TER General Board

Re: The NSA has the capability of listening to everything you say
sasha2cute See my TER Reviews 1756 reads
1 / 26

Have you had VIP and decided to let it expire? Why wouldn't you renew? I honestly can see the benefit on both. For one this is sort of a cool community. On the other hand it can be time consuming and we can get tangled in unnecessary drama.  

I recently let my vip expire. I will give it a shot and see for a couple of months how it goes. If anything I can always renew I reckon, but the last few months I found myself barely using the VIP features. What would your argument be for either renewing or letting it expire?

bocabuster 19 Reviews 494 reads
2 / 26

Just let mine go..
I think I have a couple more days.  
Didn't see any real value except for PMs.  

The reviews are either fantasy or repetitive.  

Gotten tired of the couple clowns who hijack all the threads.

NoYellowEnvelope 337 reads
3 / 26

Mongers need VIP for PMing. Without VIP, it's hard to do research on providers--can't see most details in profiles nor the details in reviews.  And no way to PM reviewers about specific providers.  

I let VIP lapse once when I was taking a hiatus from this "hobby", but otherwise I've always had it and find it very useful.

lopaw 29 Reviews 454 reads
4 / 26

...then I'll renew.

All I really use VIP for is PMing.
I don't trust the profiles here much and don't care about the naughty parts of a review.

Too bad TER doesn't offer a reduced rate partial VIP just for PM's.

Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 340 reads
5 / 26

So I only let it lapse when I'm either not seeing clients at all, or not seeing any NEW clients.  

But if you don't use it that way, then it probably isn't necessary to have.  :-)

ripmany 9 Reviews 366 reads
6 / 26

That way I not missing any thing and then right a review

scoed 8 Reviews 380 reads
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Like right now I do not have VIP. In my early days I generally maintain it, but when TER fired the mods, the powers at TER and I had a fall in out. I cancelled my VIP then.  

Over time TER and I mended fences. Mostly I go bored and came back. I missed some of you clowns. When I came back I didn’t get VIP right away. And found other then when I am screening new talent I didn't use it other then the rare PM. I figure a PM ever other month is not worth paying. So once or twice a year I spring for VIP when looking for new talent but as a rule I don't have it.

Besides is anyone wants to reach me I put out my board email address [email protected] so they can.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 356 reads
9 / 26

life after the loss of VIP, only disappointment.  How can a hobbyist justify not spending $30/mo for full access to reviews and PM capability if he is going to be seeing providers?  Likewise, how a provider risk losing out on PM's that may result in additional business just to save $30.

There's an old saying . . . ."Don't hold the pennies so close that you can't see the dollars."

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 424 reads
10 / 26

As a provider with your reviews linked to your handle, you have the Limited Provider VIP. Granted it is not full VIP, but you still have some VIP privileges such as PMs. Saying you don't have VIP is not totally accurate. That is not the same as a hobbyist letting his VIP expire

Posted By: sasha2cute
Have you had VIP and decided to let it expire? Why wouldn't you renew? I honestly can see the benefit on both. For one this is sort of a cool community. On the other hand it can be time consuming and we can get tangled in unnecessary drama.  
 I recently let my vip expire. I will give it a shot and see for a couple of months how it goes. If anything I can always renew I reckon, but the last few months I found myself barely using the VIP features. What would your argument be for either renewing or letting it expire?

sasha2cute See my TER Reviews 351 reads
11 / 26

Although with the question never answered by admin whether they can access your PM without one's authorization, I find it highly unsafe to say anything meaningful thru pm. I mainly like vip for researching potential clients and learn about their writing style and things I can learn about what they like Etc

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 470 reads
12 / 26

Because it helps to read full reviews and provider profiles, but there are times that I read some juvenile bullshit and I think, "why am I  wasting my time on here"? I have to comb through a lot of nonsence just to read something interesting. There are some good writers on TER, but you have to wade through the drivel written by some serious malcontents and megalomaniacs who believe their own bullshit to the extent that it's sad.  

