TER General Board

Re: To Review or Not to Review?
OhioLoxly 27 Reviews 678 reads

Perhaps a "Blog" section on your own website would do it.

I had an opportunity, a few years back, to help out with a few G/G videos. All of the ladies were relatively new yet I felt what I was seeing and hearing was mostly for the cameras.

Was I ever wrong!

Once the shoot was over we had a nice catered lunch and the girls, now relaxed from being on camera decided to do some "Off the clock" pairing.

I learned a lot!

Best to keep in mind though that everyone is different and likes some things better than others, so always ask ahead of time. Other wise you could spoil the start of a terrific time.

As a female hobbyist, I've dated many providers. Yes, I'm a paying client. Recently, a provider asked me to write a review for her. In all these years I've never received that request before. Question for the male hobbyist - Would you find  that type of review credible/informative...or merely entertaining?

I was also wondering if any providers can tell me if they've ever been reviewed by a woman before? Frankly, I doubt if I'll write the review since I didn't promise and I don't think it will serve any purpose.

I ,for one, would be interested in how you might review a provider. Like reading reviews of a movie by a critic, a director, and someone just coming out of the theater, I wonder if a review would be very different or not from a providers and womans view than the usual reviews.

I agree...please write the review.  I know there's a difference in how a woman makes love to a woman orally and I'd LOVE to get some tips (or is that lips?)

Kissing, caressing, etc...is important to all of us so give us your view.  And when you did cum, how was it.

You'll do all us guys a favor.

Can I have the movie rights?  :0

At the top of your post it says "see my TER reviews" and they are linked to an impressive provider profile with reviews.

Are you saying you go both ways...where you are a provider but also pay as a client to see other women?

If that is the case, by all means write reviews as long as they are legitimate. I don't see anything wrong with it. On the contrary it would be quite interesting to see a female write reviews and see the degree of variation if any when compared to a male's reviews. Keep in mind that if the provider offers you something she typically wouldn't offer to other male clients, you should leave it out of the review.

Some advice - if you write a review, you should set up a seperate TER handle / account for your hobbyist status. Otherwise TER may think something "fishy" is going on with a provider writing reviews.

This is still a head scratcher though. While I don't doubt that female hobbyists exist, could you not as a provider set up a doubles session with you favorite other providers and get laid by a women for free plus get paid too. I am sure guys would enjoy the a la carte of possibilities on the table for them.

Is it known that she sees women too?  If not, you might help increase her client base.  I don't know how many women hobbyists get on these boards [hmmmm...new topic for a thread?], but it could be helpful both ways.  Or guys who know [potential] women hobbyists could refer them.

Also it might help guys learn a few things about pleasing a woman she might not otherwise say during a session.  

Entertaining?  Probably, but I don't see how that can be avoided, unless you use a lot of clinical terminology: "She expressed her pleasure through gesticulation of her arms combined with the rictus of desire as her head swiveled rightward at a 38˚ angle..." ;)

-- Modified on 9/22/2007 11:41:12 PM

Staff796 reads

If you read our Guidelines to submitting reviews http://theeroticreview.com/reviews/submitReview.asp

Item 11 clearly states:

Reviews cannot be submitted by the provider (self review) or submitted by anyone directly related to the provider (husband, brother, roommate, other provider, etc). Review cannot be submitted from the provider's computer.  The profile will be delisted if caught.

Note the "other provider" part

-- Staff

Your guidelines, do indeed, say "other providers". However, I am not the provider in that situation (I never get freebies). I am truly a HOBBYIST. I don't know these providers and have never seen them before I walk into their incalls. We are not "friends". They are perfect strangers until we meet and I don't usuallly tell them that I'm  a provider. My relationship with these women is exactly the same as any other hobbyist. I don't intend to write the review anyway because I guess I would need another handle. But, doesn't TER have anyway to accomodate the female hobbyist?

Is there an assumption that a provider would not be objective for some reason?

Is it the same whether or not the "other provider" is male or female?

Seems like a curious resriction.

Ellen Degeneres568 reads

You do not see “Sony” reviewing “Canon” on consumers’ report/review sites!!!

If a provider wants to hobby and writes reviews then her review profile will be removed and she'll be considered a reviewer. If you look at the links next to usernames you'll notice there is only one link: "See my TER reviews" or "User1 has 3 reviews"

Providers aren't corporations who can generate their own product.  Providers provide services which they, in turn must acquire from others.  Like doctors who see other doctors.

Sometimes a music journal will have a musician on as a guest reviewer of other musicians' work.  In those cases it's not just a matter of you either give reviews or get them, because they can do both.

