TER General Board

Re: To me, not really the same thing.
Zangari 355 reads

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
Most agencies have web sites that show what their girls look like.
 Well ok, but the OP can easily call an agency and have them send "whoever's available"  (like CocktailParty suggested) or "your hottest blonde".  That's quite random.   And he can avoid looking at the Agency gallery to get the full "Mystery Date" effect.  That would be a lot easier than the convoluted hypothetical posted by the OP.  --z

-- Modified on 4/15/2016 7:03:28 AM

whythehecknot2081 reads

The unknown and unexpected are exciting, right? And role playing meeting a stranger is fun.

I'm wondering if anyone has done some variation of this scenario: hobbyist gives a time/date/duration, budget, screening info, and maybe some preferences to a trusted party (another hobbyist, or a provider they know and trust). The third party sets up the date with a provider that THEY choose, not the hobbyist. Hobbyist goes to bar at the set time and gets "picked up" by the unknown (to him) provider. The surprise is enjoyed and a fun time is had by all.

Thoughts? Providers, would you do this or does it set off your Spidey sense?

Zangari446 reads

Well, this isn't what the OP has in mind, but it does have the same element of chance:  

 After I'd been on P411 a while, I'd often play "Provider Roulette".  I'd just wait for a provider to contact me.  In my town, providers aren't shy about unsolicited texting for hookups.  I set  "group texting" off on my cell to block providers who spam their client lists.  A provider who contacts me is much more likely to keep an appt.  

 Guys my age don't text each other, and my SO doesn't text.  But Providers in my town text a plenty.  So it was fun.  I'd be at work and my text-tone would go off.   I'd try to guess who it was before checking my cell.  Often it was my ATF, who was always conservative & lady-like.  

 ATF: hey z, how are you.  

 Translation above: "Come fuck me, I need cash."  

 Some providers were more creative.  

  Young Provider: Hey do u know why !'m texting u

  Z: hmmm....no idea.  

  Young Provider:  Cuz I just got off my period & I'm really horny & I want great sexxx.  

  Z: you say that to all the boys.  

  Provider Roulette was usually fun, but sometimes sad & manipulative.  

 Sad Provider:  y dont u c me anymore  

 Z:  sorry babe, hope you're doing ok.  

 Sad Provider: u just spit me out on the sidewalk, like a piece of gum  

  The frequency was odd--sometimes an entire week would go by with no texts, so I'd just bank money that week.  Other times, four different providers would text in one day. Really odd.  There was one local provider who was quite clever--she remembered that I got paid every other friday.  She'd reliably text me on payday.  

 Smart Provider:  hey, are you free after work.  

 Z: sure, why not.  

 Nowadays, SBs past & present will sometimes text, that's always fun.  But SBs in my town aren't as aggressive & text happy as providers.  --

GaGambler218 reads

I even send a lot of business texts, it's a quick, efficient way of getting information to someone without having to "grab a pen and write this down"

As for hookers and SB's texting, I am rather new to the actual sugar bowl, and I get several texts a day from different SB's or potential SB's, much more than I ever got from hookers, except for hooker "buds" who with whom I sometimes have text or email conversations that last all day.

Zangari360 reads

Posted By: GaGambler
I even send a lot of business texts, it's a quick, efficient way of getting information to someone without having to "grab a pen and write this down"
 IMO, the only advantage of texting is for very short messages.  It's not as intrusive as a phone call, and it doesn't have the overhead of e-mail.  But for communicating complex info, text messaging is a terrible resource.  In a 5 minute phone call, I can provide more info than 20 texts.  And e-mail is typically much better for business, where you can easily attach spreadsheets and documents and distribute that info throughout an organization.    


Posted By: GaGambler
 As for hookers and SB's texting, I am rather new to the actual sugar bowl, and I get several texts a day from different SB's or potential SB's, much more than I ever got from hookers.
 When I'm actively looking for an SB, then I get a lot of texts from POT-SBs.  But once I'm in an arrangement, I can only afford one SB at a time, so I drop off the site.  Maybe you can afford to juggle several SBs, but I can't carry that weight.  Just remember that there are hookers on the sugar sites, and they're the most aggressive SBs.  The last time I was SB shopping, I had the following text exchange.  

