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hungry1951 29 Reviews 3360 reads

I have noticed some of the ladies, here on the board, expressing a preference for their gentleman friends to be trimmed. My question is, "How Trimmed"? I have no problem with the old electric trimmer, but I just don't think I could bring myself to get that close to my balls with a razor blade.

I looooove shaved smooth balls. So much nicer to lick and suck. As for the upper pubes, I prefer trimmed, not shaved and definatly not hippie hair long. If I wanted to floss I'd use my minty floss.

the Ladies, like 'meowbaby', that like your 'boys' smooth and your pubic mound trimmed.

1. Have a comb and pair of scissors. (No, it's not as dangerous as it sounds!) Use the comb to comb from the base of the top of the penis upwards. Do at least the first 4-6 inches. Make sure to go to the sides where your leg meets the groin as well.

2. Now, use the comb again, starting at the base of the penis, to lift the hair away from the body so that 1/2 inch is below the comb tines and the rest above it. (Adjust the length accordingly, but 1/2 inch seems to work well when you read the rest.) Now, using the scissors, trim everything ABOVE the comb tines. If you get proficient at this you won't need the comb at this point, but the comb does protect you from 'slippage' and 'ooooopsies'!

3. Do this for the area you want to trim on your pubic mound. Make sure to get the crease as well on each side of your groin.

4. The first time you do your penis and boys, it is best to avoid the razor until most of the hair is removed. Use the comb/scissors again, or better yet, if you have a beard trimmer on an electric razor, use that to remove most of the hair. Don't worry about getting all the hair, just get it down to 1/4-1/2 inch.

5. Now, hop in a warm/hot shower and wet yourself down and then apply lots of sudsy soap. Here I'll give a plug for Dove soap. It has moisturizing cream in it that will help glide the razor when you use it, and also protect your skin. Avoid the normal soaps that strip away oils and such. The goal is to have a nice 'glide'. Proceed to do your normal showering; the heat and water will continue to soften the hair and area.

6. (Instructions now given from a right-handed perspective) Now that you are all clean, reapply the soap with your left hand. I find it best to have a small bar of Dove (or save the bar from normal showering when it gets small just for this purpose).  Continue to hold the bar in the palm of your left hand with your thumb, and use the 4 fingers to now stretch tight, lifting upwards, the scrotum. The 4-5-bladed razor of your choice is in your right hand. Go in an upward motion from the base of the underside of the scrotum with the razor, up to the base of the penis. The first couple times you do this you will have the urge to go over and over the same area to get every hair. Don't. You will cause more irritation. Just one or two swipes is enough to start. Go all around your scrotum, wiping the area with the soap after each swipe.

7. Now for the penis. Soap it down again. Don't worry, if you get 'excited' it actually makes for a closer shave. Using the fingers on your left hand, squeeze the head of the penis so that you pull it taught (not too hard!) upwards so there are no wrinkles on the area you will swipe. Now, go downwards with the razor, with less pressure than you did for the upwards on the scrotum. After you do this a few times you will learn the right pressure to use. Do these swipes all the way to the base of the penis, all the way around.

8. Finally, you do the 'edging'. This area is at the base of the penis on the topside, where it meets your pubic mound trimming. For this area you want to go down from the pubic mound to give a nice trim line. Every body is different, so it may take a few times to figure out the best amount of area to shave (1/4 inch, more or less). Don't go too much higher up if you plan to keep the pubic mound with some hair or you'll have a harder time fighting 'the scratchies' which ladies don't like.

9. Now your done, right? Wrong. You should have a loofah (one of those tan ones you can find in the chain pharmacies works well, not the nylon ones from Bath & Body Works). For the scrotum and penis, soap the area and just do a light upward graze with it. More importantly, for the pubic mound, apply suds and go in small circles a couple dozen times all over the scissor-trimmed area. What this does is 'buff' the ends of the hair so you no longer have sharp edges, butmore rounded ones. Much, much nicer for the ladies when their skin comes in contact with that area during intercourse, and also nice for them to 'pet'.

