TER General Board

Re: umm, no I can look anyone directly in the eye and say with all honesty that I've never cheated
bigguy30 221 reads

You also miss the larger point.
I was not only talking about marriage, but anybody dating period.
Also you are responsible or accountable to yourself, but it's still a level of cheating.
If the provider has a partner, in her personal life and you fuck her on a date.
Most people cheat one way or another and it's really not a big issue.
Since most people on this site fuck multiple providers.

Posted By: russbbj
As bad as things got and as much as I wanted out of my marriage, she did not deserve to be betrayed.  
 And now that I've found this world, there will never be anyone else for me to betray.  
 While, your statement may be true (most) people are cheaters, not all people are cheaters!  
 As far as provider's I've been with cheating on their SO's, I'm only responsible for and accountable to myself.
-- Modified on 4/9/2016 4:02:46 PM

If looks really do matter to the hobbyists. then why do they frequent the same providers again & again. If the the hobbyist doesn't like how the Provider looks or thinks that she's not up to par with the looks. Then why do most hobbyist keep seeing the provider and keep paying the exact same amount?! I do not believe that it's more out pitty (So, please do not try that BULLSHIT with me!!).
   I believe that Hobbyists(Clients) are just trying to play the Provider for a fool and try to get it cheaper, then advertise. Wake up!!! Guys come to the Female and try to get in their pants and get sex(That's why most Females are on here). If guys weren't such horn dogs and cheaters, then Females(Regardless of how she looks) wouldn't be on here. I believe that 50% to 99% of the Providers are on here because they know how much of a horn dog guys really are and the provider tries to ca$h in on that.  Some Hobbyists do not really want to leave reviews because they are afraid of another hobbyist taking his spot and the provider not having time for him

JakeFromStateFarm388 reads

Based on your post (and another one full of complaints further down the page) I would not see you.  My advice to you (besides changing your attitude, which I doubt will happen), is pull your post and minimize the damage.
Khakis rule!

GaGambler391 reads

At least you are a "Khakis wearing guy" so you have an excuse.

I think she just lost what little support she might ever have had here.

We are all visual creatures.   Some say men are even more visually-stimulated than women.    

Many men NEED to enjoy what they're seeing & fucking to really get the most out of the experience.  The most bang for their buck.  

Why do men keep seeing someone they find unattractive?    

Well, if they're telling her she's not up to his standards but continues to see & pay her then maybe he is one of those who NEEDS to insult others and look down on them to feel good about himself.

Or he's seeing her due to a lack of options or funds.  Maybe he's just cheap.   And an asshole on top of that.  

The ones who continue to see someone who doesn't appeal to them (and PAY her!) out of pity are probably in the minority.
Because there are more pricks and demented jackasses than humanitarians in this hobby.  
That is, based on my own experience, there are more hobbyists who will pay someone so he can insult her, which is what he enjoys for whatever reason, than there are guys who will return to fuck & pay a lady simply because he feels sorry for her.


NOONER: (noun) A sexual encounter during lunch hour, especially one that is illicit.  

-- Modified on 4/9/2016 10:34:24 AM

I know in my case I find a wide variety of women attractive...some may not be appealing to the majority, but I cannot imagine myself seeing anyone out if pity OR some mysoginistic need to mentally abuse a woman while using her physically...I'm just not wired that way...

Debbie, can you, in your experience, come up with a number of percentage of instances where there was pity or abuse involved?

...make it on to my DNS list? Are you trying to set a record? LOL

Relax sweetie, you are on there!

In indelible ink! :D :D

GaGambler217 reads

Do you think she is uglier on the outside or the inside?

Or let me put it another way, which type of woman would you be more likely to see, A woman who was young, drop dead gorgeous, but that you knew was every bit as rancid inside as the OP, or a woman who looked identical to the OP, but was sweet, kind, caring and an all around good person and lover???

Which one of the two would be most likely to get an envelope from Jack?

Russ agrees with ME and calls HER "bitter." LO

That's a "Trick" question. Guys are all "Horn Dogs" who would Fuck anything.  

