TER General Board

Luxury Girlfriend Services…regular_smile
QueenBia See my TER Reviews 1922 reads

After being on tv her $900 an hour rate went up to $1,500.

Obviously blonde is still a thing. Can't blame her for  capitalizing .Indeed, we live in a capitalistic  society in which some people gravitate to instant  gratification.
I can assure  you that there are equally or way better providers out there, for much lower cost.

"instant gratification."  I want my gratification to take the full hour (or two) that I'm paying for.  

Very rarely that even happen though. Heard that after  the first pop some providers are ready to hit the road.

and don't release your load until the 45-minute mark or beyond.  If I want two pops, I book two hours and then treat it as back to back one-hour sessions and just repeat what I did the first hour, so now the stopping time for the two hours is the 1:45 mark.  

"I bought some instant water one time but I didn't know what to add to it." --:Steven Wright

What's a luxury girl friend experience?

Look it up. It's a female who respects you, loves you & Etc.  

I guarantee that her "Luxury GFE" is not what you have come to know as GFE as it's defined in TER terms.

I'm sure she uses the term very loosely.

If there were 50, the price would be significantly lower methinks.  Scarcity increases the price of a commodity.  Free mkt supply and demand at work.

I love economics as much as you do,but the stuff she is strutting is not scare at all.Plenty of it out there,and better prices and services ; you  just need to venture into other markets outside of your confines. There is also the case of legitimate substitutes ( putting on a blonde wig  or dying hair blonde etc...achieving the same result)
In my opinion, Karl Marx was a more practical economist than the theoriticall inclined Adam Smith. Not only that, Adam Smith believed in a few powerful people  controlling the majority of the resources and making all the decision, while for example, Marx prefer cooperatives over corporations, because employees  are stakeholders.  

No wonder Karl Marx  is not taught in American universities, in fact they labelled  him a communist ,in order to scare people, and solidify  their control and dominance. In every  economy today consist of elements of  socialism, capitalism,and communism. You  just need to look carefully to see  who is benefiting from  'what ' ,and then make the connection.

That is the case with all of hookerdom. The only reason the decent providers in the US market make as much as they do is because of the illegality of sex work. I fully support decriminalization, but I also realistically know that once that happens the market will be saturated. Just look at cannabis. When it was illegal I remember paying $50 for 10 gummies (with questionable ingredients) and the last time I bought some they were on sale at a legal dispensary for $8 for 10 gummies. I am going to be 44 years old and there is no logical reason I am still playing this game and still getting a ton of clients besides the fact that I have little competition in this area. And I like to bake. Maybe the guys are really just showing up for the cookies!!!!

Dmbs130 reads

Showing up to lunch on cookies and Tacos!🌮👍

Perhaps in the opposite order tho. Crumbs in bed and all…

Also missed opportunity to say MILF and cookies.

I never had any kids. I can't call myself a MILF!!!  
Yes, I am that honest of a provider. lol  

The M is for Middle aged, honest lady.  

Point is I’d turn up to eat taco and cookies. Cookies not a deal breaker.  

-- Modified on 3/12/2024 6:43:55 PM

-- Modified on 3/12/2024 6:45:22 PM

When State governments and the feds legalized marijuana, their reason was to get in on the market collecting taxes , get their  friends ,political donors and families in on business ownership, reduce  or eliminate illegal imports and the  illegal home grown market .  
However the real marijuana market  is still alive and well, and majority  of the people who go to these  legalized shops are just basis users - the typical light medicinal/recreational  users. So even though it is legalized,  majority of hardcore users dont get thei fix from these place, because the grade of the illegal trade is typically higher.
Some state's also operare liquor stores ,but the prices are  still not cheaper than anywhere else.

So if sex work should be legalized, I don't see a real drop in prices that would effect the industry in a real way. Yes ,there would be new people entering the market that would have otherwise not ,if it was still illegal, but that number would be insignificant to effect any ' real' change especially in prices - in my opinion . Yes msome entities  will try to undercut each other in an effort to control the market, but then of course -  at those lower prices, I don't see them staying in business long term, considering operating cost.

Access would be easier yes , but quality and quantity would be the same, and choice would still be the determinat factor.

Weed is still illegal at the federal level, at least for now.

Remember that if passing from one state to another, especially by plane.

I appreciate your comment, but I would disagree. I used to smoke illegal cannabis, and the quality was shit. lol  I am not sure of your supplier, but I would at times get a baggie that still had stems and seeds in it and was the same cost or higher than buying it legal. I have several "sometime" clients that also sell drugs and they have told me with the legal market it is just not even worth the effort anymore to try and compete. The legal product is cheaper and better. They really just focus on other illegal drugs.  As to sex work in the US with full decriminalization or a legalization scheme it is really anyone's guess how it will pan out. If you look at other countries where it is legal or decriminalized there is going to be a wide range of prices depending on the service you want, but it is not unheard of to go to a German brothel and spend 100 to 150 euros for a basic visit. The legal brothels in the US were a big thing at one time because it was not easy to find a high end gal without risking getting arrested, hence the higher price tag. With the advent of the internet this is really no longer a thing. When I worked at one in 2017 you could already see the business was just not there anymore. I actually just checked their website and they are not even open now. Being a sex worker is no longer the drug addicted gals standing on street corners trying to get customers. Anyone now with a computer can become a sex worker (or a client!) and have discreet visits without anyone the wiser. America is the land of opportunities but how this will play out in the long run with sex work will be anyone's guess. Thanks for the good convo! Gtt my brain thinking!!!  :)

Candy832741 reads

Twitter sbux15

Bisous_Ciao37 reads

years ago when she still went by an old name and before all the work done. Great session, but interestingly enough months later I get a message from some guy claiming to be her fiance, so that was fun.

1500 bucks for a preachy blowjob and having to wash makeup out of my sheets?  

Not even worth 900, but hey, a fool and his money eh?

What is a "preachy" BJ? Maybe I need to get into these if I can get 1500 smackers in the process......

If she can cash in on her "15 minutes," then go for it.  If it doesn't work out, she can always re-adjust.

And those who don't want to pay the increase can surely find others that fit their desires.

PistolPetey29 reads

I used to follow her on Twitter/X. She's certainly an attractive woman and she has had a case of GPS for a while now.

I find nothing special about blondes, especially since most are bottle blondes. No way I'd go for 900 much less 1500.

What ever happened to the streaking (running nekkid onto the field of play) fad?  
Would she have exposed some blemishes or raised her rate even higher?

Posted By: QueenBia

After being on tv her $900 an hour rate went up to $1,500.

ronny49 reads

How did they know who she was so fast after the pic was in the media?  Blonde with big boobs at a sporting event is common.  This seems like a bunch of made up attention to create the illusion of a greater demand and in effect give cover to a rate increase.  

just screams, "this is going to cost me way more than I will ever get out of it."  Lol

As it is kind of a local thing here in bay area monger communities :)

Anyway, THIS is how a seller should advertise more. More of THIS and less review or photo manipulations or exaggerations/lies online. Please.

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