TER General Board

Re: What escort want ...
worried 41 reads

Agreed.  These women are escorts, paid for services.  Git it done, on inside, IOP, on outside(they want u to return).

-- Modified on 3/19/2024 7:50:17 AM

90% of  men experience an orgasm  with their  female partners.  
92% of women experiences an orgasm from pleasuring themselves  

Looking like we have work to do fellows. I heard ladies say  many of us  don't  ask for  guidance / direction.

From the many, many reviews I've read, your numbers are impossible, being that at least 80% reviewers report bringing their temporary girlfriends to orgasm multiple times over the course of a session.

I thought WTF am I doing wrong?  I never had trouble getting civvie women off but all I was getting from my early providers were fake O's.  Then I realized that most reviewers don't know the difference between a fake and a real O, and many providers actually resist cumming during a paid session, and just fake it instead.  Providers can control their own orgasms.  Many don't want to have them unless you are the last appointment of the day, because just like for men, too many orgasms can make them tired.  In many of my reviews, I have identified many providers who only do fake O's, in order to distinguish them from the girls who are really into it and have the real deal.  

Once you know the physiological changes leading up to a female O, you can tell whether you are going to get there or whether she is resisting.  That's why I will spend 10 minutes on DATY with a little digital play, and if there are no noticeable changes occurring for her, I will stop and move on.  Many providers will let you waste 30 minutes before giving you that fake O, and the majority of reviewers completely buy into it.  Several years later, after I began dating some providers in real life, they confessed what the game is all about.  Let's see how many say they NEVER fake it.  Lol

You have some good points. Factual points, speaking from experience.

AllTheTimeBaby41 reads

Agree! CDL's right on this one!

I asked a well-established provider about this and she said "I need another orgasm like a hole in the head."

When they're gushing in my face. I'll believe it's real. Also, during DATY I'll notice a taste change immediatelty before (real) orgasm.


Go research it yourself  and You will find similar results. This is across the board not only in sex work.
The fact that you're going  soley by what reviewers on websites say,tells me you are far too inexperienced  .

Hey fella I got a bridge I want to sell you.
Here’s another stat for ya. No less than 50% of reviews are fake. And 80% are EXTREMELY exaggerated  
Like mongers that have tell everyone they have a giant cock, and they get constant complements about what studs they are.  
You don’t have to be a trained actress to “perform” an orgasm. Of course i’m sure some do have an O but I bet it’s not the norm

Don't  know what percentage are fake or inflated but some  definitely are, because some  guys have egos they like to express, and they pay for it too so no issues there with . Makes reading them  fun.

AllTheTimeBaby40 reads

Thanks for pointing this out.

If I read another a$$hole post saying "She asked me to go slow, because I'm kinda big down there. Heh, heh, heh." or similar BS, I may have to quit!

Many have no idea how to prioritize.

That number seems a bit inflated 😁

Look it up. All research results  are close.

Looks like my joke zinged right on by ya 😉

Lopaw remains undefeated.  

We don't deserve her

Yea,you gotta blow something to inflate it.

I'll have to take your word for that 😂

I see a problem with men not caring to sexually please women & women don’t care to teach their partners how to please them instead they’re playing with vibrators to achieve satisfaction.

True... also some of us  don't ask for guidance too, while some think they know what they doing.

TBH, in a relationship a man should care and his partner should be open to guiding them. Couples need to equally give and be open.

However, when I am paying a provider for an hour, and she is taking in the money, equal is already thrown out the door. One of us is a customer. The other is running a business. The customer wants satisfaction. A business wants financial success. If you fake a good O, and if I decide to buy it and be okay with it, then we are both getting what we are in it for. Not saying there is anything wrong if a provider and client decide teaching how to eat pussy properly is what they want to spend time doing. But I see it as less necessary than in a civee relationship.

Actually you're fully entitled to differentiate between  both relationships, and all you said with regards to your personal opinion and preferences, you're entitled to as well , and they make sense.  

Howevef , ' some guys ' actually like to please women in any type of relationships . As for me , I try for mutual  enjoyment but nothing over the top, unless I realized the she is really  into it ,fake or real.
So,yes we  we're paying for a service and have a right to be selfish. Because, honesty providers are not attracted to all clients they meet , it's a service.