Posted By: GaGambler
Do you think she is uglier on the outside or the inside?  
 Or let me put it another way, which type of woman would you be more likely to see, A woman who was young, drop dead gorgeous, but that you knew was every bit as rancid inside as the OP, or a woman who looked identical to the OP, but was sweet, kind, caring and an all around good person and lover???  
 Which one of the two would be most likely to get an envelope from Jack?

GaGambler266 reads

I wouldn't fuck her on a bet, would you?

than just looks.

Nice looks are fine, but they are the cherry on top, not the core of what I pay for.

I doubt anyone continues to see someone based on pity.

...but I'm confused by your post. It's all over the place. I suppose that you are not looking for any answers but just wanted to vent.

reading that post i thought i was getting alzheimers or something...

bigguy30345 reads

Also we are all cheaters and horn dogs on here.
I know a few providers, who have a boyfriend, girlfriend or husband.
So yes it's a business for her, but she is still fucking someone else.
Just like the hobbyists is paying to fuck around on his girlfriend or wife too.

It's sounds like you should look for a new job, that will give you some more contentment.
The last thing is some providers call us hobbyists cheap or vent about their lack of reviews etc.
They forget we can pick and choose, who we want to see in this hobby.
Just like any business, if you don't give a fuck about your customers or have bad service.
Well the customers can go, where the service is better and they are appreciated more.
I have been on dates with providers in their early twenties to late forties.
Some were slim and other woman were very busty.

The money is not a issue for me personally, but a provider attitude is a deciding factor.
If a provider reviews are showing a lot of regulars or repeat business.
Then the reason is simple, she knows how to run her business.

Posted By: Kitty76
 If looks really do matter to the hobbyists. then why do they frequent the same providers again & again. If the the hobbyist doesn't like how the Provider looks or thinks that she's not up to par with the looks. Then why do most hobbyist keep seeing the provider and keep paying the exact same amount?! I do not believe that it's more out pitty (So, please do not try that BULLSHIT with me!!).  
    I believe that Hobbyists(Clients) are just trying to play the Provider for a fool and try to get it cheaper, then advertise. Wake up!!! Guys come to the Female and try to get in their pants and get sex(That's why most Females are on here). If guys weren't such horn dogs and cheaters, then Females(Regardless of how she looks) wouldn't be on here. I believe that 50% to 99% of the Providers are on here because they know how much of a horn dog guys really are and the provider tries to ca$h in on that.  Some Hobbyists do not really want to leave reviews because they are afraid of another hobbyist taking his spot and the provider not having time for him.  

-- Modified on 4/9/2016 9:36:19 AM

We are all cheaters
Uhm, no, I am not a cheater.

bigguy30188 reads

Most people on here are cheaters and I guess you are a special case.

Posted By: perfectstorm
We are all cheaters
 Uhm, no, I am not a cheater.

What does MOST mean and how do you even know.  

Posted By: bigguy30
Most people on here are cheaters and I guess you are a special case.  
Posted By: perfectstorm
We are all cheaters
  Uhm, no, I am not a cheater.

bigguy30236 reads

So if you are single and the provider is not single.
Then you guys have sex.
You are still involved in some form of cheating.

Also I guess you never cheated on anybody in your whole life or help someone else cheat?
Just stop it, most people have cheated once in their life.
This is why most people enjoy this hobby, whether you are single, dating or married.

Posted By: hiddenhills
What does MOST mean and how do you even know.  
Posted By: bigguy30
Most people on here are cheaters and I guess you are a special case.  
Posted By: perfectstorm
We are all cheaters
   Uhm, no, I am not a cheater.

JakeFromStateFarm198 reads

As for whether she's married or not, how would you know?  Or, if she told you, how do you know she told the truth? Also, you wrote, "If a provider reviews are showing a lot of regulars or repeat business," but how would you know that from her reviews?  A reviewer only gets to review her once, and I've seen very few that mentioned how often they'd seen her.  Unless he writes a new review and the first one is removed.  Unless you're not talking about TER.
You sound like a know-it-all from this, but based on your post, you don't know too much.

bigguy30274 reads

So calm down and we agree to disagree.
Also I was not only talking about marriage smart guy.
I guess you wanted to miss that point, to ease your own mind.
Some of you men are talking, like this is ehamony. Lol

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
As for whether she's married or not, how would you know?  Or, if she told you, how do you know she told the truth? Also, you wrote, "If a provider reviews are showing a lot of regulars or repeat business," but how would you know that from her reviews?  A reviewer only gets to review her once, and I've seen very few that mentioned how often they'd seen her.  Unless he writes a new review and the first one is removed.  Unless you're not talking about TER.  
 You sound like a know-it-all from this, but based on your post, you don't know too much.

