TER General Board

Re: Wellllllll.sad_smile
MfSD 39 Reviews 42 reads

Everything is negotiable, but travel dates are best reserved for clients-escorts that have established some rapport, some ground rules. I can't imagine feeling stranded and dependent on one side of the equation added up to good s*x and good times on the other side. That said, you never really know how someone is going to act until you're alone with them: long on daddy in this case, short on sugar  ( - :


So, why should I pay an overnight rate for a provider to go to a 5-star resort with me to, say Hawaii? Isn't it enough of a treat- airfare, room, meals, massages and some shopping. Btw, I'm a once a day guy at best. I've never done it and was just wondering. I'd appreciate comments from both sides. Thanks

More power to you.

Try the angle and let us know.

On the other hand, SB you may be able to. One of the advantages of having a SB.

It's not easy.

I used to think it would be fun and economical to let salespeople take me to lunch where I work.   Boy, was I wrong, at least about the fun part.    Now I bring a lunch with me most days, thank you.

Mommascomin42 reads

you make a great comparison.  

To OP: If your provider truly enjoys being around you, she might do the trip for free, but thats often not the case. (also you have no way of knowing if she's actually enjoys being around you, we're great actors). Having an extended date for 4 or 6 hours is fine and dun, being with you all day and night isn't fun, its work, being on the clock that long can be stressful, and not getting paid for it would be even worse. thing is, asking us to do that work for free is a turn off. if he tries to sweet talk her into it, he's likely to lose her as a regular provider, not just for the trip.  

Either find a lady who's rates you can afford, or go alone.

If she is willing to do the trip for free, she truly enjoys your company. lol

OTOH, even if she does truly enjoy your company she might not be in the financial position to spend several days of making no money. Just because some guy is paying all of her "vacation expenses" doesn't mean her mortgage, car payment, CC's and other bills are just going to pay themselves.

There are a couple of tactful ways to test the waters rather than just blurting out "would you go on vacation with me for free?"  

The OP could float a trial balloon such as "I've been toying with an idea, and I wanted your opinion. Would you prefer a completely 1st class vacation with all the stops pulled out, but with no fee being paid to you, or would you prefer a lesser vacation, but one where you are getting paid?"  

Depending on her answer he could proceed with the conversation accordingly.

bear in mind she's not earning a penny during the whole time.  And, as fish-dude said, she's got to be "on" the whole time...made up, dressed the way you like, pretending you're the coolest clown in the room, etc.
For my money, there's NO ONE on the planet I want to be with for a solid week.  I'd rather have variety, sleep by myself, wake up alone and go prowling for pussy. But if she's going to put up with your farting and snoring she should get paid. However, feel free to negotiate the rate.

You're going on a trip with your ATF because you've enjoyed time with each other and have great chemistry.  So you're traveling with a provider for that - chemistry filled companionship.  

Chemistry isn't just about what happens behind closed doors. Chemistry is about conversations and having a good time. And that's what you're paying for.  

A lot of people think it is a lot of verbiage when we say we are selling "an experience", but is REALLY is what we're selling.  

Fun conversations, stress free companionship, flirting and romance without any expectations, looking and being our best through it all.  

That takes effort for ANY human. Providers ask for money to be fairly compensated for all that effort.  

When you put all that extra effort in YOUR job, don't you like being compensated with bonuses and promotions as well? It's the same concept. All of us like being recognized and fairly compensated for our efforts.

"airfare, room, meals, massages and some shopping." are Not Enough
for me to stop thinking about:
Car payment
School Loan
Hair/ Nails/ teeth cleaning
Time Off of work
Not to mention the mental and physical labor of being the entertainment for _____amount of days.  

Exactly!!!! I can take my own vacation without being the entertainment lol now, I'm not saying I wouldnt work out some kind of deal because the longer the rendezvous,  the more I'm willing to rearranged my rate structure.  Id only go if it was someone i already had a connection with though.  

The guy who is a "client only" pays full rack rate., maybe even more if you really don't care for him too much

The guy you "kind of like" gets a discount.