To be clear, I always enjoy pleasing a woman. But if I am booking an hour, I'm not spending it getting instructions on how to do so at the expensive of not getting myself off. I will dine and do my best based on what I have learned over the years. If she ask me to go slower, faster, stick fingers in, or anything else that makes her happy, I will do it without batting an eye. But if she wants to go full instructional for the hour on me, no thanks. In the end, I'm paying for my satisfaction, not hers. If I can do both, that's great. If not, me first. Sorry not sorry.

Boohoo poor Mommy Bia. Why the hell does a guy pay a woman and worry about if SHE IS PLEASED.
You are hilarious but I’m sure your sister knows how to get you to cum. By the way any other family members that you do sessions with?

For most ,yes. Some want a little more connection and pleasure as well.

Women are women.  Yes they want "connection."  But not just with anybody.  They all want connection with the top 5% or even top 1% of men.  I'm sure here on TER we are all, like the men in Lake Wobegon, good looking and above average.  But out in the real world, most escorts are counting the minutes until clients leave.

worried42 reads

Agreed.  These women are escorts, paid for services.  Git it done, on inside, IOP, on outside(they want u to return).

-- Modified on 3/19/2024 7:50:17 AM

the  ones that HAVE to pay (because they can't score with civvie women) and the ones that PREFER to pay (because they don't want drama or complications).  With that said, if it weren't for the large number that HAVE to pay, providers would not be able to make a good living.  As you move up the economic food chain, the guys at the top have more options, like renting an apartment and putting the girl-of-the-month in it until they get tired and want to change to the next girl.  

-- Modified on 3/19/2024 9:14:06 AM

There are guys, like myself, that can score with civie women, but want women who are younger and out of my league. You can say I don't want the complications, but it's really more complex than that IMO. It's not like I can get a 25 year old model looking woman easily. Do I have a shot? Sure, there is that rare young hot model that may want a dad bod older guy like myself. But rich guys aside, because that's a different circumstance, they are like finding a needle in a haystack.

women tell me they find a guy in his fifties to early sixties who is lean and fit with good muscle definition hotter-looking that a younger guy who can't touch the top of the head because his biceps are too big.  Of course, it could also have something to do with older guys having more financial depth than guys their own age.  Lol

In fact, there has been a trend developing over the last several years where many young, successful woman who are beautiful and have their shit together career-wise are choosing boyfriends who are 50+ for a combination of reasons.  Several articles have been written on this topic from the perspective of why these young women are choosing more mature men as their partners.  Interesting reading.  

I have found this to be more of the case with mid to late 30s women. The percentage of them who like guys in their late 40s and 50s, maybe even early 60s though there is a clear drop off at that age, certainly is fair. But in talking to women in their twenties, especially early twenties, they seemed grossed out pyschologically by the idea of a guy in this age range.

It's probably very much a matter of looks.  A guy who looks ancient is probably a turn off to most* young women.  However if an older guy is good looking, think Cary Grant, or many Hollywood stars, they'll find young babes up until they're one foot in the grave.
* SOME chicks love old guys -- for the same reason many chicks are revolted by old guys.  The "same reason" being that whenever there is a general aversion to something in most people, a subset will experience an attraction to that same thing.  It's sort of a mix up in the brain wiring.  This explains fetishes that many of us find revolting.

By the way, I was once mentioning Cary Grant to a young SB.  She didn't know who I was talking about.  

Dyan Cannon is a good example of this kind of attraction, although it only lasted a few years, he was 33 years her senior.  

Interestingly, the trend I'm seeing is just the opposite. The straight cougars that work at my company in the office areas have been chasing after "cubs ", guys probably half their age. I guess they like them young and want to break them in before they get any bad habits, lol

When you get to top tier looks wise there’s always a difference. Like I’m not looking for 50 or 60 year old women, but I’m not kicking one out of bed if she is top of the food chain hot. Same goes for men to women. While I consider myself good looking, I’m packing a small pouch and certainly not sporting Hollywood good looks.

Many young guys  are still playing  the field and these younger  women know that.  Middle age guys for example  have been there and done that , and are more interested in something stable. Some of these younger women are also looking  for stability , financial security and maturity.

worried43 reads

HAVE v PREFER?  Everyone HAS to pay to see an escort.  Firstly, it's an addiction, but that's another thread.  Next, no escort is going to give you a freebie off the bat, unless you're her gimp(and that's much later).  I think it was Sir Charlie Sh33n said it best:  we pay the whores to leave, not stay.  Or something like that or maybe it wasn't even him.  You get the point.  Also, being a gimp is worse, in my opinion.  