JakeFromStateFarm176 reads

Bear in mind that no one agreed with your post.  Yet you battle with everyone about what you said and reply to every post.  Seems like it's we who are getting to you.  Chillax, biggy!
Khakis rule!  :)

GaGambler255 reads

I see you have already figured out that when fg gets something into that little pea brain of his, there really is no sense in arguing the point with him. The only two things that will get him to stop are to just stop responding or keep at it until Admin finally closes the branch. Either way, it's like talking to a brick wall, except that the brick wall is smarter.

and I too am not cheating on anyone. It's only cheating if you make a promise not to do it. I rarely promise fidelity, but when I make such a promise I take it seriously, which of course is why it's so hard to extract such a promise from me.

bigguy30300 reads

I guess you could not mind your business, little old man.
We disagree on this point and we don't need your stupid comments.
It's must be very lonely for you, at the nursing home on a Saturday? Lol

Posted By: GaGambler
I see you have already figured out that when fg gets something into that little pea brain of his, there really is no sense in arguing the point with him. The only two things that will get him to stop are to just stop responding or keep at it until Admin finally closes the branch. Either way, it's like talking to a brick wall, except that the brick wall is smarter.  
 and I too am not cheating on anyone. It's only cheating if you make a promise not to do it. I rarely promise fidelity, but when I make such a promise I take it seriously, which of course is why it's so hard to extract such a promise from me.
-- Modified on 4/9/2016 4:52:57 PM

JakeFromStateFarm244 reads

It's kind of pathetic, really.  Especially with the name-calling.  You really should try to grow up.

bigguy30267 reads

I have fun on this site and not sensitive, like you seem to be on here.
Just relax and try to enjoy yourself.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
It's kind of pathetic, really.  Especially with the name-calling.  You really should try to grow up.
-- Modified on 4/9/2016 6:50:40 PM

JakeFromStateFarm219 reads

I guess your idea of fun is to say dumb things and be ridiculed for it.  OK, fine.  Have a ball.  LMAO!

bigguy30255 reads

I don't care and this is why, it's called fun.
You can't take yourself, so seriously on here.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
I guess your idea of fun is to say dumb things and be ridiculed for it.  OK, fine.  Have a ball.  LMAO!

bigguy30215 reads

I see a lot of similar things in your comments.  
You must have been writing this comment at the bar.
So you are not getting to me.
I am laughing at you! Lol

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
Bear in mind that no one agreed with your post.  Yet you battle with everyone about what you said and reply to every post.  Seems like it's we who are getting to you.  Chillax, biggy!  
 Khakis rule!  :)[/quote


-- Modified on 4/10/2016 4:13:08 AM

As bad as things got and as much as I wanted out of my marriage, she did not deserve to be betrayed.

And now that I've found this world, there will never be anyone else for me to betray.

While, your statement may be true (most) people are cheaters, not all people are cheaters!

As far as provider's I've been with cheating on their SO's, I'm only responsible for and accountable to myself.

bigguy30222 reads

You also miss the larger point.
I was not only talking about marriage, but anybody dating period.
Also you are responsible or accountable to yourself, but it's still a level of cheating.
If the provider has a partner, in her personal life and you fuck her on a date.
Most people cheat one way or another and it's really not a big issue.
Since most people on this site fuck multiple providers.

Posted By: russbbj
As bad as things got and as much as I wanted out of my marriage, she did not deserve to be betrayed.  
 And now that I've found this world, there will never be anyone else for me to betray.  
 While, your statement may be true (most) people are cheaters, not all people are cheaters!  
 As far as provider's I've been with cheating on their SO's, I'm only responsible for and accountable to myself.
-- Modified on 4/9/2016 4:02:46 PM

you are cheating the law by doing something illegal.

technically speaking, that is...