The guy you "really like" and can rock your world to boot gets the rate the OP is looking for. lol

It sounds like the OP has already reached out to providers he knows, the fact they all seem to want full price says more about him than them IMHO.  I think this should be a wake up call for him about the way the women he sees really feel about him. I am one of those guys who doesn't mind paying for sex, but I hate to think that I have to pay for "company" if  woman feels the need to charge me full rate to go on vacation with me it tells me I am nothing but "business" to her and I doubt I would want to spend that much time with her in the first place, but I am kind of an arrogant prick in that regard as I really am "charming, witty, and easy to be around"  and I am most definitely NOT a "once a day" kind of guy. lol

-- Modified on 11/21/2017 11:21:29 AM

I can pay it on my own and no need to have make up, be ready at all times, I can do whatever I want, sexless days, taking care of myself and most important.. sleep well with out the snoring, pulling blankets, getting up at the time that Mr wants. etc.  

Fly me to you is... work.  
Well, unless... you are The Rock or  Justin Baldoni :)

Are you telling me there are no escorts in Hawaii ?  
    Go to the Hawaii page on this very web site, find one, make it with  her once a day at her rack rate, she will think you're the best guy ever. Spend the rest of the day doing what you want, I bet you come out big money ahead.

-- Modified on 11/21/2017 7:10:32 AM

souls_harbor41 reads

The erudite way of saying that is "Carrying coal to Newcastle."

Look up Khloe Meadows in Oahu and have her play your tune several days in a row!
She's what I would do.

If you are really having that much trouble finding someone to go on a "first class trip" with you without charging you full rack rate perhaps you aren't as charming, witty, or as easy to be around as you might think?

There is another way to look at it, when you are paying full rate, you are paying her to be "on" during the whole trip, the less you pay her the less obligated she will feel to be "on" during your time together. Are you ready for the "real" woman behind the hooker persona? If not, you might rethink your idea about not paying.

For the record one of the very worst trips I have ever taken was a ten day trip to Hawaii with a hooker. Said hooker was my GF at the time and of course I only paid for expenses, but it was a fucking miserable trip, I found myself wishing I had paid her, if I had been paying her I would have felt justified putting her on the next plane back to the mainland and enjoying the rest of the trip alone (well, more like with some local company), but instead I suffered through the entire ordeal like some married schmuck on vacation with his shrew wife.

If getting a huge discount really is your goal, and you don't mind taking a risk that the trip might be a bust, you might try a "sugar site" You can almost certainly find some "non pro" young thing who will jump at the chance for a free trip to Hawaii, but you run the risk that you and her might not be compatible and you'll end up stuck with someone you'll find out that you can't stand.

Think of all the money they could make if not in Hawaii...vacations are nice but it's not a vacation for us. It's still work and ladies have to earn a living, bills can't get paid with fancy trips. Hawaii also isn't cheap so she will definitely have to come out of pocket at some point. Because really who wants to ask "Daddy" for some spending cash???

I know some ladies offfer packages for trip so your not paying a crazy fee everyday...but at least find a lady your willing to drop some coin on and have fun. Being tight won't get you very far on "vacation" and may just make your trip suck. I went last year with a sugar daddy type and god knows I would have done things a little differently. I felt stranded and dependent most of the time while there.  Trust me when I say it would be worth every penny to find a good girl and pay her rate.  

Even if your the most amazing man in the world....it all costs us something to eat and live. Expecting someone to do so free is silly.

Everything is negotiable, but travel dates are best reserved for clients-escorts that have established some rapport, some ground rules. I can't imagine feeling stranded and dependent on one side of the equation added up to good s*x and good times on the other side. That said, you never really know how someone is going to act until you're alone with them: long on daddy in this case, short on sugar  ( - :


tricurious39 reads

I thought about this and I’d be curious for the ladies’ opinions on this idea. Offer to fly the lady out and pay for her to have her own room. Set up a schedule (not sure how much is reasonable) where you spend some time together do some meals together, but otherwise the ladies’ time is hers to do what she wants with.  Hell, she could even set up a touring schedule.  
If this were a place the lady wants to go to anyway, then maybe you could work out an engagement like this. But I would think she’d have to like you, it would have to be a desirable location and her financial situation would have to be such she could afford to not make money for a week (unless she toured).  
I think this would allow you to save some money as she might not charge the full rate for this set up. It’s probably not what some people have in mind, but for me, I have a hard time thinking I would want to spend a week straight with anyone. Because it’s hard for the provider to be “on” for a week, but I imagine it would be hard for me to be “on” all the time too.  
Or just go by yourself and see locals. But then you’re gambling with someone new.

