avoid prosecution -- so claims of being forced into the business are going to be common.  In fact what girl wouldn't pull that line?  

Posted By: Gemma Coreana
You can't tell me there no trafficking.  

GaGambler is right. The way these news articles are written, they have you believing that there is an epidemic of trafficking. The Asian women in question can walk out of the door and seek help from Social Services at any time.

Pretty foolish if they bust an incall and there is no "victim."  They let the girls off if they cop to the fiction they are trafficked, so LE can get the org owners and justify spending tax dollars in the investigation.

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