I come on this board to be entertained, but this is the second post I've seen from you, degrading or slandering hobbyists.. Did you fall in love with one and he dropped you?  
Did your ATF get tired of you?  

You don't know why other providers do this.  I personally do it because I love it, I don't come on this board to talk negative shit about the gentlemen here, even if one of them was a jerk.  

that's why you'll never be successful. Get your shit together and stop making yourself look bad on this board

Beautifully written Naomi and thank you for saying this so eloquently.


You've got some kind of attitude. Why?
And why rant here? You've got something to say to someone say it to them.  
Why do guys come back? Because the sex must be great.  
Think about that.  
Regardless of what he says or writes you must have done one helluva job.

..posting photos of yourself as a teen alongside current photos!!! WTF! Yeah, you were pretty then but now the source of your ugliness is clearly from within.

If I were you I would get rid of it.  It's only noon and it's Saturday. Many people haven't seen it yet.  Ho's that live on the pity pot and announce it regularly generally fail on an epic level.   You're only 4'9"  there is definitely a market for that.  Read Vogue and change your look.  Dive right into 2016 and things will change for you.  Get rid of the yearbook pics on your website too.  No guy cares what you looked like then. There  IS  a man in your area that will help you with taking new pics.  Cash in on your good features. Life is way too short to worry about the one guy who made you feel lousy.  Go make yourself feel great and then you will shine sista.

Huh?  I just don't know what to say.  I usually have something to say...either sharing an experience I can identify with, something witty or even funny (?).  This time, after checking everything out, I'm sorry, I'm speechless.


GaGambler264 reads

There is almost always something witty, funny or just plain smartass to say about any OP, especially one like this one.  

The only problem with a thread like this one is trying not to offend other women who also were not particularly blessed in the looks department. I try not to make fun of people for their looks because it's mean and a sign that you have nothing else to make fun of them about, but in this case she is much uglier on the inside than the outside and that's fair game in my book.

You're right!  I need to concentrate.  How's this:

Dear Kitty:  I'm sorry you feel like this.  Not ALL of us hobbyists are like the type you describe.  However, may I kindly suggest an overhaul of your attitude?  I understand that maybe one or two ( or maybe all of them...I don't know) hobbyists that you've seen have mis-treated you but that's not a solid reason to blame all of us.  Another kind suggestion would maybe  be hire a professional photographer to do a photo shoot with.  Most of the pros can do wonders for their subject.  I hope this helps

Your friendly hobbyist, D.

In addition beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.  I don't think there is onetotally objective standard to what defines "good looking" that everyone agrees on.  That's why I find TERratings so hilarious.  Obviously numbers, ratings, and opinions, serve as a source of input but isn't the one single thing I look at.  I'm just as suspicious of a lady that has all 10/10's as I am with someone that may have 4/4's.  Obviously the scales may be anchored for different reasons, but to think that a different as men's taste are that everyone would see the same lady as a 10/10 is typically not practical.  I pay more attention to what's written and pm / back channel information that I ever do on some BS numeric system.  

While it's true we men are visual and probably more so then our female friends, I always put more weight on the ladies personality, love of her work, openness, and skills over just how she looks. I also will choose certain body features or attributes that I like over just looks. I've had sessions where by most standards the lady was drop dead gorgeous, but was totally boring in bed. On the other hand, I've had sessions where the lady would be rated average in the looks department by most, but was out of this world as for as skills and pleasing.

Definitely different strokes for different folks.  


Each man can make his own decision but I think I speak for a fair number of others saying 4'9"  150+lbs is not attractive.  In fact its more along the lines of: lights off, curtains drawn and blankets over the curtains to make sure its completely dark.  Some picture galleries make me hard.  Yours does not.

Consider yourself lucky that there are cheaters and horndogs who will see you.  Please don't visit Boston.  

