TER General Board

Re: Why?
Jensen36363 58 Reviews 258 reads

Perhaps he was simply saying, more or less, they should charge?

Charge more or less ?

Your thoughts if any

..more or less lol

Posted By: escalade1964
Charge more or less ?  
 Your thoughts if any?  

Title says it all.  

In my opinion the best providers are over 30.  

I might be the minority but that is all I have to say about it

But then you prefer the +60 gals.  Even the +70.

So why should the +30 gals charge more?

GaGambler351 reads

That is hardly what he said.  

He was given two choices, and simply said "YES"

as I am constantly saying to a mutual friend of ours "Keep Up Doctor"

The OP asked if gals + 30 should charge more.  Mrfissure said "yes".

I asked "why"?

Did you find that post from Atlanta yet?  JLS is doing a victory lap.  Don't want her to stop either.  Even with a broken nose, bloodied cheeks and a few teeth knocked out...she is using her world class triathlete skills to do the victory lap.

Posted By: GaGambler
That is hardly what he said.  
 He was given two choices, and simply said "YES"  
 as I am constantly saying to a mutual friend of ours "Keep Up Doctor"

GaGambler305 reads

Maybe she will stay gone until she finds that post she thinks I made, but at her age, I don't think she can afford that much time off. That clock of hers is ticking, pretty soon even lap dogs like Drew are going to cast her aside for someone under fifty.

I guess that mrfissure replied with a non-commital reply.

However, it seems like his reviewing history and posting would confirm that the gals +60 should charge more.  So by using that logic, the +30 gals also should charge more.

Perhaps one of JLS's personas could help this Doctor understand.  Maybe she'd use one straw with me?

Posted By: GaGambler
Maybe she will stay gone until she finds that post she thinks I made, but at her age, I don't think she can afford that much time off. That clock of hers is ticking, pretty soon even lap dogs like Drew are going to cast her aside for someone under fifty.

Actually, the exact question was, Charge more or less. You missed the last part.  
You can always blame it on the "Tardis" ...kinda like bad jet lag  

Posted By: Dr Who revived
The OP asked if gals + 30 should charge more.  Mrfissure said "yes".  
 I asked "why"?  
 Did you find that post from Atlanta yet?  JLS is doing a victory lap.  Don't want her to stop either.  Even with a broken nose, bloodied cheeks and a few teeth knocked out...she is using her world class triathlete skills to do the victory lap.  
Posted By: GaGambler
That is hardly what he said.    
  He was given two choices, and simply said "YES"  
  as I am constantly saying to a mutual friend of ours "Keep Up Doctor"

Who said that? I think you inferred that by only "seeing" one part of the OP's question that they should charge more, but it's a two part question. The second part is or should they charge less? Mr. Fisher answered, "yes", but didn't say which part was yes. So brilliant that I agreed with him. LOL

Posted By: Dr Who revived
But then you prefer the +60 gals.  Even the +70.  
 So why should the +30 gals charge more?  

Perhaps he was simply saying, more or less, they should charge?

I agree ... Yes they should ...

Posted By: mrfisher

Ask a stupid question...

You know the rest.

It was a perfect example of how people infer based on what they are thinking rather that the answer. A non question deserves a non answer and that was perfect!

Posted By: mrfisher
Ask a stupid question...  
 You know the rest.

LasVegan277 reads

based upon supply and demand............and whatever a client is willing to pay............have seen some provider's charge $800 an hour...........even after extensive research...........very difficult for me to wrap my brain around that.

Yet..........apparently there are hobbyists who are willing to pay it...........so more power to them.  When people refuse to pay.........WHATEVER the price may be.........then the provider of that service will either change their price or go out of business........whether it is our hobby or some other enterprise.

But..........when clients are willing to pay...........even the most exorbitant price............

Good point free market economy.

Posted By: LasVegan
based upon supply and demand............and whatever a client is willing to pay............have seen some provider's charge $800 an hour...........even after extensive research...........very difficult for me to wrap my brain around that.  
 Yet..........apparently there are hobbyists who are willing to pay it...........so more power to them.  When people refuse to pay.........WHATEVER the price may be.........then the provider of that service will either change their price or go out of business........whether it is our hobby or some other enterprise.  
 But..........when clients are willing to pay...........even the most exorbitant price............