 SB: Hey, I got your msg, can you send me your pix.  

 Z:  Thanks for contacting me, pix attached, taken Feb 2016.  

SB:  Nice.  Are you free tomorrow.  

 Z:  Sure, if you'd like to meet for lunch, I'll give 100, no strings.  

SB:  Would you like to meet in a room.  

 (Note:  Strike #1.  That last text screams "hooker." But this girl has hot pix, so I play along)

Z: Ah ok, how much would you need for that.  

SB: Can you give me 300, my electricity is off.  

Z:  Ok, that's fine.  I'll book a room that's convenient for you, where in the metro is best for you.  

SB: I can get a room fairly cheap where my friend works on the southside.

(Note: Strike #2.  SBs don't do incalls, lol).  

Z:  We can meet on the southside, but I need to get the room.  Is that ok.  

SB:  Well ok. Can you pay the 300 up front.  

Z:  No.  

(Strike #3.  I break off communication right there).    --z

GaGambler175 reads

A lot of times I simply can not be on the phone as I might be an a vehicle with several people and it's not only rude to be having a phone conversation, but quite often I want to keep the conversation private.  

Other times, either myself or the other person will be in a meeting, unable to talk by phone. By texting we can keep each other up to date without having to excuse ourselves from a meeting.

There are a thousand other reasons to text rather than email or have a phone conversation, texting might not be your preferred method of communication, but to say "guys your age" don't text is bullshit. I text with grown men anywhere from their twenties to their seventies.

Zangari187 reads

Posted By: GaGambler
Other times, either myself or the other person will be in a meeting, unable to talk by phone. By texting we can keep each other up to date without having to excuse ourselves from a meeting.
 You're texting while in a business meeting.  "Hey, can you put that Powerpoint slide back up.  I was texting my hooker girlfriend and missed last month's audit report".  lol.    
Posted By: GaGambler
 There are a thousand other reasons to text...might not be your preferred method of communication, but to say "guys your age" don't text is bullshit.
 Ah, I offended you.  Post your cell number & I'll text you an apology.  --z

-- Modified on 4/15/2016 5:29:35 AM

Text with hookers all day long? No surprise for me.

Zangari285 reads

Posted By: mrfisher
On a few occassions I've had a provider bring along a 3-some gal.... unseen.  
  I've been happy with their selection each time.  
 Did you ask for a 3-way, or was that like a "buy one, get one free" deal, lol.   I used to see a provider who was bi, and she always tried to talk me into a 3-way with her gf (another provider who I'd seen before).  I always said no, even though I had fucked both providers separately.  The 3-way thing never appealed to me, I guess I'm not wired that way.  --z

I think I might even have put them up to it on a few occasions.

I was young and full of pep, hormones, and cash

Zangari216 reads

Posted By: whythehecknot
 I'm wondering if anyone has done some variation of this scenario: hobbyist gives a time/date/duration, budget, screening info, and maybe some preferences to a trusted party (another hobbyist, or a provider they know and trust). The third party sets up the date with a provider that THEY choose
 I'm thinking an agency (the "third party") does exactly what you're talking about.  You give the agency your schedule, budget, screening info, preferences.  Then they choose a provider for you. I'm wondering why you think this so complicated.  --z

GaGambler201 reads

Back then giving most agencies anything more than your budget and schedule was a waste of time, You could ask for a buxom blonde and end up with a skinny black girl as most agencies just sent who ever was available, talk about "provider roulette"

JakeFromStateFarm190 reads

Most agencies have web sites that show what their girls look like and are basically similar to what you'd find on an indy's site.  So, to the extent the pix are accurate (which is true for indies as well), you know what you're going to get.  Not at all like having a third party pick someone out for you and you have little idea what she's going to look like.