"Some Hobbyists do not really want to leave reviews because they are afraid of another hobbyist taking his spot and the provider not having time for him."
 I don't believe your calendar will ever be too full to see someone.

without going into the op's rant motivations, and with the caveat that i do think for men that indeed looks DO matter, i must respectfully disagree w/your opinions about overweight (er, ahem...plus sized) women's ability to draw suitors.

there's a huge (no pun intended) market out there for the bbw.  and there's lots of guys who dig it.

if the op would glam herself up (mostly on the inside, not the outside) she could do well in a certain market.  her performance skill ratings are pretty good (lowest is a 7, which on ter i have found to be quite an enthusiastic score from most hobbyists).

sorry but i'm tired of guys on these boards saying "oh this woman is ugly! no one will want her!" when they mean "oh i think this woman is ugly!  i don't want her!" which is a totally valid stand, but not enough to project onto all men everywhere.

there's plenty and plenty of guys for every gal and vice versa (and some vices are versa than others).

i would think that all of us engaging in this already illegal and some say cutting edge avant garde approach to morality would be a little more accepting of others.

I was not aware there is a big market for BBW.  I personally prefer as thin as possible, but looks are less important than personality and performance for me and many others I am sure.  I have seen and enjoyed a number of BBW because of their oral skills.

As you say there are many different men with different taste, and my preferences will change from day to day.  The OP does not attract me in terms of looks or personality displayed in her posts.  Have not read any of her reviews and do not plan to.  Did not see a $ number on her page and I won't post my opinion of ($ worth it for me)  that would only insult.

Here's the door. Nobody here will miss you. Thank you for playing.

tonightoutcall184 reads

One for me is the likelyhood of a bad session, rip off or LE are very small with women I have seen before. So give that I might repeat with that a 6 or 7 as opposed to seeing a 9 for the first time depending on cost. I've had some pretty mind blowing experiences with solid 7's. If I m seeing a new lady I shoot for agerages in the 8's but that can vary based on location and who I can see.  
        But to be honest I don't think I would see you based on your board posts alone.

Posted By: Kitty76
 If looks really do matter to the hobbyists. then why do they frequent the same providers again & again. If the the hobbyist doesn't like how the Provider looks or thinks that she's not up to par with the looks. Then why do most hobbyist keep seeing the provider and keep paying the exact same amount?! I do not believe that it's more out pitty (So, please do not try that BULLSHIT with me!!).  
    I believe that Hobbyists(Clients) are just trying to play the Provider for a fool and try to get it cheaper, then advertise. Wake up!!! Guys come to the Female and try to get in their pants and get sex(That's why most Females are on here). If guys weren't such horn dogs and cheaters, then Females(Regardless of how she looks) wouldn't be on here. I believe that 50% to 99% of the Providers are on here because they know how much of a horn dog guys really are and the provider tries to ca$h in on that.  Some Hobbyists do not really want to leave reviews because they are afraid of another hobbyist taking his spot and the provider not having time for him.  

Your first paragraph focuses on guys who frequent hookers they find unattractive for whatever nefarious reason you think they do this for...that topic has been covered sufficiently enough that I don't feel the need to address it...

Your second paragraph focuses on the fact that men like sex...and that's why other hookers hang out on the boards...


No shit...

huh?  what?

the sentences by themselves do actually make sense, but put altogether they are wandering, rambling and pointless.

what are you trying to say?

not that it's worth trying to dissect and respond to, but looks do matter, that's why i repeat with the the beautiful women i know, rather than try new unknowns (tho i have been known to do that too)

GaGambler203 reads

Granted she at least tried to make a complete paragraph which is more than we can say about Fancy, but Fancy does make a LOT more sense than this woman despite making her posts in crayon.

Besides my fancy joke and all which is in good fun. I noticed how even the nastiest post from bbfs4ever is takien more seriously than a ranting post from a provider.  

Sure the post doesn't come across as the most positive one, but let's face it. We all have ups and downs. The challenge is to funnel those feelings in a more tactful way. She wasn't able to contain herself and made this post. One has to try to put oneself in her shoes. Maybe she heard one too many regulars talk about hotter providers, yet they keep booking her. She is trying to make the point that looks can only go so far, and good service is what really keeps the guys coming back. I mean... this much it's clear to me.  