There are many examples of professionals who comment on their counterparts and it's considered acceptable.  It is not considered acceptable if the pros never have to consume each others' products like Burger King and McDonalds or even auto mechanics who can take care of their own issues without consulting each other.

Here's how one argument can go.  If the providers are the same gender:  Provider A is a client of Provider B.  No matter how the session went both providers are each others' colleagues and competition.  Subsequently, any review will be influenced by professional considerations, even if not consciously.

If the providers are different genders, then competition is not a looming factor but professional courtesy might be.

However, a paying client is a paying client.  Period.  

I think the reviews should be allowed with a disclaimer that the reviewer is a provider.  As an example, consider how journalists must disclose their own personal involvement with the subject of their stories if there is any.

How is "other provider" directly related. If they dont know each other they aren't even indirectly related. I dont have a problem with the policy(providers not allowed to review other providers), but the policy doesn't read properly. The closed parenthesis should be moved to the left behind roommate. OK, I'll shut up.

FatTony894 reads

It's a no brainer! It's like Pepsi reviewing Coke! People don't trust such a review no matter what! for us it's a hobby but for providers' it's a career. To me a provider with no reviews is no different than a provider with pages of reviews none of which posted by a Male hobbyist!

Sophmoric Humorist777 reads

You absolutely should write the review, for all the obvious reasons stated by those who have posted ahead of me.  Besides being informative and entertaining, i imagine the prurient value to the hobbyists would be impressive.  I've personally never bought into the bit where men claim to be turned on by woman-on-woman sexuality  -- I think personally these guys have overdosed on Howard Stern -- but I'm willing to be educated and have this belief challenged.  And, as someone once advised me a few months ago re my own questions about composing and posting reviews, anyone as articulate as you are ought to write reviews.

I note the spoilspotrt comment by Staff above, which would seem to be the clinching argument against submitting a review.  What a pity.  What a spoilsport.  Perhaps, if you do not have one already, you might consider starting a blog and posting it there.  An advantage of which would be that you would not be confined to the TER guidelines governing review submission.  

On a personal and totally selfish note, you are among a handful of providers I am dying to meet but whose beauty is so overwhelming that I find myself totally intimidated and deterred from doing so.  A review written by you could provide some insights about you that might bolster my pathetically low confidence.   That and the loss of appx 75 pounds [LOL], among other items of badly needed self-improvement.

Good luck to you and please keep us posted.  I await further developments with bated breath, readically elevaed blood pressure, and streams of lukewarm drool cascading down my chin.

MrMustard719 reads

My wife would love it if there were some reviews from female hobbyists.  When we have sought out providers who are so-called "bi," we find out that is not really the case.  It seems that some providers advertise "bi" as a sort of enticement and then my wife is disappointed in the performance.  Some providers just seem to go through the motions.  In fact, the last one we saw told me she isn't really into women, she just provides the service.  We could tell.

FatTony569 reads

From what I understand, there is no restriction on a reviewer's gender; a lady can review providers as long as she is not a provider herself! May be TER can add a separate category for couples (A man and his civilian wife/girlfriend) to review Bi providers together?!

Just my 2 cents.

Perhaps a "Blog" section on your own website would do it.

I had an opportunity, a few years back, to help out with a few G/G videos. All of the ladies were relatively new yet I felt what I was seeing and hearing was mostly for the cameras.

Was I ever wrong!

Once the shoot was over we had a nice catered lunch and the girls, now relaxed from being on camera decided to do some "Off the clock" pairing.

I learned a lot!

Best to keep in mind though that everyone is different and likes some things better than others, so always ask ahead of time. Other wise you could spoil the start of a terrific time.

It was accepted. It didn't tell me anything I thought worthwhile.

However, if a guy is looking for a threesome (not including the reviewer, mind you) with two previously unpaired women, he could find something useful in it.

I think this topic is very intriguing.

While I understand the policy as Staff posted previously, I think that you should be allowed to post it honestly and fairly as yourself. You've already come out, so to speak, on the board and admitted it, something that I doubt many providers who might also be hobbyists would do (I have no idea if that's even common.) Kudos for that (btw, wish you lived in L.A.!)

I think it would be helpful to have women review other women for the same reason one of the men posted earlier... if a provider says she's bi and doesn't perform well because she's not really into it, that should be noted.

As a provider yourself, I think that a review from you would also not only give insight to your own style/ performance (aka did she meet the standards you personally set for sessions) but would also give insight into the encounter itself and whether the girl behaved much differently than normal. I'd put all the gory details in it. I think it would be helpful to any couple looking for providers.

Just my .02

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