Would women providers have to work harder or would the definition of what constitutes pops/shots and a session change? Or both?

already established with the MSOG upcharge?
With multiple being one or two shots max within the hour.

Could you clarify this so I don't inadvertently misinterpret it?

I know we both see kgirls, with many providing unlimited pops as long as you *can* pop.

didn't include Kgirls?
If not, disregard.

Women have an easier job getting  us off, even when she is  not the best at at it  , because most of us can't even last  past a few minutes anyway .For most  women on the other hand ,it may  take more effort in terms of techniqe and patience . Some might even have  to be attracted to you for it happen,  so it's no one size fits all, in achieving the same end result,

react to SOME things in the same way, but there can be a wide disparity in the way they react to other things.  Technique and paying close attention to their reactions is the key to finding what works best for each lady.  Or . . . .  if you are not shy, you can just ask them and save yourself a whole lot of trial and error.  Lol      This approach is good for providers, but many civvie women will be put off by you asking.  They just expect us to know what to do without them knowing that other women may not react the same way they do to certain kinds of stimulation.  Lol

-- Modified on 3/20/2024 10:36:37 AM

Receptionist: How do you write women so well?

Melvin Udall (Jack Nicholson): I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability.

The funny thing about statistics is that someone somewhere made them up lol
And gentleman you can orgasm pretty easily for the most part. There are a few women who can orgasm fast and easy but most need ample amounts of foreplay ...  

Guys a woman will orgasm as many times as she wants too ... some ladies are into this hobby for $ and some just love this hobby because they love to be with you guys .... the ladies who love the hobby will have true, real and amazing orgasms because they want too. If she loves the hobby she will do what it takes to create a real orgasm with you, it's a waste of time and energy to fake it! I love to teach my lovers what I like so we get to experience the highest level of satisfaction together ... Not every girl likes the same thing, so if you do what you know from past experiences, most likely the effort won't produce the result you are seeking.
Guys when it's our first time together then it's a very fun date to really truly explore the art of intimacy and eroticism.

I'd say worry less about the statistics and spend more time learning the lady you are seeing :)

Kissez that make your head spin,
Doc Holli Wood

Well said doc, but stats does have value expecially when  they pretty much  come up with the same result.  
Population counts are never accurate but somewhat close in my opinion.

the wide range of lingerie you sell, which leads me to my question.  Can you no longer get XS and S sizes?  From your ad photos, it seems you specialize in the XL, XXL,  XXXL, and larger range.  Is this your target demographic, or can you just not get normal sizes in these styles?

Oh no darling .. my ads show plus sizes so ladies know there are more options than only small or petite lingerie available like it used to be ... I opened the toy site to cater to the retreats I host for men, women and couples. As a lifestyle and intimacy coach, my mission is for everyone to experience the best orgasms imaginable! So I educate about toys and how to use them for the highest potential :) Mostly civvie folks use my coaching platform and a lot of the ladies are plus size, so I cater to that demographic on my toy site. Thanks for asking!!
Kissez that send shivers down your spine,
Doc Holli

To me, the greatest aspect of "this thing of ours" (like a sexy Costra Nosa LMAO!!) is compartmentalization. You're pretty much guaranteed (if you do your homework) to spend great time with a really hot looking woman without all of the aggravation along with wasted time and effort trying to obtain this in the "civvie" world--(where it's a about a 99.9% chance you won't have success.)  

AND--you can develop a really nice connection with someone within the boundaries of the arrangement. Once time is up you each go about your separate ways without all the baggage and drama that so often accompanies the average "civvie" relationship. It's affection and sensuality in a "compartmentalized" dynamic that works on both sides. There's a lot of "win-win" to "our thing!!"

-- Modified on 3/24/2024 2:48:23 PM

  When you set up an appointment with a female (Provider/Escort). You should email or text her first and let her know exactly what type of things you are into sexually & non-sexually that you want to do with her.  And make sure that you have cash app on hand (In case she prefers to deal with CASH APP). I prefer to deal with Cash App when I get paid. I live and work in Atlantic City, NJ.

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