The other thing I wanted to bring up is the cattiness among providers. Notice how negatively the OP was received (again I mean... I get it. Not the merriest post or the most articulate), but how eager were some providers to point out how she will never be successful, or her pictures how "outstanding" they are I mean... Wtf!!! They were waiting the first opportunity to be catty towards other providers instead of trying to relate with them... Probably the OP chose the wrong forum to post his. The PO board would have been a better venue for such post.  

My main point in this post is that even the nasties post from any of the known trolls here is usually taken with more seriousness than this OP was taken. Some guys were gracious enough to give an honest answer which is cool. But seriously... Cmon guys.  

The pic from her gallery where seems she took out of her high school yearbook was hilarious tho... Ok only joke. 😜

-- Modified on 4/9/2016 4:04:15 PM

GaGambler232 reads

I don't respond at all to any of the troll posts that BBFS makes. I will respond later on in the inevitable train wreck that is created by his post/s, but I never comment on his troll threads directly.

As for this moron, I am still not sure what her point is and from the little I have seen from her she is every bit as unattractive on the inside as she is on the outside. I don't cut guys any slack for being ugly, hateful trolls, I don't see any reason that I should give her a free pass just because she owns a vagina. You know damn well you reap what you sow with me. The OP has earned the derision of the board and from me. There are a LOT of providers equally as unattractive physically on this board (or at least they are to me) who not only do quite well here, but actually thrive and end up towards the top of the "top lists" of TER on a very regular basis. Sorry, but I don't have a bit of sympathy for her.

It's her second tirade in three days. I took the first one more seriously. This just sounds like somebody who has lost it. There is not any reason to take her seriously.

JakeFromStateFarm274 reads

she ever "had it?"  Based on her performance here, the odds are long.

Her gallery is just outstanding. I am not sure but this might be other way around. Besides I suspect 10 cats live in her house.

Posted By: Kitty76
 If looks really do matter to the hobbyists. then why do they frequent the same providers again & again. If the the hobbyist doesn't like how the Provider looks or thinks that she's not up to par with the looks. Then why do most hobbyist keep seeing the provider and keep paying the exact same amount?! I do not believe that it's more out pitty (So, please do not try that BULLSHIT with me!!).  
    I believe that Hobbyists(Clients) are just trying to play the Provider for a fool and try to get it cheaper, then advertise. Wake up!!! Guys come to the Female and try to get in their pants and get sex(That's why most Females are on here). If guys weren't such horn dogs and cheaters, then Females(Regardless of how she looks) wouldn't be on here. I believe that 50% to 99% of the Providers are on here because they know how much of a horn dog guys really are and the provider tries to ca$h in on that.  Some Hobbyists do not really want to leave reviews because they are afraid of another hobbyist taking his spot and the provider not having time for him.  

Of course, beautiful women are wonderful, but as I look back over my sordid career, two of my absolute all time favorites were not particularly good looking in a classic objective way.  
Perhaps my favorite of all time was T'nisha.  It was what she liked to do to me, the people she would include at times, the ways she would do things.  Each time I saw her, things got more and more exciting.  
There have been a few  others that did the same, but I focus on her because looks were not her strong points.  She just loved to do things to me that made me wild.

You choose to be overweight and out of shape.

You choose to have a low maintenance, boyish hairstyle.

Clearly you choose to be who you are, or else you would work hard to change. And that's perfectly fine, there is a niche market for your style, but don't expect all men, or even most men to swoon over you. Just enjoy those who do.

Only YOU can prevent forest fires, the message therein is that if you want something more or different than what you have, you and only you must do something to change your circumstances.  

I used to be married to and lived with a woman who was overweight and who decided to cut her hair short in a boyish style so that she wouldn't have to work at doing her hair. So I have an idea of what is going on in your mind, jealousy, contempt for those women who do work hard at their appearance.

Look, I'll be honest, I am not an attractive man, I'm a little overweight, but I'm happy and content in the skin that I'm in. I'm not jealous of guys who are fit, who work hard to maintain their body, in fact I admire them for their dedication, drive and hard work.