My first travel date was a variation on this theme. Booked a 2 bedroom suite in Vegas (her request) but we did sleep together the last night and on subsequent trips.  And there are plenty of quality ladies that live in parts of the country where the COL is lower and they have lower donation schedules as a result. Even with airfare, it can be more affordable to fly in your date, particularly if the local ladies are more expensive. But expecting a lady (for the OP) to take less compensation simply because you're taking her to the big city or the beach comes across as a bit cheesy.  I did drop a lady off once at a different hotel than the one we were staying at; she was staying in Vegas to continue working, but after our scheduled time was up.


Plus the few hours before, plus transfer to hotel? With someone you really don't know.

If your lady has vacation time scheduled and wants to go to Hawaii, maybe she would give a break.  Or, if you allowed her to work from your room while you are not BCD with her, nah probably not.

One of my favorite Phoenix heauxs, moved to Hawaii earlier this year. So, I would look her up and play as often as she was available.
 Personally, unless I am really comfortable with the lady, and found that out from spending a lot of outside the bedroom time,  wouldn't go on a trip with someone. No matter what she wanted as compensation.  

If your lady is experienced at these kind of travel dates, then you have a head start on a good time.

get a girlfriend or better yet, take your wife :) LOL!  

Men that have to think about it 2 times... don't really should do it bc they definitely don't have the funds to do so.

Thanks to all of you for this advice. It's helpful. I agree with some. Of course, I'd only go on vacation with someone I had a lot of experience with. As for "getting a girlfriend", I'm paying for the freedom of not having one. There is no free lunch in dating either. If it's not money, it's emotional commitment.


Because airfare, dinners, and sitting on a beach doesn't pay my bills. It's a nice gesture but I would rather do an overnight in my city and be paid my rate. You're asking us to do our job and not be compensated in the manner we prefer, and to leave behind potential appointments that are paying our rate. It's like if you went to work and they offered to pay you in restaurant giftcards- it's still compensation but not what you'd like. That being said there are women who do do this and I would *consider* it with a very, very good regular but I would still expect a portion of my donation.

Even with ladies you’ve demonstrated multiple times with a first class flight, 5 star hotel, massage, meals, entertainment and gifts; they’re going want to still get paid. Despite comments on how much they enjoyed being with you and appreciated it.

Best you can hope for is a price break or more time. 12hr overnight is little time when they require 6+ hrs of sleep. Might find a place they want to stay after for personal travel or a tour to create more incentive and reduce risk of them missing flights or canceling.  

Regardless of how great of a trip you may think it is, they may consider it work time away from personal time. If it works, it’s great. However don’t expect everyone to be so excited that it’s free or that they will put in extra effort. I’ve had ladies who cancelled last minute, missed flights (their fault), avoid playtime, or don’t even bother with a thanks after. Good luck.

I love to travel and go on trips with clients usually once or twice a month. Recent trips include Las Vegas, Napa Valley, San José and a South Dakota camping trip. My per day gift request is very low compared to other providers (Probably the lowest, actually!) The gents I travel with request bedroom playtime once, maybe twice per day. Otherwise we are enjoying interesting museums, going hiking, relaxing in the pool, winery tours, and eating at lots of amazing restaurants. I know that you are already spending lots of money on me, I am not going to be that greedy!  LOL  
This is my job, yes, but I would never want anyone to go broke having a fun vacation with a pretty and smart gal. (Me!) So, yes, I think some of the per day vacation requests are over the top. So.... look me up, shoot me a message. Let's travel!!!  


pretty intense and just plain old fun. Despite all the negative comments on this thread, noone has pointed out the positive. Which are many. I had a very rewarding relationship with someone I met here which was strictly travel based as we were on separate coasts.  The only way to meet was to fly to each other or meet in the middle where he was doing business. He set the tone, told me where to be and when and I was there. I will say this was a special circumstance and I haven't had a relationship like this since but I would definitely entertain it again. I do know it can only work if it works for "both" of you in however you define that and if you both sincerely enjoy each other's company immensely. Which we did.  

Anyhow, happy turkey day!

Posted By: Lotsoffun

So, why should I pay an overnight rate for a provider to go to a 5-star resort with me to, say Hawaii?
I say why not?

I still don't understand this new site and who is talking to who lol. Actually, the gentleman I was speaking of I saw well over 10x all over the country for a period of time. Was fun for sure!  

The gentleman you are speaking of was a blast too, I remember our time together well! You're not backchannelling on me now are ya Jake?  

Happy turkey day ;)

I have it on good authority that Jake doesn't mind "throwing a bone" to old broads every once in a while.

