TER General Board

Highest increase in syphilis is in America and....Africiaangry_smile

Get tested!!  Every time!!! No Excuses!!  

Life is good

The Cat

Our problem at home before minding other countries business.. Wasting billions on senseless  wars .The continent of  Africa still have not recovered from the devastating effects of the 1884 Berlin conference, where European countries met to decide which country on the continent  each will colonize.  
Today , modern day  colonization is still happening on the continent using big military.  Many African leaders have been assassinated over years because they were trying to take their country back and refused to be a sellout.

Haha.  African problems are due to Africans.  The British especially spread a modicum of civilization around the world.  

You know nothing about Africa. You never been there, know no one there, don't come from there,don't know the real history , don't know of the present apart from what  the big white corporate media choose to  show you and tell you.  
You never heard of the 1884 Berlin conference,  you don't know how many African President America  killed , how many France killed. You know nothing about how countries with big military are now reccolonizing Africa. You dony know why US military refused to leave a particular African country and refused. You don't know why America killed  Ghadafi. You know nothing about Africa outside of the negativity you see on the big white corporate TV stations.
Yes there are sellout in Africa. We have them here in America plenty, especially in politics. Big money donations and legalized corruption. Sellout, owned by big corporations and no good organizations like AIPAC.

“His Excellency, President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hajj Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC, DSO, MC, Lord of all the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular and the last king of Scotland.” -- Idi Amin

"Africa is the wealthiest continent" after the first four (of six):
List by the International Monetary Fund (2023 estimate)
Rank Continent GDP
- World 104,476
1 Asia 38,435
2 N America 31,603
3 Europe 25,440
4 S America 4,100
5 Africa 2,858
6 Oceania 1,979
Unaccounted 62
(#7 Antarctica isn't on the GDP lists)
( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_continents_by_GDP )
Some old estimates are that more than 50% of Nigeria's oil wealth has been stolen by the military dictatorships over the past many decades. We are talking about tens of billions of US$ in numerous Swiss Bank accounts. (More accurate records from more recent years has lower %ages of theft.) ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oil_theft_in_Nigeria )

Posted By: Boobsman100
Re: Africa is the wealthiest continent, yet the people are poor, As for America New need to start fixing
Our problem at home before minding other countries business.. Wasting billions on senseless  wars .The continent of  Africa still have not recovered from the devastating effects of the 1884 Berlin conference, where European countries met to decide which country on the continent  each will colonize.  
 Today , modern day  colonization is still happening on the continent using big military.  Many African leaders have been assassinated over years because they were trying to take their country back and refused to be a sellout.

Africa need to find a way to kick  out all the modern day colonizers  aka thieves, murderers,rapist.  Their countries  have no natural resources, they  steal from Africa to make SOME people rich.  We have people living on the  streets and under bridges in America still yet.

worried67 reads


Thank you for sharing this. This *is* scary, and that is why we should go into every sexual encounter as a provider or a client with the assumption that the individual does have an STI and we should take all of the necessary precautions to stay safe. Consistent and correct condom usage and regular testing is the only way to keep each of us safe and our community safe.

r8669521 reads

The article says Africa and The Americas, not "America".

Big difference.

If that is really your question (rather than perhaps Where *in* Africa?) I will point you towards google maps -- look just south of Europe ;-)


It was a joke Jensen. Relax. I know where Africa is, but Scarlet the genius referenced “Africia” so I thought I’d give her a chance to explain

This nitpicking over obvious and minor typos is getting ridiculous. Give it a break already.  

Why not go after boobsman over his butchering of the English language???? His posts are draining to read.


I have, many times. I went so far as to DM Admin to ask why boobsman hasn't been banned. Since then I've seen far fewer posts of his/hers. I'm hopeful he/she has been placed on moderation/restriction.
I rarely nitpick, but Scarlet has become such a board troll in recent weeks that I couldn't help myself.

To have some one banned?
Do you think you carry that much juice?
There’s a few here I’d like to see get the fuck out but I NEVER considered DM TER over it. This board is what it it..,a lot of bullshit being thrown around.
Curious how triggered you get over one poster🤔🤔

Why are the fights in academia so vicious?
Because the stakes are so low.

There are a couple of people on this site whose chief purpose appears to be to correct grammar, syntax and vocabulary, no matter how slight the mistake or that the mistake was an obvious typo. Every one of us commits a malapropism or two each day, but most of us roll with it rather than springing into pedantic, didactic overreaction. We're not writing for Pulitzers guys--ease up.

Um...yeah. I posted this to encourage condom usage, but instead it dissolves into me spelling Africa wrong and which continent is richer (?).  
This board is about discussing ideas and keeping our community safe, but unfortunately sometimes it digresses.

that when the lady you want to see in the US is all booked up you have never gone to Africa as a backup?   Lol


Africa, yes. Africia, not that I know of.

I did spell it wrong, thank you for the correction!  

And no, I am not a board troll, and no, fyi, your account is not *anonymous*.  

As always,  
stay sane and safe


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