TER General Board

Re: Why Do You Care?
justsauce16 4 Reviews 219 reads

He cares because he wrote a stellar review of someone that he had a very nice time with, then he found out that said provider uses drugs and doesn't think anyone who uses drugs could possibly deserve the score he gave them. His moral compass was questioned and had an opportunity to change the way he looks at people, but instead decided to backpedal on things he had said in earnest. In politics, we call this "wishy washy" or "Flip Flopping", but in the rest of the world you're just a terrible human being.  


In short, he cares because he thinks he's superior to her.

Visited a provider after a first visit wrote a stellar review...
After a couple of other dates I found out about her drug use...
I would like to delete my review as she has copied and pasted on another site...
Not cool...

...the property of TER.  TER can claim the reviews are copyrighted and demand the other site remove them.  Also they can put pressure on the provider to remove the review from the other site by threatening to de-list her from TER.

on her personal website, then I'm not sure if TER will bother making a fuss over it.

...really on a f it's part of the general details or detailed section. The general is viewable by the public without site membership, an therefore subject to fair use. The juicy details is private, and therfor subject to a higher level of scrutiny (in addition to TER TOS).

If I were OP, I'd d just wrong ye a follow up review annotating problematic parts of experience w/ provider as they u can now wr The multiple reviews (just no VIP days)

GaGambler197 reads

and mentioning drug use in a review is not allowed under TER rules. So writing a new review mention the "problematic parts" of his experience is not an option.

Of course I can only assume that's the advice you meant to convey. That last "sentence" was a complete mish mash of random words and letters except for the four or five words strung together in the middle that actually made some sense.

If every review had to be deleted because some hooker might be on drugs 25% of the reviews would have to be deleted.

He cares because he wrote a stellar review of someone that he had a very nice time with, then he found out that said provider uses drugs and doesn't think anyone who uses drugs could possibly deserve the score he gave them. His moral compass was questioned and had an opportunity to change the way he looks at people, but instead decided to backpedal on things he had said in earnest. In politics, we call this "wishy washy" or "Flip Flopping", but in the rest of the world you're just a terrible human being.  


In short, he cares because he thinks he's superior to her.

You made the statement that you wrote a stellar review and you saw her a few other times.  So whatever she's doing on her time didn't take away from your experience.  So you really don't have a justifiable reason to ask for it to be deleted.  If whatever she is doing is a problem for you, just don't see her again.  

As the review appearing on another site, that's a different matter.  She may not even done it.  As someone else mentioned, reviews are the property of TER once they are submitted and approved.  That policy is made clear on it's T&Cs.  So if it's on another review site, let TER know and then they have the action.  

GaGambler177 reads

That sure sounds rather judgmental on your part.  

What will deleting it here accomplish? Especially if it's copied and pasted on another site. All of the girls for whom you have written a "stellar review" have stellar reviews written by others, it doesn't look like her drug use has had an adverse effect on either her appearance or her performance.

So what is REALLY going on here? You sound like you are butt hurt over something more than her personal behavior, and just how did you "find out" about her personal habits, did she shoot up in front of you?

My concern with drug users is that they may become sloppy and less discreet in their work and inadvertently open themselves up to LE or other types of issues which also puts us clients at risk. I'm not talking about smoking some kush or doing some coke....I mean meth or other hardcore shit that can really mess with judgement and common sense. This hobby is already risky enough without adding another risk factor to it.

GaGambler173 reads

I have found that most real "druggies" don't need to have their drug use "found out" The type you are talking about, and they are VERY common in the strip clubs, can usually be spotted from a mile away.

I will both concede and agree that an obvious drug addict is a person I don't want to be with either, but the OP by his own words gave her a "stellar review" and only "discovered" her drug use after seeing her multiple times if he is to be believed.

I have had to run off several meth heads as they are rather common in the oil patch, and I would never be knowingly be seeing a meth head hooker, but I think you will agree "meth heads" are pretty easy to spot and I think there is a lot more to the story that the OP has let on.

For the record, I have no problem with drug "use" up to a certain point. I grew up around junkies however and you can NEVER trust a junkie. I will extend the definition of junkie to also include meth head, crack heads and even someone totally strung out on pills, an addict is an addict and can never be trusted. Casual drug use is a completely different matter and I have so far at least resisted the pressure to conduct drug tests on my employees. It's a personal stand against "big brother" on my part, but I do understand the liability issues involved. I may have to rethink that policy at a certain point.

Posted By: GaGambler
... I have so far at least resisted the pressure to conduct drug tests on my employees. It's a personal stand against "big brother" on my part, but I do understand the liability issues involved. I may have to rethink that policy at a certain point.
Places I've worked since the ramp-up of the so-called "war on drugs" have had in their written policies that an employee can be tested *if* two managers observe behavior at the workplace that could reasonably be attributed to drug use. Everything has to be documented. Ideally at least, it respects employees' rights and keeps the focus where it should be, on job performance, but protects other employees and the public. Whether that would work would depend on the nature of your business and the laws in your state, of course.

GaGambler207 reads

Right now I don't have a formal policy, but I have run off a few guys who were obvious meth heads and a couple of others who were drunks. (Yes, I am a drunk too, but I am functional and I don't run any equipment. lol)

As a product of the sixties/seventies who grew up in the drug culture in the SF Bay Area I absolutely abhor drug testing and consider it, except for matters of public safety like airline pilots, a violation of our fourth amendment rights. Sometimes however it's too expensive to take a stand on some issues and the liability issues can be huge if an employee under the influence injured or killed someone while on the job. I will continue to have a no drug test policy where it comes to office staff. If someone sues me over a paper cut, I suppose I will just have to live with it. lol

No reason for providers to get sloppy if they clean up after each customer.

GaGambler199 reads

If I can't tell, I don't care.

As long as she is "fresh" with a great attitude, I don't care how many guys she sees.  

The same goes for drug use, if I can't tell without snooping into her personal life, then IMHO she has it under control and it's none of my business.

so ought not be tossing stones.  

As that old song goes, we're addicted to love, and unless the person's behavior is an issue, we need to curb our judgement.

JakeFromStateFarm194 reads

How does any subsequent drug use affect your first review?  It doesn't.  You could try writing a second review and see what happens.  But, most important, you have not described what the drug use was and how it affected the subsequent sessions.  So your post is kind of useless.

GaGambler157 reads

Totally fucking useless, and he didn't say that it affected the subsequent sessions at all.

I think he is either overly judgmental, or there is something else going on here, or both.

If her drug use was noticeable he never would have given her a "stellar review" to begin with. If her behavior/performance had gone downhill since their first session he would have led with that instead of stating that he "discovered" her drug use.

JakeFromStateFarm116 reads

I know.  That's rather uncharacteristic of me.  LOL!

GaGambler168 reads

Very uncharacteristic of you, and not something I want to get used to. lol

Sounded like the issue was the copy/paste of the review to another site to me. Shrug.

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