BTW you might be BSC (ok no "might" about it), but it's fun having you around sometimes. Happy Thanksgiving

Beautiful. Sexy. Cute. Why thank you ;)  

And no way Jose lol I'm WAY too old for him, we both know this lol, he can stay with his model type young'uns  

Happy turkey day to you too! Hope you're spending it wisely lol

being a wise ass doesn't count of course. lol

and yes, you are at that awkward age for me. Your daughter is most likely too old for me and your granddaughters most likely too young.

But Happy Thanksgiving to you both.  As for me, I'll be with one of my "model types," so you KNOW I'll be happy.

Try thinking this through from another point of view - yours.  

Let's say you are a lawyer, or an accountant and have a long-term and friendly client. Let's call him Bob.   You have been providing professional services to Bob for 2 years and you always enjoy your time with him.  You share similar politics, food & beverage preferences, and know that he is good at what he does and your services make him even more successful due to the expertise and execution you deliver.  

Bob wants to go to Boise, Idaho for a potato convention. He just loves potatoes; fried, boiled, baked, crisps/chips, soups & stews, mashed, or whatever. He's planning a 3 day trip to explore all things potato and may even consider setting up a regular potato-circuit tour schedule in the near future.  Bob asks you to come with him, all expenses paid. Several time during the trip, without prior notice, Bob will ask you to leverage your professional skills in evaluating various potatoes, in tasting them, deciding if potato-related businesses are a good investment and of course in finding the best potatoes to take home as souvenirs of the trip.  Bob will not pay your for your professional services, instead offering you 1st class accommodations at the Boise Motel 6, plus all the "pom frites" and ketchup you can eat.  

If you go with him, you will need to cancel or delay client meetings with Steve, who does real estate, Marv, who invests in digital currencies, and Sam who just likes sucking your dick while you gargle the Star Spangled Banner on his balls. All of these meetings will generate fee collections three or more times what Bob pays for his usual services.  

You going to Boise, or you going to gargle those juicy Sam-balls?  

I think we all know that you're going to be rinsing the taste of gargled ball sweat out of your mouth while you deposit those bitcoins into your mortgage payment account.

tricurious36 reads

Boise no, but Hawaii or Australia maybe. I travel for work and am much more willing to volunteer for travel assignments to desirable locales and I don’t get paid extra for the time outside of work hours. I know there are some things wrong with this analogy because I’m still getting paid my regular salary, but for someone that does this on the side for extra cash and is low volume SOMETIMES it might make sense. But typically, no, you need to pay the rate.

tricurious40 reads

Actually I thought about this some more. One of my buddies had a business where he installed high end  home entertainment equipment. I could not have afforded him typically. But he wanted to come to a
High profile sporting event in my town. Told me if I bought him a plane ticket and ticket to the game he’d do the work at cost. I bought all of his drinks and food that weekend too, but he didn’t expect that.  
He says he has the same deal for certain acquaintances that live in locations he’d like to visit or have cool homes. Pay his way, out him up and he’ll give a break on cost. He obviously can’t do this every week, but he’s gotten some decent trips. Norway, wine
Country and a Ranch in Montana he told me.  
I think this is analogous to the travel situation. You definitely should never assume that you’ll get a break, but for the right location, and the right person, maybe they will work for you if you have a previous relationship.  
I mean, I don’t have a clue, but I imagine most providers at the higher price points aren’t full every day with multiple clients. Taking 3 or 4 days off might not be a huge loss of income.

Many good points of view. I appreciate the inputs from all. Since I've never even considered an overnight because it seems a waste to have someone watch me sleep, I thought of this differently. I think the "sugar baby" route might have some merit. Btw, do any of you think the $500-$1000 providers are busy every day?

souls_harbor39 reads

Now that I've been tuned into SA (Seeking Arrangments) if I had the bucks and the time to take a trip with a FWB, I't find someone on SA who would likely do it for just the experience rather than charge a daily rate.

Hawaii with a vacationing provider.  I'm paying for the trip like I would for a civvie girl, but nothing for her time.  There will still be daily sex time, and she brings all of her knowledge and expertise as a professional to the table.  Much better than an amateur SB, IMO.  

englishguy44 reads

I traveled with a potential ATF a couple of times, that I'd had great times with previously. Then I travel with her and get a complete waste of time and money, always claimed "S.H.E" was sick when going to good locations.

Needless to say I have moved on...!

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