Zangari356 reads

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
Most agencies have web sites that show what their girls look like.
 Well ok, but the OP can easily call an agency and have them send "whoever's available"  (like CocktailParty suggested) or "your hottest blonde".  That's quite random.   And he can avoid looking at the Agency gallery to get the full "Mystery Date" effect.  That would be a lot easier than the convoluted hypothetical posted by the OP.  --z

-- Modified on 4/15/2016 7:03:28 AM

JakeFromStateFarm252 reads

True.  But what an odd thing to do.

...let's just say that the proposition was better in theory than in practice.

whythehecknot182 reads

Posted By: Zangari
I'm thinking an agency (the "third party") does exactly what you're talking about.  You give the agency your schedule, budget, screening info, preferences.  Then they choose a provider for you. I'm wondering why you think this so complicated.  --z
I'm not comfortable with agencies for a variety of reasons. I realize not everyone feels that way, but that's me. Even if I did go this way, I don't have an established, trusted relationship with anyone at an agency. I wouldn't want some random making the pick for me. I do have a friend in the hobby I would trust to do this for me.

Zangari253 reads

Posted By: whythehecknot
I'm not comfortable with agencies for a variety of reasons.. I wouldn't want some random making the pick for me. I do have a friend in the hobby I would trust to do this for me.
 Let's pretend I'm your best friend, and we have similar tastes in women (e.g., slender brunettes).  Even if I hooked you up with my ATF, I'm not sure that my pick would be any better than an agency.  The reason she's my ATF is that we have good chemistry together.  But that doesn't mean anything when she's alone with you.  

 A reputable agency has a legitimate desire to make you happy.  Like any business, they want you to come back. It doesn't matter if you don't know anyone at the agency.  It sounds like you want something magical to happen.  If only someone who really *understood* you were to hook you up, then you'd finally be with the girl who'd make you happy.  Stop thinking like that.    --z

-- Modified on 4/15/2016 11:51:35 AM

it's happened IRL, but never in the hobby. Now you got me thinking

In those situations, the choosing was done by someone else, and I may not have been even close to what the lucky recipient may have picked for himself.    

But, it was a surprise, they had fun and the experience cost him nothing.  There are definitely worse surprises lol.  

Both times, the men who asked me to do this were regulars with whom I felt very comfortable.  
But...... I'm too high-strung these days to do something like that again.  


Nooner: A sexual encounter during lunch hour; especially one that is illicit.  

-- Modified for grammatical errors.  

-- Modified on 4/15/2016 10:09:13 AM

whythehecknot257 reads

Posted By: DebbieNoonerGirl
But...... I'm too high-strung these days to do something like that again.  
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply so I could get a provider perspective. Can you describe what your specific concerns about doing it now would be? Would it be different if you knew the proxy (be they provider or hobbyist)?

JakeFromStateFarm328 reads

I guess the reason for doing it is the surprise factor, which is fine if that gets you off.  I'd rather do my own homework and see someone I know I'll be attracted to.  There's enough uncertainty in seeing someone new and not being sure how close she'll come to your expectations.

whythehecknot225 reads

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
I guess the reason for doing it is the surprise factor, which is fine if that gets you off.  I'd rather do my own homework and see someone I know I'll be attracted to.  There's enough uncertainty in seeing someone new and not being sure how close she'll come to your expectations.
I realize not everyone cares about the surprise. I happen to like the idea.

As far as knowing I'll be attracted to them, I have a specific proxy person in mind in my case who probably knows what I like better than I do.

JakeFromStateFarm256 reads

I try not to judge other people's preferences in this little world.  It's just not for me.

Ha I just love saying Jake from state Farm.  😊

JakeFromStateFarm191 reads

with my dick in their mouth.  It's also fun to get them to say "Khakis."  But the best is when they try, "What are you wearing, Jake from State Farm?"

note:  i would have used the word 'provider' but 'prostitute' has more t's which sound funnier when spoken aloud. the plosive syllables are funny.

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