Experience does matter. You bet your ass the older I've gotten and the more skills and rep I've earned,  yeah my rates are higher.  I guess anyone over 30 should just not fuck period??!!  That's funny because that's when a woman hits her sexual prime.  You guys can knock the older ladies if you want but you don't pay our bills and while guys are still willing to pay what we ask then I'm sure the older ladies will keep smiling all the way to the bank ;)

Those are probably 1964 rates... I remember paying $60 in 1973... Where do I sign up?

Aw, rats... Wrong board (again).


GaGambler266 reads

My first time was in 1974 and I only paid five bucks.

Of course that was in TJ, it's not a whole lot more down there forty years later. lol

they should be able to change whatever they want to.  Age has nothing to do with what a lady should be able to get for their services.

and I simply charge what I charge. I don't think it's more, just what I'm comfortable and confident in charging for spending time together.  

If you don't believe in yourself, noone else will either.  

Gia xo

-- Modified on 1/23/2016 5:47:08 PM

Some think they can alter rates by saying they are too high.     It might make some think twice about their price but it won't ever change it.     Las Vegan has it right that the market and supply and demand determine the price.    I see some providers that are too high for me but I don't pout and beat my head against the wall.    I find a beautiful provider that to my opinion is just as good for a lesser fair price.     Sometimes I feel that they even appreciate your business more and give you a better fantasy.    The women I've met for good prices have really rocked my world with very sensual top grade service.

the complainers are the guys that are too lazy to keep looking, or else think that they deserve every woman they want.

i too have a couple of lady friends who give me the great service i desire at what i consider decent rates.  and the times i have wandered into the "elite" priced women, i have without exception been disappointed, not only that the women weren't way better than the girls i know, but those high priced girls were even less interesting and less skilled than the average rated women i know.

but those experiences only helped me learn how to keep researching until i find the right ladies for me in the right price range for me.

complainers are invariably lazy or narcisissitic.

That's the feeling I get. These post are like a passive aggressive, undercover way to complain about it.

GaGambler239 reads

and I do feel I deserve every woman I want. After all, what good narcissist ever feels he doesn't deserve anything?

but I am NOT a complainer, what good does whining about it do?

Besides, as you said the "elite" women  by and large have nothing more to offer than the more reasonably priced women do and sometimes much less, especially where their attitude is concerned.

don't tell afro-desiac i said "as per usual" lol

GaGambler235 reads

Guys with jobs, and bosses that won't let them run their mouth on TER all day are the ones most likely to not be able to afford high rates.

The "boss" can hang out on TER all day long if he wants to, some of us can work and run our mouth here all day long at the same time. Unless I am out in the field, which is not often. I can work and post without missing a beat on either front, but I am the boss and no one is going to fire me for posting at work.

You also forget about the guys who have made plenty of money, don't need to work and get their jollies here.  

I think you are looking at this backwards. it's the poor working stiff that can afford to pay a hooker.

...fucking a chick on a blanket outdoors.  O/W, I'm hanging out on TER all day long.

On how well she maintains her appearance don't you think?  Blows my mind... Some hookers still posting photos they were using years ago when I was in the game. Don't they have cell phone camera's?  Even scarier are those who let themselves go then give up their anonymity believing from the neck up photos will get a fish on the hook. That digital  footprint is gonna bite one day.  

Youth is more forgiving. When you hit 40 you have to work for it and I believe men appreciate it more because they realize she's focused, disciplined and lives a somewhat quality lifestyle. If I were a guy, I'd pay more for that, than some beefcake, old whore or even a younger gal that don't know shit about sex outside going through the motions. I've seen 20 somethings that appear to be strung out on drugs, drink too much, eat too much that should retire for a bit, hit a gym, hire a personal life coach, pull their shit together then try it again.  

To each their own. Someone must be liking it cause they're still hanging in there. Old photos and all, still pulling those 10/10 reviews!  Ha HA

-- Modified on 1/24/2016 1:18:49 AM

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