The above sounds like a lot of work, but it really isn't. The first time or two will take you a little time. The pubic mound may only have to be trimmed once or twice a month to keep in the range of your preferred length. For the scrotum/penis, you'll get to the point ofbeing bale to do that in less than two minutes during a normal shower time. Obviuosly guys who get 5-o'clock shadows at 2pm will need to shave daily. Using a soap like Dove is key to avoiding any irritation. And I recommend avoiding the use of any talcum powder down there. Just pat dry the area when you get out. The more you use Dove and shave daily, the softer the scotum gets. I've heard the word 'silky' used often.

Well, probably more than most wanted to read. Just wanted to provide a primer for those guys looking to try for the first time. It beats using chemicals, and clean-up is easy since it takes place during normal shower time.

I can personally testify that that is an ouchie.

I likewise am leary of getting a razor blade too close to the boys, so instead I have always used a small cuticle scissor to trim the whole area down to about a 1/4".

It is a bit time consuming and you have to be very careful to avoid nicks, but it's the best I've come up with so far.

I'd love to have a provider who is adept at this offer to shave me someday.  Maybe then I could get up the nerve.

Thanks perfessor for an eye opening exegesis.

use the pop-up on the Norelco. BUT, always with the comb tines as a barrier. No ouchies that way.
Haven't had to use it for a while since I shower each day and use the Schick Quattro.

I've been shaving down there for several years now and haven't had a problem.  I use the Gillette Mach Turbo 3 or the Fusion. I think you will find most ladies prefer hobbyists to be shaved smoothe(especially "the boys").

I think if a man shaves above, not referring to balls...that if there is any growth at all it can be very uncomfortable for ladies who have bare kitties as I do. Just like a man's beard, if there's a days growth it can be down right painful if he's rubbing it down there. like sandpaper. So same goes for his pubes. If he's rubbing up and down on a bare kitty, that kitty is going to me howling!!

If I could only convince my SO that I was doing it purely for our sexual enjoyment. Doubt it will fly.

GaGambler1229 reads

it was a SO who originally got me to start trimming down there. It is one of the few fond memories I have of her. Naw, just kidding, any SO who is interested in making sex better, gets a lot of bonus points from me.

One day she says "You first". So I said ok.
The boys get the razor about once a week or so. Not too bad in between shaves. you get used to it. The girls do love it, though.

I agree completely, I have also been shaving the twins for many years and i also use a Mach-3 Turbo.  Always seems to work the best (closet shave and fewer nicks) when I shave while the boys are up close due to being a little chilly.
Not only do the women appreciate and are therfore more likly to lick them--they are much more sensitive, making the whole experiance more pleasurable.

you dont need to shave it all off, just keep it nice and trimmed down cause I hate using hair as dental floss...

I use a new quality razor and always brand new.

Trim the balls as close as possible. The trick is squeezing them or pulling on them just right to get the skin taught.

For the pubes I use an electric beard trimmer and only take off (or keep off) the bulk. Leave enough for it to still be a little fury (longer than stubble. Shaving completely is not necessary and any "five o'clock shadow" in the pube area is too rough against her skin.

Lastly, I do it the night before or early in the morning (for an evening appointment). This makes sure any small nicks (or typically small abrasions) have healed.

Norelco has a new electric designed specifically for this that I'm anxious to try.

-- Modified on 1/19/2008 8:51:14 PM

I'd have no trouble at all turning the razor over to one of you that were truly interested in doing the job for me as part of a session.

Conversely, I would love to help out any gal feeling the same as I do, although I’m sure we’d have to be good regulars before that level of trust was built.

An electric razor works great on men.  I love nothing better than licking a set of freshly shaved boys.  I HATE the one or two day stubble.  It hurts!  I keep myself freshly waxed or shaved, so any stubble can be rough.  Not to mention my tongue starts to tingle if the boys are bumpy.  LOL


for your replies. This is very helpful. Maybe someday, if a lady is interested, I'll let her do the trimming. Although I would have to be sure that I had just been very, very nice to her, and that I hadn't said or done anything to piss her off!!! YIKES (In a very high pitched voice)

Im interested in how many hobbyists who kept their boys hairy, once they get into the scene, went into trimmed or shaved mode as part of their lifestyle.  My view is the ladies do so much for us to make it pleasant, might as well return the favor, plus as someone mentioned before, it gets so much more personal loving and attn.  Plus enhancing optical size!

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