Not everyone can be beautiful, if we were then nobody would be beautiful. Averages are averages, in order for there to be people who are above average in looks there must be people like me who are below average in looks. To be jealous of above average looking people, or have contempt of them because they are, is in my opinion a complete waste of time and energy.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life, you can choose to continue your petty jealousy and thus continue to be bitter, or you can do something about it, or you can accept who you are, just the way you are and look to be content with who you are. The proverbial ball is in your court.

Reality, what a concept.

-- Modified on 4/9/2016 4:53:43 PM

-- Modified on 4/9/2016 4:54:53 PM

If you have to talk about bad experiences just talk to a fellow provider.I had a bad experience with a client before(not everyone's gonna like you)but I'm not gonna make a rant about it in front of possible future clients.Try getting on a board for providers only.Lol I have so many thing I want to say about bad clients.But I will never discuss it here.Not a good idea.like I said go to a forum or something where it's only for providers and you can complain as much as you want lol

-- Modified on 4/9/2016 3:35:43 PM

You guys, "Pete", called me a bully for asking similar questions.   You even question my grammer and spelling.  Now she's back here again, have you looked at her profile??  

Would any of you guys pay, 3,4, 5, or 1K see her, really???

And now she's bitching again???

I would say, never bitch on the board.  Its never good business. People like you, I've seen your reviews.

This is what happens when you go through menopause.I will probably end up like her when I get older lol.Hopefully not:/

All menopause does for me is give me hot flashes and make me hornier.  The OP's attitude is not that of menopause.  It's bitter and anger from what seems to be from insecurity.  
Hell I do this because I get paid to fuck! What's not to love? ;)

Agree with you   hot flashes and the NEED to cum like it's your next breath

Kitty- There are so many points you brought up here and all of them are quite frankly negative and your logic is a little alarming.   I'm not on here often and am not familiar with the usual players on this field,  but felt compelled as a woman and fellow companion to reach out to you and give you some sincere advice.   I would urge you to look inward and find out what is driving your negativity and if need be, take a step back from this until you can reframe the reflection of who you are in a more positive light.   Hating on others in any industry is not attractive nor appealing .   For every single companion out there, you will find a market for it and the definition of attractive clearly has many forms.  Find your market and appeal to that, instead of projecting whatever insecurity you are feeling towards potential clients and other companions.  If you are unhappy with your business model then fix it, don't blame others.  If that means making some physical and emotional changes to appeal to the market you want to reach then put your energy into that.  It is a much sweeter joyous path to go down than one of blame and negativity.

You also might need to take a break to reboot your thinking and get your happy mojo back.  Good luck and I hope you take my suggestion in the manner it was meant

Objectively, there is a lot of truth in the original post.  I mean it is just business sense to realize that providers are here because of market demand (men being horn dogs, as she puts it.)  Just like there are restaurants because people like good food.  Supply meets demand (because of monetary reward for doing so.)  Most of us wouldn't go to work in the morning if there weren't money in it.

Also I can't really object to someone calling me a cheating horn dog.  It's accurate from their perspective -- which might even be the societal norm.  I have a slightly different view of it, but so what?

I would also agree that clients have some internal hope that being a regular will result in discounts.  Or that regulars might mate guard (not leave reviews.)  These all follow from the GFE premise, which is rooted in evolutionary biology -- faithfulness and ego gratification

Posted By: Kitty76
 If looks really do matter to the hobbyists. then why do they frequent the same providers again & again. If the the hobbyist doesn't like how the Provider looks or thinks that she's not up to par with the looks. Then why do most hobbyist keep seeing the provider and keep paying the exact same amount?! I do not believe that it's more out pitty (So, please do not try that BULLSHIT with me!!).  
    I believe that Hobbyists(Clients) are just trying to play the Provider for a fool and try to get it cheaper, then advertise. Wake up!!! Guys come to the Female and try to get in their pants and get sex(That's why most Females are on here). If guys weren't such horn dogs and cheaters, then Females(Regardless of how she looks) wouldn't be on here. I believe that 50% to 99% of the Providers are on here because they know how much of a horn dog guys really are and the provider tries to ca$h in on that.  Some Hobbyists do not really want to leave reviews because they are afraid of another hobbyist taking his spot and the provider not having time for him.  

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