I keep saying that I'm not going to renew my TER VIP when my subscription is up, but I always do.  Who knows maybe this time. I mean, I walked away from Facebook a few years ago and it was the best thing I ever did. It was all bullshit. I'm starting to feel the same way about TER

sdottaylor 19 Reviews 273 reads
13 / 26

I've never paid for VIP. The only times I have it is when I win a sports contest or after I review someone. I like having it, but I don't pm providers or other hobbyists and I only schedule 3-5 appointments a year. It's not a necessity for me

mrfisher 108 Reviews 454 reads
14 / 26

I'm pretty much sticking to regulars of late, so no need to read reviews.

I let my VIP lapse a long time ago after all the free time from the first big batch of reviews I wrote expired.  When I got it back a few months later after writing a few more reviews, I found about 50 PMs piled up, and I felt awful as people might have thought I was being stuck up or something by not returning their messages.  TER really ought to do something to let people know whether a person can or can't read the PMs.

Ever since, I've been paying to keep my VIP active

clairecavendish See my TER Reviews 408 reads
15 / 26

I want to see how he talks about other ladies, whether he's a checklist ticker in his reviews, if he typically scores badly - for example someone wanted to make a booking with me recently in Minneapolis and sounded ok, but I looked up his handle and his reviews are generally very disrespectful sounding and whatever scores the ladies he reviewed had in general he made sure to score lower, so girls who typically got 9's he'd score 7's and girls who got 7's he'd score 5's.
Now you can say what you like about the whole score system but other guys do look at this stuff before they book and there are some reviewers who clearly take delight in having the power to lower your overall scores, and I for one don't want the stress of seeing them. It's not worth the money when there are plenty of other more pleasant fish in the sea!!

GaGambler 287 reads
16 / 26

What they don't have is the desire or the manpower to listen to EVERYTHING.

I would take the same approach using the TER PM system. Yes, TER has the ability to access your PM's without your authorization, and yes they have done so in the past, but unless you are talking about the TER version of sedition via PM, I wouldn't worry too much about it. If you have something you want absolute privacy discussing, simply exchange e mail addies via PM and continue your conversation via email.

voyager-43 11 Reviews 363 reads
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GaGambler 311 reads
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Yeah, sure you will. Don't let the door his you on the ass end of your scooter on the way out. lmao

harborview 10 Reviews 239 reads
19 / 26

I get VIP & research my bucket list.  Then I let it expire again until there's a need.  I don't see many new providers & that's the main thing I need it for.  Occasionally to make contact over PM before switching to email.

vantheman666 10 Reviews 342 reads
20 / 26

Every Xmas I get a $40 Target gift card from my job, and I will generally use that to get a little over a month of VIP.  I can then answer all the PMs that have built up, and if there are any new women I'm interested in, I can read their reviews and rebuild my "list."  After that, I have all the phone numbers, etc, that I need, and I no longer need the VIP.  The only times I would pay for VIP is if I somehow ran out of companion options, or there was a real emergency, such as a local stalker and I needed to PM some of the local ladies about the situation.

Whambulance 296 reads
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scoed 8 Reviews 361 reads
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Posted By: sasha2cute
Although with the question never answered by admin whether they can access your PM without one's authorization, I find it highly unsafe to say anything meaningful thru pm. I mainly like vip for researching potential clients and learn about their writing style and things I can learn about what they like Etc.  
TER can and has. They even banned people for sharing other sites through PM. I doubt they do it very often but they can and have.

JakeFromStateFarm 267 reads
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I think their system can flag certain words or names that they then check.

MintyFreshness 49 Reviews 319 reads
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I do something similar.  For me, it's a pain in the ass to go through the cloak and dagger routine to discretely sign up for VIP.  I'll do it every so often to do research and figure out who is on my to-do list.  Then I'll hobby off of that list for a while, let me VIP lapse and then repeat the process when the urge strikes.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 313 reads
25 / 26

een taking lessons from RIP? Or is Engrish hard for you?

Posted By: GaGambler
Yeah, sure you will. Don't let the door his you on the ass end of your scooter on the way out. lmao

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 309 reads
26 / 26

Speaking of  juvenile bullshit  ...  Nice alias, coward.  

Posted By: Whambulance

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